Where does the External system Work Order number ( AgWorld / AgSync) show up in AgroGuide?

When AIS successfully creates the formulation in AGRIS it stores the AgSync work order in the blend description as it passes the formulation id back to AgSync.  Below are just some of the places where the blend description is shown in AGRIS. 

Formulation / Blending screen

This screen allows you to search and select to reblend more of the same work order in the Fertilizer plant.  By searching you can see all work orders as part of the custom blend description. 

Delivery ticket and invoice blend # search

Provides the ability to review and select blends that remain active and have not been fully invoiced. 

Blend Audit reports  

From the AgroGuide > Reports > Blend reports   The reports will show the Work Order in the custom blend description area.  These reports work great to reconcile the releases that have not been invoiced.