AGRIS 21.2.0 ReadMe

AGRIS Customer Documentation

AGRIS 21.2.0 ReadMe

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General Information

This document provides general product availability information and briefly summarizes the AGRIS Product Suite 21.2.0 software update. Use the information contained in this document to learn about the latest changes available for the AGRIS agribusiness management system (AGRIS).

The current update of AGRIS is available to existing AGRIS customers on versions 10.1.0 and higher. You can obtain the upgrade files here →

1.1 Product Information

Product Name:

AGRIS Agribusiness Management System – AGRIS 21.2.0


Version 21.2.0 Distribution Build 156, Application Build 175



1.2 Documentation

Support and technical installation documentation for the AGRIS 21.2.0 release can be found here →

1.3 Upgrading to Newer Versions of AGRIS

Note:  If you are migrating from AGRIS Versions 9.4.6 or earlier, please contact Greenstone Technical Support. Conversions from V9.4.6 or earlier are not supported in this upgrade.

1.3.1 Pervasive® PSQL™

If you have not updated your Pervasive® PSQL™ Engine to a supported version, a message appears during the AGRIS upgrade process, advising you to update your Pervasive software.

Download the supported version of Pervasive® PSQL™ →

1.4 Special Considerations for this Release

The information contained in this section is provided as supplemental detail about Microsoft® Windows® and Pervasive® PSQL™ to help guide you in installing or upgrading to the latest version of AGRIS.

1.4.1 Pervasive® PSQL™

Pervasive® PSQL™ v11 and later database engine releases do not allow license "stacking," but rather require user count increases on both the Server and Workgroup database engines.

1.4.2 Payroll – Tax Tables

Attention Payroll users:
Please download the latest tax tables after installing this version for the latest changes. Please contact the Technical Assistance Center if you need assistance with this automated download process.

AGRIS 21.2.0 Update Information

The information contained in this section provides insight into the new features and improvements available, as well as issues that Greenstone corrected in this version of AGRIS.  The Packages that contain changes are listed next to Enhancements.

2.1 Enhancements

The list of enhancements below is sorted by Component (i.e., module) then by Key.  Any "Key" items in blue have hyperlinks to more information.  








AttachToo (AT2)

AttachToo - Performance improvements when adding or updating attachments.

Faster updates.

BulkWeigh (BLK)

Bulk 780 - Automatically Print a Completed Order Recall Report at Order Finish

Eliminate the need to manually find and print an Order Recall Report.

Communications (CFT)

DTN Market Feed - Information transfer connection has been upgraded to support the latest DTN Market Feed.

Meets new DTN communication compliance requirements.

Grain (GRN)

Auto-Settlement - using the One Delivery Sheet Application Per Settlement feature the “T” command allows users to create one settlement application for each ticket

Increased settlement details available to your customers by displaying ticket applications as separate lines on the same settlement.

Learn more →

Settlements > Select/Select All

Performance improvement when a farm or field is used with the Delivery Sheet Application processing.

Screen load times when processing settlements have drastically decreased.

Ticket Post - Exclude Tickets with an Inactive Commodity

Minimize mistakes by ensuring relevant tickets are sent via posting process.

Tickets > Automatic Ticket Application:
Users can now apply tickets to contracts with two choices:

  1. O - Ok To Overapply

  2. T - Overapply Only To Max Tolerance

Reduce time and effort by automatically applying a bushel overage to a contract.

Learn more →

Tickets > Edit multiple tickets
Add the ability to search by weight certificate number.

Improves speed and efficiency when needing to edit tickets.

OneWeigh (ONE)



Audit Log, PLC Interface, Scale Interface, Self Check-In, Ticket Entry, Bulk 780.

(15 Improvements)


  • Ensure any changes made in scale setup are captured in the audit log.

  • Ensure accurate pit assignment information

  • Quickly determine which scale was used for each weight taken on a ticket.

Learn more →

Patronage (PAT)

New standard Detailed Stock/Equity Balance Report that shows year issued (still owed to the patron)

Reduce time and effort to understand when equity was issued and thus when it might be retired.

Pennant Mill Manager (PMM)

New standard Detailed Stock/Equity Balance Report now shows year issued (still owed to the patron)

Reduce time and effort to update AGRIS when integrated with Pennent Mill Manager.

System Support (SYS)

Pennant Mill Manager "PMM" Interface -Optimized PMM connections with AGRIS to provide an improved experience when updating to a newer version of AGRIS.

Each user can setup a quick link to their reports they most commonly use. 

Dashboard - "Favorite” Reports
Users can display their "favorite" reports on the AGRIS dashboard.

Each user can personalize their dashboard to display key information to closely monitor and easily access.

Easily review key information to monitor business numbers pertinent to each user’s role in the business.

Learn more →


2.2 Corrected Issues

To see the related Greenstone Community Article showing a spreadsheet of the Enhancements and Corrected Issues, go here →

2.3 Open Issues Under Investigation

To see the related Greenstone Community Article showing the list of Open Issues Under Investigation, go here →


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