Patronage (PAT)

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Patronage (PAT)

What is PAT?

The Agris Patronage System (PAT) is a package which can be integrated with other Agris System Software™ packages to maintain a centralized database of patronage related transactions.

What is Patronage used for?

The centralized database includes modules for accumulating activity (transactions) from the Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable and Commodity Accounting systems, maintaining accurate records of patron stock and equity, print reports derived from accumulated activity, stock, and equity records, calculate patronage refunds and stock dividends, buy and sell stock, transfer stock and equity among patrons, revolve (pay back) stock and equity, and allocate refunds received by the cooperative to the cooperative's patrons, print dividend and patronage 1099's, create a diskette containing same data for the IRS, and create vouchers in Accounts Payable and invoices in Accounts Receivable for transactions originating in Patronage Accounting.

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