10.3.2 Product Announcement

AGRIS Customer Documentation

10.3.2 Product Announcement


Product Announcement: AGRIS™ Product Suite 10.3.2 is Available!

October 31, 2016



AGRIS™, AgroGuide™ and oneWeigh™ systems


It contains improvements in Bank, Commodity, oneWeigh scale automation and System enhancements.


Below are a few of the highlights found in AGRIS 10.3.2.  A ReadMe document for a full list is available on MyAccount (click HERE) or on the NEW Greenstone Community (see below).



New Feature/Enhancement



New Feature/Enhancement


Bank (BNK)

Enhanced "5) Reconcile Transactions" allows you to organize the transaction view by column sort, filter and grouping.  It also supports reconciling to a bank statement and exporting a transaction list to an Excel spreadsheet.  

Simplify bank reconciliations and reduce time to select only Deposits or Withdrawals and/or transactions within a date range. Click HERE for more details.

Custom File Translation (CFT)

Improvements to ATLAS reporting

Simplify reporting of formulated items and prices on committed inventory.

Commodity (GRN)

Usability improvements searching for Discount Tables and editing freight / miscellaneous charges on direct shipments

Improve efficiency of discount table searches and editing of freight / miscellaneous charges on direct shipments. Click HERE for more information.

Grain Purge - Ability to print the reason that a particular document is NOT purged

Minimize time and effort to understand why some documents are not purged.

Inventory (INV)

Print Inventory Activity Spreadsheet that contains customer address, city, zip code and phone number

Simplify the process and reduce time to understand who and where products were sold. Click HERE for more details.

Name/ Address (NAM)

Farm/Field - option to combine two fields into one

Minimize time and effort to change property for growers.  Click HERE for more details.

oneWeigh (ONE)

Usability and interface improvements, including better binSight integration and the ability to to see what is displaying outside on a message board*, inside on the oneWeigh PC

Simplify and improve efficiency and of scale operations.

System (SYS)

AGRIS on MS/SQL - Transaction Processing (Commit/Scope & Rollback) for select ACP, ACR, GRN, INV and NAM transactions

Improve data integrity and reduces out-of-balance conditions and other partial updates of transactions during errors, timeouts, loss of power, and other abrupt endings to an AGRIS session. Click HERE for more information.

Support Office 365 Exchange to enable Email PDF to Me and Email forms and reports features

Increase flexibility to email AGRIS output with Microsoft Exchange Online. Click HERE for details.

* = Extended option available for an additional fee. Contact your Account Manager at 800-393-0075 or info@culturatech.com.  For a complete list of extended options, visit the Product Info section of the MyAccount Community: https://myaccount.agris.com.


You can obtain AGRIS 10.3.2 using either of the two methods below.


  1. Visit https://myaccount.agris.com/SP to sign in to MyAccount and it will direct you to the AGRIS 10.3.2 Service Pack page.  If you are a member of the new Greenstone Community, click HERE.

  2. Under the 10.3.2 section, click Documentation and open the "ReadMe" document for information about the Service Pack. Additional documentation (System Requirements, Installation and Easy Upgrade instructions) is also available.

  3. Click the "Download" link to download and install the Service Pack.

  4. If your business is using the AgroGuide Precision Analysis feature, please contact your Account Manager (or call 800-393-0075 or email info@culturatech.com) to discuss the Agronomy Integration Service.

NEW Greenstone Community

The new Greenstone Community will help you:

  • Manage support cases logged with Greenstone

  • Create new cases with the ability to indicate severity

  • Search knowledge base articles quickly

  • Interact with other Greenstone customers on topics important to you and your business

  • Find the latest news on the products you use (including our latest software releases)

  1. If you are not yet a member of the NEW Greenstone Community, click http://go.culturatech.com/communities to register.  Note:  It may take up to 8 business hours for your request to process.

  2. Once you are registered, click HERE or in the Search field type "10.3.2"and select "AGRIS 10.3.2 is Available".

  3. There you will see the prerequisites, highlights, technical information, supporting software, download and software updates pertaining to this release. 


For assistance or additional information on installing the update, contact the Customer Experience team at mysupport@culturatech.com or 800-366-2474.


  • Support of the AGRIS system on the PSQL v11 database engine ended July 1, 2016.  Support of the AGRIS Product Suite running on Windows Server 2003, Windows XP and PSQL v10 ended on July 14, 2015. Please contact your Account Manager (or call 800-393-0075 or email info@culturatech.com) to discuss your database upgrade options.  

  • Maintenance and support for AGRIS V9.6.0 ends December 31, 2016.

  • The ability to run the AGRIS system on the Microsoft SQL Server database is becoming a reality.  There are customers who have been running AGRIS in their live Microsoft SQL server environments since September 2015.  Interested in migrating to the Microsoft SQL Server (MS/SQL) database engine in a phased manner?  Click HERE and learn how AGRIS can help you with that. 

  • The next AGRIS release is scheduled for mid-January, 2017, which will include regulatory changes.


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