AGRIS Customer Documentation

GRN - Commodity (17.3.0)

AGS-691: Multiple Ship to's on a contract - Three display changes added.

When managing ticket splits and/or applying to a related split relationship's contract, the following changes were made to reduce keystrokes to apply to the correct customer. 

  1. At time of applying tickets to contracts, supply the Name ID on the search grid.
    The system allows you to cross-apply tickets for a Name ID Split to contracts for any of the other splits on the ticket.  The Contract Name ID and the Contract Application Name ID are now available as columns in the contract search grid (F12 > Edit Grid Preferences).  You can now reorder the columns and place them in any order of the grid you want. 
    1. Contract Name ID and Apply Name ID as available fields on the Contract Pricing search grid:

  2. The Single-View option of the contract search now shows the Contract Application Name ID (it does already show the Contract Name ID) 

  3. The Name Id filter screen of the Contract Pricing search grid now has a search icon to .  When you have more than one split on a ticket, and you use the Filter button on the Contract Search screen, you will see a note at the bottom of the screen that says "Enter + For Apply Name ID To Select Relationship Name Id".  This "Tip" was removed from the screen, and a search icon added to the Apply Name ID filter field. 

AGS-758: Commodity code setup - Field added "Trading Limit" for reporting purpose

Benefits: The "Trading limit" field simplifies the steps to show whether or not your positions are within your company's Trading Limit (maximum long or short quantity on the position report). This feature improves the ability to enforce and understand compliance with risk management policies.

Setup:  To setup this field there are two steps involved. 

    1. Setup the Trading limit in Commodity Code setup.

    2. Add the field to an existing position report. 

      1. Hedge Position 


      2. Daily Position Reports

Tips and Tricks about  the "Trading Limit" field: 

    • Is set for each Commodity/Location.

    • When a Trading Limit on a commodity is changed an option to update this change for all locations of the commodity code is available.

    • The Trading Limit field is available on Hedge Position and Daily Position reports.

    • When the Trading Limit is used on reports that include multiple locations, the report may subtotal the Trading Limit for multiple locations.

AGS-766:  Customer Status / Unpaid Delivery Sheets Report - New standard report shows Storage / Unpaid / Summary by customer including unpaid dollars

Benefits:  This new standard report shows Storage / Unpaid / Summary by customer including unpaid dollars.  Historically the Customer Status report only provided quantities.  The ability to provide dollars for Tickets on Priced Contracts, Delivery Sheets, and Unpaid Settlements reduces time to provide your customers / counter parties with priced quantity information.

Navigation:  Report Manager > Delivery Sheet Reports > Customer Status / Unpaid Delivery Sheets Report

AGS-1258: Add Farm and Field display to additional grids and forms 


    • Reduce time and effort to Produce a Delivery Sheet for multiple tickets by displaying the Farm/Field on the tickets. 
    • Minimize effort and time to Apply From Storage with visible Farm and Field information.
    • Streamline the Produce a Settlement process with making the Farm/Field and "first ticket number" as available to choose the delivery sheet(s) to settle 

Improvement Areas: 

  1. Produce a Delivery Sheet
    Added Farm/Field display and button to Include This Ticket form

  2. Apply From Storage
    1. Added Farm/Field to Delivery sheet Application grid
      Added Farm/Field to Application Selection form

    2. Added Filter and Select All buttons

Filter and Select All buttons are only enabled when BIN Integration is turned on or NAM Enable Farm/Field on Commodity Shipments flag is set to “Y”.
Filter criteria form supports input for Variety, Class, Farm, and Field, and Search Options “Starts With” and “Contained In”.
Clicking Select All button, loads entire bushel count and immediately displays Apply Option selection form.

3. Tickets - Edit, View, and Reverse (one ticket)

Added Farm/Field to Ticket Information Grid
Added Farm/Field to Select This Ticket and Single View forms 
Added Farm/Field to Include This Ticket form  

4. Ticket - Apply From Hold

Added Farm/Field display and button to Include This Ticket form

5. Delivery Sheet Maintenance

Added Farm/Field to Delivery Sheet Information grid and Search Criteria form

6. Other Areas with same improvement as Delivery Sheet Maintenance

    • Contracts, Price Delivery Sheets
    • Storage Charges, Choose Delivery Sheet
    • Settlements, Automatic Settlements, Delivery Sheet Number Search
    • Settlements, Produce A Settlement, Enter Commodity and Name Id, Delivery Sheet Number Search
    • Shipments, Print Ticket Form, Delivery Sheet Number Search

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