CINCH Customer Documentation

CINCH 18.60.1000 - Product Announcement

Released on: December 13, 2023

Products Involved

  • CINCH Agri-Suite - Sales & Grain

  • CINCH Document Exchange (CINCHX)


  • Compatibility with Microsoft Dynamics GP 18.6.1695 2023 year-end release.

  • Input changes to maximize the completeness and accuracy of information.

New Features and Benefits CINCH 18.60.1000

Below are the highlights found in CINCH 18.60.1000 along with the related benefits.


New Feature/Enhancement



New Feature/Enhancement




AgXML 4.0 Purchase Load Export - ability to send Farm Code to the REFERENCE field in XML. CIN-7859

Improve data accuracy for tracking farm codes.

AgXML 4.0 Sales Contract Import - Create Contract Amendment records when an update is imported to a Posted Sales Contract. CIN-6605

Improve tracking and logging when Sales Contracts are amended using CINCHX.

Ag XML4.0 Ticket Import Setting added to use Freight from Contract that works in conjunction with Ignore XML Freight. CIN-7571

Increase flexibility when applying freight to scale tickets with CINCHX.


Added Reason Code to header in Branch Transfer Entry. CIN-7778

  • Maximize the ability to understand why transfers are being made between branches.

  • Increase the ability to learn about why transfers are being done in order to make better logistical and/or product/vendor decisions.

  • Maximize the accuracy of the rationale why transfers are occurring using defined reason codes (where a reason code with the description must be selected).


Added two RW functions:
1. RW_GetSettlementInvoicedDiscAmt function returns the previously invoiced discount amount for all the assemblies on a settlement.
2. RW_GetAssemblyInvoicedDiscAmt function returns the previously invoiced discount amount for each individual assembly on a settlement. CIN-3552

Reduce time and effort to calculate discounts on a settlement.



Learn More

Check out the Full Enhancement List:

Please visit the Greenstone FTP Site for the:

Schedule your Year-End Upgrade:

Contact the Greenstone Customer Support team at or 800-366-2474 (Press 1 for Greenstone, and 3 for CINCH) at least 2 weeks before your desired upgrade date.

News You Can Use

  • The next release of CINCH (18.61) is planned for May of 2024.

  • CINCH enhancements will continue with three major releases annually, following Microsoft’s Modern Lifecycle Policy for Dynamics GP through 2028 and later. Greenstone is continuing to support CINCH indefinitely.

  • Register TODAY for the 2024 Greenstone Customer Conference on March 25-27, 2024 in San Antonio, Texas.


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