CINCH Customer Documentation

Chapter 2_Cinch Document Exchange 12.2

This chapter describes miscellaneous enhancements made to Cinch Document Exchange.
This chapter contains the following sections:

Changes to AgXML 4.0 In Transit-In Import
In Transit-In Import has been enhanced to allow cross branch application of Inbound In-Transit Scale Tickets.

  1. Process In Transit-In Import

  2. Service Line Settings

  3. One Assembly per Unit Train






              1. When set to Yes, a new assembly will be created for each unit train imported.

                1. Cross Branch application, Contract Number will be supplied within the import file, if the In Transit Ticket branch is different than the contract number, the system will duplicate the contract assembly and apply the in transit tickets to the newly created assembly.

              2. When set to No, system will import all tickets to the same assembly.

  4. Import as Barge






              1. Yes, when selected will create the In Transit Ticket and update the Barge with the information from the imported In Transit Ticket.

              2. No when selected will process the In Transit Ticket as normal.

Processing Notes:

  • If Import as Barge is set to yes, a Unit Number is required and will be the Barge Number that will be created.

  • A Purchase Contract is required when importing a barge.

  • The Barge Entry will be updated/created based on the imported In Transit Ticket. The Barge Entry Origination Weights, Grades and BOL Date will be populated with the information from the imported In Transit Ticket.

  • If the Barge does not exist one will be created.

  • Ship Company or Ship Method must be setup with Shipping Category of Barge.

  • (Compuweigh cannot handle a mode of "Barge" so the XML always says "Rail" as the mode even if it's actually a barge).

Changes to AgXML 4.0 Ticket Import
AgXML 4.0 Ticket Import has updated to support importing of Tickets with Barge.

  1. AgXML 4.0 Ticket Import

  2. Service Line Settings

  3. Import as Barge






              1. Yes, when selected will create the In Transit Unload Scale Ticket and update the Barge with the destination information from the imported Scale Ticket.

                1. The system will look to the Ticket for the Barge (in order to find the correct voyage) then to the Barge table, if more than one exists, the import will error. Or if none exist, the import will error.

                2. The Unload process will update the Barge Entry Unload Date, Destination Weights Grades.

              2. No when selected will process the Scale Ticket as normal.

            2. Use SampleID as Grade Cert – This setting will determine which xml value will be added to the Cinch Grade Cert field.

              1. When set to No, it will act as it currently does, and store the value from the xml QualityCertificateHeader.QualityCertificateIdentifier element.

              2. When set to Yes, it will store the value from the QualityCertificateHeader.SampleInformation.SampleIdentifier element.

Processing Notes:

  • To support the In Transit Change Branch

    • System will compare the Branch/Site in the Unload Ticket import file to the Branch/Site on the In Transit Ticket if they are not the same the import it will fail.

    • If the In Transit Ticket has an Outbound Shipment associated when the In Transit Ticket is unloaded the direct shipment status and shipment number will flow to the Inbound Ticket and the Outbound Shipment will be updated with the Inbound Scale Ticket number created during the unload process. The weights and grades will not update the shipment.

New PMR Reconciliation Matching
Product Movement Reconciliation has been created to provide the ability to reconcile sales history transactions (invoices and returns) to a partner's spreadsheet of transactions.

  1. Open PMR Reconcile.

(Transactions>Cinch Doc Exchange>PMR Reconcile)


    1. PMR Reconcile will only display on the menu if one of the Product Movement Exp processors (CIDX 4.0, CIDX 5.0 or CIDX 5.5) is registered.

  2. Select Records to display, is used to narrow down the data displayed. When changing selection, the grid is updated immediately.

    1. All

    2. Matched when selected records where the Cinch and partner records that are matched will be displayed.

    3. Partially Matched when selected records where document and item match but the quantity may be different.

    4. All Unmatched when selected all unmatched records will be displayed.

    5. Cinch Unmatched when selected only unmatched Cinch records will be displayed.

    6. Partner Unmatched when selected only unmatched partner records will be displayed.

  3. Restrictions:

    1. Primary Owner checkbox

      1. When selected Cinch sales data that is split, will display the total quantities of the transaction line for each split partner.

      2. When not selected the transaction line quantity displayed is based on the split partner portion.

    2. Start and End Dates

      1. Restricts records by transaction date.

    3. Partner

      1. When a service partner exchange partner is selected the system will only load transactions that were sent through pipes configured with the currently selected exchange partner.

      2. Select * to not filter by this criteria.

    4. Manufacturer

      1. Restricts transactions that contain items from the currently selected manufacturer.

      2. Select * to not filter by this criteria.

    5. Item Cat 1 – 6

      1. Restricts transactions based on each corresponding item category.

      2. Select * to not filter by this criteria.

  4. Grid

    1. Will display transaction lines that met the restriction criteria.

    2. Coloring - The grid is shaded with different colors to denote different sections of the grid.

      1. The first column is a status column.

        1. = unmatched

        2. = partially matched

        3. = matched

      2. The white/gray columns are Cinch values.

      3. The light blue/blue columns are partner values from the spreadsheet.

      4. The light orange/orange column denotes quantity differences.

    3. Sorting - The data can be sorted by any column.

      1. Click in the column header, and the data will immediately sort by the data in that column. Clicking the same header again will reverse the order.

    4. Filtering – Certain columns have a filter button in the header.

      1. Clicking the filter button will show a drop down list containing the following. Clicking any of those items will limit your view to only show rows that match that criteria.

        1. All

        2. Custom

        3. Blanks

        4. NonBlanks

      2. Selecting Custom filter opens the filter dialog window which allow you to filter multiple ways.



      1. To remove a filter, click the filter button again, and choose the "All" option.

    2. Status column – The first column helps identify which records have matches, which ones have partial matches and which ones have no match.

  2. Open button is selected to locate the customer's formatted Excel spreadsheet and import the data.

  3. Redisplay when selected refreshes the data in the data grid based on Cinch Sales History Restrictions.

  4. Resend button will reprocess selected records that has a through CinchX Product Movement Report export where the record has the Partner defined.

  5. Reset button reset the window to default restrictions and clear the customer's import data allow the user to start over.

  6. Supported file format of the Excel spreadsheet is as follows:



Field Name

Cinch Field Name




Invoice Number




Invoice Date




Line Number




Item ID

X-Ref to Vendor Item Number.







Unit Of Measure


New OneWeigh Load to Ticket Export
OneWeigh Load to Ticket Export has been created to take AgXML 4.0 Load Order Export files and translate it into an Agris Scale Ticket ASCII file format as an Estimated Scale ticket.

  1. OneWeigh Load to Ticket Export

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters

      1. No filters apply

    2. Service Line Settings

      1. OneWeigh Import Path

        1. The location CinchX will save the OneWeigh Scale Ticket files it creates.

      2. Message Label Extension

        1. The file extension of the export file

          1. It is recommended to use FIL.

Processing Note:

  • File Translation for record type of "GRNT0":

    • Import Record Type (Positon 1-6) = GRNT0

    • Inbound/Outbound (Positon 7) = O, Load Orders are outbound

    • Ticket Location (Positon 8-10) = Branch, translated

    • Ticket Number (Positon 11-17) = Ticket Number

    • Ticket Type (Positon 18) = R = Regular

    • Shipment Date (Positon 19-24) = Blank

    • Ship To/From Name ID (Positon 31-40) = Customer ID, translated

    • Commodity (Positon 41-42) = Item, translated

    • Shipper Name ID (Positon 54-63) = Shipping Method/Ship Company

    • Total Net Units = (Positon 103-115) = Ordered Qty

    • Add/Update Option (Positon 233)

      • 1 = Add

      • 2 = Act Wts & Grds Update – Load Order updates will be set to 2.

    • Ticket Status (Positon 245) = E, Estimate

New OneWeigh Inv Tkt Import
OneWeigh Inv Ticket Import has been created to take incoming OneWeigh inventory tickets and convert them to AgXML 4.0 Commodity Movement documents.

  1. OneWeigh Inv Ticket Import

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters

      1. No filters apply

    2. Service Line Settings

      1. Shipment Port Type, Shipment Port URL and Shipment Port Req Path

        1. These settings need to match shipment import header settings for this service.

      2. Message Label Extension

        1. The file extension of the export file

          1. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE.

Processing Note:

  • The adapter will read the OneWeigh and create a new xml file for each ticket it finds in the file that matches the criteria.

  • A record type of "INVT0" must exist in the AGRIS ASCII File in order to make a ticket. If the record does not contain that type, system will ignore that record. A record type of "INVT0" indicates an Inventory Management Delivery Ticket record.

  • After the adapter has finished parsing, translating, and converting the file(s), it will place the newly created xml files in a folder where the AgXML 4.0 Shipment Import process can import them.

  • AGRIS supports the ability to import multiple items on the same scale ticket. This is accomplished using a scale ticket and line number. However, CINCH does not support this functionality. Therefore, all AGRIS scale tickets with more than one line number will create an error in CINCHX Document Monitoring and will NOT be imported.

  • File Translation for record type of "INVT0":

    • Record Type (Position 1-5) = INVT0

    • Ticket Status (Position 6) = Only final tickets will be imported, tickets with a status of anything other than "F" will be discarded.

    • Ticket Location (Position 7-9) = Site ID

    • Ticket Number (Position 10-15) = Ticket Number

    • Shipment Date (Position 18-23) = Ticket Date

    • Inventory Location Code (Position 37-39) = Branch

    • Inventory Item Number (Position 40-54) = Item

    • Order Number (Position 93-98) = Load Number, must exist in Cinch or it will fail in Doc Monitor.

    • Ship To Name ID (Position 186-195) = Customer ID

    • Shipper Name ID (Position 196-205) = Shipping Method

    • Quantity (Position 216-228) = Gross Quantity

    • Gross Weight (Position 255-264) = Gross Weight

    • Tare Weight (Position 265-274) = Tare Weight

  • File Translation for record type of "INVT2":

    • Remark = Comment adapter will concatenate the remark lines and add them to the Shipment comment.

New OneWeigh Sales Order Export
OneWeigh Sales Order Export has been created to take AgXML 4.0 Load Order documents and convert them to Agris OneWeigh Sales Order format.

  1. OneWeigh Sales Order Export

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters

      1. No filters apply

    2. Service Line Settings

      1. OneWeigh Import Path

        1. The location CinchX will save the OneWeigh Sales Order files it creates.

      2. Message Label Extension

        1. The file extension of the export file

          1. This is required to be FIL.

Processing Note:

  • On Hold Load Orders

    • To handle On Hold Orders correctly the AgXML 4.0 Load Order Export, Cinch Consumer should be set to Yes.

    • If a load order is created with an on hold status, it will not be exported.

    • If a load is created and then subsequently marked as "on hold" the system will send an update with an 'ORDER STATUS' set to a numeric value to 1.

  • Only records with 'ORDER STATUS' = "A" are visible and available in OneWeigh.

  • When the delivery period of the load has expired. The load becomes unavailable in OneWeigh.

  • The filenames will be based on the file that's created by Load Export, which is based on the Load number in Cinch.

  • The length of the CINCH Load Order Number will not exceed 6 digits. To support the use of a numeric key pad in AGRIS OneWeigh, the Load Prefix and Load Suffix will not be used when entering loads within Cinch.

  • The length of the Cinch Sales Contract Number will not exceed 7 digits.

  • File Translation for record type of "INVT0":

    • Import Record Type (Positon 1-5) = INVP0

    • Order Type (Positon 6) = S - for Sales Order

    • Order Status (Positon 7)

      • A = Active

      • 1 = On Hold

      • X = Cancelled (deleted)

    • Order Location (Positon 8-10) = Blank will default to current on import

    • Order Number (Positon 11-16) = Load Order Number

    • Order Line Number (Positon 17-18) = 01, Cinch only supports one item per load

    • Oder Date (Positon 19-24) = Load Order Date

    • Shipment Date (Positon 25-30) = Blank

    • Bill To Name ID Number (Positon 31-40) = Customer ID

    • Inventory Location Code (Positon 41-43) = Site ID

      • Translated value for Company ID

    • Inventory Item Number (Positon 44-53) = Item ID

    • Contract Number (Positon 93-99) = Contract ID, Cinch limits to 7 digits

    • Quantity UOM Code (Positon 106-109) = Quantity UOM

    • Price UOM Code (Positon 110-113) = Price UofM

    • Their Order Number (Positon 154-168) = Load Order Number

    • Ship To/From Name ID (Positon 190-199) = Customer ID

    • Shipper Name ID (Positon 200-209) = Shipping Method

    • Order Quantity (Positon 220-232) = Quantity

    • Unit Price (Positon 233-245) = Price

    • Add/Update Option (Positon 274) = 3, the system will either add the record to OneWeigh if it's a new record, or update if the record already exists in OneWeigh.

  • Translations will occur on the following

    • Partner ID

    • Company ID

      • AgXML 4.0 Load Order Export service setting, Company ID Source

    • Shipper ID

    • UofM

    • Item

Change to AgXML 4.0 Load Export
AgXML 4.0 Load Export has been modified to allow deleted load transactions to be exported.

  1. AgXML 4.0 Load Export

    1. Service Line Settings

      1. Allow Deletes

        1. Yes when selected the system will will use previously filled stage table data to populate the XML document. The only difference in the exported XML document is that the ActionType flag will now be set to "Delete".

          1. This setting is only used when creating a transaction within OneWeigh Sales Order Export to delete an order. Load Import will import as an edit, void or delete will not occur.

        2. No when selected any Loads that have been deleted in Cinch will be ignored by CinchX.

      2. Send Loads that are On Hold

        1. The AgXML 4.0 Load Order Export, Cinch Consumer should be set to Yes for the On Hold setting to be present in export file.

        2. Yes when selected On Hold Load Orders will be exported.

        3. No when selected:

          1. If a load order is created with an on hold status, it will not be exported.

          2. If a load is created and then subsequently marked as "on hold" the system will send an update.

Changes to OneWeigh Ticket Import
OneWeigh Ticket Import has been enhanced with the new service setting to allow item number translations to use a different "Domain" when performing the translation.

  1. OneWeigh Ticket Import

    1. Item ID Source – the Domain the item number translations will to use when performing the translation. This setting allows multiple pipes to convert and export the same item number different ways.

      1. This defaults to ONEWEIGH but is editable.

    2. Map inbound Other Reference to – defines where the data from the OneWeigh Other Reference field will written. Need to verify that the Ticket Import, Put Partner Doc # In, is not using the same value, if so the Ticket Import setting will rule.

      1. Bill of Lading

      2. UserDef1

      3. UserDef2

Processing Note:

  • The adapter will take the Sample Number value from the OneWeigh ticket ASCII file and add that value to the CommodityMovement.CommodityMovementQualityInformation.CommodityMovementActualQualityInformation.QualityCertificate.QualityCertificateHeader.SampleInformation.SampleIdentifier section of the xml.

  • The adapter will take the WeightCertificateHeader.IssueDateTime from the OneWeigh ticket and:

    • For inbound tickets, this will be used to set the Tare Time value.

    • For outbound tickets, this will be used to set the Gross Time value.

Cinch Document Exchange with Multicurrency
The following describes how Cinch Document Exchange will work with Multicurrency.
Processing Note:

  • Currency ID on Imports:

    • If the Currency ID is included within the XML it will be used.

    • If the Currency ID is not included within the XML:

      • System will look to the Currency ID defined on Customer Maintenance Options or Vendor Maintenance Options.

      • If the Currency ID is not defined on the Customer Maintenance Options or Vendor Maintenance Options, system will use the Functional Currency ID.

    • Currency ID will be updated during contract application providing the transaction has not been posted.

    • If the Discount Schedule within the XML has a different Currency ID than Currency ID determined for the transaction, the transaction will fail on import.

Multicurrency supported services

  • AgXML 4.0 Load Export

  • AgXML 4.0 Load Import

  • AgXML 4.0 In Transit-In Import

  • AgXML 4.0 Shipment Export

  • AgXML 4.0 Shipment Import

  • AgXML 4.0 Ticket Export

  • AgXML 4.0 Ticket Import

  • CIDX 4.0 Load Export

  • CIDX 4.0 Load Import

  • Excel Shipment Import 02

  • Excel Ticket Import 01


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