CINCH R18.3 Document Exchange System (CINCHX)

CINCH Customer Documentation

CINCH R18.3 Document Exchange System (CINCHX)

CINCH Document Exchange
System Manual
December 2019


What's in this Manual?
Symbols and Conversions
Additional Resources
Part 1: Document Processing
Chapter 1: Overview
The Big Picture
Chapter 2: Integration Pipelines
The Integration Pipelines
Part 2: Installation & Configuration
Chapter 3: Preparation
Installation Checklist
System Requirements
Chapter 4: Client Installation
Setup Program
Chapter 5: Server Installation
Setup Program
CinchX Service
Chapter 6: Upgrade Client Installation
Chapter 7: Upgrade Server Installation
Part 3: Exchange Partners, Services, & Translations
Chapter 8: Exchange Partners
How Partners are Used
Service Partner Setup Registration
Defining Exchange Partners
Chapter 9: Services
How Services are Used
Service Partner Setup
Service Setup
Chapter 10: Translations
How Translations are Used
Translation Setup
Chapter 11: Multicurrency
Multicurrency Processing
Multicurrency Supported Services
Chapter 12: CinchX Monitoring Service Log Viewer
Chapter 13: Metric Setup
Part 4: Document Exchange Scenarios
Chapter 14: AgXML Ticket Export
Chapter 15: AgXML Shipment Import
Chapter 16: CIDX Load Export and CIDX Load Import
Chapter 17: Direct Ship Setup
Chapter 18: Scale Integration
Chapter 19: Vendor Import
Chapter 20: Net Order Position Management
Chapter 21: Net Sales Integration
Chapter 22: Terminal Transfer Setup
Chapter 23: Adapter Setup
Chapter 24: Bulk Transfer Setup
Part 5: Transaction Windows
Chapter 25: Net Order Services
Chapter 26 Document Monitoring
Chapter 27: Export Change Tracking
Chapter 28: Dynamics Queue
Chapter 29: Bulk Transfer Matching
Chapter 30: Sales Order Import Review
Chapter 31: PMR Reconciliation Matching
Chapter 32: Portal Maintenance
Part 6: Troubleshooting
Chapter 33: Common Questions
Questions and Answers
Chapter 34: Where to Start
Audit Messages
Application Logs
Windows Event Log
Appendix A: Export and Import Company Data
Appendix B: Commonly Used Translations
Appendix C: Company Reset SQL Script


This information is current as of December 2019. Refer to the ReadMe/What's New documents accompanying updates for the most updated information about the CINCH Document Exchange.
This introduction is divided into the following sections:

  • What's in this Manual?
  • Symbols and Conversions
  • Additional Resources

What's in this Manual?

This manual introduces you to CINCH Document Exchange and presents important information on how to setup your system wide information, as well as how to maintain system information. It is divided into the following parts.

Symbols and Conversions

This manual uses the following symbols and conventions to make specific types of information stand out.



The light bulb symbol indicates helpful tips, shortcuts, and suggestions.

The warning symbol indicates situations you should be especially aware of when completing tasks. Typically, this includes cautions about performing steps in their proper order, or important reminders about how other information in the software may be affected.

The conventions table explains how we refer to chapter, sections, acronyms, and other information in the document.



Creating a batch

Italicized type indicates the name of a section or procedure.

File >> Print

The (>>) symbol indicates selections to make from a menu. In this example, from the File menu, choose Print.


Small capital letters indicate a key or a key sequence.

For Information on common button functionality (Save, Clear, Delete, Notes, etc.), please refer to your Microsoft Dynamics GP System User's Guide Manual, Page 30-36.

To access the online documentation, choose Help >> Contents, then select the type of information you're looking for.

Additional Resources
Use the following tools to learn how to use Microsoft Dynamics GP & the CINCH Document Exchange. Many of the documentation resources are provided in online format, either as an online help file or as an Adobe Acrobat .PDF file.

_To find information about a window that's not displayed, choose Help >> Index, type the name of the window and choose Display._To learn about Microsoft Dynamics GP

Use Microsoft Dynamics GP Orientation Training (Help >> Orientation Training) to learn more about Microsoft Dynamics GP, an overview of accounting, how to move around in Microsoft Dynamics GP, and how to perform basic procedures in each module.

To complete day-to-day tasks

Use the online help for Microsoft Dynamics GP (Help >> About This Item, or press F1) to view context sensitive assistance about windows, fields, alert messages, and procedures. You also can choose the help icon button in each window. Use the online manual (Help >> Printable Manuals) to view the printed manuals online in Adobe Acrobat .PDF format or see other documentation information (Help >> Documentation Online) for more resources.

Part 1: Document Processing

This part of the documentation describes the why and how of the CINCH Document Exchange system. It provides a general overview of the processes that handle exchanging documents like AgXML.
Chapter 1: Overview. This chapter explains the basics of how documents are exchanged.
Chapter 2: Integration Pipelines. This chapter describes how the concept of pipelines helps to manage document exchange between exchange partners.

Chapter 1:Overview

This chapter explains the basics of how documents are exchanged:
The Big Picture. This section provides an overview of the concepts involved in the CINCH Document Exchange System.
Technologies. This section describes the technologies used in the CINCH Document Exchange System.

The Big Picture

The CINCH Exchange connects multiple technologies together to provide a standard way of importing and exporting data from CINCH. The basic landscape of these technologies is shown here:
Microsoft Dynamics GP/CINCH Tables/ViewseConnect SprocsCINCH SprocsMicrosoft Dynamics GP – CINCH
Web Services.NET CINCH Clients & ServicesCINCH Exchange Web Services
(cinchx.irdtech.com)eConnect COM+/.NETCustom Applications & Integrations_Intra-company applications on same network, likely on the same domain. All communication occurs on easily addressable and highly available computer names.__Inter-company integrations or intra-company integrations that cross physical networks or security domains. CinchX calls out across the internet for communication._CINCH GP Client


All import and export process leverage the Microsoft .Net Framework to leverage eConnect, Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP, stored procedures, or any other method of integrating directly with CINCH. Each individual integration determines which technology is most appropriate.
In addition to simply using technologies like eConnect and Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP, it is the goal of each integration to make these interfaces accessible through standard Microsoft Dynamics GP APIs. This will allow the larger CINCH customers to leverage its capabilities within their own environments. This aspect of the exchange is called the CINCH Service Interfaces and can be marketed to the more ambitious companies that need to use CINCH as one piece in a much larger IT picture.

Chapter 2:Integration Pipelines

This chapter explains the basics of how pipelines are used to manage integrations:
Overview. This section provides an overview of the concepts involved with pipelines.
The Integration Pipelines. This section illustrates the data flow through the integration pipelines.


Pipelines are the processing pathways through which all incoming and outgoing documents flow. A lot of translation, conversion, and validation occurs when processing integrated documents so there are a lot of places where these documents (sometimes referred to as messages) can get hung up.

The Integration Pipelines

The diagram below illustrates how data flows through the integration pipeline for both exports and imports. It also shows the asynchronous context of all CinchX integrations.
Asynchronous messaging is most important in this context because some user interaction might be needed to process some requests. The time required until a response can be sent could be minutes, hours, or even overnight. When enough information is present for processing to happen unimpeded, the response will be sent as soon as possible. Also, this allows the integrating system to be taken offline for maintenance without the need to coordinate with each other.
Most records will be passed in the form of XML messages and each path for data has both a request message and a response message. Request messages are separate from response messages and some fire-and-forget type integrations will only have requests. If the exchange partner is not capable or willing to send a response, a response is not required.
Responses are important for a couple reasons. First, CINCH users may want to know whether or not exchanged data reached the partner and was processed successfully. Also, the responses may contain more data that needs to be exchanged. For example, if a ticket is exported to a partner and imported into their system, the other party's ticket number is of value to the exporter. A response sent back to the exporter can contain that ticket number so both parties can maintain a two-way link.
Imports and exports use the same processing stages but are processed in an inverted order. Exports are initiated by CINCH and sent through the pipeline as an export request. Once delivered, a message handler waits for a response and then feeds it back through the pipeline. Imports are initiated by the exchange partner, picked up by the message handler, and fed through the pipe so a response can be returned.
IMPORT PIPELINE_EXPORT PIPELINE_Import ResponseImport Request Push StageTranslatePartner Match StoreData Pull StageTranslatePartner Match StoreDataPullStageTranslatePartner MatchStoreDataPushStageTranslatePartner MatchStoreDataExport RequestExport Response12431234

Part 2: Installation & Configuration

This part of the documentation describes what you need to do to install and configure your CINCH Document Exchange system. These tasks generally need to be completed only once, but you can refer to these instructions at other times to modify or view existing entries. This information includes the following topics.

Chapter 3: Preparation

This chapter explains how to prepare for the installation of this product:

  • Installation Checklist. This chapter provides an overview of information you'll need during the installation process. It contains tips on gathering information and a checklist to guide you through installing the CINCH Document Exchange System.
  • System Requirements. This enumerates supported system hardware and software configurations.
  • Prerequisites. This section lists the required components that need to be installed prior to the installation.
  • Versions. This section displays the CinchX version and the compatible CINCH version.

Installation Checklist

This chapter provides an overview of information you'll need during the installation process. It contains tips on gathering information and a checklist to guide you through installing the CINCH Document Exchange System.
Below is a list of things that should occur before the CINCH Document Exchange System is installed:

  • Review System Requirements (below).
  • Install Prerequisites (below).
  • Record the server name and database name needed to set connection strings.
  • Create any network file shares needed for sharing documents.
    • This is the Network root folder where the request/response subfolders are created. The monitoring service user must have read/write access to these directories. The recommended practice for setting these up would be company\exchange partner\service\... (example USAG\MKT01\Ticket Import\Request\Sent)
      • Request\Sent
      • Request\Received
      • Request\Error
      • Request\Archive
      • Response\Sent
      • Response\Received
      • Response\Error
      • Response\Archive
  • Gather credentials for logging into the server and workstations as an administrator.
  • Create a domain account for use with CinchX. This should be a low privilege network user that services may run under.
  • This user will be referred to as domain\cinchx for the rest of this document.
    • The total length of the domain\cinchx name should not exceed 15 characters.
    • On the SQL server create login for domain\cinchx and add to the DYNGRP and db_ddladmin roles in DYNAMICS and all company databases.
    • As an alternative to creating a domain account you my run the service under LOCAL SYSTEM or NETWORK SER VICE but this is not the recommended setup.

System Requirements

The following requirements must be met for the server installation:

  • Server requirements are the same as Microsoft Dynamics GP.

The following requirements must be met for the client installation:

  • Server requirements are the same as Microsoft Dynamics GP.


Before installing the CINCH Document Exchange System, please ensure the following components are installed and working correctly on the server.

  • SQL Server 2012 or later with latest service packs
  • The .NET Framework 2.0 and .NET Framework 4.0.
  • Microsoft Dynamics GP version 2018 or better
  • CINCH version 18.2 or better
  • Excel adapters do not support Microsoft Office 64Bit on the machine running CinchX. Also if Microsoft Office is not installed and you are running an Excel adapter you must install Microsoft Database Engine.

Before installing the CINCH Document Exchange System, please ensure the following components are installed and working correctly on the client.

  • The .NET Framework 2.0 and NET Framework 4.0.
  • Microsoft Dynamics GP version 2018 or better
  • CINCH version 18.2


Below is the CinchX version that is compatible to the CINCH version.



Chapter 4:Client Installation

This chapter explains how to install the client components of this product. If running a previous version of CINCH Document Exchange, proceed to the Upgrade Client Installation chapter.

  • Setup Program. This chapter provides a walkthrough of installing the client components of the CINCH Document Exchange.

Setup Program

This section provides a walkthrough of installing the client components of the CINCH Document Exchange. The setup_client.exe is located on the installation CD. The client will be installed on each Microsoft Dynamics GP client workstation.

  1. Run the CinchXClientInstall.msi is located on the installation CD.
  2. Select Next on the Welcome to the Cinch Document Exchange Setup Wizard.
  3. Mark I accept the terms in the License Agreement then select Next.
  4. Select the Destination Folder then Next. This should be the Microsoft Dynamics GP folder. (the default is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics\GP)
    1. When installing on Remote Scale the installation folder should be the Cinch Scale folder. (The default location of Cinch Scale is C:\Program Files\Cinch Scale).
  5. Click Install to begin installation.
  6. Click Finish when Installation is complete.
  7. Launch Dynamics GP, select Yes when prompted new code must be included, do you want to include new code now.
    1. If running Windows 2007 or Windows Server 2008, to have proper permissions, you will need to launch Dynamics GP with run as administrator.
  8. SQL Maintenance – this only needs to be run on one Dynamics GP client.
    1. Go To (Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Maintenance>>SQL)
    2. Choose DYNAMICS database
    3. Select Product Cinch Document Exchange
    4. Select all tables in the scrolling window
    5. Mark checkboxes 'Create Table' and 'Create Auto Procedure'
      1. DO NOT mark Drop Table or you will lose all of your CINCH Document Exchange Data!
    6. Click the Process button
    7. When the process has finished, you do not need to Bind Defaults at this time, you may close the window.
    8. Choose Company Database
    9. Select Product Cinch Document Exchange
    10. Select all tables in the scrolling window
    11. Mark checkboxes 'Create Table' and 'Create Auto Procedure'
      1. DO NOT mark Drop Table or you will lose all of your CINCH Document Exchange Data!
    12. Click the Process button
    13. When the process has finished, you do not need to Bind Defaults at this time, you may close both windows.
    14. Repeat steps h – m for each company
  9. Table Utility – this is only needed for an upgrade installation – this only needs to be run on one Dynamics GP client.
    1. Go To Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Maintenance>>Cinch Doc Exchange>>Table Updates
    2. Launch Products choose Cinch Document Exchange
    3. Click All>> to insert all tables to the right selection window.
    4. Click Compare Tables.
    5. When the Compare Tables process completes one of the following will appear:
      1. Processing will state, Process Complete No table Errors (smile)
      2. Or a window may appear stating some tables need upgrading. Click on the Rebuild All.
  10. Within SQL Server Management Studio and run the following scripts:
    1. Run the SQLCompanyeConnect.sql against each company database.
    2. Run the SQLCompanyCinchX.sql against each company database that has CinchX installed.
    3. Run the IRGrant.sql script against the Dynamics database and each company database.

Chapter 5:Server Installation

This chapter explains how to install the server components of this product. If running a previous version of CINCH Document Exchange proceed to the Upgrade Server Installation chapter.

  • Setup Program. This chapter provides a walkthrough of installing the server components of the CINCH Document Exchange.
  • CinchX Service. This section explains process of starting the CINCH Document Exchange Monitoring Service.

Setup Program

Install the client application components BEFORE the server is installed or the installation may fail. The server installation needs to be installed on the Microsoft Dynamics GP server.

  1. Run the CinchXServerInstall.msi is located on the installation CD.
  2. Select Next on the Welcome to the Cinch Document Exchange Monitoring Service Setup Wizard.
  3. Select I accept the terms in the License Agreement then Next.

    1. Server Name defaults to (local), if server is a named instance enter the appropriate server\instance.
    2. Select Next
  1. Select Destination Folder
    1. Select installation location, (default is C:\Program Files\E-Markets Inc\Cinch Document Exchange Monitoring Service)
  2. Select Install to begin Installation.
  3. Select Finish when installation is complete.
  4. Registration File
    1. Place the Cinch.Registration file in the Cinch Document Exchange Monitoring Service folder that is specified during the Cinch Document Exchange Server Installation (the default installation location is Program Files\E-Markets Inc\Cinch Document Exchange Monitoring Service). This file will be obtained from Cinch Document Exchange Support based on your service requirements.
    2. Give the CinchX Service User permissions, read, write and modify, to the Cinch Document Exchange Monitoring Service folder.
      1. When the CinchX Monitoring Service is started the registration keys will be extracted and only services that are registered will be marked as enabled. This will limit the list of services on Service Partner Setup and the Document Monitoring Window to only display registered services.
  5. Launch Dynamics GP
    1. Login in as "sa"
    2. Go to Service Partner Setup (Cards>Cinch Doc Exchange>Service Partner Setup)
    3. If there is nothing listed in the Registered Document Processors scrolling window or a new service has been added, Click the Register Processors button.
      1. All services will be listed and marked enabled however they will not be started until the Monitoring Service has been started and the Registration file extracted.
    4. Click Global Settings button, CinchX Global Settings window opens.

      1. CinchX Monitoring Service
        1. Monitoring Service Server, enter the name of the server where the Monitoring Service is installed.
          1. Start button - will start the CinchX Service remotely. Setup following items before starting the service.
            1. If running Windows 2007 or Windows Server 2008, to have proper permissions, you will need to launch Dynamics GP with run as administrator to start the service from this window.
          2. Stop button – will stop the CinchX Service remotely.
        2. CinchX User, enter a valid Cinch\Dynamics GP user. This user will be used for the XML transaction and display in Cinch as the user that created or modified the records. This value is case-sensitive if using a binary database.
        3. Polling Interval (in seconds), enter the amount of time to wait between cycles of the CinchX Monitoring Service. The default value is 5 seconds.
        4. History retention (in days), enter the number of days you wish to keep the XML documents. Documents older than the value shown will be deleted. The default value is 0 days.
          1. Logs files older than the setting will be deleted. The location of the logs depends on the user that the CinchX service is running as. If you have it set to use Local System account, then it will remove the logs from the Windows\Temp folder, otherwise it will remove the logs from the users\appdata\local\temp folder.
      2. Log
        1. Log to Database, checking this box allows the server log to be written to a table in the database in addition to a text file in the user's temp folder.
        2. Max log file size, enter the maximum file size that the log file can grow to (in megabytes). Once the file reaches the entered size, the file will be closed and a new one started. The default value is 10 megabytes. This value is ignored by the Log to Database.
      3. Active Cinch X Companies, checking an item in the list will activate Cinch Document Exchange for that company. Un-checking it will cause the monitoring service to skip that company. Only company databases that have Cinch Document Exchange installed will be listed (Cinch Document Exchange tables were created during the Client Install).

CinchX Service

The Cinch Document Exchange service (CinchX Service) is created as a Local System account this can be changed if needed. If the services will be run with a port type of File Share across the network, the Log On will need to be changed to a network login as noted below.

  1. Go to Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Service
  2. Select CinchX Service
  3. Stop the Service
  4. Open Properties
  5. Select the Log On tab
    1. Mark This Account radio button
    2. Enter a network login. The specifics on this account are specified in the Installation Checklist section.
    3. Click Ok
  6. Click Start Service.
    1. If the Cinch Document Exchange service (CinchX Service) cannot connect to the SQL server during startup the service will stop and throw an error. The service recovery properties can be manually edited to Restart if the service fails.

Chapter 6:Upgrade Client Installation

This chapter explains how to upgrade a previous version of the client components of this product:

  • If running an Adapter (Optional): Move adapter files located in C:\ Program Files\E-Markets Inc\Cinch Document Exchange Monitoring Service folder. Contact Cultura Technologies support to help determine the adapter files that need moved.
  • If running Portal Replication against a secondary database, replication will need to be disabled prior to uninstalling Cinch Document Exchange.
  • Uninstall Program. Go to Control Panel/Add or Remove Programs/ Cinch Document Exchange. Note: After uninstalling the Cinch Doc Exchange items still appear on the menu but when selected nothing will happen.
  • Run Client Installation: Refer to Client Installation for more information.

Chapter 7:Upgrade Server Installation

This chapter explains how to upgrade a previous version of the server components of this product:

  • Stop the CINCH Document Exchange Monitoring Service: Go to Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Services/CinchX Service.
  • If running Portal Replication against a secondary database, replication will need to be disabled prior to uninstalling Cinch Document Exchange.
  • If running an Adapter (Optional): Move adapter files located in C:\ Program Files\E-Markets Inc\Cinch Document Exchange Monitoring Service folder. Contact Cultura Technologies support to help determine the adapter files that need moved.
  • Uninstall Previous CINCH Document Exchange Monitoring Service version. Go to Control Panel/Add or Remove Programs/ Cinch Document Exchange Monitoring Service.
  • Run Server Installation: Refer to Server Installation for more information.

Part 3: Exchange Partners, Services, & Translations

This part of the documentation describes the core entities of the CINCH Document Exchange system and how they are used to make an exchange work.

Chapter 8: Exchange Partners

This chapter explains who exchange partners are and how they are defined.

How Partners are Used

Exchange partners are the trading partners that you exchange data with. These can be customers, vendors, or a web service like E-Markets Net Order. Every integration service must have an exchange partner configured to send and receive messages with.
Often times, companies may exchange many different types of documents between each other. Exchange partners may be defined once and used with many different document types (services).
There are also cases where CINCH is exchanging documents between Microsoft Dynamics GP companies on the same server. In this case, each Microsoft Dynamics GP company gets set up as an exchange partner in the other Microsoft Dynamics GP company.

Service Partner Setup Registration

This section explains how to register processors for a new CINCH Document Exchange company.

  1. Open the Service Partner window: Within Microsoft Dynamics GP (Cards>>Cinch Doc Exchange>>Service Partner Setup)

  1. Select the top node (Company).
    1. If no nodes appear, on the left click the New button and the nodes will appear.
  2. On the right side, click the Register Processors button. This will enable registered services. Only registered (enabled) services will be displayed under the service node.

Defining Exchange Partners

This section explains how to create and define an Exchange Partner.

  1. In the Service Partner Setup window select the Exchange Partner node.
  2. Click New to create a new Exchange Partner.
    1. Fill in the Partner ID and Description fields.
      1. To avoid confusion include the Microsoft Dynamics GP Customer ID or Vendor ID in the exchange partner ID.
    2. Exchange Filters – Exchange filter settings may differ per service, see the specific service setup to determine how and which exchange filter are setup.
      1. Customer
      2. Vendor
      3. Source – is only used by Net Order services.
      4. LOCNCODE - Location Code is only used by export services.
        1. This is a filter that selects which location (Site ID) the documents are valid for. Only transactions for selected location code or site will be included in the export file.
        2. Valid values are:
          1. An asterisk will export all locations.
          2. Left blank, filtering will not be done by site.
          3. Entered Site ID will only include the selected location.
      5. Service – is only used by Net Order services.
      6. IRRegionID – is used by export services.
      7. IRBranchID – is used by the export services and Shipment Import services.
        1. For the Shipment Imports, the documents can only match locations within this branch.
        2. For the Exports, only documents from this branch are exported.
          1. An asterisk will export all locations.
          2. Left blank, filtering will not be done by site.
          3. Entered Site ID will only include the selected location.
    3. Click Save button.
      1. Edits and additions will not be saved when you leave the window if you do not click Save before leaving or closing the Service Partner Setup window.

Chapter 9:Services

This chapter explains what services are and how they are defined:

  • How Services are Used. This part provides an overview of how services work.
  • Service Partner Setup. This section shows how to assign an Exchange Partner to the specific service.
  • Service Setup. This section shows you where and how services are configured. This section will address each of the following service setups:

How Services are Used

Services are the actual software components that process document integrations. Many services are installed with the CINCH Document Exchange although many installations will only use a few of them.

Service Partner Setup

The first step to any service setup is to assign the Exchange Partner to the Service. For service specific settings see service setup.

  1. In the Service Partner Setup window select the appropriate Service node.
  2. Click New. A service partner "INVALID" is created under the service node.
  3. Select the service partner INVALID. The service partner grid will be populated in the scrolling window.
    1. From the drop down list, select the Exchanged Partner ID.
    2. Click Save.
  4. The service partner in the node will change from INVALID to the selected Exchange Partner ID.
  5. Select the new service partner node.

    1. Select the Port Type
      1. None – Stops sending /receiving data between pipes but continues all other processing normally. Used primary for testing and diagnostics or when someone wants to work through messages in the document monitor without receiving or sending any more. Different than disabling a service, disabling will not process messages already in the document monitor.
      2. CinchX File Queue – data will be transferred via a Cinch hosted web service. Removes the requirement of exposing a web/ftp/VPN server to the internet.
      3. File Share – is used when the exchange partner is accessible by file share (windows explorer). VPN's can also be used here.
      4. FTP – data will be transferred via an FTP site.
  1. Manually add a setting in the service scrolling window called UserName.
  2. Manually add a setting in the service scrolling window called Password. Leave the value for password blank for anonymous access.
  3. For a Secure FTP manually add a setting the service scrolling window called Port.
    1. It is normal for Secure FTP servers to use ports other than the standard port 21.
    2. This setting will allow the use of any port number (990 is popular).
  4. For a Secure FTP manually add a setting the service scrolling window called Ignore Cert. Secure FTP servers use SSL certificates to prove they are who they say they are. If the certificate is from a standard authority such as Verisign or Thawte, the certificate will automatically be trusted, because those authorities already have certificates installed in most browsers. If you create a self-signed certificate, chances are it will not be automatically trusted. You would either need to manually install it, or set this setting to "yes" to blindly trust it.
    1. If the setting does not exist or is empty, the system will try to validate any certificates if comes across, and fail the connection if validation fails. At that point the user must either manually install the certificate, or set this to "yes".
    2. Normal FTP mode will ignore this setting.
  5. For a Secure FTP manually add a setting the service scrolling window called FTP Protocol. This FTP library supports four different ftp modes. To accommodate for this, a setting is required to choose the required protocol. The user would enter the same setting as is setup on the ftp server they are trying to connect to. The valid options are:
    1. FTPSE – FTP/SSL Explicit FTPSI – FTP/SSL Implicit
    2. SFTP – SSH FTP
    3. FTP – FTP (This is the default and will be used if the setting does not exist or is empty.)
  6. For a SFTP FTP manually add a setting in the service scrolling window called Private Client Key Path.
    1. Enter the local path of your private key if the remote host requires one. This path should be local to where ever the Cinch Document Exchange service is running.
  7. For a SFTP FTP manually add a setting in the service scrolling window called Public Server Key Path.
    1. Enter the local path of the remote SFTP host's public key if the remote host requires one. This path should be local to wherever the Cinch Document Exchange service is running,
  8. For a SFTP FTP manually add a setting in the service scrolling window called SFTP Auth Type.
    1. Choose the type of authentication method the remote SFTP host requires to communicate with them. Available values are:
      1. Public Key
      2. Password
      3. Public Key and Password
      4. Web Services – is specific to the Net Order Service where data is transferred via the e-Markets Net Order system or other well known services.
      5. Dynamics Table – is used when the transfer data is placed in a Dynamics table. This is used when messages are passed along multiple services in a chain (direct ship) or when passing messages between different branches or companies on the same server. This prevents potential sensitive information from ever leaving the Dynamics system.
        1. For simplicity can use the Dynamics company database name as the URL, example USAG/.
        2. For Dynamics table the url + request/response text is used to identify the queue path. The queue spans all companies so it's used to pass between companies. Therefore if an export is passing to an import, the Url + response/request paths must match, if they do not match it is like having a wrong file path.
        3. When an export service runs the message is placed in the queue table with the URL + request path. When an import run, it looks for messages that match the URL + request path.
        4. The Dynamics tables are IRDXQueueHist for received records and IRDXQueueWork for Sent records.
      6. Nexus WS FS is used when using the Nexus web service handler.
        1. Manually add a setting in the service scrolling window called Action ID.
          1. Enter the ID of a Nexus action that will be used to forward on the xml payload to the business partner noted above. (example SendFile)
        2. Manually add a setting in the service scrolling window called Choreography ID.
          1. Enter the ID of a Choreography that has been setup in Nexus to forward on the xml payload that will be passed in to the Nexus web service. (example GenericFile)
        3. Manually add a setting in the service scrolling window called Business Partner ID.
          1. Enter the ID of a collaboration partner in Nexus which is a participant in the choreography noted above to receive the xml payload. (Example SAXON)
    2. Enter the URL
      1. Be sure to include the trailing slash.
        1. For web addresses include / in the address.
        2. For file addresses include \in the address.
        3. For Dynamics table include / in the address.
      2. Test button - allows the connection to be tested when port type is FTP. Clicking this will cause a message box to be displayed notifying if the connection was successful or not. When the port type is not FTP this button is not active.
    3. Enter the Request Path
      1. Do not include the trailing slash.
        1. For web addresses include / in the address.
        2. For file addresses include \in the address.
        3. For Dynamics table include / in the address.
      2. Create button - will create the folder trees for the respective Request paths. This includes the Archive, Error, Send, and Received folders. This button only applies to the File Share port type.
    4. Enter the Response Path
      1. Do not include the trailing slash.
        1. For web addresses include / in the address.
        2. For file addresses include \in the address.
        3. For Dynamics table include / in the address.
      2. Create button - will create the folder trees for the respective Response paths. This includes the Archive, Error, Send, and Received folders. This button only applies to the File Share port type.
  9. Configure the service partner for the selected service. Refer to Service Setup for the specific service configuration.
  10. Click Save
    1. Editsand additions will not be saved when you leave the window if you do not click save.
  11. Click the Initialize Button – only after the service has been completely defined.
    1. When Service is CIDX Product Movement (4.0, 5.0 or 5.2), and when the Initialize button is selected the following drop down opens:

    1. All, when selected all transactions between the Filter by Start Date (if enabled) and now will be re-exported.
    2. Missing, when selected only transactions that have not been previously exported will be sent.
      1. This is also based on retained history transactions, if the history transactions have beeen purged but if they fall betweeen the Filter by Start Date and now they will be exported again.
    3. Filter by Start Date lets you choose a date to determine how far back to go when re-exporting transactions,
  1. Check Enable – when you are ready to begin sending data to/from the service.

Service Setup

All available services are listed on the Service Partner Setup however only the appropriate services based on the document exchange will be setup. Contact Cultura Technologies support for help defining the appropriate services needed for the specific situation.
The filter checkbox, next to Services in the Service tree, when selected will filter services to only display enabled services.
The service setup below will address the scrolling window line setup (service line settings) and the exchange partner filters. Since the service header is similar for each service this section is addressed in Service Partner Setup.
See Document Exchange Scenarios for more specific details on service setup.
The services are grouped into the following categories:


Adapters, services are designed to translate specific file formats to be used by other services.

Excel adapters do not support Microsoft Office 64Bit on the machine running CinchX. If Microsoft Office is not installed on your machine and you are running an Excel adapter you must install Microsoft Database Engine.
The following services are included:

  1. CSV ProcessMfg Import 01

(Custom adapter used to convert lines in a csv document to an AgXML document for use by the Process Manufacturing Import service and places them in the designated path.)

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. No filters apply
  3. Service Line Settings
  4. Message Label Extension
  5. The file extension of the export file.
  6. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example file 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
  7. ProcessMfg Port Type, ProcessMfg Port URL and ProcessMfg Req Path
    1. These settings need to match Process Manufacturing Import header settings for this service.

Processing Note:

  • A file was not provided with line details and therefore not tested.
  • File Layout:
    • Field 2 (Tank/Number/Scale#) = User Defined 2
    • Field 4 (Product ID) from file = Recipe ID
      • Adapter places a –P at the end of the Recipe ID in the created file requiring the Recipe to be translated.
    • Field 8 (Date/Time) = Date
    • Field 11 = Recipe Qty
    • Field 12 (Site ID) in the file = Default Site
    • Field 7 (Rail Car/Truck Number) = User Defined 1
    • Field 13 (Scale Ticket#) – is used to by adapter to track if record is new or updated.

  1. CSV ProcessMfg Import 02

(Custom adapter used to convert lines in a csv ASCII document to an AgXML document for use by the Process Manufacturing Import service and places them in the designated path.)

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. No filters apply
  3. Service Line Settings
  4. Message Label Extension
  5. The file extension of the export file.
  6. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example file 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
  7. ProcessMfg Port Type, ProcessMfg Port URL and ProcessMfg Req Path
    1. These settings need to match Process Manufacturing Import header settings for this service.

Processing Note:

  • The ASCII File will be several rows to one Cinch transaction. The system will look to the Transaction ID in the ASCII File in order to group the lines. That is, each transaction ID will create one XML Document and thus one Cinch Process Manufacturing transaction. The ASCII File can contain more than one Transaction ID's per file.
  • File Layout is as follows:
    • Transaction ID (Column A) = Reference
    • Branch (Column B) = Branch
    • Date (Column C) = Date
    • Batch (Column D) = Batch
      • If Batch is included in the ASCII file it will be used.
      • If Batch does not exist in ASCII File, then a default batch ID of BB-XML-MM-DD will be used (BB = Branch) (XML = Branch Prefix)
    • Activity Code (Column E) = Activity Code
    • Work Center (Column F) = Work Center
    • Recipe ID (Column F) = Recipe ID
    • Prod/Cons (Column H) = Type
      • Consumed / Produced
    • Item (Column I) = Item
    • Quantity (Column J) = Quantity
    • Lot Number (Column L) = Lot Number
      • Used only if item is tracking lot numbers.
    • Comment (Column M) = Comment
    • UD1 (Column N) = User Defined 1
    • UD2 (Column O) = User Defined 2
    • UD3 (Column P) = ignored
    • UD4 (Column Q) = ignored
  • Mfg Document Number, Cinch will assign the next process number at time of import.

  1. CSV Sales Shipment Import 01

(Custom adapter takes a comma delimited file and converts it to an xml document conforming to the CIDX 4.0 Product Movement Report schema. The newly created xml document can be written to a location where a configured CIDX 4.0 Sales Shipment Import pipe can pick it up and import it into Cinch as a Sales Shipment.

    1. Support Exchange Partner Filters
      1. No filters apply.
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Message Label Extension
        1. The file extension of the export file. This extension can be anything but we recommended you use XML for easy viewing in IE.
      2. Sales Shipment Port Type, Sales Shipment Port URL and Sales Shipment Path:
        1. These settings need to match the CIDX 4.0 Sales Shipment Import header settings for this service.

Processing Note:

  • File Layout/mapping is as follows:
    • Fulfill Order #, column A – a valid GP Order Number being fulfilled.
    • Fulfill Order Line ID, column B – a valid GP Order Line ID used to specify the line being fulfilled.
      • If the fulfilled order row id is empty, the system will attempt to match the shipment based on Item ID.
    • Ship Date, column C
    • Location, column D, a valid GP inventory site.
    • Unit of Measure, column E, ship quantity U of M
    • Item ID, column F, a valid GP Inventory Item
    • Quantity Shipped, column G
    • Shipping Method, column H, a valid GP Ship Method.

  1. CSV Shipment Import 01

(Custom adapter used to convert lines in a CSV document to an AgXML document for use by AgXML shipment import service and places them in the designated path.)

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. No filters apply
  3. Service Line Settings
  4. Message Label Extension
  5. The file extension of the export file.
  6. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example shipment 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
  7. Shipment Port Type, Shipment Port URL and Shipment Req Path
  8. These settings need to match shipment import header settings for this service.
  9. Cultura Technologies support will guide you through the process of setting up this service. Please DO NOT change these setting prior to contacting support.
  10. Translate to Flaxseed:
  11. The commodity entered here will be translated to the AgXML flaxseed value.
  12. Translate to Sunflower Seeds:
  13. The commodity entered here will be translated to the AgXML sunflower seeds value.
  14. Translate to Triticale:
  15. The commodity entered here will be translated to the AgXML triticale value.
  16. Use Contract# for Load Number
    1. Default = No
      1. If yes, the Contract# column in the csv document will add a VehicleIdentifier of type LoadOrder to the xml WeighCertificateDetail section. Validation will occur during import to ensure this is a valid Load Number. If so, it will be imported as the Load on the Shipment. If not shipment import will fail for an invalid Load Number.
      2. If no, the LoadOrder VehicleIdentifier will not be populated.
  17. User Contract# for PO Number
    1. Default = Yes
      1. If yes, the Contract# column in the csv document will populate the CustomerPO field in the SoftwarePackageSpecific section of the xml doc so it can be imported to the Shipment Cust PO Number.
      2. If no, the Cust PO Number field to not be populated.
  18. Use Contract# for Ship To
  19. Default = no
  20. If yes, the Contract# column in the csv document will be used as the Ship-To address code (LocationName in the ShipmentInformation.Destination xml section). The Shipment Import Use location ID for Ship-To must be set to yes for this to be used on the imported shipment.
  21. If no, the Ship-To information will come from the default Ship-To of the Customer.
  22. CSV Shipment Import 02

(Customer adapter that will take in the Kennedy scale file and parse each line into an AgXML 4.0 Shipment record.)

    1. Service Line Settings
      1. Message Label Extension
        1. The file extension of the export file
          1. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example: shipment 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
      2. Shipment Port Type, Shipment Port URL and Shipment Port Req Path
        1. These settings need to match shipment import header settings for this service.
        2. Cultura Technologies support will guide you through the process of setting up this service. Please DO NOT change this setting prior to contacting support,

Processing Note:

  • File Layout is as follows:
    • Ticket # = Shipment Ticket Number
    • Date = Shipment Date
    • Commodity = Item
    • TONS is the Unit of Measure
    • Truck # = Vehicle ID
    • Load # = Load Number
    • Description = User Defined 1
    • Account Name = Driver
  • Customer number will be pulled from the load. If a matching load is not found in the system for one of the load numbers in the file, an error will be thrown in doc monitoring for that particular line.
  • Each file will typically contain multiple tickets. One line per ticket.

  1. CSV Ticket Import 01

(Custom adapter which will import a CSV file and create a new AgXML 4.0 Product Movement xml document, place it in the designated path for the AgXML 4.0 Ticket Import processor to import it.)

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. No filters apply
  3. Service Line Settings
  4. Message Label Extension
  5. The file extension of the import file.
  6. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example shipment 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
  7. Ticket Port Type, Ticket Port URL and Ticket Req Path
  8. These settings need to match AgXML 4.0 Ticket Import header settings for this service.
  9. Cultura Technologies support will guide you through the process of setting up this service. Please DO NOT change these setting prior to contacting support.

Processing Note:

  • The Adapter will assume that it will be creating an inbound ticket. As such, the Seller will be the customer (from the file) and the Buyer will be the company themselves.
  • The grades and grade values in the CSV File will be hard coded to Quality Factor Codes in the XML.
  • Splits are not supported.
  • The Farm name in the CSV file must match a Farm ID for that Vendor Farm ID exactly, if an exact match is not found a warning will display in Document Monitor. AgXML 4.0 Ticket Import, Use FarmID instead of FarmCode should be set to Yes for this validation to occur.
  • The Field name in the CSV file must match a field name for that Vendor Farm exactly, if an exact match is not found a warning will display in Document Monitor.
  • The Ticket Comment will be appended with the Comment, Comment 2 & Comment 3 from the csv file.
  • Since there is no address information in the CSV file, address matching cannot occur therefore the Default Branch setting in the AgXML 4.0 Ticket Import must be defined.
  • AgXML 4.0 Ticket Import, Address Match Destination setting must be set to No since there is no address information in the CSV file.
  • AgXML 4.0 Ticket Import, Get ticket # from buyer doc# if set to Yes the Ticket Number will come from the XML file. If set to No the next sequential Ticket number will be used on the imported ticket.

  1. CSV Ticket Import 02

(Custom adapter which will import a CSV file and create a new AgXML 4.0 Product Movement xml document, place them in the designated path for the AgXML 4.0 Ticket Import processor to import it.)

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. No filters apply
  3. Service Line Settings
  4. Message Label Extension
  5. The file extension of the import file.
  6. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example shipment 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
  7. Ticket Port Type, Ticket Port URL and Ticket Req Path
  8. These settings need to match AgXML 4.0 Ticket Import header settings for this service.
  9. Cultura Technologies support will guide you through the process of setting up this service. Please DO NOT change these setting prior to contacting support.

Processing Note:

  • The grades and grade values in the CSV File are user defined and supports up to 16 values.

  1. CSV Trade Import 01

(Custom adapter used to take in the Murex file and parse each line into an FIXML 5.0 Trade Import record.)

    1. Service Line Settings
      1. Message Label Extension
        1. The file extension of the export file.
          1. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example: trade 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
      2. Trade Port Type, Trade Port URL and Trade Req Path
        1. These settings need to match the trade import header settings for this service.
        2. Cultura Technologies support will guide you through the process of setting up this service. Please DO NOT change these setting prior to contacting support.

Processing Note:

  • File Layout/mapping is as follows:
    • Offer Number is next available number
    • Trader ID – from trade import service
    • Branch - from trade import service
    • Date = Offer Date and Fill Date
    • Account = Hedge Account (translated)
    • F or O = Type (Futures/Options)
    • Trade Type = User Defined 2
    • Trade Description = User Defined 1
    • 1 or 2 = Action (1 = Buy, 2 = Sell)
    • Buy Quantity = # contracts
    • Sell Quantity = # contracts
    • Alpha Month = Board Month
    • Year = Board Year
    • R&N Commodity Code = Commodity (translated)
    • Commodity Description = Board of Trade (translated)
    • Month = Board Month
    • Strike = Strike Price
    • Trade Price Decimal = Price/Premium
    • Contract Size, always Full
    • Market Zone – defaults from Branch
    • Hedge Factor, always 1
    • Hedge Month, same as Board Month
    • Hedge Year, same as Board Year
  • Since the file does not contain a ticker symbol, the adapter will query the ticker based on board of trade id, month code, board year, and commodity.
    • On the Trade import, if no match is found or if multiple matches are found, the ticker will fail within Doc Monitor.

  1. CSV Trade Import 02

(Custom adapter used to take an RJ O'Brien "Daily Transactions" csv file and parse each line into an FIXML 5.0 Trade Import record.)

    1. Service Line Settings
      1. Cont_code +Acc_num = Item
        1. Yes, when selected the values from Column AD, Contract_code and Column E, Account_number will be combined to be the Item ID.
        2. No, when selected the values from the Column AD, Contract_code = Item ID.
      2. Message Label Extension
        1. The file extension of the export file.
          1. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example: trade 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
      3. Trade Port Type, Trade Port URL and Trade Req Path
        1. These settings need to match the trade import header settings for this service.
        2. Cultura Technologies support will guide you through the process of setting up this service. Please DO NOT change these setting prior to contacting support.

Processing Note:

  • File Layout/mapping is as follows:
    • Column A, Record_Code = Action (All but T will be ignored)
    • Column E, Account_number = Hedge Account (translated)
    • Column J, Buy_sell_Code = Action (1= Buy, 2 = Sell)
    • Column K, Quantity = # of contracts
    • Column M, Formatted_trade_price = Price/premium
    • Column N, Trade _date= Offer Date & Fill Date
    • Column P, Contract _month = Board Year & Month
    • Column R, Security_type_code = Type (F= Futures, if SubType = P or C then Options)
    • Column S, Security_subtype_code = Put/Call (P = Put, C = Call)
    • Column T, Option_strike_price = Strike Price
    • Column AB, Exchange_code = Board (translated)
    • Column AD, Contract_code = Item ID (translated)
  • Hedge Month will be the same as Board Month.
  • Size is always full.
  • Offer Number is next available number.
  • Commissions Columns AR – AB will be ignored.
  • If any row that has a zero quantity will be excluded and NOT imported.
  • If any row that does not have a Record_code of "T" will be excluded and NOT imported.
  • If all rows within the file do not have a Record_code of "T" that file will be sent to the error folder.

  1. EDI Sales Order Import 01

(Custom adapter used to convert Alligicom EDI purchase order files (850 (create) and 860 (change) file types) to an XML order document and place them in the designated path for use by CIDX Sales Order Import service.)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. No filters apply
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Message Label Extension
        1. The file extension of the export file.
          1. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example order 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
      2. Sales Order Port Type, Sales Order Port URL and Sales Order Req Path
        1. These settings need to match CIDX Sales Order Import 01 header settings for this service.
        2. Cultura Technologies support will guide you through the process of setting up this service. Please DO NOT change these setting prior to contacting support.

  1. Excel Load Import 01

(Custom adapter used to convert an Excel spreadsheet into a CIDX document for use by the CIDX load import service and places them in the designated path.)

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. No filters apply
  3. Service Line Settings
  4. Load Port Type, Load Port URL and Load Port Req Path
  5. These settings need to match load import header settings for this service.
  6. Cultura Technologies support will guide you through the process of setting up this service. Please DO NOT change these setting prior to contacting support.
  7. Message Label Extension
  8. The file extension of the export file.
  9. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example: shipment 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
  10. Partner Code
  11. The value entered here is used as the customer ID on the load order. Default = DDGCUST

  1. Excel Load Import 02

(Custom adapter used to convert an Excel spreadsheet into a CIDX document for use by the CIDX load import service and places them in the designated path.)

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. No filters apply
  3. Service Line Settings
  4. Load Port Type, Load Port URL and Load Req Path
  5. These settings need to match load import header settings for this service.
  6. Cultura Technologies support will guide you through the process of setting up this service. Please DO NOT change these setting prior to contacting support.
  7. Message Label Extension
  8. The file extension of the export file.
  9. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example ticket 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
  10. Partner Code
  11. The value entered here is used as the customer ID on the load order. Default = ETHCUST

  1. Excel Load Import 03

(Custom adapter used to convert an Excel spreadsheet into a CIDX document for use by the CIDX load import service and places them in the designated path.)

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. No filters apply
  3. Service Line Settings
  4. Load Port Type, Load Port URL and Load Port Req Path.
  5. These settings need to match load import header settings for this service.
  6. Cultura Technologies support will guide you through the process of setting up this service. Please DO NOT change these setting prior to contacting support.
  7. Message Label Extension
  8. The file extension of the export file.
  9. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example load 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
  10. Partner Code
    1. The value entered here is used as the customer ID on the load order. Default = WDGCUST

  1. Excel Load Import 04

(Custom adapter used to take in the Murex Excel file and parse each line into an AgXML 4.0 Load record.)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. No filters apply
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Excel Worksheet Name
        1. This is the name of the specific worksheet in the Excel spreadsheet where the import information can be found.
      2. Load Port Type, Load Port URL and Load Port Req Path
        1. These settings need to match load import header settings for this service.
        2. Cultura Technologies support will guide you through the process of setting up this service. Please DO NOT change these setting prior to contacting support.
      3. Message Label Extension
        1. The file extension of the export file.
          1. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example: load 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).

Processing Note:

  • File Layout is as follows:
    • Column B, bol_ref = Load Number and Cust Ref 1
    • Column E, schedule_date = Scheduled Date
    • Column F, order_qty = Quantity
    • Column H, item = Item
    • Column J, uom_code = Unit of Measure
    • Column L, ship_mode = Ship Method
    • Column P, consignee = Cust Ref Ship to Name
    • Column Q, business_unit = Customer
    • Column W, agreement_id = Cust Ref 2
    • Column AM, consignee_addr_city = Cust Ref City
    • Column AN, consignee_addr_St = Cust Ref State
  • Customer, since the file will be consumed by the ethanol plant, the customer will be the marketer. Inside the file, there is a column called "business_unit". The Adapter will place the "business_unit" in the "Buyer" section of the XML document.
  • Customer Ref Details, the file contains Customer Reference Details (consignee, agreement number, consignee addr city", and consignee addr st. The adapter will place that information within the User section of the XML Document so that it populates the Customer Ref Details.
  • Since the file does not contain a Sales Contract, the adapter will leave the Contract ID node empty in the XML. Per standard CinchX Load Order import functionality, the system will leave the Sales Contract blank or, based on setup of the service, default a sales contract and sales contract delivery period. User will be expected to call up the Load Order within Cinch and add (or verify) the sales contract if a sales contract is needed on the load order.
  • AgXML 4.0 Load Import created from Excel Load Import 04 must have the following service settings set as follows:
    • Direct Ship Scenario A = Yes
    • Use Agent as Customer = No
    • Use location id for Ship-To = No
    • Fail on Ship-To address Match = No
    • Use Partner Doc# = Yes

  1. Excel Load Import 05

(Custom adapter used to take in the Excel file and parse each line into an AgXML 4.0 Load record for each line in the spreadsheet.)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. No filters apply
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Excel Worksheet Name
        1. This is the name of the specific worksheet in the Excel spreadsheet where the import information can be found.
      2. Load Port Type, Load Port URL and Load Port Req Path
        1. These settings need to match the AgXML 4.0 Load Import header settings for this service.
      3. Message Label Extension
        1. The file extension of the export file.
          1. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE.

Processing Note:

  • File Layout is as follows:
    • Column A = Status
      • XML field = /LoadOrderDocument/ActionType
    • Column B = Schedule Date
      • Cinch field = Scheduled Date
      • XML field = /ScheduledPickup/Date
    • Column C = Schedule Time
      • Cinch field = Scheduled Time
      • XML field = /ScheduledPickup/Time
    • Column D = Material
      • Cinch field = Item ID
      • XML field = /CommodityInformation/CommodityNameCode
    • Column E = Prefix
      • Concatenate with Load No. and use as load order number
    • Column F = Load No.
      • Cinch field = Load Number
      • XML field = ShipmentInformation.VehicleIdentification.VehicleIdentifier
    • Column G = Contract No.
      • Cinch field = Contract Number
      • XML field = Buyer.ContractIdentifier
    • Column H = Delivery Line
      • Cinch field = Delivery Row
      • XML field =/UserArea/IRDeliveryRowSequence
    • Column I = Inco Terms, this will be ignored
    • Column J = Mill
      • Cinch field = Site
      • XML field = /ShipmentInformation/Origin/LocationInformation
    • Column K – Mill Name, this will be ignored
    • Column L = Sold To
      • Cinch field = Customer
      • XML field = /Buyer.EntityInformation.EntityIdentifier
    • Column M – Sold To Name, this will be ignored
    • Column N = Ship To
      • Cinch field = Customer Address ID
      • XML field = /ShipmentInformation/Destination/LocationInformation
    • Column O = City
      • Cinch field = will be ignored
      • XML field = /ShipmentInformation/Destination/LocationInformation/Address/City
    • Column P = PO/Arrival No.
      • Cinch field = PO Number
      • XML field = BuyerPurchaseOrderIdentifier
    • Column Q = Carrier
      • Cinch field = Ship Method
      • XML field = ShipmentInformation.Shipper.EntityInformation.EntityIdentifier
    • Column R = Notes
      • Cinch field = Note
      • XML field = /remark
    • Column S = Batch
      • Cinch field = Batch ID
      • XML field = /User Area/IRBatchNumber
  • Status
    • The adapter will only be looking for the status Void in the Excel file. When Void, the system will write the /ActionType as Delete. All other loads will write the /ActionType as Add. If the load being imported already exists it will be updated.
  • Load Number, the system will use the following rules to determine the load number.
    • If Load No (column F) is blank, the system will look to the Prefix (column E), then go to Cinch to determine the next load number in sequence for that prefix and use that load number.
    • If Load No (column F) contains a value, the system will concatenate the Prefix (column E) with Load No. (column F) and use as load order number.
    • If Load No (column F) and Prefix (column E) are both blank, the system will not import that line.
  • Contract Delivery Period
    • Since a Sales Contract can contain multiple lines with the same Delivery Period ID, the system will still need to determine which sales contract line to use. So, Delivery Line (column H) will be used to identify the sales contract delivery period line/row to apply the load to.
  • Delivery Line
    • Delivery lines/rows within GP sequence is in increments of 1000. Line one is 1000, line two is 2000 and etc.
  • Mill, a valid dynamics GP Inventory Site. The Adapter will populate the Seller Information for the AgXML Load Order by looking to the default Branch (Location Code COMP, Branch ID) for the designated Site.
  • Batch, the spreadsheet contains Batch (column T), the adapter will place that field in the XML in the User Area. The import will use that Batch ID for the Sales Order Batch. If it does not exist, the system will create it. If it does exist, system will add the new load order to that batch.
  • The following settings must be set in AgXML 4.0 Load Import to accommodate the lack of data in the Excel spreadsheet:
    • Use Agent as Customer No
    • Use location id for Ship-To No

  1. Excel Purch Ctr Import 01

(Custom adapter used to take in an Excel spreadsheet and convert each line to an AgXML 4.0 Contract document and places them in the designated path.)

    1. Service Line Settings
      1. Excel Worksheet Name
        1. This is the name of the specific worksheet in the Excel spreadsheet where the import information can be found.
      2. Message Label Extension
        1. The file extension of the create file.
          1. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example: 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
      3. Purch Contract Port Type, Purch Contract Port URL and Purch Contract Req Path
        1. These settings need to match AgXML 4.0 Purchase Contract Import header settings for this service.
        2. Cultura Technologies support will guide you through the process of setting up this service. Please DO NOT change these setting prior to contacting support.

Processing Note:

  • The disposition id of "Contract" will get written to the header user area of the contract xml. AgXML 4.0 Purch Contract Import can then use translation for import into the end user's system.
  • An attempt will be made to find the weight UofM from item extensions for the item listed in the contract. If no match is found for the item, "BU" will be sent, and that will be translated during purchase contract import, along with the item.
  • Ticker is not include within the Excel file, if the Item Extension Require Ticker to Post checkbox is marked the user will be required to set this prior to posting the contract.
  • The AgXML 4.0 Purch Contract Import, Use Partner Doc# will need to be set to No since there is not document number in the Excel file.
  • The AgXML 4.0 Purch Contract Import, Consume Pricing Info should be set to Yes for the import to create a basic price record for the price included in the Excel file.

  1. Excel Shipment Import 01

(Custom adapter used to convert an Excel spreadsheet into an AgXML document for use by the AgXML Shipment Import or AgXML 4.0 Shipment Import service and places them in the designated path.)

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. No filters apply
  3. Service Line Settings
  4. AgXML Version specifies the version of the AgXML Commodity Movement doc to create.
    1. AgXML 2.0
    2. AgXML 4.0
  5. Message Label Extension
  6. The file extension of the export file.
  7. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example: shipment 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
  8. Shipment Port Type, Shipment Port URL and Shipment Port Req Path.
  9. These settings need to match the AgXML Shipment Import or AgXML 4.0 Shipment Import header settings for the appropriate AgXML version.
  10. Cultura Technologies support will guide you through the process of setting up this service. Please DO NOT change these setting prior to contacting support.

Processing Note:

  • The file name is part of the record identifier. If trying to update an existing record the filename, shipment, ticket and/or meter will all need to be the same as the original record.
  • The following AgXML Shipment Import settings will be set to work in conjunction with the Excel Shipment Import 01.
    • Commodity to use as custom item; this needs to be set to Triticale.
      • This will allow items to be imported that are not in the Commodity Group enumerated list.  Allowing an unlimited number of commodity codes/item numbers to be used.
      • This setting allows the processor to detect that we are dealing with a custom item. By setting it to Triticale, when it finds Triticale in CommodityGroup it will know to look in the StandardTransportationCommodityCode and use that value as the Item Number.
      • The actual item from the spreadsheet will be placed in the StandardTransportationCommodity Code tag in the shipment XML file.
  • The following AgXML Shipment Import or AgXML 4.0 Shipment Import settings will be set to work in conjunction with the Excel Shipment Import 01.
    • Get shipment# from the buyer doc#; this needs to be set to No
    • Get shipment# from the seller doc#
      • No, system will generate the shipment number during import.
      • Yes, the seller document number will be used for the shipment number. From the excel file there are three potential seller document numbers. If a shipment is present it will be used, if not and a ticket number is present it will be used, if not then the meter No. will be used.

  1. Excel Shipment Import 02

(Custom adapter which will import an Excel document and create a new AgXML 4.0 Commodity Movement xml document, place it in the designated path for the AgXML 4.0 Direct Ship A processor to be picked up for additional processing. Excel Shipment Import 2 does NOT support Grain Tickets and Grain Shipments.
If any of the records in the Excel doc are not able to be processed due to invalid data, the entire spreadsheet will be rejected and moved to the Error folder and an error will be written to the log file)

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. Vendor
  3. LOCNCODE will be used in conjunction with Use partner site on fail setting to determine the site used on the imported transactions if the terminal site in not found or is invalid.
  4. IRBranchID is required; it determines the Branch transactions will be imported to.
  5. Service Line Settings
  6. Excel Worksheet Name
    1. This is the name of the specific worksheet in the Excel spreadsheet where the shipment information can be found.
  7. Message Label Extension
    1. The file extension of the export file.
      1. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example order 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
  8. Shipment Port Type, Shipment Port URL and Shipment Req Path
    1. These settings need to match AgXML 4.0 Direct Ship A header settings for this service.
    2. Cultura Technologies support will guide you through the process of setting up this service. Please DO NOT change these setting prior to contacting support.
  9. Use customer ship to on fail
    1. During import, data in the Customer Ship To column of the spreadsheet will be used to find a valid ship to address code for the customer within Cinch to populate the address in xml.
      1. No, if none is found or is invalid an error will be thrown.
      2. Yes, if none is found the Primary Ship To address code from the customer will be used to populate the ship to address.
  10. Use partner site on fail
    1. During import, data in the terminal column of the spreadsheet will be used/translated to find a valid Site in Cinch.
      1. No, if none is found or is invalid an error will be thrown.
      2. Yes, if none are found the LOCNCODE value from the Exchange Partner for this service will be used. If that is empty or invalid an error will be thrown.

Processing Notes:

  • Adapter does not support Grain Tickets and Shipments.
  • System will "Roll up" like rows in the spreadsheet into a single Ticket/Shipment. All of the following must match in order for the system to roll it together.
    • MM# (Bill of Lading)
    • Terminal (Site)
    • Item
    • Ship To #
    • Price
    • Spot Price (cost)
  • Quantity Unit of Measure is hard coded to gallons "GAL".
  • Customer will be cross referenced to a Dynamics GP Customer during Import.
  • MM# represents the Bill of Lading number.
  • Terminal is used to determine the Site within Cinch to use on the imported transactions. The adapter will parse the field using only the characters following the "- " field. i.e. CNX(15). This will then be translated to a Site ID during ticket and shipment import.
  • Shipper will be cross referenced to a Ship Method during Import.
  • Lift Date will be parsed using the Date as the transaction date. The time will be place in User Defined 2 for reference.
  • Product will be cross referenced to a Dynamics GP Item during Import.
  • Price field from the Excel document will be placed in the IRNetPrice field for the outbound shipment. This will then flow to Bulk Shipment Invoicing populate the Gross and Net Price fields used calculated the Extended Amt when the shipment is posted.
  • Spot Price (cost) in the Excel document will generate the price on the Receivings Transaction that gets created when the ticket is posted
  • The purchase contract number will be written to UserDef1 on the ticket for reference.
  • Ship To #, is the Customer Ship To Address ID that will be placed on the Shipment and used to calculate Sales Tax for the shipment.
  • AgXML 4.0 Direct Ship A:
    • Service Line Settings
      • Validate customer ship-to must be set to No. This will allow the Site address to be set properly for both the ticket and shipment transactions.
  • AgXML 4.0 Shipment Import:
    • Service Line Settings:
      • Get shipment# from seller doc# - This setting must be set to No since we don't have unique record numbers in the Excel doc.
      • Get shipment# from buyer doc# - This setting must be set to No since we don't have unique record numbers in the Excel doc.
      • Put Partner Doc# In – This setting should be set to empty.
      • Outbound Window – This setting must be set to Bulk since Grain transactions are not supported.
      • Use location id for Ship-To – This setting should be set to Yes to ensure the Ship To # from the Excel file is placed on the shipment. If an invalid Ship To # is sent the shipment import will fail.
    • Processing Notes:
      • Taxes will be calculated using Dynamics GP Tax engine when invoice is created.
      • Taxes that are calculated per unit, on quantities other than the invoiced quantity (Colorado for example) will need to be handled manually.
  • AgXML 4.0 Ticket Import:
    • Service Line Settings:
      • Get ticket# from seller doc# - This setting must be set to No since we don't have unique record numbers in the Excel doc.
      • Get ticket# from buyer doc# - This setting must be set to No since we don't have unique record numbers in the Excel doc.
      • Put Partner Doc# In – This setting should be set to empty.
      • Auto Create Spot Contracts – This setting must be set to No.
        • The application type on the ticket will be hard coded to Spot Immediate within the Ticket Imp file. The application type will need to be translated to using the normal CinchX translation engine.
      • Address match destination This needs to be set to No.
      • Inbound Window – This setting must be set to Bulk since Grain transactions are not supported.
    • Processing Notes:
      • Creating freight matching records during the Creation of Tickets is Out of Scope for this project. For now, no freight records will be created as part of the XML import. Users will edit the necessary shipment to add freight and freight invoicing information.
      • The Item Extensions, Non Grain Settlement, will determine the transaction that are created when the ticket is posted.
        • When checkbox is marked the following will occur:
          • A purchase receipt transaction is created. These transactions will subsequently be "matched" to the vendor invoice, and a voucher created in Dynamics GP.
          • The Inbound Scale Ticket status will be "Settled". The regular Cinch Bulk purchase settlement process will NOT be used.
          • An applied Assembly is NOT required for the ticket batch to be posted.
          • If the Ticket is marked as Direct Ship, Inventory will not be increased because the Non Inventory flag on the POP Receipt line will be marked.
            • When the Payable Posts GL Entry will be:
              • Debit Accrued Payable
              • Debit Accrued Purchase Tax
              • Credit Terms Discounts Available
              • Credit Accounts Payable
          • If the Ticket is not a Direct Ship, the Non Inventory flag on POP Receipt line will not be marked so when the POP Receipt is posted the Inventory will be updated.
            • When Inventory Posts the GL Entry will be:
              • Debit Inventory – Fuel
              • Credit Accrued Payable
        • When checkbox is NOT marked the regular Cinch Bulk purchase settlement process will be used.
      • Purchase Receipt created from Ticket Posting will have the following:
        • Document type will be hard coded to Shipment.
        • Receipt Number is the Bill of Lading set on the Inbound Ticket concatenated with a "-01", "-02", etc. depending on the number of receipts being created for the specific Bill of Lading.
        • Vendor Doc Number – This is the Bill of Lading.
        • Batch ID – This built with "Fuel" + ticket date in the format "yyyymmdd".
        • Qty Shipped – Net Qty on the Inbound Ticket.
        • Unit Cost – The Ticket Price on the Inbound Ticket.
      • Taxes will be calculated per existing Dynamics GP Purchasing invoice matching functionality.
        • Taxes that are calculated per unit, on quantities other than the invoiced quantity will need to be handled manually.

  1. Excel Ticket Import 01

(Custom adapter used to convert an Excel spreadsheet into an AgXML Commodity Movement document. The created document can be used by AgXML Direct Ship B, AgXML Ticket Import, AgXML 4.0 Direct Ship B, AgXML 4.0 Ticket Import or AgXML 4.0 In Transit-In Import based on the selected AgXML Version and the defined Ticket Req Path.)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. No filters apply
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. AgXML Version specifies the version of the AgXML Commodity Movement doc to create.
        1. AgXML 2.0
        2. AgXML 4.0
      2. Excel Worksheet Name
        1. This is the name of the specific worksheet in the Excel spreadsheet where the ticket information can be found.
      3. Message Label Extension
        1. The file extension of the export file.
          1. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example shipment 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
      4. Send On Track number
        1. Yes, when selected the IROnTrack in the UserArea of the created XML will be populated.
          1. The On Track will be determined based on the order of the ticket in the excel document.
          2. AgXML 4.0 Ticket Import 4.0 and AgXML 4.0 In Transit-in Import looks for this data and will import it if the value exists.
        2. No when selected the IROnTrack will not be populated in the created XML.
      5. Ticket Port Type, Ticket Port URL, and Ticket Req Path
        1. These settings need to match either the AgXML Ticket import or AgXML Direct Ship B header settings for appropriate AgXML version.

Processing Note:

  • Each Excel file may contain one or many rows. The header will be in row 1, after that each row will create one Inbound Ticket (Commodity Movement) XML document.
  • The Adapter when the file is imported using AgXML 4.0 Ticket Import will assume that an inbound ticket will be created. As Such, the Seller will be the customer (from the spreadsheet) and the Buyer will be the site (from the spreadsheet).
  • Owner Information: Only one of the following will be used to determine the vendor on the ticket.
    • Account of:
      • If the field Account of is populated in the file the CommodityMovementBuyer>DirectShipInstruction will be populated in the XML and the ticket will be created for the Account of Partner ID from the Excel file.
      • If the file will be sent to Direct Ship B you must have account of populated in the excel file or it will fail in Direct Ship B due to missing Direct Ship Info.
      • If the file will be sent to Ticket Import account of should not be populated
    • Owners:
      • If the file will be sent to Direct Ship B, only one seller is allowed. When the Account of is populated you can only have one owner record. If multiple owner records populated the transaction will fail within Doc Monitoring.
      • If owner record(s) are entered in the excel file you must have a disposition or it will fail in the Excel Ticket Import.
    • Split ID:
      • The Split ID will be ignored if there is a disposition in the spreadsheet. The disposition ID creates an application Instruction in the XML and this overrules the Split ID. The ticket is imported for the account of customer 100% for the disposition specified.
      • If there is not a disposition in the spreadsheet the imported ticket will be created with the Split ID and split as expected.
  • Non Owner information:
    • Spot Pricing, the Spreadsheet and thus adapter allows only one Spot Contract pricing, the rule "One Spots, they all spot" will apply.
      • If there is no disposition specified in the excel file pricing will not be placed in the Excel Ticket Import XML.
      • If the disposition is translated to Spot End of Day pricing will not be included in the Excel Ticket Import XML. Ticket details for all owners will have Spot end of day disposition.
      • If the disposition is translated to Spot Immediate pricing will be included in the Excel Ticket Import XML. The Ticket Import, Auto Create spot contract must be marked yes for ticket details for all owners to be priced.
    • Disposition, the spreadsheet and this adapter will support only one disposition intention per ticket.
      • If the file will be sent to Ticket Import, and the excel file has multiple owner records and a disposition, an application record will be created for all owner records using the same disposition.
    • Grades, the spreadsheet will support up to 10 Grades and grade values.
    • The Ship From within the Excel file is not currently used by the adapter.
    • When Excel Ticket Import 01 service tag, AgXML Version is set to 2.0 it will translate the Commodity Group to Triticale. On the AgXML Shipment Import you must set the Commodity to use as custom item to "Triticale". It will then translate on the StandardTransportationCommodityCode tag will be translated as the Commodity Group standard value.
    • When Excel Ticket Import 01 service tag, AgXML Version is to 2.0 it will translate the Commodity Group to Triticale. On the AgXML Ticket Import you must set the Commodity to use as custom item to "Triticale". It will then translate on the StandardTransportationCommodityCode tag will be translated as the Commodity Group standard value.
    • It is recommended to set the AgXML Ticket Import, Get ticket# from seller doc# to No. Allowing the import to generate the next sequential ticket number automatically.
    • It is recommended to set the Shipment Import, set Fail on Ship-To address match to No. Since the address isn't in the file and can't be determined, so when set to No it will use the Default Branch.
  • Wts to Govern
    • "O", "Orig", "Origination" all represent Origination.
    • "D", "Destin" or "Destination" all represent Destination.
    • If empty will assume destination.
    • File create will Fail if value does not match valid optional values.
    • When value is origination, the Use Origination Weight Checkbox will be marked on the Inbound In Transit ticket.
  • Grades to Govern
    • "O", "Orig", "Origination" all represent Origination.
    • "D", "Destin" or "Destination" all represent Destination.
    • If empty will assume destination.
    • File create will Fail if value does not match valid optional values.
    • When value is origination, the Use Origination Grade Checkbox will be marked on the Inbound In Transit ticket.
  • Contract Number & Delivery Start Date, combination will be used to find an open (i.e. not closed) assembly for the contract delivery period application.
    • If multiple matches, use oldest.
    • If none found, warning will be present in Doc Monitoring, system will clear assembly and leave ticket unapplied.
    • If successfully applied, set Disposition ID to Disposition ID of Assembly.
    • No Overrun rules will be checked. System will automatically overrun the contract if quantity exceeds contract quantity.
  • ETA Date, must be a valid date. This represents the In Transit ticket ETA date.
  • When processing a file to be used with AgXML 4.0 In Transit-In Import:
    • Disposition must be defined if Contract is present.
    • Spot Pricing is ignored, In Transit Ticket is created and left unapplied.
    • Account Of is ignored.
    • Spit ID is ignored, split records are not supported.
    • Owner information, split records are not supported if multiple owners are present record will fail.
    • Weight information is required.
    • The Adapter when the file is imported using AgXML 4.0 In Transit In Import will assume that an inbound in transit ticket will be created. As Such, the Buyer will be the customer (from the spreadsheet) and the site (from the spreadsheet) is used to determine buyer address.

  1. Misc Vendor Import

(Custom process file that creates vendor records for selected vendors.)

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. No filters apply
  3. Service Line Settings
  4. Address Name
  5. Required field. Default = PRIMARY
  6. Note Text
  7. A note is added and attached to each vendor with this entered text.
  8. Maximum 100 characters per note.
  9. Shipper Only Class
  10. If the business account type field in the import is set to "t" that vendor is a transportation vendor only. These vendors are assigned a different class than growers. The value entered in this field will be assigned to those vendors.
  11. Split ID
  12. If entered a split record is created for every vendor with 100% ownership assigned to the vendor ID in the split vendor ID setting. Default = DEFAULT
  13. Vendor Class
  14. If the business account type field in the import is anything other than "t" this vendor is a producer. Represents vendor class from vendor maintenance. Default = PRODUCERS

  1. OneWeigh Customer Address Export - Adapter will to export Cinch customer addresses as they are added or modified, in an OneWeigh NAMA1 file format.
  2. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  3. No filters apply.
  4. Initialize button, when selected will send the list of all customer Addresses that match the Customer Class filter
  5. Service Line Settings
  6. Customer Class Filter
  7. Blank – all customer classes will be sent. Default = Blank
  8. * - all customer classes will be sent.
  9. Enter a comma separated list of customer classes.
  10. Message Label Extension
  11. The file extension of the export file. This extension can be anything but recommended to use fil.
  12. User Defined 1 – Used to map One Weigh's user defined fields to Cinch's user defined/contact fields.
  13. USERDEF1. Default = USERDEF1
  14. USERDEF2
  16. User Defined 2 – Used to map One Weigh's user defined fields to Cinch's user defined/contact fields.
  17. USERDEF1
  18. USERDEF2. Default = USERDEF2
  20. User Defined 3 – Used to map One Weigh's user defined fields to Cinch's user defined/contact fields.
  21. USERDEF1
  22. USERDEF2
  23. CONTACT. Default = CONTACT

Processing Note:

  • The minimum version of Agris OneWeigh is 10.1.0. Version 10.1.0 allows customer name files to have names other than a certain static name. This will allow Cinch/CinchX to pass multiple name files on demand with each file having a separate name.
  • Export File Name, Naming Convention. Address Code value + digit system date (MMDDYYYY) + system time (HHMMSS).
  • There is an understanding that each address code to be exported to OneWeigh needs to be unique in Cinch. Not just per customer, but across all customers.
  • When a user adds and/or changes a Dynamics GP customer address, the customer address record will be exported in the OneWeigh Customer Address Export. Deleted customer records will not be included.
  • In Dynamics GP, customers are flagged Inactive at the customer level not at the Customer Address level.
    • If a customer is marked as inactive, all address records for that customer will be exported with the ACTIVE/INACTIVE/TEMPORARY field in the export file set to "T"
    • If the Inactive checkbox is unmarked, all address records for that customer will be exported with the ACTIVE/INACTIVE/TEMPORARY field in the export file set to "A"

  1. OneWeigh Customer Export - AGRIS has the ability to import a "Name Address" file to create Customers. Cinch Document Exchange has the ability to export customers with the AgXML Customer Export service. The adapter will transform the AgXML Customer Export file into a format that AGRIS can import. In the case where One Weigh Customer tables are already populated and the Dynamics or Customer ID's do not match, user will have option to translate those ID's during export from Dynamics ID to whatever the One Weigh ID might be.
  2. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  3. No filters apply.
  4. Service Line Settings
  5. Customer Class Filter
  6. Blank – all customer classes will be sent. Default = Blank
  7. * - all customer classes will be sent.
  8. Enter a comma separated list of customer classes.
  9. Message Label Extension
  10. The file extension of the export file.
  11. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example customer 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
  12. User Defined 1 – Used to map One Weigh's user defined fields to Cinch's user defined/contact fields.
  13. USERDEF1. Default = USERDEF1
  14. USERDEF2
  16. User Defined 2 – Used to map One Weigh's user defined fields to Cinch's user defined/contact fields.
  17. USERDEF1
  18. USERDEF2. Default = USERDEF2
  20. User Defined 3 – Used to map One Weigh's user defined fields to Cinch's user defined/contact fields.
  21. USERDEF1
  22. USERDEF2
  23. CONTACT. Default = CONTACT

  1. OneWeigh Inv Tkt Import - takes incoming OneWeigh inventory tickets and convert them to AgXML 4.0 Commodity Movement documents.
  2. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  3. No filters apply.
  4. Service Line Settings
  5. Message Label Extension
    1. The file extension of the export file. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE.
  6. Shipment Port Type, Shipment Port URL and Shipment Port Req Path
    1. These settings need to match shipment import header settings for this service.

Processing Note:

  • The adapter will read the OneWeigh and create a new xml file for each ticket it finds in the file that matches the criteria.
  • A record type of "INVT0" must exist in the AGRIS ASCII File in order to make a ticket. If the record does not contain that type, system will ignore that record. A record type of "INVT0" indicates an Inventory Management Delivery Ticket record.
  • After the adapter has finished parsing, translating, and converting the file(s), it will place the newly created xml files in a folder where the AgXML 4.0 Shipment Import process can import them.
  • AGRIS supports the ability to import multiple items on the same scale ticket. This is accomplished using a scale ticket and line number. However, CINCH does not support this functionality. Therefore, all AGRIS scale tickets with more than one line number will create an error in CINCHX Document Monitoring and will NOT be imported.
  • File Translation for record type of "INVT0":
    • Record Type (Position 1-5) = INVT0
    • Ticket Status (Position 6) = Only final tickets will be imported, tickets with a status of anything other than "F" will be discarded.
    • Ticket Location (Position 7-9) = Site ID
    • Ticket Number (Position 10-15) = Ticket Number
    • Shipment Date (Position 18-23) = Ticket Date
    • Inventory Location Code (Position 37-39) = Branch
    • Inventory Item Number (Position 40-54) = Item
    • Order Number (Position 93-98) = Load Number, must exist in Cinch or it will fail in Doc Monitor.
    • Ship To Name ID (Position 186-195) = Customer ID
    • Shipper Name ID (Position 196-205) = Shipping Method
    • Quantity (Position 216-228) = Gross Quantity
    • Gross Weight (Position 255-264) = Gross Weight
    • Tare Weight (Position 265-274) = Tare Weight
  • File Translation for record type of "INVT2":
    • Remark = Comment adapter will concatenate the remark lines and add them to the Shipment comment.

  1. OneWeigh Load to Ticket Export – takes AgXML 4.0 Load Order Export files and translate it into an Agris Scale Ticket ASCII file format as an Estimated Grain Scale ticket.
  2. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  3. No filters apply.
  4. Service Line Settings
  5. Message Label Extension
    1. The file extension of the export file. It is recommended to use FIL.
  6. OneWeigh Import Path
    1. The location CinchX will save the OneWeigh Scale Ticket files it creates.
  7. Use Dest Loc ID as ShipToID
    1. Yes, when selected the Ship To Address ID from the Load Order will be placed in SHIP TO/FROM NAME ID field with the GRNT0 file, position 31-40.
    2. No, when selected the Primary Ship To from the Customer on the Load Order will be placed in SHIP TO/FROM NAME ID field within the GRNT0 file, position 31-40.
  8. Use Dest Loc Name as ShipperID
    1. Yes, when selected the value in ShipmentInformation.Destination.LocationInformation.LocationName of the xml document will be written to the ShipperNameId field of the OneWeigh TicketDelivery record.
    2. No, when selected the value in ShipmentInformation.Shipper.EntityInformation.EntityIdentifier will be written.

Processing Note:

  • File Translation for record type of "GRNT0":
    • Import Record Type (Positon 1-6) = GRNT0
    • Inbound/Outbound (Positon 7) = O, Load Orders are outbound
    • Ticket Location (Positon 8-10) = Branch, translated
    • Ticket Number (Positon 11-17) = Ticket Number
    • Ticket Type (Positon 18) = R = Regular
    • Shipment Date (Positon 19-24) = Blank
    • Ship To/From Name ID (Positon 31-40) = Customer ID, translated
    • Commodity (Positon 41-42) = Item, translated
    • Shipper Name ID (Positon 54-63) = Shipping Method/Ship Company
    • Total Net Units = (Positon 103-115) = Ordered Qty
    • Add/Update Option (Positon 233)
      • 1 = Add
      • 2 = Act Wts & Grds Update – Load Order updates will be set to 2
    • Ticket Status (Positon 245) = E, Estimate

  1. OneWeigh Sales Order Export - takes AgXML 4.0 Load Order documents and converts them to Agris OneWeigh Sales Order format.
  2. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  3. No filters apply.
  4. Service Line Settings
  5. Export Contract
    1. Yes, when selected the contract number will be included in the export.
    2. No, when selected the contract number will not be included in the export
  6. Filter by Delivery Period
    1. Yes, when selected only orders where the scheduled date on the load fails within an open delivery period for the contract on the load will be exported.
    2. No, when selected all load orders will be exported regardless of the contract delivery dates.
  7. Message Label Extension
    1. The file extension of the export file. This is required to be FIL.
  8. OneWeigh Import Path.
    1. The location CinchX will save the OneWeigh Sales Order files it creates.
  9. Use Dest Loc ID as ShipToID
    1. Yes, when selected the Ship To Address ID from the Load Order will be placed in SHIP TO/FROM NAME ID field with the Name file, position 190-199.
    2. No, when selected the Primary Ship To from the Customer on the Load Order will be placed in SHIP TO/FROM NAME ID field with the Name file, position 190-199.

Processing Notes:

  • On Hold Load Orders
    • To handle On Hold Orders correctly the AgXML 4.0 Load Order Export, Cinch Consumer should be set to Yes.
    • If a load order is created with an on hold status, it will not be exported.
    • If a load is created and then subsequently marked as "on hold" the system will send an update with an 'ORDER STATUS' set to a numeric value to 1.
  • Only records with 'ORDER STATUS' = "A" are visible and available in OneWeigh.
  • When the delivery period of the load has expired. The load becomes unavailable in OneWeigh.
  • The filenames will be based on the file that's created by Load Export, which is based on the Load number in Cinch.
  • The length of the CINCH Load Order Number will not exceed 6 digits. To support the use of a numeric key pad in AGRIS OneWeigh, the Load Prefix and Load Suffix will not be used when entering loads within Cinch.
  • The length of the Cinch Sales Contract Number will not exceed 7 digits.
  • File Translation for record type of "INVT0":
    • Import Record Type (Positon 1-5) = INVP0
    • Order Type (Positon 6) = S - for Sales Order
    • Order Status (Positon 7)
      • A = Active
      • 1 = On Hold
      • X = Cancelled (deleted)
    • Order Location (Positon 8-10) = Blank will default to current on import
    • Order Number (Positon 11-16) = Load Order Number
    • Order Line Number (Positon 17-18) = 01, Cinch only supports one item per load
    • Oder Date (Positon 19-24) = Load Order Date
    • Shipment Date (Positon 25-30) = Blank
    • Bill To Name ID Number (Positon 31-40) = Customer ID
    • Inventory Location Code (Positon 41-43) = Site ID
      • Translated value for Company ID
    • Inventory Item Number (Positon 44-53) = Item ID
    • Contract Number (Positon 93-99) = Contract ID, Cinch limits to 7 digits
    • Quantity UOM Code (Positon 106-109) = Quantity UOM
    • Price UOM Code (Positon 110-113) = Price UofM
    • Their Order Number (Positon 154-168) = Cust PO No from the Load Order
    • Ship To/From Name ID (Positon 190-199) = Customer ID
    • Shipper Name ID (Positon 200-209) = Shipping Method
    • Order Quantity (Positon 220-232) = Quantity
    • Unit Price (Positon 233-245) = Price
    • Add/Update Option (Positon 274) = 3, the system will either add the record to OneWeigh if it's a new record, or update if the record already exists in OneWeigh.
  • Translations will occur on the following:
    • Partner ID
    • Company ID
      • AgXML 4.0 Load Order Export service setting, Company ID Source
    • Shipper ID
    • UofM
    • Item

  1. OneWeigh Ship Company Export

Exports Cinch Ship Companies in the OneWeigh Name/Address record format.

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. LOCNCODE is optional.
  3. Blank or * will send all sites.
  4. Enter a Site ID filters all documents on an exact Site match. Only one Site ID can be entered per service partner.
  5. IRRegionID is optional.
  6. Blank or * will send all regions.
  7. Enter a Region ID filters all documents on an exact Region match. Only one Region ID can be entered per service partner.
  8. IRBranchID is optional.
  9. Blank or * will send all branches.
  10. Enter a Branch ID filters all documents on an exact Branch match. Only one Branch ID can be entered per service partner.
  11. Service Line Settings
  12. Message Label Extension
    1. The file extension of the export file. It is recommended to use FIL.
  13. Name ID Type
    1. Choose which character to use for the Name/Address record "Name ID Type".
      1. This will default to S, but can be changed to whatever is setup in OneWeigh. Possible OneWeigh values are:
        1. C – Customer
        2. F-Farmer
        3. J- Joint
        4. S-Shipper
  14. Send ID Number
    1. Determine which identification number from the vendor (if any) to send.
      1. Choose EIN for the Electronic Identification Number to be sent, Employer ID# from Vendor Extensions Maintenance.
      2. Choose SSN for the social security number to be sent, Social Security # from Vendor Extensions Maintenance.
      3. Leave set to None to not export an identification number.
  15. User Defined 1 – Used to map One Weigh's user defined fields to Cinch's user defined/contact fields.
  16. USERDEF1. Default = USERDEF1
  17. USERDEF2
  19. User Defined 2 – Used to map One Weigh's user defined fields to Cinch's user defined/contact fields.
  20. USERDEF1
  21. USERDEF2. Default = USERDEF2
  23. User Defined 3 – Used to map One Weigh's user defined fields to Cinch's user defined/contact fields.
  24. USERDEF1
  25. USERDEF2
  26. CONTACT. Default = CONTACT
  27. Vendor Class Filters
  28. If entered this must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP vendor class and each imported vendor will be assigned to this class.
  29. Blank – all customer classes will be sent. Default = Blank
  30. * – all customer classes will be sent.
  31. Enter a single customer class or enter a comma separated list of customer classes.

Processing Notes:

  • The following will trigger a Ship Company Export:
    • Add/Change of the Ship Method Detail Maintenance, the system will look to Cinch Ship method Companion table to see if a Vendor ID exists, if it does, then system will export the Shipper Information.
    • Change of Vendor Primary Address, if the Primary address for a vendor is tied to Ship Method Detail Maintenance, then any change to the address information will be exported.
  • File Translation for record type of "NAMA1":
    • Record Type (Position 1-5) = NAMA1
    • Name ID (Position 6-15) = Cinch Vendor ID (translated)
    • Name (Position 16-65) = Vendor Name
    • Address Line #1 (Position 66-95) = Address 1
    • Address Line #2 (Position 96-125) = Address 2
    • City (Position 126-145) = City
    • State (Position 146-154) = State
    • Zip Code (Position 155-164) = Zip Code
    • Country (Position 165-184) = Country
    • Phone Number (Position 185-204) = Phone 1
    • User Defined #2 (Position 205-229) = Contact, UD1 or UD
    • User Defined #3 (Position 230-254) = Contact, UD1 or UD2
    • User Defined #1 (Position 255-264) = Contact, UD1 or UD2
    • Social Security/Fed ID (Position 265-275) = Soc Sec # or Employer ID number
    • Active/Inactive/Temporary (Position 276-276) = Vendor Status
      • A if Active, I if Inactive
    • Name ID Type (Position 300-300) = "S" (shipper)
      • Setup inside OneWeigh by default C – Customer, F-Farmer, J- Joint, S-Shipper
    • Add/Update Option (Position 347-347) = 3
      • Set to 3. Agris will add the Shipper if it does NOT exist or if it does exist, Agris will update the existing.

  1. OneWeigh Ticket Export - OneWeigh Ticket Export will take AgXML 4.0 Commodity Movement files and translate it into an Agris OneWeigh Ticket ASCII file format.
  2. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  3. No filters apply.
  4. Service Line Settings
  5. Inbound/Outbound.
    1. Direct Ship, when selected will create both an Inbound and an Outbound ticket.
    2. Partner Company, when selected will create an Outbound ticket.
    3. Same Company, when selected will create an Inbound ticket.
  6. Message Label Extension
    1. The file extension of the export file. The extension can be anything but is not required.
  7. OneWeigh Import Path
    1. The location the OneWeigh Scale Ticket files will be saved.
  8. Use Driver as DS-In Ship To ID (only applies to Inbound Tickets set to Direct Ship).
    1. Yes, when selected the value in the Driver field on the Scale Ticket to be exported in the OneWeigh ShipTo/FromNameID field.
    2. No, when selected the value in the Customer field on the Scale Ticket to be exported in the OneWeigh ShipTo/FromNameID field.
  9. Use UserDef1 as Vehicle ID
    1. Yes, when selected the UserDef1 from the scale ticket will be placed in the Vehicle ID position.
    2. No, when selected nothing will populate the Vehicle ID position
  10. Use UserDef2 as Other Reference
    1. Yes, when selected the UserDef2 from the scale ticket will be placed in the Other Reference position.
    2. Yes, when selected the UserDef2 from the scale ticket will be placed in the Other Reference position.

Processing Notes:

  • The record is created from an AgXML 4.0 Ticket Export
  • File Translation for record type of "GRNT0":
    • Import Record Type (Position 1-6) = GRNT0
    • Inbound/Outbound (Position 7) = O (Outbound) or I (Inbound)
    • Ticket Location (Position 8-10) = Branch, translated
    • Ticket Number (Position 11-17) = Ticket Number
    • Ticket Type (Position 18) = R (regular) or D (direct ship)
    • Shipment Date (Position 19-24) = Ticket Date
    • Ship To/From Name ID (Position 31-40) = Customer ID/Vendor ID. Based on Inbound/Outbound system will determine. "Commodity Movement Buyer" and "Commodity Movement Seller", translated.
    • Commodity (Position 41-42) = Item, translated
    • Variety /Class (Position 43-48) = Commodity Grade (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or sample)
    • Storage Facility/Bin (Position 49-52) = Site
    • Shipper Name ID (Position 54-63) = Shipping Method/Ship Company
    • Vehicle ID (Position 64-75) = Vehicle
    • Total Net Units = (Position 103-115) = Net Qty (from scale ticket)
    • Gross Weight (Position 116-125) = Gross Weight
    • Tare Weight (Position 126-143) = Tare Weight
    • Freight Rate (Position 146-155) = Freight Rate
    • Additional Freight $ (Position 156-165) = Freight Misc Amt
    • Gross Date (Position 186-191) = Gross Wt Date
    • Gross Time (Position 192-196) = Gross Wt Time
    • Gross Entry Method (Position 198) = IRManualWeighCB (If IRManualWeightCB = true TARE ENTRY METHOD = K (keyboard)
    • Tare Date (Position 199-204) = Tare Weight Date
    • Tare Time (Position 205-209) = Tare Weight Time
    • Tare Entry Method (Position 211) = = IRManualWeighCB (If IRManualWeightCB = true TARE ENTRY METHOD = K (keyboard)
    • Driver On (Position 212) = DriverOn CB (If DriverOn CB= True then set to "Y")
    • Add/Update Option (Position 233)
      • 1 = Add
      • 2 = Act Wts & Grds Update
      • 3 = Add/Update Tickets on Hold
    • Ticket Status (Position 245) = F (Final Tickets)
  • File Translation for record type of "GRNT0G":
    • Import Record Type (Position 1-6) = GRNT0G
    • Grade Factor (Position 13-220) = (next 13 characters repeats 16 times for each grade factor.
      • Grade Factor (length 10) = Grade factor value
      • Discount Code (length 2) = Grade Factor
      • Reserved (length 1) = Ignored
  • File Translation for record type of "GRNT1":
    • Import Record Type (Position 1-6) = GRNT1
    • Application Type (Position 7-8) = (aa, tr, os, db, gb, xx, xy, AA-ZZ) Oneweigh translation will be used to convert the AgXML
    • Expected Apply Type (Position 10-11) = A Default type of translation will be done on the AgXML ApplicationType, based on Disposition Type. Purchase= C (Cash), Storage=S (Store)
    • Application Name ID (Position 12-24) = Vendor ID
    • Gross Units (Position 39-51) = Gross Qty
  • File Translation for record type of "GRNT2":
    • Import Record Type (Position 1-6) = GRNT2
    • Ticket Remark (Position 9-58) = Comment
  • File Name created is the CinchX Document number prefix.
  • Translations will occur on the following:
    • PartnerID
    • ApplicationType
    • PartnerID
    • LocationCode
    • QualityFactor

  1. OneWeigh Ticket Import - OneWeigh Ticket Import will process the One Weigh Ticket export file and create an AgXML Commodity Movement document.
  2. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  3. No filters apply.
  4. Service Line Settings
  5. AgXML Version specifies the version of the AgXML Commodity Movement doc to create.
    1. AgXML 2.0
    2. AgXML 4.0
  6. Allowed Ticket Types
  7. Both - Inbound and outbound tickets will be processed. Default = Both
  8. Inbound – Only inbound ticket records will be processed.
  9. Outbound – Only outbound ticket records will be processed.
  10. Fail on Missing load
    1. Yes, when selected and no Load Number is found in the OneWeigh TicketRemarks with a RemarkNumber of "07", the processor will fail with the following error: "No load number was found in the ticket remarks."
    2. No, when selected will not fail if the Load Number in the OneWeigh TicketRemarks.
  11. Importing From
  12. Company - Creates both inbound and outbound tickets. Default = Company
  13. Direct – Creates both inbound and outbound tickets.
  14. Partner - Inbound records will create inbound tickets. Outbound records will create outbound tickets.
  15. Item ID Source – the Domain the item number translations will to use when performing the translation. This setting allows multiple pipes to convert and export the same item number different ways.
    1. This defaults to ONEWEIGH but is editable.
  16. Map Inbound Other Reference to, defines where the OneWeigh Other Reference data will be written to:
    1. User Defined 1, User Defined 2 or Bill of Lading.
    2. Need to be sure the Ticket Import service setting, Put Partner Doc# is not using the same setting, if so the Ticket Import will rule.
  17. Message Label Extension
  18. The file extension of the export file.
  19. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example ticket 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
  20. Shipment Port Type, Shipment Port URL and Shipment Req Path
  21. These settings need to match shipment import header settings for this service.
  22. Cultura Technologies support will guide you through the process of setting up this service. Please DO NOT change these setting prior to contacting support.
  23. Ticket Port Type, Ticket Port URL and Ticket Req Path
  24. These settings need to match ticket import header settings for this service.
  25. Cultura Technologies support will guide you through the process of setting up this service. Please DO NOT change these setting prior to contacting support.
  26. Ticket Port Type, Ticket Port URL and Ticket Req Path

Processing Notes:

  • The adapter will take the Sample Number value from the OneWeigh ticket ASCII file and add that value to the CommodityMovement.CommodityMovementQualityInformation.CommodityMovementActualQualityInformation.QualityCertificate.QualityCertificateHeader.SampleInformation.SampleIdentifier section of the xml.
  • The adapter will take the WeightCertificateHeader.IssueDateTime from the OneWeigh ticket and:
    • For inbound tickets, this will be used to set the Tare Time value.
    • For outbound tickets, this will be used to set the Gross Time value.

  1. OneWeigh Vendor Export - AGRIS has the ability import a "Name Address" file to create Vendors. Cinch Document Exchange has the ability to export vendors with the AgXML Vendor Export service. The adapter will transform the AgXML Vendor Export file into a format that AGRIS can import. In the case where One Weigh Vendor tables are already populated and the Dynamics or Vendor ID's do not match, user will have option to translate those ID's during export from Dynamics ID to whatever the One Weigh ID might be.
  2. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  3. No filters apply.
  4. Service Line Settings
  5. Message Label Extension
  6. The file extension of the export file.
  7. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example vendor 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
  8. Send ID Number
  9. None – prevents the sending of Social Security Numbers or Federal ID numbers. Default = None
  10. EIN – allows the sending Federal ID numbers.
  11. SSN – allows the sending of Social Security Numbers.
  12. User Defined 1 – Used to map One Weigh's user defined fields to Cinch's user defined/contact fields.
  13. USERDEF1. Default = USERDEF1
  14. USERDEF2
  16. User Defined 2 – Used to map One Weigh's user defined fields to Cinch's user defined/contact fields.
  17. USERDEF1
  18. USERDEF2. Default = USERDEF2
  20. User Defined 3 – Used to map One Weigh's user defined fields to Cinch's user defined/contact fields.
  21. USERDEF1
  22. USERDEF2
  23. CONTACT. Default = CONTACT
  24. Vendor Class Filters
  25. If entered this must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP vendor class and each imported vendor will be assigned to this class.
  26. Blank – all customer classes will be sent. Default = Blank
  27. * – all customer classes will be sent.
  28. Enter a single customer class.
  29. Enter a comma separated list of customer classes.

  1. RFD Sales Shipment Import

(Custom adapter used to convert a RFD Invoice file to CIDX Product Movement Report documents and place them in the designated path for use by CIDX Sales Shipment Import service.)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. No filters apply
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Message Label Extension
        1. The file extension of the export file.
          1. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example order 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
      2. Sales Shipment Port Type, Sales Shipment Port URL and Sales Shipment Req Path
        1. These settings need to match CIDX Sales Shipment Import header settings for this service.
        2. Cultura Technologies support will guide you through the process of setting up this service. Please DO NOT change these setting prior to contacting support.

Processing Note:

  • Splits: If the value in the Coop Account Number field starts with an "X", the entire value will be placed in an IRSplitID tag in the SpecialInstructions area of ProductMovementTransactionProperties in the xml doc.
    • The "X" prefix will be removed and the remaining string will be used as the customer number and placed in the ShipTo.PartnerInformation.PartnerIdentifier tag.
  • Tank ID: The value of the Tank ID field will get placed in the ProductMovementTransaction.ProductMovementTransactionDetails.ProductMovementLineItem.PackagingContainerInformation.ContainerIdentifier tag.
  • Confirmed Price:
    • Price is determined by adding the "Total Cost No Taxes" + "Total Freight" + "Total Delivery Charges" + "Total Trip Charges" and dividing that sum by "Gallons Used" then adding Markup (see Markup Calculation Below) and rounding to decimal precision of item.
    • If Gallon Used quantity is zero, the transaction will be ignored.

  1. Touchpoint PO Import 01

(Custom adapter used to convert lines in a CSV document to a CIDX Purchase Order XML document and places them in the designated path for Import by the CIDX Purchase Order Import service.)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. No filters apply
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. CIDX Version specifies the version of the CIDX Purchase Order doc to create. Options are:
        1. CIDX 2.02
        2. CIDX 4.0
        3. CIDX 5.0
        4. CIDX 5.2
      2. Create Purchase Order
        1. Yes, when selected the processor will export CIDX Order Create documents to be consumed by CIDX Purchase Order Import.
        2. No, when selected the TouchPoint data will be directly inserted into Cinch tables where custom reports will be able to access the data. Default = No
      3. Default Seller ID
        1. The entered value will be used to populate the xml Seller Identifier and Seller Name tags.
        2. If no value is entered, the system will default PIONEER.
      4. Message Label Extension
        1. The file extension of the export file.
          1. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example: shipment 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
      5. Purchase Order Type, Purchase Order Port URL and Purchase Order Port Req Path.
        1. These settings need to match the CIDX Purchase Order Import header settings for the appropriate CIDX version.
        2. Cultura Technologies support will guide you through the process of setting up this service. Please DO NOT change these setting prior to contacting support.

Processing Note:

  • Two translations will be utilized in this adapter.
    • Branch will be used to translate the value from the TouchPoint header SOLDTO_ID field to a Cinch Branch ID. The translation Standard Value is the Cinch Branch, Cinch Value is the value from the file.
    • UOFM will be used to translate the value from the TouchPoint line UNIT_OF_MEASURE to a numeric factor that will be used to calculate Quantity in the OrderDtl table. The translation Standard Value is the Cinch UOM Value (numeric value), Cinch Value is the value from the file.
  • DEL (delete) Transaction Types will create a void XML document.
    • CIDX 2.0 and CIDX 4.0 the Action Request will be Void.
    • CIDX 5.0 and CIDX 5.2 the Action Request will be Delete.
  • Certain pieces of data are required by the xml schema such as From and To, etc. To fill these, some hard coded values, and various Cinch info will be used. In those cases From will be set to Pioneer, and To will be set from the Cinch company name.
  • Data fields within the Order table:
    • BranchID – From TouchPoint file, SOLDTO_ID translated to Cinch Branch
    • VendorID – Hardcoded to 110960
    • OrderNumber – From TouchPoint file, DOCUMENT_NBR
    • OrderDate = System Date
    • SourceId - Hardcoded to 2
    • LastModifiedUserKey – Hardcoded to BF9CAEA3-BA12-4204-86AE-F48F335111A2.
    • LastModifiedDate = System Date
    • Note = Leave Blank
  • Data fields within the OrderDtl table:
    • OrderDtlId - System generated to make record unique.
    • OrderId - From Order table
    • ItemId = From TouchPoint file, ITEM_NUMBER. This is compared to the Vendor Item ID and will be populated with the corresponding Item Number. (IV100103 – ItemNMBR)
    • UOMId - From TouchPoint file, UNIT_OF_MEASURE translated to Cinch UofM
    • Quantity - From TouchPoint file, UNITS * (translated UOM value)
    • Price - hardcode to 0

  1. WinCos Load Export

(Custom adapter used to convert an AgXML 4.0 Load Export document to a WinCos Job Import document, and places it where the WinCos Job Import process can import it.)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. No filters apply
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Message Label Extension
        1. The file extension of the export file.
      2. WinCos Import Path
        1. The path where the WinCos Job Import files can be placed after conversion.

Processing Note:

  • The WinCos files that CinchX creates will be one job per file.
  • No translations are performed in the processor. If required, translations can occur during the Load export process.
  • File data mapping from WinCo to Cinch:
    • ERP JobIdent = Load Order
    • Job name = will be left blank
    • Product Ident = Item ID
    • Product Name = Item Description
    • Lot Number = will be left blank
    • Line Ident = Always 1 (only 1 item per load order)
    • Target Weight = will be left blank
    • Target Flowrate = will be left blank
    • Locked = 0 (0= Unlocked, 1 = Locked)

  1. WinCos Shipment Import

(Custom adapter used to convert a WinCos Job Export document to an AgXML 4.0 Commodity Movement document, and places it where the AgXML 4.0 Shipment Import processor can receive it.)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. No filters apply
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Message Label Extension
        1. The file extension of the export file.
      2. Shipment Port URL, Shipment Port Type and Shipment Req Path
        1. These settings need to match AgXML 4.0 Shipment Import header settings for this service.

Processing Note:

  • During conversion, the load number specified in the ERPJobIdent field in the WinCos file will be used to look for a load in Cinch.
    • If one is not found, an error will be thrown within Doc Monitoring.
    • If a load is found, the adapter will next look for a Shipment with that load number on it.
      • If a shipment is found, it will be used to populate the xml doc.
      • Otherwise the values will come from the load.
      • The load order number is the only thing validated from the WinCo file. The item is not validated against the load/shipment, what is in Cinch is what will be used when creating the file.
  • The created xml file will populated with the minimum amount of data to make it a valid AgXML ProductMovement file, since all other data will come from the existing load/shipment.
    • If a shipment is present the XML will update the existing shipment. Otherwise a new shipment wll be created.
  • No translations are performed in the processor. If required, translations can occur during the Shipment import process.
  • File data mapping from WinCo to Cinch:
    • Ident = Load Order
    • ERP JobIdent = Load Order
    • Name = will be ignored
    • Product Ident = Item ID
    • Product Name = Item Description, will be ignored
    • Lot Number = will be ignored
    • Job actual weight = Net Weight

Master Records

Master Records, are services used to process Cinch master records.
The following services are included:

  1. AgXML 2.0 Customer Address Export

(Creates a file based on the customer address information for selected customers.)

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. No filters apply
  3. Service Line Settings
  4. Cinch Consumer
  5. Default = yes, do not change, setting is currently ignored.
  6. Customer Class Filters
  7. Represents customer class from customer maintenance.
          1. Blank – no customer addresses are sent.
          2. * - all customer addresses are sent
          3. Comma separated classes will only send specified classes. Note, if class is misspelled data will not be sent.
  8. Customer Zip Code Filters
  9. Represents the Zip Codes from Customer Maintenance.
  10. Blank, no customer Zip Codes are sent.
  11. * - all customer Zip Codes are sent. Default = *
  12. Comma separated Zip Codes only sends customer specified Zip Codes.
  13. Message Label Extension
  14. The file extension of the export file.
  15. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example address 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
  16. XML Namespace Prefix
  17. Recommended to leave this field blank.
  18. For specific XML naming requirements. Prefixes each tag with this value.
  19. XML Namespace URL
  20. Recommended to leave this field blank.
  21. Puts the XML namespace URL in the header of each document.

  1. AgXML 2.0 Customer Address Import

(Processes file to create customer address records.)

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. No filters apply
  3. Service Line Settings
  4. There are not service line settings.

  1. AgXML 2.0 Customer Export

(Creates a file based on the customer information for selected customers.)

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. No filters apply
  3. Service Line Settings
  4. Cinch Consumer
  5. Default = yes, do not change, setting is currently ignored.
  6. Customer Class Filters
  7. Represents customer class from customer maintenance.
  8. Blank – no customer are sent
  9. * - all customers are sent
  10. Comma separated classes will only send specified classes. Note, if class is misspelled data will not be sent.
  11. Customer Zip Code Filters
  12. Represents the Zip Codes from Customer Maintenance.
  13. Blank, no customer Zip Codes are sent.
  14. * - all customer Zip Codes are sent. Default = *
  15. Comma separated Zip Codes only sends customer specified Zip Codes.
  16. Message Label Extension
  17. The file extension of the export file.
  18. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy customer ticket 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
  19. XML Namespace Prefix
  20. Recommended to leave this field blank.
  21. For specific XML naming requirements. Prefixes each tag with this value.
  22. XML Namespace URL
  23. Recommended to leave this field blank.
  24. Puts the XML namespace URL in the header of each document.

  1. AgXML 2.0 Customer Import

(Processes file to create customer records.)

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. No filters apply
  3. Service Line Settings
  4. Address Name
  5. If an Address Name is not provided in the file this will be the address name used on the created customer. Default = PRIMARY.
  6. If an Address Name is provided in the file, that address name will the primary address ID.
  7. Customer Class
  8. If entered this must be a valid customer class and each imported customer will be assigned to this class. Default = PRODUCERS.
  9. Customer ID Prefix
  10. If entered will prefix the customer ID with this value.
  11. Note Text
  12. A note is added and attached to each customer with this entered text.
  13. Maximum 100 characters per note.
  14. Translation Domain, recommend to not change this value unless you contact Cultura Technologies support. Default = DEFAULT

  1. AgXML 2.0 Discount Schedule Export

(Creates a file based on the new or updated discount schedules.)

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. No filters apply
  3. Service Line Settings
  4. Export Comments.
  5. Yes, comments will be exported from the discount schedule. Default = yes
  6. No, comments will not be exported from the shipment.
  7. Export Notes
  8. Yes, notes will be exported from the discount schedule.
  9. No, notes will not be exported from the discount schedule. Default = no.
  10. Message Label Extension
  11. The file extension of the export file.
  12. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example Schedule 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).

  1. AgXML 2.0 Discount Schedule Import

(Processes file to create discount schedules records.)

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. No filters apply
  3. Service Line Settings
  4. User ID
  5. Document is created/updated on behalf of the specified user. This must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP user.
  6. If blank, User ID specified in CinchX Global Settings will be used.

  1. AgXML 2.0 Farm Export

(Creates a file based on the Farm Codes.)

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. No filters apply
  3. Service Line Settings
  4. Cinch Consumer
  5. Default = yes, do not change, setting is currently ignored.
  6. Export For: (Grain, Agronomy, Both)
  7. Default Value = Both
  8. Grain – Since Farms/Fields can be setup for use in both the Grain and the Agronomy (AgWorks and AgSales), setting this value to GRAIN will only export the Farms that are used in grain and not those that are used in Agronomy. To determine which farms are used by the grain system, the system will look to see if there is a Vendor ID in the Farm table. If there is, this farm can be used by the grain system.
  9. Agronomy – Farms used in Agronomy only. To determine which farms are used by the agronomy sales system, the system will look to see if there is a Customer ID in the Farm table. If there is, this farm can be used by the grain system.
  10. Both – Export the farm if either vendor id or customer id.
  11. Message Label Extension
  12. The file extension of the export file.
  13. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example farm 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
  14. XML Namespace Prefix
  15. Recommended to leave this field blank.
  16. For specific XML naming requirements. Prefixes each tag with this value.
  17. XML Namespace URL
  18. Recommended to leave this field blank.
  19. Puts the XML namespace URL in the header of each document.

  1. AgXML 2.0 Farm Import

(Processes file to create farm records.)

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. No filters apply
  3. Service Line Settings
  4. Allow Deletes
  5. Yes, delete farm records is allowed on an update.
  6. No, delete farm records is not allowed on an update. Default = no
  7. Note Text
  8. This can be used to attach a note to the imported farms.

  1. AgXML 2.0 Field Export

(Creates a file based on the Field Codes.)

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. No filters apply
  3. Service Line Settings
  4. Cinch Customer
  5. Default = yes, do not change, setting is currently ignored.
  6. Export For: (Grain, Agronomy, Both)
  7. Default Value = Both
  8. Grain – Fields used in grain system only. To determine which fields are used by the grain system, the system will look to see if there is a Vendor ID in the related Farm table. If there is, this field can be used by the grain system.
  9. Agronomy – Fields used in Agronomy only. To determine which fields are used by the agronomy sales system, the system will look to see if there is a Customer ID in the related Farm table. If there is, this field can be used by the grain system.
  10. Both – Export the field if either vendor id or customer id.
  11. Message Label Extension
  12. The file extension of the export file.
  13. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example field 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
  14. XML Namespace Prefix
  15. Recommended to leave this field blank.
  16. For specific XML naming requirements. Prefixes each tag with this value.
  17. XML Namespace URL
  18. Recommended to leave this field blank.
  19. Puts the XML namespace URL in the header of each document.

  1. AgXML 2.0 Field Import

(Processes file to create field records.)

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. No filters apply
  3. Service Line Settings
  4. Allow Deletes
  5. Yes, delete field records is allowed on an update.
  6. No, delete field records is not allowed on an update. Default = no
  7. Note Text
  8. This can be used to attach a note to the imported fields.

  1. AgXML 2.0 Freight Carrier Export

(Creates a file based on the Freight information for selected customers.)

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. No filters apply
  3. Service Line Settings
  4. Cinch Consumer
  5. Default = yes, do not change, setting is currently ignored.
  6. Message Label Extension
  7. The file extension of the export file.
  8. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example carrier 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
  9. XML Namespace Prefix
  10. Recommended to leave this field blank.
  11. For specific XML naming requirements. Prefixes each tag with this value.
  12. XML Namespace URL
  13. Recommended to leave this field blank.
  14. Puts the XML namespace URL in the header of each document.

  1. AgXML 2.0 Freight Carrier Import

(Processes file to create freight carrier records.)

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. No filters apply
  3. Service Line Settings
  4. Address Name
  5. If the Vendor ID provided for the ship method is not a valid vendor, a vendor ID will be created and assigned to this address ID. Default = PRIMARY.
  6. If the Vendor ID provided for the ship method is a valid vendor this setting is skipped.
  7. Note Text
  8. A note is added and attached to each vendor with this entered text.
  9. Maximum 100 characters per note.
  10. Vendor Class
  11. If the Vendor ID provided for the ship method is not a valid vendor, a vendor ID will be created and assigned to this vendor class.
  12. If the Vendor ID provided for the ship method is a valid vendor this setting is skipped.
  13. If entered this must be a valid vendor class. Default = PRODUCERS

  1. AgXML 2.0 Grower Split Export

(Creates a file based on the split information for selected customers.)

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. No filters apply
  3. Service Line Settings
  4. Cinch Consumer
  5. Default = yes, do not change, setting is currently ignored.
  6. Export Deletes
  7. Yes, deleted Split Code IDs will be exported.
  8. No, deleted Split Code ID will not be exports.
  9. Message Label Extension.
  10. The file extension of the export file.
  11. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example split 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
  12. Vendor Class Filters
  13. Represents vendor class from vendor maintenance.
  14. Blank – no customer addresses are sent.
  15. * - all customer addresses are sent.
  16. Comma separated classes will only send specified classes. Note, if class is misspelled data will not be sent.
  17. Vendor Zip Code Filters
  18. Represents the Zip Codes from Vendor Maintenance.
  19. Blank, no vendor Zip Codes are sent.
  20. * - all vendor Zip Codes are sent. Default = *
  21. Comma separated Zip Codes only sends specified vendor Zip Codes.
  22. XML Namespace Prefix
  23. Recommended to leave this field blank.
  24. For specific XML naming requirements. Prefixes each tag with this value.
  25. XML Namespace URL
  26. Recommended to leave this field blank.
  27. Puts the XML namespace URL in the header of each document.

  1. AgXML 2.0 Grower Split Import

(Processes file to create customer address records.)

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. No filters apply
  3. Service Line Settings
  4. There are not service line settings.

  1. AgXML 2.0 Vendor Export

(Creates a file based on the vendor information for selected vendors.)

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. No filters apply
  3. Service Line Settings
  4. Cinch Consumer
  5. Default = yes, do not change, setting is currently ignored.
  6. Message Label Extension
  7. The file extension of the export file.
  8. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example vendor 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
  9. Vendor Class Filters
  10. Represents vendor class from vendor maintenance. The vendor class must also be setup as a Grain Vendor Class before the vendor will export.
  11. Blank – no vendors are sent.
  12. * - all vendors are sent.
  13. Comma separated classes will only send specified classes. Note, if class is misspelled data will not be sent.
  14. Vendor Zip Code Filters
  15. Represents the Zip Codes from Vendor Maintenance.
  16. Blank, no vendor Zip Codes are sent.
  17. * - all vendor Zip Codes are sent. Default = *
  18. Comma separated Zip Codes only sends specified vendor Zip Codes.
  19. XML Namespace Prefix
  20. Recommended to leave this field blank.
  21. For specific XML naming requirements. Prefixes each tag with this value.
  22. XML Namespace URL
  23. Recommended to leave this field blank.
  24. Puts the XML namespace URL in the header of each document.

Processing Note:

  • The Vendor Class will be including in the Entity Information. Example of the Indententy Identifier: <EntityIdentifier identifierSource="Service Provider Internal">PRODUCERS</EntityIdentifier>

  1. AgXML 2.0 Vendor Import

(Process file to create vendor records for selected vendors.)

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. No filters apply
  3. Service Line Settings
  4. Address Name
  5. Required field. Default = PRIMARY
  6. Create Ship Method
  7. Yes, creates a ship method ID for EVERY imported vendor using the vendor ID as the ship method ID.
  8. No, no ship method ID is created for the imported vendor. Default = no
  9. Note Text
  10. A note is added and attached to each vendor with this entered text.
  11. Maximum 100 characters per note.
  12. Split ID
  13. If entered a split record is created for every vendor with 100% ownership assigned to the vendor ID in the split vendor ID setting.
  14. Split Vendor ID
  15. Must a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP Vendor ID. If the split ID setting is entered this is the vendor ID that gets 100% ownership assigned to it.
  16. Translation Domain
  17. Default = DEFAULT, recommend to not change this value unless you contact Cultura Technologies support.
  18. Vendor Class
  19. If entered this must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP vendor class and each imported vendor will be assigned to this class. Default = PRODUCERS
  20. Vendor ID Prefix
  21. If entered will prefix the vendor ID with this value.

Net Order

Net Order, are services used to process records to be used in conjunction with E-Markets Net Order.
The following services are included:

  1. Net Order Customer Export

(Submits CINCH customers and the customers primary address information to E-Markets Net Order)

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. No filters apply
  3. Service Line Settings
  4. Application ID
  5. Contact Cultura Technologies support for the Net Order application ID.
  6. Customer Class Filters
  7. Represents customer class from customer maintenance.
  8. Blank – no customer addresses are sent.
  9. * - all customer addresses are sent.
  10. Comma separated classes will only send specified classes. Note, if class is misspelled data will not be sent.
  11. Password
  12. Contact Cultura Technologies support for the Net Order application password.
  13. Web Service URL
  14. Default = https://axix.e-markets.com:443/axis/services/CustomerSerive

  1. Net Order Retail Order Mgmt

(Compiles orders from E-Markets Net Order into a combined CINCH position reporting tool)

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. No filters apply
  3. Service Line Settings
  4. Application ID
  5. Contact Cultura Technologies support for the Net Order application ID.
  6. Default = 387
  7. Password
  8. Contact Cultura Technologies support for the Net Order application password.
  9. Default = dem054th3w1n
  10. Planning Season
  11. The tool will only combine orders from the entered year. Default = 2008
  12. The planning season starts on June 1 and goes to May 31 of the next year. (i.e. 2008 planning season goes from 6/1/07 – 5/31/08.

  1. Net Order Sales Order Import

(Imports Net Order Sales Orders into Cinch for use if you are a seed company.)

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. No filters apply
  3. Service Line Settings
  4. Application ID
  5. Contact Cultura Technologies support for the Net Order application ID.
  6. Batch Hours
  7. Represents the number of hours the batch is good for before a new batch number will be created. Used to limit batch sizes by creating multiple batches per day.
  8. If set to "0" the hours will not be included in the batch number.
  9. Batch Number
  10. If a batch number is entered the inbound tickets will be saved in that batch.
  11. If Batch Number is entered, Batch Prefix will not be used.
  12. Maximum number of characters 15.
  13. If the batch does not exist it will be added.
  14. Batch Prefix
  15. Default = NETORD
  16. If a batch prefix is entered the inbound tickets will be saved in a batch with a format of XXMMDDHH (XX is the Batch prefix, and MMDDHH is the user date (MM= Month, DD= Day and HH = Hour) of the transaction import if Batch hours is set.)
  17. If Batch Number is entered, Batch Prefix will not be used.
  18. Maximum number of characters 15. This includes the branch prefix, the batch prefix and the date time suffix.
  19. If the batch does not exist it will be added.
  20. Default Branch
  21. A valid branch ID can be entered. If default branch is specified any unresolved buyer addresses will be forced to this specified branch.
  22. If blank, the buyer address in the AgXML must resolve to a location in the current company or the shipment will be rejected.
  23. Password
  24. Contact Cultura Technologies support for the Net Order application password.
  25. SOP Order Type
  26. Defines the Doc ID used for Microsoft Dynamics GP Sales Transactions. Default = ORDER
  27. User ID
  28. Document is created/updated on behalf of the specified user. This must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP user.
  29. If blank, User ID specified in CinchX Global Settings will be used.


Portal, are services used in conjunction with Cinch Portal.
The following services are included:

  1. Cinch Database Synchronization

(This service is used with the CINCH Portal)

    1. Service Partner node
      1. Port Type = Web Service
      2. URL = the Web Site URL (ex. http://localhost)
      3. Request and Response paths are not used.
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Auto Start Snapshot Job
        1. If set to "Yes", the Distributor will start creating the initial snapshot immediately after Portal Maintenance, Enable Replication is selected.
        2. If set this to "No", the initial snapshot will need to be started manually after Portal Maintenance, Enable Replication is selected. By default this is No.
          1. From SQL Management> Replication>Local Publications, right click on the Publications and choose Snapshot Agent Status to start the snapshot.
      2. Destination Database
        1. This is the name of the database where that replicated data will be stored.
      3. Destination Server
        1. This is the name of the server\instance that will pull replicated data from the Cinch server.
      4. Impersonate Agent at Subscriber
        1. This setting is used when the Portal Database is not on the domain network and the credentials are different.
        2. Yes, when selected the values for the Subscriber SQL Login/Password will be used at the Subscriber.
        3. No, when selected the Replication Job Login/Password values will be used at both the Publisher and Subscriber.
      5. Replication Job Login
        1. When replication is enabled, it creates jobs, and those jobs need to run under a certain user context.  This is the login for those jobs.  More than likely you would set this to the same account that the CinchX service is running under.
      6. Replication Job Password
        1. This is the password of the Replication Job user.
      7. Snapshot File Share
        1. This is a shared folder that the replication Distributor (source) and Subscriber (destination) will use to create and consume snapshots and transactions.  The user that the CinchX Service is running under should have full read and write permissions on this share.
      8. Subscriber SQL Login
        1. The Subscriber SQL Login cannot use a windows account.
        2. When replication is enabled, it creates jobs, and those jobs need to run under a certain user context.  This is the login for those jobs.
      9. Subscriber SQL Password
        1. The Subscriber SQL Password cannot use a windows account.
        2. This is the password of the Replication Job user.

  1. Portal Bank Account Import

(This service is used with the CINCH Portal Payments, refer to the CINCH Portal Manual for more information around this service.)

  1. Service Partner node
  2. Port Type = File Share is used when the exchange partner is accessible by file share (windows explorer). VPN's can also be used here. FTP is used when data will be transferred via an FTP site.
  3. URL = folder where the files will be found, this should match the Cinch Document Exchange Document Pickup Path defined during the Portal installation.
  4. Request and Response paths - Create button will create the folder trees for the respective Response paths. This includes the Archive, Error, Send, and Received folders and must correspond with the
  5. Service Line Settings
  6. There are no service line settings.

  1. Portal Payment Import

(This service is used with the CINCH Portal Payments, refer to the CINCH Portal Manual for more information around this service.)

  1. Service Partner node
  2. Port Type = File Share is used when the exchange partner is accessible by file share (windows explorer). VPN's can also be used here. FTP is used when data will be transferred via an FTP site.
  3. URL = folder where the files will be found, this should match the Cinch Document Exchange Document Pickup Path defined during the Portal installation.
  4. Request and Response paths - Create button will create the folder trees for the respective Response paths. This includes the Archive, Error, Send, and Received folders and must correspond with the
  5. Service Line Settings
  6. Default Branch
    1. Branch on the Scheduled Payment import will default from the Customer (Customer Extensions Maintenance), if the branch is not defined on the customer the service line setting for Default Branch setting will be used.
    2. If the service line setting for Default Branch is not defined and the selected user does not have default branch defined the payment will fail on import.
  7. User ID
    1. Document is created/updated on behalf of the specified user. This must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP user.
    2. If blank, User ID specified in CinchX Global Settings will be used.


The following services are included:

  1. CIDX 4.0 Product Movement Export - has been created for exporting Invoice and Return documents. The export process will be initiated with the posting of an invoice or a return document. Resending a document is done through the Export Change Tracking window.
  2. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  3. LOCNCODE is optional.
  4. Blank or * will send all sites.
  5. Enter a Site ID filters all documents on an exact Site match. Only one Site ID can be entered per service partner.
  6. IRRegionID is optional.
  7. Blank or * will send all regions.
  8. Enter a Region ID filters all documents on an exact Region match. Only one Region ID can be entered per service partner.
  9. IRBranchID is optional.
  10. Blank or * will send all branches.
  11. Enter a Branch ID filters all documents on an exact Branch match. Only one Branch ID can be entered per service partner.
  12. Service Line Settings
  13. Always Translate Header IDs
    1. Yes, the From and To identifiers in the xml Header will use the value from the Entity ID Source setting as the Domain when performing the translations. (DUNS, AssignedBySeller, etc.)
    2. No, the default domain will be used for translations.
  14. Customer Address to use on Fail
    1. When set to a value other than None, the export will use the customer's BillTo, ShipTo, or Statement address instead of the address on the order, in cases where the order address is incomplete.
  15. Customer Class Filter
  16. Default = *
  17. Enter a single Customer Class or list of Customer Classes.
    1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
    2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
    3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
    4. A customer class prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
    5. Documents must have a matching Customer Class in this list to be exported.
  18. Customer Filter
  19. Default = *
  20. Enter a single Customer or list of Customers.
    1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
    2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
    3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
    4. A customer prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
    5. Documents must have a matching Customer in this list to be exported.
  21. Entity ID Sources is use to determine which "Agency" type for entities (buyer, seller, etc.) are selected during the export. The list of appropriate values are:
    1. Default, AGIIS-EBID, AGIIS-NAPD, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedByPapiNet, AssignedBySeller, AssignedByTestingLaboratory, DUNS, EAN, Other, SCAC
      1. When DUNS or AGIIS-EBID is selected, the Entity ID will be pulled from the DUNS identifier for the appropriate master record (vendor, location, company, etc.), and a translation will not be performed.
      2. Default, AGIIS-NAPD, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedByPapiNet, AssignedBySeller, AssignedByTestingLaboratory, EAN, Other or SCAC are not listed in the schema, but is a CinchX specific setting. When any of these are selected system will send the Cinch or translated value.
      3. Default is the default value
  22. Export Fertilizer Blends
    1. Cinch typically creates a Blended Item and each of the fertilizer component line items, reporting the sale of the Blend item and the components might be perceived as doubling up on the sales. This setting allows the option to NOT Export the Fertilizer Blend Line item.
      1. Yes, when selected the blended items as well as the individual component items will be exported.
      2. No, when selected only the component items to be exported. No is the default value.
  23. Export Matching Lines Only
    1. Yes, when selected only line items that match the filter criteria will be exported.
      1. If an order doesn't contain any line items that pass the filters, the entire order will be ignored.
      2. This setting only comes into play when part of the order passes the service filters, Manufacturing Filter, Item Filter, License Type Filter and Item User Category Filters.
    2. No, when selected all line items on the order will be exported if one line matches any filters.
  24. Export Primary Customer Only
    1. Yes, when selected and splits are present only one transaction will be exported, and it will be in the primary customer's name. The exported quantity will be a total of all split participants, and the price will be the total extended price divided by the total quantity of all particpants. Yes is the default value.
    2. No when select a transaction will be exported for each split partner.
  25. Export Quantities In
    1. Base UofM when selected the quantity values are exported in their equivalent Base UofM quantities.
    2. Selling UofM, when selected the unit of measure and quantities will come directly from document line item. Selling UofM is the default value.
    3. Purchase UofM, when selected the quantity values are exported to the Purchasing UOM from Item Purchasing Options Maint (Item Maint>Purchasing).
  26. Filter Items by Vendor Item #
    1. Yes when selected, only items that have a matching vendor for the vendor selected in the Send-To Vendor ID setting will be sent. If an item does not have a vendor item setup for the Send To Vendor the export will fail. (Export matching lines only setting can still overrride this).
    2. No when selected items will not be filtered by vendor.
  27. Include Invoices
  28. Yes, invoices will be exported for the selected filters. Default = Yes
  29. No, invoices will not be exported.
  30. Include Returns
  31. Yes, returns will be exported for the selected filters. Default = Yes
  32. No, returns will not be exported.
  33. Item Class Filter
  34. Default = *
  35. Enter a single Item Class or list of Item Classes.
    1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
    2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
    3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
    4. An item class prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
    5. Line items must have a matching Item Class in this list to be exported.
  36. The setting for Export Matching Lines Only will also have an impact on how this filter work.
  37. Item Filter
  38. Default = *
  39. Enter a single Item or list of Items.
    1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
    2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
    3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
    4. An item prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
    5. Line items must have a matching Item in this list to be exported.
  40. The setting for Export Matching Lines Only will also have an impact on how this filter work.
  41. Item ID Source is used to determine which "Agency" type for items are selected during the export. The list of appropriate values are.
    1. Default, AGIIS-ProductID, ANSI, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedByManufacturer, AssignedBySeller, EAN, EDIFACT, GBABA, ISO, Other, UPC.
      1. When AssignedByManufacturer is selected a second Product Identifier with an Agency type of AssignedByManufacturer will be created in the XML for the Vendor Item Number from Item Vendor Maintenance.
      2. When AGIIS-ProductID is selected, the Item ID will be pulled from the AGIIS Product ID (GTIN) from the Item Extensions Maintenance for the item, and a translation will not be performed.
      3. Default, ANSI, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedBySeller, EAN, EDIFACT, GBABA, ISO, Other, UPC are not listed in the schema, but is a CinchX specific setting. When any of these are selected system will send the Cinch or translated value. Default is the default vale.
  42. Item User Category 1 filter. Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
    1. Default = *
    2. Enter an Item User Category 1 filter or list of Item User Category 1 filters.
      1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
      2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
      3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
      4. A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
      5. Line items must have a matching Item User Category 1 in this list to be exported.
    3. The setting for Export Matching Lines Only will also have an impact on how this filter work.
  43. Item User Category 2 filter. Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
    1. Default = *
    2. Enter an Item User Category 2 filter or list of Item User Category 2 filters.
      1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
      2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
      3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
      4. A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
      5. Line items must have a matching Item User Category 2 in this list to be exported.
    3. The setting for Export Matching Lines Only will also have an impact on how this filter work.
  44. Item User Category 3 filter. Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
    1. Default = *
    2. Enter an Item User Category 3 filter or list of Item User Category 3 filters.
      1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
      2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
      3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
      4. A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
      5. Line items must have a matching Item User Category 3 in this list to be exported.
    3. The setting for Export Matching Lines Only will also have an impact on how this filter work.
  45. Item User Category 4 filter. Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
    1. Default = *
    2. Enter an Item User Category 4 filter or list of Item User Category 4 filters.
      1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
      2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
      3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
      4. A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
      5. Line items must have a matching Item User Category 4 in this list to be exported.
    3. The setting for Export Matching Lines Only will also have an impact on how this filter work.
  46. Item User Category 5 filter. Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
    1. Default = *
    2. Enter an Item User Category 5 filter or list of Item User Category 5 filters.
      1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
      2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
      3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
      4. A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
      5. Line items must have a matching Item User Category 5 in this list to be exported.
    3. The setting for Export Matching Lines Only will also have an impact on how this filter work.
  47. Item User Category 6 filter. Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
    1. Default = *
    2. Enter an Item User Category 6 filter or list of Item User Category 6 filters.
      1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
      2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
      3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
      4. A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
      5. Line items must have a matching Item User Category 6 in this list to be exported.
    3. The setting for Export Matching Lines Only will also have an impact on how this filter work.
  48. License Type Filter. License Types are the Required License defined on the Item.
    1. Default = *
    2. Enter a License Type or list of License Types.
      1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
      2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
      3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
      4. A license type prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
      5. Line items must have a matching License Type in this list to be exported.
    3. The setting for Export Matching Lines Only will also have an impact on how this filter work.
  49. License Type for Translation
    1. When a Valid License Type ID is defined, the system will translate the Customers License Holder License Number for the selected License Type(s).
  50. Manufacturer Filter
  51. Default = *
  52. Enter a Manufacturer or list of Manufacturers.
    1. Enter a Manufacturer or list of Manufacturers.
    2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
    3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
    4. A manufacturer prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
    5. Line items must have a matching Manufacturer in this list to be exported.
  53. The setting for Export Matching Lines Only will also have an impact on how this filter work.
  54. Message Label Extension
  55. The file extension of the export file.
  56. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example product 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
  57. Send Cust# on Translation Fail
    1. Yes, when selected and the PARTNERID translation for customer number fails, it will send the Cinch customer number with an agency type of AssignedBySeller.
    2. No, when selected the standard PARTNERID translation kicks in and if a translation is missing, processing will fail. Default = No
  58. Send Pricing
    1. Yes, when selected pricing from the line will be sent.
    2. No, when selected pricing will not be sent. Default = No
  59. Sent To Vendor ID
    1. A valid Vendor ID is required be entered to help populate the To section of the xml doc.
    2. This vendor will also be used to determine item numbers if Item ID Source is set to "AssignedByManufacturer".
  60. Swap Ship From/To on Return
    1. No when selected Ship From will contain the seller (company) info, and Ship To will contain the customer info. Default = No
    2. Yes when selected the entity information for the parties in the Ship From and Ship To sections will be swapped. That is, Ship From will contain the info from Ship To in a normal order document, and Ship To will contain the Ship From info. This reflects the direction of how the product is actually moving.
  61. Use Branch for Reporting Entity
    1. Yes, when selected the branch address information will be used to populate the ReportingEntity section of xml (current functionality).
    2. No, when selected ReportingEntity information will be populated the same as the From section of xml, which is populated from company info. (Company name, company id translated). Default = No
  62. Use UN/CEFact for UOM Values
    1. Yes, when selected the standard UN/CEFACT (UN-Rec-20) units of measure will be sent describing quantities in the xml document. Default = Yes
      1. If the UN/CEFACT is not found the export will fail
    2. No, when selected the standard Cinch, or translated values will be sent.
  63. XML Namespace Prefix
  64. Recommended to leave this field blank.
  65. For specific XML naming requirements. Prefixes each tag with this value.
  66. XML Namespace URL
  67. Recommended to leave this field blank.
  68. Puts the XML namespace URL in the header of each document.

  1. CIDX 5.0 Product Movement Export - has been created for exporting Invoice and Return documents. The export process will be initiated with the posting of an invoice or a return document. Resending a document is done through the Export Change Tracking window.
  2. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  3. LOCNCODE is optional.
  4. Blank or * will send all sites.
  5. Enter a Site ID filters all documents on an exact Site match. Only one Site ID can be entered per service partner.
  6. IRRegionID is optional.
  7. Blank or * will send all regions.
  8. Enter a Region ID filters all documents on an exact Region match. Only one Region ID can be entered per service partner.
  9. IRBranchID is optional.
  10. Blank or * will send all branches.
  11. Enter a Branch ID filters all documents on an exact Branch match. Only one Branch ID can be entered per service partner.
  12. Service Line Settings
  13. Always Translate header IDs
    1. Yes, the From and To identifiers in the xml Header will use the value from the Entity ID Source setting as the Domain when performing the translations. (DUNS, AssignedBySeller, etc.)
    2. No, the default domain will be used for translations
  14. Customer Address to use on Fail
    1. When set to a value other than None, the export will use the customer's BillTo, ShipTo, or Statement address instead of the address on the order, in cases where the order address is incomplete.
  15. Customer Class Filter
  16. Default = *
  17. Enter a single Customer Class or list of Customer Classes.
    1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
    2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
    3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
    4. A customer class prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
    5. Documents must have a matching Customer Class in this list to be exported.
  18. Customer Filter
  19. Default = *
  20. Enter a single Customer or list of Customers.
    1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
    2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
    3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
    4. A customer prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
    5. Documents must have a matching Customer in this list to be exported.
  21. Entity ID Sources is use to determine which "Agency" type for entities (buyer, seller, etc.) are selected during the export. The list of appropriate values are:
    1. Default, AGIIS-EBID, AGIIS-NAPD, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedByPapiNet, AssignedBySeller, AssignedByTestingLaboratory, DUNS, EAN, GLN, Other, SCAC
      1. When DUNS or AGIIS-EBID is selected, the Entity ID will be pulled from the DUNS identifier for the appropriate master record (vendor, location, company, etc.), and a translation will not be performed.
      2. When GLN is selected, the Entity ID will be pulled from the GLN identifier for the appropriate master record (vendor, location, company, etc.), and a translation will not be performed.
      3. Default, AGIIS-NAPD, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedByPapiNet, AssignedBySeller, AssignedByTestingLaboratory, EAN, Other or SCAC are not listed in the schema, but is a CinchX specific setting. When any of these are selected system will send the Cinch or translated value.
      4. Default is the default value
  22. Export Fertilizer Blends
    1. Cinch typically creates a Blended Item and each of the fertilizer component line items, reporting the sale of the Blend item and the components might be perceived as doubling up on the sales. This setting allows the option to NOT Export the Fertilizer Blend Line item.
      1. Yes, when selected the blended items as well as the individual component items will be exported.
      2. No, when selected only the component items to be exported. No is the default value.
  23. Export Matching Lines Only
    1. Yes, when selected only line items that match the filter criteria will be exported.
      1. If an order doesn't contain any line items that pass the filters, the entire order will be ignored.
      2. This setting only comes into play when part of the order passes the service filters, Manufacturing Filter, Item Filter, License Type Filter and Item User Category Filters.
    2. No, when selected all line items on the order will be exported if one line matches any filters.
  24. Export Primary Customer Only
    1. Yes, when selected and splits are present only one transaction will be exported, and it will be in the primary customer's name. The exported quantity will be a total of all split participants, and the price will be the total extended price divided by the total quantity of all particpants. Yes is the default value.
    2. No when select a transaction will be exported for each split partner.
  25. Export Quantities In
    1. Base UofM when selected the quantity values are exported in their equivalent Base UofM quantities.
    2. Selling UofM, when selected the unit of measure and quantities will come directly from document line item. Selling UofM is the default value.
    3. Purchase UofM, when selected the quantity values are exported to the Purchasing UOM from Item Purchasing Options Maint (Item Maint>Purchasing).
  26. Filter Items by Vendor Item #
    1. Yes when selected, only items that have a matching vendor for the vendor selected in the Send-To Vendor ID setting will be sent. If an item does not have a vendor item setup for the Send To Vendor the export will fail. (Export matching lines only setting can still overrride this).
    2. No when selected items will not be filtered by vendor.
  27. Include Invoices
  28. Yes, invoices will be exported for the selected filters. Default = Yes
  29. No, invoices will not be exported.
  30. Include Returns
  31. Yes, returns will be exported for the selected filters. Default = Yes
  32. No, returns will not be exported.
  33. Item Class Filter
  34. Default = *
  35. Enter a single Item Class or list of Item Classes.
    1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
    2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
    3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
    4. An item class prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
    5. Line items must have a matching Item Class in this list to be exported.
  36. The setting for Export Matching Lines Only will also have an impact on how this filter work.
  37. Item Filter
  38. Default = *
  39. Enter a single Item or list of Items.
    1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
    2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
    3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
    4. An item prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
    5. Line items must have a matching Item in this list to be exported.
  40. The setting for Export Matching Lines Only will also have an impact on how this filter work.
  41. Item ID Source is used to determine which "Agency" type for items are selected during the export. The list of appropriate values are.
    1. Default, AGIIS-ProductID, ANSI, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedByManufacturer, AssignedBySeller, EAN, EDIFACT, GBABA, ISO, Other, UPC.
      1. When AssignedByManufacturer is selected a second Product Identifier with an Agency type of AssignedByManufacturer will be created in the XML for the Vendor Item Number from Item Vendor Maintenance.
      2. When AGIIS-ProductID is selected, the Item ID will be pulled from the AGIIS Product ID (GTIN) from the Item Extensions Maintenance for the item, and a translation will not be performed.
      3. Default, ANSI, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedBySeller, EAN, EDIFACT, GBABA, ISO, Other, UPC are not listed in the schema, but is a CinchX specific setting. When any of these are selected system will send the Cinch or translated value. Default is the default value.
  42. Item User Category 1 filter. Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
    1. Default = *
    2. Enter an Item User Category 1 filter or list of Item User Category 1 filters.
      1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
      2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
      3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
      4. A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
      5. Line items must have a matching Item User Category 1 in this list to be exported.
    3. The setting for Export Matching Lines Only will also have an impact on how this filter work.
  43. Item User Category 2 filter. Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
    1. Default = *
    2. Enter an Item User Category 2 filter or list of Item User Category 2 filters.
      1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
      2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
      3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
      4. A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
      5. Line items must have a matching Item User Category 2 in this list to be exported.
    3. The setting for Export Matching Lines Only will also have an impact on how this filter work.
  44. Item User Category 3 filter. Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
    1. Default = *
    2. Enter an Item User Category 3 filter or list of Item User Category 3 filters.
      1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
      2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
      3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
      4. A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
      5. Line items must have a matching Item User Category 3 in this list to be exported.
    3. The setting for Export Matching Lines Only will also have an impact on how this filter work.
  45. Item User Category 4 filter. Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
    1. Default = *
    2. Enter an Item User Category 4 filter or list of Item User Category 4 filters.
      1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
      2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
      3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
      4. A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
      5. Line items must have a matching Item User Category 4 in this list to be exported.
    3. The setting for Export Matching Lines Only will also have an impact on how this filter work.
  46. Item User Category 5 filter. Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
    1. Default = *
    2. Enter an Item User Category 5 filter or list of Item User Category 5 filters.
      1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
      2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
      3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
      4. A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
      5. Line items must have a matching Item User Category 5 in this list to be exported.
    3. The setting for Export Matching Lines Only will also have an impact on how this filter work.
  47. Item User Category 6 filter. Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
    1. Default = *
    2. Enter an Item User Category 6 filter or list of Item User Category 6 filters.
      1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
      2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
      3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
      4. A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
      5. Line items must have a matching Item User Category 6 in this list to be exported.
    3. The setting for Export Matching Lines Only will also have an impact on how this filter work.
  48. License Type Filter. License Types are the Required License defined on the Item.
    1. Default = *
    2. Enter a License Type or list of License Types.
      1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
      2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
      3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
      4. A license type prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
      5. Line items must have a matching License Type in this list to be exported.
    3. The setting for Export Matching Lines Only will also have an impact on how this filter work.
  49. License Type for Translation
    1. When a Valid License Type ID is defined, the system will translate the Customers License Holder License Number for the selected License Type(s).
  50. Manufacturer Filter
  51. Default = *
  52. Enter a Manufacturer or list of Manufacturers.
    1. Enter a Manufacturer or list of Manufacturers.
    2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
    3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
    4. A manufacturer prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
    5. Line items must have a matching Manufacturer in this list to be exported.
  53. The setting for Export Matching Lines Only will also have an impact on how this filter work.
  54. Message Label Extension
  55. The file extension of the export file.
  56. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example product 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
  57. Send Cust# on Translation Fail
    1. Yes, when selected and the PARTNERID translation for customer number fails, it will send the Cinch customer number with an agency type of AssignedBySeller.
    2. No, when selected the standard PARTNERID translation kicks in and if a translation is missing, processing will fail. Default = No
  58. Send Pricing
    1. Yes, when selected pricing from the line will be sent.
    2. No, when selected pricing will not be sent. Default = No
  59. Sent To Vendor ID
    1. A valid Vendor ID is required be entered to help populate the To section of the xml doc.
    2. This vendor will also be used to determine item numbers if Item ID Source is set to "AssignedByManufacturer".
  60. Swap Ship From/To on Return
    1. No when selected Ship From will contain the seller (company) info, and Ship To will contain the customer info. Default = No
    2. Yes when selected the entity information for the parties in the Ship From and Ship To sections will be swapped. That is, Ship From will contain the info from Ship To in a normal order document, and Ship To will contain the Ship From info. This reflects the direction of how the product is actually moving.
  61. Use Branch for Reporting Entity
    1. Yes, when selected the branch address information will be used to populate the ReportingEntity section of xml (current functionality).
    2. No, when selected ReportingEntity information will be populated the same as the From section of xml, which is populated from company info. (Company name, company id translated). Default = No
  62. Use UN/CEFact for UOM Values
    1. Yes, when selected the standard UN/CEFACT (UN-Rec-20) units of measure will be sent describing quantities in the xml document. Default = Yes
      1. If the UN/CEFACT is not found the export will fail
    2. No, when selected the standard Cinch, or translated values will be sent.
  63. XML Namespace Prefix
  64. Recommended to leave this field blank.
  65. For specific XML naming requirements. Prefixes each tag with this value.
  66. XML Namespace URL
  67. Recommended to leave this field blank.
  68. Puts the XML namespace URL in the header of each document.

  1. CIDX 5.2 Product Movement Export - has been created for exporting Invoice and Return documents. The export process will be initiated with the posting of an invoice or a return document. Resending a document is done through the Export Change Tracking window.
  2. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  3. LOCNCODE is optional.
  4. Blank or * will send all sites.
  5. Enter a Site ID filters all documents on an exact Site match. Only one Site ID can be entered per service partner.
  6. IRRegionID is optional.
  7. Blank or * will send all regions.
  8. Enter a Region ID filters all documents on an exact Region match. Only one Region ID can be entered per service partner.
  9. IRBranchID is optional.
  10. Blank or * will send all branches.
  11. Enter a Branch ID filters all documents on an exact Branch match. Only one Branch ID can be entered per service partner.
  12. Service Line Settings
  13. Always Translate header IDs
    1. Yes, the From and To identifiers in the xml Header will use the value from the Entity ID Source setting as the Domain when performing the translations. (DUNS, AssignedBySeller, etc.)
    2. No, the default domain will be used for translations.
  14. Customer Address to use on Fail
    1. When set to a value other than None, the export will use the customer's BillTo, ShipTo, or Statement address instead of the address on the order, in cases where the order address is incomplete.
  15. Customer Class Filter
  16. Default = *
  17. Enter a single Customer Class or list of Customer Classes.
    1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
    2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
    3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
    4. A customer class prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
    5. Documents must have a matching Customer Class in this list to be exported.
  18. Customer Filter
  19. Default = *
  20. Enter a single Customer or list of Customers.
    1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
    2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
    3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
    4. A customer prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
    5. Documents must have a matching Customer in this list to be exported.
  21. Entity ID Sources is use to determine which "Agency" type for entities (buyer, seller, etc.) are selected during the export. The list of appropriate values are:
    1. Default, AGIIS-EBID, AGIIS-NAPD, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedByPapiNet, AssignedBySeller, AssignedByTestingLaboratory, DUNS, EAN, GLN, Other, SCAC
      1. When DUNS or AGIIS-EBID is selected, the Entity ID will be pulled from the DUNS identifier for the appropriate master record (vendor, location, company, etc.), and a translation will not be performed.
      2. When GLN is selected, the Entity ID will be pulled from the GLN identifier for the appropriate master record (vendor, location, company, etc.), and a translation will not be performed.
      3. Default, AGIIS-NAPD, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedByPapiNet, AssignedBySeller, AssignedByTestingLaboratory, EAN, Other or SCAC are not listed in the schema, but is a CinchX specific setting. When any of these are selected system will send the Cinch or translated value.
      4. Default is the default value
  22. Export Fertilizer Blends
    1. Cinch typically creates a Blended Item and each of the fertilizer component line items, reporting the sale of the Blend item and the components might be perceived as doubling up on the sales. This setting allows the option to NOT Export the Fertilizer Blend Line item.
      1. Yes, when selected the blended items as well as the individual component items will be exported.
      2. No, when selected only the component items to be exported. No is the default value.
  23. Export Matching Lines Only
    1. Yes, when selected only line items that match the filter criteria will be exported.
      1. If an order doesn't contain any line items that pass the filters, the entire order will be ignored.
      2. This setting only comes into play when part of the order passes the service filters, Manufacturing Filter, Item Filter, License Type Filter and Item User Category Filters.
    2. No, when selected all line items on the order will be exported if one line matches any filters.
  24. Export Primary Customer Only
    1. Yes, when selected and splits are present only one transaction will be exported, and it will be in the primary customer's name. The exported quantity will be a total of all split participants, and the price will be the total extended price divided by the total quantity of all particpants. Yes is the default value.
    2. No when select a transaction will be exported for each split partner.
  25. Export Quantities In
    1. Base UofM when selected the quantity values are exported in their equivalent Base UofM quantities.
    2. Selling UofM, when selected the unit of measure and quantities will come directly from document line item. Selling UofM is the default value.
    3. Purchase UofM, when selected the quantity values are exported to the Purchasing UOM from Item Purchasing Options Maint (Item Maint>Purchasing).
  26. Filter Items by Vendor Item #
    1. Yes when selected, only items that have a matching vendor for the vendor selected in the Send-To Vendor ID setting will be sent. If an item does not have a vendor item setup for the Send To Vendor the export will fail. (Export matching lines only setting can still overrride this).
    2. No when selected items will not be filtered by vendor.
  27. Include Invoices
  28. Yes, invoices will be exported for the selected filters. Default = Yes
  29. No, invoices will not be exported.
  30. Include Returns
  31. Yes, returns will be exported for the selected filters. Default = Yes
  32. No, returns will not be exported.
  33. Item Class Filter
  34. Default = *
  35. Enter a single Item Class or list of Item Classes.
    1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
    2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
    3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
    4. An item class prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
    5. Line items must have a matching Item Class in this list to be exported.
  36. The setting for Export Matching Lines Only will also have an impact on how this filter work.
  37. Item Filter
  38. Default = *
  39. Enter a single Item or list of Items.
    1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
    2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
    3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
    4. An item prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
    5. Line items must have a matching Item in this list to be exported.
  40. The setting for Export Matching Lines Only will also have an impact on how this filter work.
  41. Item ID Source is used to determine which "Agency" type for items are selected during the export. The list of appropriate values are.
    1. Default, AGIIS-ProductID, ANSI, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedByManufacturer, AssignedBySeller, EAN, EDIFACT, GBABA, ISO, Other, UPC.
      1. When AssignedByManufacturer is selected a second Product Identifier with an Agency type of AssignedByManufacturer will be created in the XML for the Vendor Item Number from Item Vendor Maintenance.
      2. When AGIIS-ProductID is selected, the Item ID will be pulled from the AGIIS Product ID (GTIN) from the Item Extensions Maintenance for the item, and a translation will not be performed.
      3. Default, ANSI, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedBySeller, EAN, EDIFACT, GBABA, ISO, Other, UPC are not listed in the schema, but is a CinchX specific setting. When any of these are selected system will send the Cinch or translated value. Default is the default value.
  42. Item User Category 1 filter. Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
    1. Default = *
    2. Enter an Item User Category 1 filter or list of Item User Category 1 filters.
      1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
      2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
      3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
      4. A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
      5. Line items must have a matching Item User Category 1 in this list to be exported.
    3. The setting for Export Matching Lines Only will also have an impact on how this filter work.
  43. Item User Category 2 filter. Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
    1. Default = *
    2. Enter an Item User Category 2 filter or list of Item User Category 2 filters.
      1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
      2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
      3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
      4. A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
      5. Line items must have a matching Item User Category 2 in this list to be exported.
    3. The setting for Export Matching Lines Only will also have an impact on how this filter work.
  44. Item User Category 3 filter. Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
    1. Default = *
    2. Enter an Item User Category 3 filter or list of Item User Category 3 filters.
      1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
      2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
      3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
      4. A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
      5. Line items must have a matching Item User Category 3 in this list to be exported.
    3. The setting for Export Matching Lines Only will also have an impact on how this filter work.
  45. Item User Category 4 filter. Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
    1. Default = *
    2. Enter an Item User Category 4 filter or list of Item User Category 4 filters.
      1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
      2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
      3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
      4. A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
      5. Line items must have a matching Item User Category 4 in this list to be exported.
    3. The setting for Export Matching Lines Only will also have an impact on how this filter work.
  46. Item User Category 5 filter. Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
    1. Default = *
    2. Enter an Item User Category 5 filter or list of Item User Category 5 filters.
      1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
      2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
      3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
      4. A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
      5. Line items must have a matching Item User Category 5 in this list to be exported.
    3. The setting for Export Matching Lines Only will also have an impact on how this filter work.
  47. Item User Category 6 filter. Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
    1. Default = *
    2. Enter an Item User Category 6 filter or list of Item User Category 6 filters.
      1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
      2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
      3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
      4. A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
      5. Line items must have a matching Item User Category 6 in this list to be exported.
    3. The setting for Export Matching Lines Only will also have an impact on how this filter work.
  48. License Type Filter. License Types are the Required License defined on the Item.
    1. Default = *
    2. Enter a License Type or list of License Types.
      1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
      2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
      3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
      4. A license type prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
      5. Line items must have a matching License Type in this list to be exported.
    3. The setting for Export Matching Lines Only will also have an impact on how this filter work.
  49. License Type for Translation
    1. When a Valid License Type ID is defined, the system will translate the Customers License Holder License Number for the selected License Type(s).
  50. Manufacturer Filter
  51. Default = *
  52. Enter a Manufacturer or list of Manufacturers.
    1. Enter a Manufacturer or list of Manufacturers.
    2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
    3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
    4. A manufacturer prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
    5. Line items must have a matching Manufacturer in this list to be exported.
  53. The setting for Export Matching Lines Only will also have an impact on how this filter work.
  54. Message Label Extension
  55. The file extension of the export file.
  56. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example product 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
  57. Send Cust# on Translation Fail
    1. Yes, when selected and the PARTNERID translation for customer number fails, it will send the Cinch customer number with an agency type of AssignedBySeller.
    2. No, when selected the standard PARTNERID translation kicks in and if a translation is missing, processing will fail. Default = No
  58. Send Pricing
    1. Yes, when selected pricing from the line will be sent.
    2. No, when selected pricing will not be sent. Default = No
  59. Sent To Vendor ID
    1. A valid Vendor ID is required be entered to help populate the To section of the xml doc.
    2. This vendor will also be used to determine item numbers if Item ID Source is set to "AssignedByManufacturer".
  60. Swap Ship From/To on Return
    1. No when selected Ship From will contain the seller (company) info, and Ship To will contain the customer info. Default = No
    2. Yes when selected the entity information for the parties in the Ship From and Ship To sections will be swapped. That is, Ship From will contain the info from Ship To in a normal order document, and Ship To will contain the Ship From info. This reflects the direction of how the product is actually moving.
  61. Use Branch for Reporting Entity
    1. Yes, when selected the branch address information will be used to populate the ReportingEntity section of xml (current functionality).
    2. No, when selected ReportingEntity information will be populated the same as the From section of xml, which is populated from company info. (Company name, company id translated). Default = No
  62. Use UN/CEFact for UOM Values
    1. Yes, when selected the standard UN/CEFACT (UN-Rec-20) units of measure will be sent describing quantities in the xml document. Default = Yes
      1. If the UN/CEFACT is not found the export will fail
    2. No, when selected the standard Cinch, or translated values will be sent.
  63. XML Namespace Prefix
  64. Recommended to leave this field blank.
  65. For specific XML naming requirements. Prefixes each tag with this value.
  66. XML Namespace URL
  67. Recommended to leave this field blank.
  68. Puts the XML namespace URL in the header of each document.


Transactions, are services used to process Cinch transaction records.
The following services are included:

  1. AgXML 2.0 Bulk Transfer

(Processes shipment and ticket import file to create inbound and outbound bulk transfers for selected customer\vendor.)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. Transfer Customer is required if the AgXML Shipment Import setting, Watch for Bulk Transfer, is set to yes.
      2. Transfer Vendor is required is required if the AgXML Ticket Import setting, Watch for Bulk Transfer, is set to yes.
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Allow Voids
        1. Default = no, do not change, setting is currently not handled.
      2. Batch Hours
        1. Represents the number of hours the batch is good for before a new batch number will be created. Used to limit batch sizes by creating multiple batches per day.
        2. If set to "0" the hours will not be included in the batch number.
      3. Batch Number
        1. If a batch number is entered the bulk transfer will be saved in that batch.
        2. If Batch Number is entered, Batch Prefix will not be used.
        3. Maximum number of characters 15.
        4. If the batch does not exist it will be added.
      4. Batch Prefix
        1. Default = AGXML
          1. If a batch prefix is entered the bulk transfer will be saved in a batch with a format of XXMMDDHH (XX is the Batch prefix, and MMDDHH is the user date (MM= Month, DD= Day and HH = Hour) of the transaction import if Batch hours is set.)
          2. If Batch Number is entered, Batch Prefix will not be used.
          3. Maximum number of characters is 15. This includes the branch prefix, the batch prefix and the date time suffix.
          4. If the batch does not exist it will be added.
      5. User ID
        1. Document is created/updated on behalf of the specified user. This must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP user.
        2. If blank, User ID specified in CinchX Global Settings will be used.

  1. AgXML 2.0 Direct Ship A

(Processes the AGXML Shipment Export file and creates the AGXML Ticket Import file and AGXML Shipment Import file and places them in the designated paths.)

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. No filters apply
  3. Service Line Settings
  4. Clear secondary load numbers.
  5. Yes, will force the removal of the load numbers from the weight cert and quality cert sections of the Shipment xml document. Default = yes
  6. No, will leave the load numbers in the weight cert and quality cert sections of the Shipment xml document.
  7. Shipment Port Type, Shipment Port URL, Shipment Req Path and Shipment Resp Path
  8. These settings need to match shipment import header settings for this direct ship scenario.
  9. Contact Cultura Technologies support to help guide you through the process of setting up the direct ship scenario service. Please DO NOT change these setting prior to contacting support.
  10. Ticket Port Type, Ticket Port URL, Ticket Req Path and Ticket Resp Path
  11. These settings need to match Ticket import header settings for this direct ship scenario.
  12. Cultura Technologies support will guide you through the process of setting up the direct ship scenario service. Please DO NOT change these setting prior to contacting support.

  1. AgXML 2.0 Direct Ship B

(Processes either the 2.0 file version generated from Excel Ticket Import 01 or an AgXML Ticket Export file generated from Cinch. AgXML Direct Ship B will create the AgXML Ticket Import file and AgXML Shipment Import file and places them in the designated paths.)

    1. Shipment Port Type, Shipment Port URL, Shipment Req Path and Shipment Resp Path
      1. These settings need to match AgXML Shipment Import header settings for this direct ship service.
      2. Contact Cultura Technologies support to help guide you through the process of setting up the direct ship service. Please DO NOT change these setting prior to contacting support.
    2. Ticket Port Type, Ticket Port URL, Ticket Req Path and Ticket Resp Path
      1. These settings need to match AgXML Ticket Import header settings for this direct ship service.
      2. Cultura Technologies support will guide you through the process of setting up the direct ship service. Please DO NOT change these setting prior to contacting support.

  1. AgXML 2.0 Shipment Export

(Creates a file for each shipment for the selected customer)

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. Customer filter applies
  3. Customer ID is required. Only one customer can be entered per service partner. When a shipment for this customer is entered in Cinch, it is exported by this service partner.
  4. Service Line Settings
  5. Cinch Consumer
  6. Yes, will add CINCH specific fields such as meter information. Default = yes
  7. No, will conform to AgXML version 2 specifications. (AgXML_v2.0_Message_CommodityMovement.xsd (schema)).
  8. Commodity to Use as Custom Item – will allow items to be sent that are not in the Commodity Group enumerated list.  Allowing an unlimited number of commodity codes/item numbers to be used.
  9. If one of the following items is entered on the service tag, when exported that item will be placed in the Commodity Group tag, and the item number on the shipment or the translated item number (ITEMNMBR, standard value) will be placed in the StandardTransportationCommodityCode tag within the XML document.
  10. Barley
  11. Canola
  12. Flaxseed
  13. MixedGrain
  14. NonstandardizedGrain
  15. Oats
  16. Rye
  17. Sorghum
  18. Soybeans
  19. SunflowerSeeds
  20. Triticale
  21. Wheat
  22. Leave the service tag blank for normal operation, the translated item number (ITEMNMBR, standard value) will be placed in the CommodityGroup tag will be translated, and the StandardTransportationCommodityCode tag will not be present. Default = blank.
  23. Company ID Source
  24. This value specifies how the seller address is determined in the export file. Valid values are Company, Branch and Location. If the setting does not exist, or doesn't match one of the valid values, the Company ID will be sent. Default = Company
  25. Company will translate to the GP Company main address.
  26. Branch will translate to the Cinch Branch address.
  27. Location will translate to the address on the Site ID.
  28. Copy Load to Cust Ref 1
  29. Yes, will place load number value from shipment to the Direct Ship Instruction, load number identifier within the export xml file if the Cust Ref 1 field on the Customer Ref Details window is not populated. This is used only with direct shipments.
  30. If the Require Direct Ship Info is set to yes this setting is not used.
  31. No, load number from shipment will not be placed in the Direct Ship Instruction, load number identifier within the export xml file if the Cust Ref 1 field on the Customer Ref Details window is not populated. Default = no.
  32. Document Date Set From: This setting has three values to control how the xml IssueDateTime gets set.
        1. Shipment, the xml date will get set from the IRShipDate field of the exported shipment. Default = Shipment.
        2. System Date, the xml date will get set from the current operating system date on the server.
        3. User Specified, when selected the xml date will get set from the value in the "Document Date User Specified" setting.
  33. Document Date User Specified; the setting allows the user to select a date to be used with "Document Date Set From:" setting when the "User Specified" option is selected.
  34. Export Comments
  35. Yes, comments will be exported from the shipment. Default = yes
  36. No, comments will not be exported from the shipment.
  37. Export Notes
  38. Yes, notes will be exported from the shipment.
  39. No, notes will not be exported from the shipment. Default = no
  40. Item Class Filter
        1. Default = *
        2. Enter a single Item Class or list of Items Classes.
          1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
          2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
          3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
          4. An item class prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
          5. Line items must have a matching Item Class in this list to be exported.
  41. Item Filter
        1. Default = *
        2. Enter a single Item or list of Items.
          1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
          2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
          3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
          4. An item prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
          5. Line items must have a matching Item in this list to be exported.
  42. Message Label Extension
  43. The file extension of the export file.
  44. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example shipment 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
  45. Require Direct Ship Info
  46. Yes, will reject shipments that do not have the customer ref 1 or customer ref 2 field populated within the shipment Cust Ref Details window.
  47. No, will continue processing regardless that the customer ref 1 or customer ref 2 field within the shipment Cust Ref Details window is not populated. Default = no
  48. Skip Freight
  49. Yes, will not send freight billing information. Default = yes
  50. No, will send freight billing information.
  51. Skip Gross Weight
  52. Yes, will not send gross weight from shipment. Net weight is sent regardless of this setting.
  53. No, will send gross weight from shipment. Net weight is sent regardless of this setting. Default = no
  54. Skip Tare Weight
  55. Yes, will not send tare weight from shipment. Net weight is sent regardless of this setting.
  56. No, will send tare weight from shipment. Net weight is sent regardless of this setting. Default = no
  57. Translate Country Code
    1. Yes, compares the address country code (Customer's Bill To, Main Inventory Site ID and Customer's Ship To) against the AgXML standard country values. If it doesn't exit it will perform a translation .
      1. The translation standard value must exist as an AgXML standard country value or the translation will fail.
    2. No:
      1. If the country code attached to the address is a standard AgXML standard value, the entered code will be sent.
      2. If the country code is not valid, it will be sent as US.
      3. If country code is blank nothing will be sent.
  58. Use Shipment# as Doc#
  59. Yes, uses the shipment number as the document identifier. Default = yes
  60. No, uses either the ticket number or the meter number as the document identifier. If both exist the meter number is used.
  61. XML Namespace Prefix
  62. Recommended to leave this field blank.
  63. For specific XML naming requirements. Prefixes each tag with this value.
  64. XML Namespace URL
  65. Recommended to leave this field blank.
  66. Puts the XML namespace URL in the header of each document.

  1. AgXML 2.0 Shipment Import

(Processes file to create outbound shipments for selected customers.)

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. No filters apply
  3. Service Line Settings
  4. Allow Voids
  5. Yes, if a shipment is imported as an update but has zero for every quantity it will be marked as voided.
  6. No, the ticket will be updated with zero quantity. Default = no
  7. Batch by Item
  8. No, the Item XML Batch Prefix from Item Extensions will not be included in the batch number. Default = No
  9. Yes, the Item XML Batch Prefix from Item Extensions will be included in the batch number.
  10. If service setting, Batch Number is entered, Batch by Item will not be used.
            1. Batch format will be BBXXMMDDHH (BB is the Branch Prefix, XX is the Batch prefix, and MMDDHH is the user date (MM= Month, DD= Day and HH = Hour) of the transaction import if Batch hours is set.)
  11. If service setting, Batch Number is not provided the Batch Item Naming will be BBBPPIII-MMDDHH.
  12. BBB is the Batch prefix, length may vary depending on Branch ID setup.
  13. PP is the Batch Prefix, length may vary depending on Branch Prefix setup.
  14. III is the Item XML Prefix. If no item batch prefix exists for that item, then there is no item segment in the batch.
  15. – will follow the Item Batch Prefix if one exists or the Prefix if one does not exist.
  16. MMDD is the user date (MM= Month, DD= Day).
  17. HH is the Batch Hour.
  18. Maximum number of characters 15. This includes the branch prefix, the batch prefix, the Item XML Prefix and the date time suffix.
  19. Batch Hours
  20. Represents the number of hours the batch is good for before a new batch number will be created. Used to limit batch sizes by creating multiple batches per day.
  21. If set to "0" the hours will not be included in the batch number.
  22. Batch Number
  23. If a batch number is entered the outbound shipments will be saved in that batch.
  24. If Batch Number is entered, Batch Prefix will not be used.
  25. Maximum number of characters 15.
  26. If the batch does not exist it will be added.
  27. Batch Prefix
  28. Default = AGXML
  29. If a batch prefix is entered the inbound tickets will be saved in a batch with a format of XXMMDDHH (XX is the Batch prefix, and MMDDHH is the user date (MM= Month, DD= Day and HH = Hour) of the transaction import if Batch hours is set.)
  30. If Batch Number is entered, Batch Prefix will not be used.
  31. Maximum number of characters is 15. This includes the branch prefix, the batch prefix and the date time suffix.
  32. If the batch does not exist it will be added.
  33. Commodity to Use as Custom Item – will allow items to be imported that are not in the Commodity Group enumerated list.  Allowing an unlimited number of commodity codes/item numbers to be used.
  34. If the Commodity to Use Custom Item service tag is defined, the import processor will look for that value in the Commodity Group tag in the XML document.
  35. If the values match the item from the StandardTransportationCommodityCode tag will be translated as the Commodity Group standard value.
  36. If the values do not match the item from the CommodityGroup tag will be translated as normal.
  37. Valid items for the Commodity to Use as Custom item service tag:
  38. Barley
  39. Canola
  40. Flaxseed
  41. MixedGrain
  42. NonstandardizedGrain
  43. Oats
  44. Rye
  45. Sorghum
  46. Soybeans
  47. SunflowerSeeds
  48. Triticale
  49. Wheat
  50. Leave the setting blank for normal operation, the item in the CommodityGroup tag will be translated, rather than the StandardTransportationCommodityCode tag. Default = blank.
  51. Copy Weights/Grades to Dest
    1. Yes, the weights and grades will be copied to the destination weights and grades fields.
    2. No, the weights and grades will not be copied to the destination weights and grades fields. Default value is No.
  52. Default Branch
  53. A valid branch ID can be selected. If default branch is specified any unresolved seller addresses will be forced to this specified branch.
  54. If blank, the seller address in the AgXML must resolve to a location in the current company or the shipment will be rejected.
  55. Fail on Ship-To address match
  56. Default = yes
  57. Yes, if a match for the ship to address is not found the document import will fail.
  58. No, if a match for the ship to address is not found the primary ship to address will be used.
  59. Get shipment # from buyer doc#
  60. No, system will generate shipment number unless shipment # from seller doc number is set to yes. Default = no
  61. Yes, the buyer document number will be used for the shipment number.
  62. If this setting is yes the get shipment # from seller doc # cannot be yes.
  63. Get shipment # from seller doc#
  64. No, system will generate shipment number unless shipment # from buyer doc number is set to yes. Default = no
  65. Yes, the seller document number will be used for the shipment number.
  66. If this setting is yes the get shipment # from buyer doc # cannot be yes.
  67. Ignore XML Freight
  68. Yes, the freight from the XML message will be ignored. For a new shipment, if freight exists on the Load, it will be applied. For updates or deletes the existing freight on the shipment will be untouched.
  69. No, the freight from the XML message will be used. For a new shipment, if freight exists on the Load, it will be applied. For update shipment messages the freight on an existing shipment will be updated/deleted as needed. Default = no.
  70. Match Bulk Transfers
  71. If the Watch for Bulk Transfers is set to yes, this flag this flag denotes how the bulk transfer will be created. Default = dual
  72. Single: This denotes a single sided bulk transfer. No matching to a destination ticket will be needed. The Bulk transfer is created with origination weights and grades for both origination and destination values.
  73. Dual: Requires a manual match. All bulk transfers are sent to the bulk transfer match window for approval.
  74. Auto: Attempts to match bulk transfers on the BILL OF LADING field only. If two matched bill of lading ticket/shipment records are identified during processing they are automatically approved and sent on as a matched bulk transfer retaining the correct origination/destination weights and grades.
  75. Outbound Window
  76. Grain, the ticket will only appear in the outbound shipping entry window.
  77. Bulk, the ticket will only appear in the bulk shipping entry window. Default = Bulk
  78. Item Controlled, system looks at Item Maintenance, Ship/Receive Def Screen setting to determine which window (Bulk or Grain) the shipment will appear in.
  79. If the Item Ship/Receive Def Screen has not been defined for the selected item, shipment will default to Bulk.
  80. Put Partner Doc# In
  81. User Defined 1, places partner doc # in the user defined 1 field.
  82. User Defined 2, places partner doc # in the user defined 2 field.
  83. Use location id for Ship-To
  84. Default = no
  85. Yes, the Cinch address ID will be used if included in the message.
  86. No, the address match will be run.
  87. User ID
  88. Document is created/updated on behalf of the specified user. This must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP user.
  89. If blank, User ID specified in CinchX Global Settings will be used.
  90. Watch for Bulk Transfers
  91. This flag is used to create bulk transfers from the shipment import. Default = no.
  92. Yes: Checks if the customer in the Shipment import file is a transfer customer, if so it will be processed as a bulk transfer. If not shipment import processing will continue.
  93. The transfer customer will need to be translated:
  94. Standard ID = a valid GP Inventory Site ID.
  95. Cinch Value = a valid GP Customer ID.
  96. No: Shipment import processing will continue as normal.

  1. AgXML 2.0 Ticket Export

(Creates a file for each ticket for selected vendor(s)).

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. Vendor filters apply
  3. Vendor ID is required. Only one vendor can be entered per service partner.
  4. Vendor can be vendor on the ticket or any ticket split owner. When a ticket for this vendor is entered in Cinch, it is exported by this service partner.
  5. Service Line Settings
  6. Cinch Consumer
  7. Yes, will add CINCH specific fields. Default = yes
  8. No, will conform to AgXML version 2 specifications. ( AgXML_v2.0_Message_CommodityMovement.xsd (schema)).
  9. Commodity to Use as Custom Item – will allow items to be sent that are not in the Commodity Group enumerated list.  Allowing an unlimited number of commodity codes/item numbers to be used.
  10. If one of the following items is entered on the service tag, when exported that item will be placed in the Commodity Group tag, and the item number on the ticket or the translated item number (ITEMNMBR, standard value) will be placed in the StandardTransportationCommodityCode tag within the XML document.
  11. Barley
  12. Canola
  13. Flaxseed
  14. MixedGrain
  15. NonstandardizedGrain
  16. Oats
  17. Rye
  18. Sorghum
  19. Soybeans
  20. SunflowerSeeds
  21. Triticale
  22. Wheat
  23. Leave the service tag blank for normal operation, the translated item number (ITEMNMBR, standard value) will be placed in the CommodityGroup tag will be translated, and the StandardTransportationCommodityCode tag will not be present. Default = blank.
  24. Company ID Source
  25. This value specifies how the buyer address is determined in the export file. Valid values are Company, Branch and Location. If the setting does not exist, or doesn't match one of the valid values, the Company ID will be sent. Default = Company
  26. Company will translate to the GP Company main address.
  27. Branch will translate to the Cinch Branch address.
  28. Location will translate to the address on the Site ID.
  29. Export Comments
  30. Yes, comments will be exported from the ticket. Default = yes
  31. No, comments will not be exported from the ticket.
  32. Export Notes
  33. Yes, notes will be exported from the ticket.
  34. No, notes will not be exported from the ticket. Default = no
  35. Item Class Filter
    1. Default = *
    2. Enter a single Item Class or list of Item Classes.
      1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
      2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
      3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
      4. An item class prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
      5. Line items must have a matching Item Class in this list to be exported.
  36. Item Filter
    1. Default = *
    2. Enter a single Item or list of Items.
      1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
      2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
      3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
      4. An item prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
      5. Line items must have a matching Item in this list to be exported.
  37. Message Label Extension
  38. The file extension of the export file.
  39. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example ticket 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
  40. Populate Direct Ship Info From, this setting will determine where the ticket export processor should pull the data to populate the direct ship tags. This will be used in conjunction with the AgXML Direct Ship B.
    1. Blank, the direct ship tags will not be populated. Default = blank. This setting should be used is if you are not sending to Direct Ship B.
    2. 100% Split Owner, this will populate the direct ship tags using the Vendor of the ticket where it has been 100% split to an owner other than the vendor on the ticket.
      1. The original vendor on the exported ticket will be the Direct Ship Agent and will be translated (Agent Internal) to be the vendor on the imported ticket generated from Direct Ship B.
    3. Direct Ship Account, this will populate the direct ship tags from the Direct Ship Account expansion window if it has been filled out.
      1. The Direct Ship Account on the exported ticket will be the Direct Ship Agent and will be translated (Agent Internal) to be the vendor on the imported ticket generated from Direct Ship B.
    4. Driver, will populate the direct ship tags from the Driver info.
      1. The Driver ID on the exported ticket will be the Direct Ship Agent and will be translated (Agent Internal) to be the vendor on the imported ticket generated from Direct Ship B.
      2. On the Ticket Import the Driver tag will be set to N/A.
  41. Require Vehicle ID
  42. Yes, ticket will not be export if Vehicle ID is blank.
  43. No, ticket will be exported if Vehicle ID is blank. If Vehicle ID is blank on the ticket the exported document will contain N/A since this is an AgXML required field. Default = no
  44. Send All Updates
  45. Yes, system checks if the ticket has been previously exported and will send it again.
  46. No, system checks if the ticket has been previously exported and will not send updates to the exported tickets. Default = No
  47. Send Driver Name in USERDEF2
  48. Yes, data from the ticket USERDEF2 will be sent as the Vehicle Driver Description in AgXML.
  49. No, data from the ticket USERDEF2 will not be sent. Default = no
  50. Send Freight Rate info
  51. Yes, will send freight billing information.
  52. No, will not send freight billing information. Default = no
  53. Send Shipper info in FreightCarrier
  54. Yes, the shipping company is placed in the freight carrier section of the AgXML document.
  55. No, the shipping company is placed in the shipper section of the AgXML document. Default = no
  56. Send TraceID in USERDEF1
  57. Yes, data from the ticket USERDEF1 will be sent as the document identifier (ticket number).
  58. No, the ticket number will be used as the document identifier. Default = no
  59. Skip Gross Weight
  60. Yes, will not send gross weight from ticket. Net weight is sent regardless of this setting.
  61. No, will send gross weight from ticket. Net weight is sent regardless of this setting. Default = no
  62. Skip Tare Weight
  63. Yes, will not send tare weight from ticket. Net weight is sent regardless of this setting.
  64. No, will send tare weight from ticket. Net weight is sent regardless of this setting. Default = no
  65. Translate Country Code
    1. Yes, compares the address country code (Branch's main Inventory Site ID) against the AgXML standard country values. If it doesn't exit it will perform a translation.
      1. The translation standard value must exist as an AgXML standard country value or the translation will fail.
    2. No :
      1. If the country code attached to the Main Inventory Site ID is a AgXML standard value, the entered value will be sent.
      2. If the country code is not valid, it will be sent as US.
      3. If country code is blank nothing will be sent.
  66. Use BOL for Weight Cert
  67. Yes, weight cert identifier in the AgXML document will come from the bill of lading field on the ticket.
  68. No, weight cert identifier in the AgXML document will come from the weight cert field on the ticket. Default = no
  69. Use Description for Ship Method
  70. Yes, description for the shipping method is sent instead of ship method ID in the AgXML docume nt.
  71. No, ship method ID is sent in the AgXML document. Default = no
  72. XML Namespace Prefix
  73. Recommended to leave this field blank.
  74. For specific XML naming requirements. Prefixes each tag with this value.
  75. XML Namespace URL
  76. Recommended to leave this field blank.
  77. Puts the XML namespace URL in the header of each document.

Processing Note: Ticket Export will create multiple Commodity Movement Seller records, one for each ticket detail record.

  • System will loop through the ticket detail records and create a Commodity Movement Seller tag for each record.
  • XML document will have the Split ID in the Software Specific section if any of the owners are missing a disposition ID.
  • The system will re-export an un-posted ticket if the split was changed after the initial save/print.
  • The system will re-export an un-posted ticket if the grade is changed on the Ticket Grade Factor Entry window after the initial save/print.
  • The system will not re-export an un-posted ticket if the application is changed after the initial save/print.

  1. AgXML 2.0 Ticket Import

(Processes file to create inbound tickets for selected customers.)

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. No filters apply
  3. Service Line Settings
  4. Address match Destination
  5. No, the address will match against the Buyer address. Default = No
  6. Yes, system will look for a Shipment Information, Destination tag within the xml document and try to match on that address instead of the Buyer address.
  7. Allow Voids
  8. Yes, if a ticket is imported as an update but has zero for every quantity it will be marked as voided.
  9. No, the ticket will be updated with zero quantity.  Default = No
  10. Auto Apply Ticket – this tag works in conjunction with Cinch Auto Apply Disposition settings. Refer to Cinch Grain Software System manual for more information about the Cinch Auto Apply Disposition settings.
  11. Yes, during the Import process the system will attempt to cross reference the "application instructions" disposition ID to a Cinch Disposition ID.
  12. If disposition intention is provided, the system will have the ability to apply the ticket to an assembly that meets the Ticket Auto Apply Disposition application rules for that Disposition Id. The Auto Apply Disposition rules will be based on the Branch of the imported Ticket.
  13. If system finds more than one assembly for the disposition intention, the following hierarchy will be used to select the assembly sheet to be used.
              1. The assembly from the contract with the earliest ending delivery date, if there are still multiple then.
              2. The assembly from the contract with the earliest starting delivery date, if there are still multiple then.
              3. The assembly from the contract with the earliest contract date, if there are still multiple then.
              4. Lowest contract number.
  14. If no assemblies are found, the systems checks the "Create if None" rules and either will create an assembly, or leave the ticket unapplied.
  15. If the disposition intention is not provided, systems will leave the ticket unapplied.
  16. No, the ticket is created and left unapplied. Default value = No
  17. Auto Create Spot Contracts
  18. Yes, based on the Translation Maintenance, Application Type, if the Standard value is as follows:
  19. Spot End of Day – system will create scale ticket with the Spot checkbox marked.
  20. Spot Immediate – system will create scale ticket with the Spot checkbox marked, populate the Spot Price (spot basis price, spot net price, spot board price), and populate the Programs Schedule and Discount schedule based on the Branch Item Default.  The system will create and post the Spot Contract and apply the scale ticket to the spawned assembly.
  21. No, system will create scale ticket with the Spot checkbox marked. Default value = No
  22. Batch by Item
  23. No, the Item XML Batch Prefix from Item Extensions will not be included in the batch number. Default = No
  24. Yes, the Item XML Batch Prefix from Item Extensions will be included in the batch number.
  25. If service setting, Batch Number is entered, Batch by Item will not be used.
  26. Batch format will be BBXXMMDDHH (BB is the Branch Prefix, XX is the Batch prefix, and MMDDHH is the user date (MM= Month, DD= Day and HH = Hour) of the transaction import if Batch hours is set.)
  27. If service setting, Batch Number is not provided the Batch Item Naming will be BBBPPIII-MMDDHH.
  28. BBB is the Batch prefix, length may vary depending on Branch ID setup.
  29. PP is the Batch Prefix, length may vary depending on Branch Prefix setup.
  30. III is the Item XML Prefix. If no item batch prefix exists for that item, then there is no item segment in the batch.
  31. – will follow the Item Batch Prefix if one exists or the Prefix if one does not exist.
  32. MMDD is the user date (MM= Month, DD= Day).
  33. HH is the Batch Hour.
  34. Maximum number of characters 15. This includes the branch prefix, the batch prefix, the Item XML Prefix and the date time suffix.
  35. Batch Hours
  36. Represents the number of hours the batch is good for before a new batch number will be created. Used to limit batch sizes by creating multiple batches per day.
  37. If set to "0" the hours will not be included in the batch number.
  38. Batch Number
  39. If a batch number is entered the inbound tickets will be saved in that batch.
  40. If Batch Number is entered, Batch Prefix will not be used.
  41. Maximum number of characters 15.
  42. If the batch does not exist it will be added.
  43. Batch Prefix
  44. Default = AGXML
  45. If a batch prefix is entered the inbound tickets will be saved in a batch with a format of XXMMDDHH (XX is the Batch prefix, and MMDDHH is the user date (MM= Month, DD= Day and HH = Hour) of the transaction import if Batch hours is set.)
  46. If Batch Number is entered, Batch Prefix will not be used.
  47. Maximum number of characters 15. This includes the branch prefix, the batch prefix and the date time suffix.
  48. If the batch does not exist it will be added.
  49. Commodity to Use as Custom Item – will allow items to be imported that are not in the Commodity Group enumerated list.  Allowing an unlimited number of commodity codes/item numbers to be used.
  50. If the Commodity to Use Custom Item service tag is defined, the import processor will look for that value in the Commodity Group tag in the XML document.
  51. If the values match the item from the StandardTransportationCommodityCode tag will be translated as the Commodity Group standard value.
  52. If the values do not match the item from the CommodityGroup tag will be translated as normal.
  53. Valid items for the Commodity to Use as Custom item service tag:
  54. Barley
  55. Canola
  56. Flaxseed
  57. MixedGrain
  58. NonstandardizedGrain
  59. Oats
  60. Rye
  61. Sorghum
  62. Soybeans
  63. SunflowerSeeds
  64. Triticale
  65. Wheat
  66. Leave the setting blank for normal operation, the item in the CommodityGroup tag will be translated, rather than the StandardTransportationCommodityCode tag. Default = blank.
  67. Default Branch
  68. A valid branch ID can be selected. If default branch is specified any unresolved buyer addresses will be forced to this specified branch.
  69. If blank, the buyer address in the AgXML must resolve to a location in the current company or the shipment will be rejected.
  70. Get ticket# from buyer doc#
  71. No, system will generate ticket number unless ticket # from seller doc number is set to yes. Default = no
  72. Yes, the buyer document number will be used for the ticket number.
  73. If this setting is yes the get ticket # from seller doc # cannot be yes.
  74. Get ticket# from seller doc#
  75. No, System will generate ticket number unless ticket # from buyer doc number is set to yes. Default = no
  76. Yes, the seller document number will be used for the ticket number.
  77. If this setting is yes the get ticket # from buyer doc # cannot be yes.
  78. Ignore XML Freight
  79. Yes, the freight from the XML message will be ignored. For a new ticket, no freight will be applied. For updates or deletes the existing freight on the shipment will be untouched.
  80. No, the freight from the XML message will be used. For a new ticket, the freight will be applied. For update shipment messages the freight on an existing shipment will be updated/deleted as needed. Default = no.
  81. Inbound Window
    1. Grain, the ticket will only appear in the inbound scale ticket entry window. Default = Grain
    2. Bulk, the ticket will only appear in the bulk ticket entry window.
    3. Item Controlled, system looks at Item Maintenance, Ship/Receive Def Screen setting to determine which window (Bulk or Grain) the ticket will appear in.
      1. If the Item Ship/Receive Def Screen has not been defined for the selected item, ticket will default to Grain.
  82. Match Bulk Transfers
  83. If the Watch for Bulk Transfers is set to yes, this flag this flag denotes how the bulk transfer will be created. Default = auto
  84. Single: This denotes a single sided bulk transfer. No matching to an origination shipment will be needed. The Bulk transfer is created with destination weights and grades for both origination and destination values.
  85. Dual: Requires a manual match. All bulk transfers are sent to the bulk transfer match window for approval.
  86. Auto: Attempts to match bulk transfers on the BILL OF LADING field only. If two matched bill of lading ticket/shipment records are identified during processing they are automatically approved and sent on as a matched bulk transfer retaining the correct origination/destination weights and grades.
  87. Put Partner Doc# In
  88. User Defined 1, places partner doc # in the user defined 1 field.
  89. User Defined 2, places partner doc # in the user defined 2 field.
  90. Places partner doc # in the bill of lading field. Default = Bill of Lading
  91. Use sampleID as Grade Cert – This setting will determine which xml value will be added to the Cinch Grade Cert field.
    1. When set to No, it will act as it currently does, and store the value from the xml QualityCertificateHeader.QualityCertificateIdentifier element.
    2. When set to Yes, it will store the value from the QualityCertificateHeader.SampleInformation.SampleIdentifier.
  92. Use SplitID for FarmID
  93. Yes, if a SplitID is present in the software specific section of the import file it will be validate against the Vendor Farm and placed in the Farm field on the ticket. Please check with support prior to changing this to Yes.
  94. No, the Split ID will not be placed in the Farm field on the ticket. Default = No.
  95. User ID
  96. Document is created/updated on behalf of the specified user. This must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP user.
  97. If blank, User ID specified in CinchX Global Settings will be used.
  98. Watch for Bulk Transfers
  99. This flag is used to create bulk transfers from the shipment import. Default = no.
  100. Yes: Checks if the vendor in the Ticket import file is a transfer vendor, if so it will be processed as a bulk transfer. If not ticket import processing will continue.
  101. The transfer vendor will need to be translated.
  102. Standard ID = a valid GP Inventory Site ID.
  103. Cinch Value = a valid GP Vendor ID.
  104. No: Ticket import processing will continue as normal.

Processing Note: Ticket Import supports multiple Sellers in the AgXML Commodity movement document.

  • The system will create a Cinch Grain Ticket Owner record for each Commodity Movement Seller in the AgXML Commodity Movement Document portion of the xml document.
  • The system will place the proper Disposition ID on the Ticket Owner record based on cross referencing of the XML "Application Type" to the Cinch Disposition ID.
  • If the XML document has multiple Ticket Owner records for the same owner but different contracts, an individual Ticket Owner record for will be created for each application.
  • Tickets will not be applied to contracts/assembly sheets even though the contract may exist in the xml document.
  • If the xml document has a quantity allocation in pounds, it will be converted to "Cinch UofM" using the Weight/Unit value.
  • Owner records will be rounded to the precision on Item Extensions Maintenance.
  • Split Quantity must equal Ticket Quantity in the xml document being imported, if not the document will not import and be held in the Needs Attention section of the Document Monitor with the message, "The sum of the application allocations does not match the ticket quantity." The xml document will need to be edited and retransmitted from the originating system or manually entered into Cinch.
  • A flag has been added to imported records so recalculation is not done by the system.

  1. AgXML 4.0 Direct Ship A

(Processes the AGXML 4.0 Shipment Export file and creates the AGXML 4.0 Ticket Import file and AGXML 4.0 Shipment Import file and places them in the designated paths )

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. No filters apply
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Clear secondary load numbers.
        1. Yes, will force the removal of the load numbers from the weight cert and quality cert sections of the Shipment xml document. Default = yes
        2. No, will leave the load numbers in the weight cert and quality cert sections of the Shipment xml document.
      2. Shipment Port Type, Shipment Port URL, Shipment Req Path and Shipment Resp Path
        1. These settings need to match AgXML 4.0 Shipment Import header settings for this direct ship service.
        2. Contact Cultura Technologies support to help guide you through the process of setting up the direct ship service. Please DO NOT change these setting prior to contacting support.
      3. Ticket Port Type, Ticket Port URL, Ticket Re q Path and Ticket Resp Path
        1. These settings need to match AgXML 4.0 Ticket import header settings for this direct ship service.
        2. Cultura Technologies support will guide you through the process of setting up the direct ship service. Please DO NOT change these setting prior to contacting support.
      4. Validate customer ship-to
        1. Yes, is the default value and should only be changed if recommended by Cinch Support.
        2. No, will bypass the normal contract/load address validation. This is currently only used with Excel Shipment Import 02.

  1. AgXML 4.0 Direct Ship B

(Processes either the 4.0 file version generated from Excel Ticket Import 01 or an AgXML 4.0 Ticket Export file generated from Cinch. AgXML 4.0 Direct Ship B will create the AgXML 4.0 Ticket Import file and AgXML 4.0 Shipment Import file and places them in the designated paths)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. No filters apply
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Shipment Port Type, Shipment Port URL, Shipment Req Path and Shipment Resp Path
        1. These settings need to match AgXML 4.0 Shipment Import header settings for this direct ship service.
        2. Contact Cultura Technologies support to help guide you through the process of setting up the direct ship service. Please DO NOT change these setting prior to contacting support.
      2. Ticket Port Type, Ticket Port URL, Ticket Req Path and Ticket Resp Path
        1. These settings need to match AgXML 4.0 Ticket import header settings for this direct ship service.
        2. Cultura Technologies support will guide you through the process of setting up the direct ship service. Please DO NOT change these setting prior to contacting support.

  1. AgXML 4.0 In Transit-In Export

(Creates file for the Inbound In Transit Ticket records for selected customers.)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. Vendor filters apply
        1. Vendor ID is required. Only one vendor can be entered per service partner.
          1. Vendor can be vendor on the ticket or any ticket split owner. When a ticket for this vendor is entered in Cinch, it is exported by this service partner.
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Cinch Consumer
        1. Yes, will add CINCH specific fields. Default = yes
        2. No, will conform to AgXML version 4 specifications AgXML_v4.0.xsd (schema).
      2. Company ID Source
        1. This value specifies how the buyer address is determined in the export file. Valid values are Company, Branch and Location. If the setting does not exist, or doesn't match one of the valid values, the Company ID will be sent. Default = Company
          1. Company will translate to the GP Company main address.
          2. Branch will translate to the Cinch Branch address.
          3. Location will translate to the address on the Site ID.
      3. Export Comments
        1. Yes, comments will be exported from the ticket. Default = yes
        2. No, comments will not be exported from the ticket.
      4. Export Notes
        1. Yes, notes will be exported from the ticket.
        2. No, notes will not be exported from the ticket. Default = no
      5. Internal Vendors Only
        1. Yes, only tickets where vendors are marked as Internal Customer (Vendor Extensions Maintenance) will be exported.
        2. No, will have no effect on the exports.
      6. Message Label Extension
        1. The file extension of the export file.
          1. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example ticket 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
      7. Send All Updates
        1. Yes, system checks if the ticket has been previously exported and will send it again.
        2. No, system checks if the ticket has been previously exported and will not send updates to the exported tickets. Default = No
      8. Skip Freight
        1. Yes, will not send freight information from ticket. Default = yes
        2. No, will send freight information from ticket.
      9. Skip Gross Weight
        1. Yes, will not send gross weight from ticket. Net weight is sent regardless of this setting.
        2. No, will send gross weight from ticket. Net weight is sent regardless of this setting. Default = no
      10. Skip Tare Weight
        1. Yes, will not send tare weight from ticket. Net weight is sent regardless of this setting.
        2. No, will send tare weight from ticket. Net weight is sent regardless of this setting. Default = no
      11. Vendor Class Filters
  1. If entered this must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP vendor class and each imported vendor will be assigned to this class.
  2. Blank – all customer classes will be sent. Default = Blank
  3. * – all customer classes will be sent.
  4. Enter a single customer class or enter a comma separated list of customer classes.
      1. XML Namespace Prefix
        1. Recommended to leave this field blank.
          1. For specific XML naming requirements. Prefixes each tag with this value.
      2. XML Namespace URL
        1. Recommended to leave this field blank.
          1. Puts the XML namespace URL in the header of each document.

Processing Note:

  • In-Transit records will export on and insert or update, without any filtering on the posted or printed flags. The Setup All Updates can be used to limit the number of times the ticket gets exported.

  1. AgXML 4.0 In Transit-In Import

(Processes file to create Inbound In Transit Ticket records.)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. Vendor filters apply.
        1. Vendor ID is required. Only one vendor can be entered per service partner.
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Address match destination
        1. No, the address will match against the Buyer address. Default = No
          1. When importing a file has been generated from Excel Ticket Import 01, it is recommended to set this setting to No since the address isn't in the file and can't be determined. When set to No it will use the Default Branch.
        2. Yes, system will look for a Shipment Information, Destination tag within the xml document and try to match on that address instead of the Buyer address.
      2. Default Branch
        1. A valid branch ID can be selected. If default branch is specified any unresolved buyer addresses will be forced to this specified branch.
        2. If blank, the buyer address in the AgXML must resolve to a location in the current company or the shipment will be rejected.
      3. Get ticket # from buyer doc#
        1. No, system will generate ticket number unless ticket # from seller doc number is set to yes. Default = no
        2. Yes, the buyer document number will be used for the ticket number.
        3. If this setting is yes the get ticket # from seller doc # cannot be yes.
      4. Get ticket # from seller doc#
        1. No, system will generate ticket number unless ticket # from buyer doc number is set to yes. Default = no
        2. Yes, the seller document number will be used for the ticket number.
        3. If this setting is yes the get ticket # from buyer doc # cannot be yes.
      5. Ignore XML Freight
        1. Yes, the freight from the XML message will be ignored. For a new ticket, no freight will be applied. For updates or deletes the existing freight on the record will be untouched.
        2. No, the freight from the XML message will be used. For a new ticket, the freight will be applied. For update messages the freight on an existing record will be updated/deleted as needed. Default = no
      6. Import as Barge
        1. Yes, when selected will create the In Transit Ticket and update the Barge with the information from the imported In Transit Ticket.
        2. No when selected will process the In Transit Ticket as normal.
      7. One Assembly per Unit Train
        1. When set to Yes, a new assembly will be created for each unit train imported.
          1. Cross Branch application, Contract Number will be supplied within the import file, if the In Transit Ticket branch is different than the contract number, the system will duplicate the contract assembly and apply the in transit tickets to the newly created assembly.
        2. When set to No, system will import all tickets to the same assembly.
      8. Require Unit Number
        1. Yes, system will fail all documents without a Unit Train Number.
        2. No, system will import documents regardless if there is a Unit Train Number in the file. Default = no
      9. Store origination ticket# from: This setting is used to determine what section in the xml to pull the origination ticket number from.
        1. Buyer
          1. When importing a file generated from Excel Ticket Import it is recommended to set to Buyer for Orig number on the In Transit to be populated with the Ticket Number from the Excel File.
        2. Seller, Default = Seller
          1. When importing from a Cinch Shipment it is recommended to set to Seller for Orig number on the In Transit to be populated.
      10. User ID – This is used to set the Cinch transactional user.
        1. Document is created/updated on behalf of the specified user. This must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP user.
        2. If blank, User ID specified in CinchX Global Settings will be used.

Processing Note:

  • When the import file contains the Application Instructions, Contract and Delivery Start Date, the ticket will be applied to the contract, delivery period combination.
    • If multiple matches, use oldest.
    • If none found, warning will be present in Doc Monitoring, system will clear assembly and leave ticket unapplied.
    • If successfully applied, set Disposition ID to Disposition ID of Assembly.
    • No Overrun rules will be checked. System will automatically overrun the contract if quantity exceeds contract quantity.
  • Inbound In Transit Ticket, net quantity will display on the DPR, Physical Inventory, and Inbound In Transit.
  • If Address Match destination is set to yes, records generated from Excel Ticket Import will use the Site address to determine the branch to create the ticket. If set to no, the default Branch will be used.
  • If Import as Barge is set to yes:
    • A Unit Number is required and will be the Barge Number that will be created. If the Barge does not exist one will be created.
    • A Purchase Contract is required.
    • The Barge Entry will be updated/created based on the imported In Transit Ticket. The Barge Entry Origination Weights, Grades and BOL Date will be populated with the information from the imported In Transit Ticket.
    • Ship Company or Ship Method must be setup with Shipping Category of Barge.
    • Compuweigh cannot handle a mode of "Barge" so the XML always says "Rail" as the mode even if it's actually a barge.

  1. AgXML 4.0 Load Export

(Creates file for the load order records for selected customers.)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters:
      1. Customer filter applies.
        1. Customer ID is required. The exact or wild card match must be entered. For example * = all customers, a* = all customers that begin with "a".
        2. Vendor ID is required. Only one vendor can be entered per service partner.
        3. LOCNCODE is optional. If specified filters all documents on an exact inventory site match.
    2. Service Line Settings:
      1. Allow Deletes
        1. Yes when selected the system will will use previously filled stage table data to populate the XML document. The only difference in the exported XML document is that the ActionType flag will now be set to "Delete".
          1. This setting is only used when creating a transaction within OneWeigh Sales Order Export to delete an order. Load Import will import as an edit, void or delete will not occur.
        2. No when selected any Loads that have been deleted in Cinch will be ignored by CinchX.
      2. Allow Voids
        1. Yes, voided Load Orders will be exported with an Action Type of "Delete".
        2. No, voided Load Orders will not be exported.
      3. Cinch Consumer
        1. Yes, Will add CINCH specific fields. Default = yes
        2. No, will conform to AgXML version 4 specifications AgXML_v4 .0.xsd (schema) .
      4. Company ID Source
        1. Default = Company
        2. This value specifies how the agent address is determined in the export file. Valid values are Company, Branch and Location. If the setting does not exist, or doesn't match one of the valid values, the Company ID will be sent.
          1. Company will translate to the GP Company main address.
          2. Branch will translate to the Cinch Branch address.
          3. Location will translate to the address on the Site ID.
      5. Export Comments
        1. Yes, comments will be exported from the load order. Default = yes
        2. No, comments will not be exported from the load order.
      6. Export Price
        1. Yes, Price fields from the load order will be exported.
        2. No, Price fields from the load order will not be exported. Default = no
      7. Export SCAC Identifier
        1. Yes, Freight Carriers SCAC Identifier will be exported. Processor will get the SCAC code for Freight carriers in the Vendor Master table in the Vendor Short name field.
          1. SCAC Identifier will be placed in the "Freight Carrier- Entity Information section of the Load Order Message /ShipmentInformation/Routing/StandardCarrierAlphaCode node
      8. Export STCC Identifier
        1. Yes, Standard Transportation Commodity Code (STCC) Identifier will be exported. Processor will get the STCC in the Item Master, Item Cat 6 field.
          1. STCC Identifier will be placed in the /CommodityInformation/StandardTransportationCommodityCode node
      9. Item Class Filter
        1. Default = *
        2. Enter a single Item Class or list of Item Classes.
          1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
          2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
          3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
          4. An item class prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
          5. Line items must have a matching Item Class in this list to be exported.
      10. Item Filter
        1. Default = *
        2. Enter a single Item or list of Items.
          1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
          2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
          3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
          4. An item prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
          5. Line items must have a matching Item in this list to be exported.
      11. Message Label Extension
        1. The file extension of the export file.
          1. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example order 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
      12. Populate Origin with Site Info
        1. Yes, when selected the Shipment Information/Origin will be populated from the Site Address.
        2. No, when selected the Shipment Information/ Origin will be populated from the Vendor Primary Address.
      13. Send Loads that are On Hold
        1. The AgXML 4.0 Load Order Export, Cinch Consumer should be set to Yes for the On Hold setting to be present in export file.
        2. Yes when selected On Hold Load Orders will be exported.
        3. No when selected:
          1. If a load order is created with an on hold status, it will not be exported.
          2. If a load is created and then subsequently marked as "on hold" the system will send an update.
      14. Send reused Load#s as Adds
        1. Yes, when selected the XML Action type will be forced to Add regardless if the load is new or an update to an existing load.
        2. Default = No
      15. Shipping Category Filter, will filter by the Shipping Method, Shipping Category. Only loads that have a ship method with shipping category that matches the selected one will be exported. Options are:
        1. None, when selected no filtering by shipping category will be done.
        2. Barge
        3. Instore
        4. Rail
        5. Truck
        6. Vessel
      16. Skip Freight
        1. Yes, will not send freight information from load order. Default = yes
        2. No, will send freight information from load order.
      17. Translate Country Codes
        1. Yes, compares the address country code (Load Order's Bill To, Branch's Main Inventory Site ID, Customer's Main Address ID & Load Order's Ship To) against the AgXML standard country values. If it doesn't exit it will perform a translation.
          1. The translation standard value must exist as an AgXML standard country value or the translation will fail.
        2. No:
          1. If the country code attached to the address is an AgXML standard country value, the entered code will be sent.
          2. If the country code is not valid, it will be sent as US.
          3. If country code is blank nothing will be sent.
      18. XML Namespace Prefix
        1. Recommended to leave this field blank.
          1. For specific XML naming requirements. Prefixes each tag with this value.
      19. XML Namespace URL
        1. Recommended to leave this field blank.
          1. Puts the XML namespace URL in the header of each document.

Processing Note:

  • The ShipmentInformation/Destination/LocationInformation/LocationName section of the Load Order message will be populated based on the following:
    • From the Customer Ref Details (expansion button next to the Ship To Address Id on the Load Order) if populated, if not;
    • From the Customer Address Maintenance, Ship To Address Name, if populated, if not;
    • It will be left blank.
  • The filters will work in conjunction with other filters. Transactions must meet all filters in order to be exported.

  1. AgXML 4.0 Load Import

(Processes file to create load order records.)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. No filters apply, but a customer must be specified on the exchange partner.
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Allow Voids
        1. Yes, the processor will look to the ActionType node for an "ActionType" of "Delete", if found the system will look to the Outbound Setup, for the CinchX User.
          1. If Outbound Setup, Allow Delete Document checkbox is marked the import will fail. Processor will not delete load orders.
          2. If Outbound Setup, Allow Delete Document checkbox is not marked, the system will void the load order.
          3. Processor will place the Reason ID, XML, on the voided load. If the reason code is not setup it will be created.
        2. No, if the processor finds the ActionType node and for an "ActionType" of "Delete", the system will fail the load.
      2. Assign Contract
        1. Auto, an available open contract will be found using the xml ScheduledPickup date. The process will attempt to assign a contract to the load based on the following: Default = yes
          1. Look for open contracts for the customer / item on the load order that is created.
          2. Looks at the Sales contract delivery period that matches the scheduled date.
          3. In the event there are multiple delivery dates, chooses the youngest delivery period to apply to.
        2. From XML – the contract number within the xml will be used to apply the sales contract to the load, based on the following:
          1. The system will validate that the sales contract exists. If it does not exist, the XML Document will error and will NOT be imported.
          2. If the sales contract exists, but it is closed, the XML Document will error and will NOT be imported.
          3. If the sales contract in on hold, the XML Document will error and will NOT be imported.
          4. The system will determine the delivery line/row using the following rules:
            1. If the delivery line is provided in the XML, the system will check to see that the sales contract and delivery line/row exists, and that there is Order Quantity Available. If there is, the system will use the sales contract and sales contract delivery line/row. If not, the import will fail.
            2. If the delivery line is not included in the XML, the system must find a delivery line/row using the following rules:
              1. If only one delivery line/row exists on the sales contract, processor will apply the load order to that delivery line/row if there is order quantity available.
              2. If multiple rows exist on the sales contract, the system will take the Scheduled Ship Date from the load order and see if it falls between the sales contract delivery lines/rows Delivery From Date and Deliver To Date. If it does, the system will use that sales contract delivery line/row.
              3. If multiple rows exist, and Scheduled Ship Date does not fall between any sales contract delivery line/row Deliver From Date and Deliver To Date, the service setting Grace Days will fall into play.
          5. Quantity Available to Order, based on the delivery line/row that was found, the system will look to see if there is quantity available to create the load order.
            1. If there is Quantity Available to Order (see calculating the Quantity Available to Order below), (i.e. Quantity Available to Order => Order Quantity) then system will import the load order with the sales contract and sales contract delivery line/row. If not, import will fail.
            2. Calculating the Quantity Available to Order will be done at the delivery line/row level. It will be different between load based sales contracts and quantity based sales contracts.
              1. Quantity Based Sales Contracts. Delivery Row Quantity, Less Shipped Quantity, less Ordered Quantity Not Shipped = Quantity Available to Order
              2. Load Based Sales Contracts. Delivery Row Number of loads, Less Shipped # of loads, less Ordered Not Shipped number of loads = Quantity Available to Order
        3. None – No contract application will be attempted.
      3. Batch by Item
        1. No, the Item XML Batch Prefix from Item Extensions will not be included in the batch number. Default = No
        2. Yes, the Item XML Batch Prefix from Item Extensions will be included in the batch number.
          1. If service setting, Batch Number is entered, Batch by Item will not be used.
            1. Batch format will be BBXXMMDDHH (BB is the Branch Prefix, XX is the Batch prefix, and MMDDHH is the user date (MM= Month, DD= Day and HH = Hour) of the transaction import if Batch hours is set.)
          2. If service setting, Batch Number is not provided the Batch Item Naming will be BBBPPIII-MMDDHH.
            1. BBB is the Batch prefix, length may vary depending on Branch ID setup.
            2. PP is the Batch Prefix, length may vary depending on Branch Prefix setup.
            3. III is the Item XML Prefix. If no item batch prefix exists for that item, then there is no item segment in the batch.
            4. – will follow the Item Batch Prefix if one exists or the Prefix if one does not exist.
            5. MMDD is the user date (MM= Month, DD= Day).
            6. NN is the Batch Hour.
          3. Maximum number of characters 15. This includes the branch prefix, the batch prefix, the Item XML Prefix and the date time suffix.
      4. Batch Hours
        1. Represents the number of hours the batch is good for before a new batch number will be created. Used to limit batch sizes by creating multiple batches per day.
        2. If set to "0" the hours will not be included in the batch number.
      5. Batch Number
        1. If a batch number is entered the inbound tickets will be saved in that batch.
        2. If Batch Number is entered, Batch Prefix will not be used.
        3. Maximum number of characters 15.
        4. If the batch does not exist it will be added.
      6. Batch Prefix
        1. Default = AGXML
          1. If a batch prefix is entered the inbound tickets will be saved in a batch with a format of XXMMDDHH (XX is the Batch prefix, and MMDDHH is the user date (MM= Month, DD= Day and HH = Hour) of the transaction import if Batch hours is set.)
          2. If Batch Number is entered, Batch Prefix will not be used.
          3. Maximum number of characters 15. This includes the branch prefix, the batch prefix and the date time suffix.
          4. If the batch does not exist it will be added.
      7. Check contract sub item pricing, is used in conjunction with the Fail on Missing Contract Price setting.
        1. Yes, when selected:
          1. System will look to Main contract Customer, Customer Ship To and Item first, if match system will use that price.
          2. If no match system will try to find a price from the Sub Items by matching on Item, Customer, Ship To, and Unit of measure.
          3. If no price is found, the Fail on Missing Contract Price setting will determine if the order will be imported.
        2. No, when selected:
          1. System will look to Main contract Customer and Item first, if match system will use that price.
          2. If no price is found, the Fail on Missing Contract Price setting will determine if the order will be imported.
      8. Contract Grace Period (in days)
        1. This number will be used in conjunction with the Assign Contract, From XML setting to find a contract delivery line/row, when one cannot be found where the scheduled pickup date falls between the delivery start and end.
          1. First, the system will subtract the grace days from the Scheduled Ship Date and see if that date falls between any sales contract delivery line/row deliver from date and deliver to date. If so, it will use that delivery line/row.
          2. If NOT, then the system will add the grace days to the Scheduled Ship Date and see if that date falls between any sales contract delivery line/row deliver from date and deliver to date. If so, use that delivery line/row.
          3. If not, import will fail.
      9. Default Branch
        1. A valid branch ID can be selected. If default branch is specified any unresolved origin addresses will be forced to this specified branch.
        2. If blank, the origin address in the AGXML must resolve to a location in the current company or the load will fail.
      10. Direct Ship Scenario A
        1. If yes, the following fields are copied to the customer ref details window. Default = yes
          1. Load number
          2. Ship to Address
        2. No, no action.
      11. Doc# Prefix
        1. Only works if the User Partner Doc# is set to No.
        2. The system will search the load key master table for the highest load number that matches the prefix. The numeric portion of that string will be incremented by one to determine the load number.
        3. Max Length 10 characters.
      12. Doc# Suffix
        1. Only works if the User Partner Doc# is set to No.
        2. The value entered will be added to the end of the system generated load number.
        3. Max Length 10 characters.
      13. Fail on Missing Contract Price
        1. If the Price is provided within the import file, it will be used when creating the order and the Check contract sub item pricing process will be skipped.
        2. If the Price is not provided the system will use this setting in conjunction with the Check contract sub item pricing to find the price.
          1. Yes, when selected and if no price is found, the system will error the Import.
          2. No, when selected and if no price is found, the Load will import with the main contract price.
      14. Fail on Ship-To address match
        1. If yes, if a match for the ship to address is not found the document import will fail. Default = yes
        2. If no, if a match for the ship to address is not found the primary ship to address will be used.
      15. Use Agent as Customer
        1. Allows the bill-to customer to be a marketer or other agent.
          1. Yes, the Customer Id, address, and other info will be pulled from the xml Agent tags rather than the Buyer tags. Default = yes.
          2. No, the Customer Id, address, and other info will be pulled from the xml Buyer tags rather than the Agent tags
      16. Use Customer Address as Ship To
        1. This allows the ship-to address to come from the Buyer/Agent (whichever is selected as customer in previous setting), rather than the Destination tags. Default = yes
      17. Use location id for Ship-To
        1. Yes, the Cinch address ID will be used if included in the message.
        2. No, the address match will be run. Default = no
      18. Use Partner Doc#
        1. Yes, system will read the load number from the file.
        2. No, the load number will be automatically generated by the system.
          1. (Load Number Max Length is 20 characters. This includes the Prefix, Load Number and Suffix).
      19. User ID
        1. Document is created/updated on behalf of the specified user. This must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP user.
        2. If blank, User ID specified in CinchX Global Settings will be used.

Processing Note:

  • Load Order Price
    • If the price is included in the XML import document, the price from the XML document will be placed on the load order regardless of the assign contract setting.
    • If the price is not included in the XML import document, and the assign contract setting is auto, the price from the assigned contract will be placed on the load order.
  • Load Order Freight
    • If the freight information is included in the XML import document, the freight from the XML document will be used to create the Load Order Freight record regardless of the assign contract setting.
    • If the freight information is not included in the XML import document, and the assign contract setting is auto, the freight from the assigned contract will be used to create the Load Order Freight record.
  • Load Order Commission
    • If the commission information is included in the XML import document, the commission information from the XML document will be placed on the load order regardless of the assign contract setting.
    • If the assign contract setting is auto, the markdown price will be populated from the assigned contract not from the commission rate from the XML document if the commission type is Net from Price.
    • If the commission information is not included in the XML import document, and the assign contract setting is yes, the commission information from the assigned contract will be placed on the load order.
  • If the following fields are blank in the load order XML document, the system will default them from the Sales Contract:
    • Quantity:
      • For Load Based contracts only, if the load quantity is blank in the Load Order XML, system will use load size from the sales contract as the quantity for the load order.
      • For Quantity Based contracts, if the load quantity is blank in the Load Order XML, system will use the sales contract quantity as the quantity for the load order.
    • Unit of Measure: If the Unit of measure is blank in the Load Order XML document, system will use unit of measure from the sales contract on the load order.
    • FOB ID: If the FOB ID is blank in the load order XML document, system will use the FOB ID from the Sales Contract Line.
    • Bill To ID: If the Bill To Id is blank in the load order XML document, it will default to the Bill To ID from the Sales Contract.
    • Trader ID: If the Trader Id is blank in the load order XML document, it will default to the Trader ID from the sales Contract.

  1. AgXML 4.0 Purch Contract Export

(Creates file for the purchase contract pricing records for selected customers.)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. LOCNCODE is optional.
        1. Blank or * will send all sites.
        2. Enter a Site ID filters all documents on an exact Site match. Only one Site ID can be entered per service partner.
      2. IRRegionID is optional.
        1. Blank or * will send all regions.
        2. Enter a Region ID filters all documents on an exact Region match. Only one Region ID can be entered per service partner.
      3. IRBranchID is optional.
        1. Blank or * will send all branches.
        2. Enter a Branch ID filters all documents on an exact Branch match. Only one Branch ID can be entered per service partner
    2. Service Line Setting
      1. Cinch Consumer
        1. Yes, will add CINCH specific fields. Default = Yes
        2. No, will conform to AgXML version 4 specifications AgXML_v4.0.xsd (schema).
      2. Company ID Source
        1. This value specifies how the seller address is determined in the export file. Valid values are Company, Branch and Location. If the setting does not exist, or doesn't match one of the valid values, the Company ID will be sent.
          1. Company will translate to the GP Company main address. Default = Company
          2. Branch will translate to the Cinch Branch address.
          3. Location will translate to the address on the Site ID.
      3. Item Class Filter
        1. Default = *
        2. Enter a single Item Class or list of Item Classes.
          1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
          2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
          3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
          4. An item class prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
          5. Line items must have a matching Item Class in this list to be exported.
      4. Item Filter
        1. Default = *
        2. Enter a single Item or list of Items.
          1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
          2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
          3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
          4. An item prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
          5. Line must have a matching Item Class in this list to be exported.
      5. Message Label Extension
        1. The file extension of the export file.
          1. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example contract 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
      6. Translate Country Code
        1. Yes, compares the address country code Main Inventory Site ID and Vendor's Purchase Address ID) against the AgXML standard country values. If it doesn't exit it will perform a translation.
          1. The translation standard value must exist as an AgXML standard country value or the translation will fail.
        2. No :
          1. If the country code attached to the address is an AgXML standard country value, the entered code will be sent.
          2. If the country code is not valid, it will be sent as US.
          3. If country code is blank nothing will be sent.
      7. XML Namespace Prefix
        1. Recommended to leave this field blank.
          1. For specific XML naming requirements. Prefixes each tag with this value.
      8. XML Namespace URL
        1. Recommended to leave this field blank.
          1. Puts the XML namespace URL in the header of each document.

  1. AgXML 4.0 Purch Contract Import

(Processes file to create or update purchase contract pricing records for selected customers.)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. No filters apply.
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Auto Post Purchase Contracts
        1. Yes, purchase contracts will attempt to be posted when imported.
          1. The system will validate the purchase contract has been saved correctly prior to posting.
          2. When the purchase contract is successfully posted the system will auto create the Assembly to go with the contract.
        2. No, the purchase contract will be imported but not posted.
      2. Batch Hours
        1. Represents the number of hours the batch is good for before a new batch number will be created. Used to limit batch sizes by creating multiple batches per day.
        2. If set to "0" the hours will not be included in the batch number.
      3. Batch Number
        1. If a batch number is entered it will be saved in that batch.
        2. If Batch Number is entered, Batch Prefix will not be used.
        3. Maximum number of characters 15.
        4. If the batch does not exist it will be added.
      4. Batch Prefix
        1. Default = AGXML
          1. If a batch prefix is entered it will be saved in a batch with a format of XXMMDDHH (XX is the Batch prefix, and MMDDHH is the user date (MM= Month, DD= Day and HH = Hour) of the transaction import if Batch hours is set.)
          2. If Batch Number is entered, Batch Prefix will not be used.
          3. Maximum number of characters is 15. This includes the branch prefix, the batch prefix and the date time suffix.
          4. If the batch does not exist it will be added.
      5. Consume Pricing Info
        1. Yes when selected allows the basic pricing information to be imported with the contract.
          1. Contract will be created with basic pricing (net price only, no basis or board) and the zero basis checkbox will be marked.
        2. No when selected no pricing record will get created. This is the default value and should only be changed if importing contracts generated from the Excel Purch Ctr Import 01 adapter.
      6. Default Branch
        1. A valid branch ID can be selected. If default branch is specified any unresolved buyer/seller addresses will be forced to this specified branch.
        2. If blank, the buyer/seller address in the AgXML must resolve to a location in the current company or the record will be rejected.
      7. Put Partner Doc# in Reference
        1. Yes, the contract number from the xml document will be placed in the "Reference No" field on the Purchase Contract Entry window.
        2. No, the Reference No from the xml document will be placed in the "Reference No" field on the Purchase Contract Entry window.
      8. Use Partner Doc#
        1. Yes, the contract will be created with the contract number from the xml document rather than having on auto-generated from Cinch.
        2. No, the contract number will be auto generated based on the Purchase Contract Number Setup (General Setup>Additional Setup>Purchase Contract Type Numbering).
      9. User ID
        1. Document is created/updated on behalf of the specified user. This must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP user.
        2. If blank, User ID specified in CinchX Global Settings will be used.

Processing Note:

  • Spot and Other Contract Types are not currently supported.
  • Edits are only allowed for unposted contracts. Edits sent to a posted contract will be stopped within Document Monitor stating "Editing if posted Contracts is not supported in this version of eConnect."
  • During import of contract records generated from the Excel Purch Ctr Import 01 adapter:
    • The discount schedule on the contract will get defaulted from Branch/Item Default maintenance.
      • This will only happen if the Consume Pricing Info setting is set to "Yes", and only if it hasn't been included in the xml.
    • The program schedule on the contract will get defaulted from the Vendor extensions.
      • This will only happen if the Consume Pricing Info setting is set to "Yes", and only if it hasn't been included in the xml.
    • The Contract Type will default to Cash.

  1. AgXML 4.0 Purch Contr Price Exp

(Creates a file for the purchase contract pricing records for selected customers.)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filter s:
      1. LOCNCODE is optional.
        1. Blank or * will send all sites.
        2. Enter a Site ID filters all documents on an exact Site match. Only one Site ID can be entered per service partner.
      2. IRRegionID is optional.
        1. Blank or * will send all regions.
        2. Enter a Region ID filters all documents on an exact Region match. Only one Region ID can be entered per service partner.
      3. IRBranchID is optional.
        1. Blank or * will send all branches.
        2. Enter a Branch ID filters all documents on an exact Branch match. Only one Branch ID can be entered per service partner.
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Cinch Consumer
        1. Yes, will add CINCH specific fields. Default = Yes
        2. No, will conform to AgXML version 4 specifications AgXML_v4.0.xsd (schema).
      2. Company ID Source
        1. This value specifies how the seller address is determined in the export file. Valid values are Company, Branch and Location. If the setting does not exist, or doesn't match one of the valid values, the Company ID will be sent.
          1. Company will translate to the GP Company main address. Default = Company
          2. Branch will translate to the Cinch Branch address.
          3. Location will translate to the address on the Site ID.
      3. Item Class Filter
        1. Default = *
        2. Enter a single Item Class or list of Item Classes.
          1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
          2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
          3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
          4. An item class prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
          5. Line items must have a matching Item Class in this list to be exported
      4. Item Filter
        1. Default = *
        2. Enter a single Item or list of Items.
          1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
          2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
          3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
          4. An item prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
          5. Line items must have a matching Item in this list to be exported.
      5. Message Label Extension
        1. The file extension of the export file.
          1. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example contract 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
      6. Translate Country Code
        1. Yes, compares the address country code Main Inventory Site ID and Vendor's Purchase Address ID) against the AgXML standard country values. If it doesn't exit it will perform a translation.
          1. The translation standard value must exist as an AgXML standard country value or the translation will fail.
        2. No:
          1. If the country code attached to the address is an AgXML standard country value, the entered code will be sent.
          2. If the country code is not valid, it will be sent as US.
          3. If country code is blank nothing will be sent.
      7. XML Namespace Prefix
        1. Recommended to leave this field blank.
          1. For specific XML naming requirements. Prefixes each tag with this value.
      8. XML Namespace URL
        1. Recommended to leave this field blank.
          1. Puts the XML namespace URL in the header of each document.

  1. AgXML 4.0 Purch Contr Price Imp

(Processes file to create or update purchase contract pricing records for selected customers.)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. No filters apply.
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Auto Post Pricing Records
        1. Yes, purchase contract price will attempt to be posted when imported.
          1. The system will validate that the Contract is posted before allowing the user to Post a Price record.
          2. The Price record will not be posted unless a Price actually exists on the record.
          3. The Price record will fail to import if there is delivered grain applied to the contract.
        2. No, the purchase contract price will be imported but not posted.
      2. Batch Hours
        1. Represents the number of hours the batch is good for before a new batch number will be created. Used to limit batch sizes by creating multiple batches per day.
        2. If set to "0" the hours will not be included in the batch number.
      3. Batch Number
        1. If a batch number is entered it will be saved in that batch.
        2. If Batch Number is entered, Batch Prefix will not be used.
        3. Maximum number of characters 15.
        4. If the batch does not exist it will be added.
      4. Batch Prefix
        1. Default = AGXML
          1. If a batch prefix is entered it will be saved in a batch with a format of XXMMDDHH (XX is the Batch prefix, and MMDDHH is the user date (MM= Month, DD= Day and HH = Hour) of the transaction import if Batch hours is set.)
          2. If Batch Number is entered, Batch Prefix will not be used.
          3. Maximum number of characters is 15. This includes the branch prefix, the batch prefix and the date time suffix.
          4. If the batch does not exist it will be added
      5. User ID
        1. Document is created/updated on behalf of the specified user. This must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP user.
        2. If blank, User ID specified in CinchX Global Settings will be used.

Processing Note:

  • The process will assume the following data will be passed into the import when contract delivery period price records are rolled to a new delivery period. Import transactions where the Pricing Code, value of "PricingReversal" flags the document as a roll transaction.
    • Contract Number, the Contract being rolled. (Required)
    • Delivery Row Sequence, the original Delivery Period being rolled. (Required)
    • Price Row Sequence, the original Price Row Sequence being rolled. This will only be filled when the Roll is taking place inside of Cinch Portal. If coming from an outside source without any knowledge of the original Price Sequence fill it with 0. (Required)
    • Delivery Period ID, the new Delivery Period ID being created. (Optional)
    • New Start Date, the new Start Date being rolled to. (Required)
    • New End Date, the new End Date being rolled to. (Required)
    • Board Price, the new Board Price. (Optional)
    • Basis Price, the new Basis Price which will include the fees for rolling the Contract. (Required)
    • Contract price, the new Contract Price. (Optional)
    • Roll Qty, the Qty being rolled. (Optional)
      • If quantity is not passed in or is unknown, the system will take the undelivered qty that has not been priced and use that as the quantity to Roll.
  • Roll Validation:
    • Only a Basis contract can be rolled.
    • The Purchase contract must be posted. Imported transactions for un-posted contracts will be rejected.
    • There can only be 1 Commodity per contract.
    • Only a single unpriced Price record can exist on the Delivery Period.
  • Processing:
    • Delivery Period:
      • Based on the new Start and End Date passed in, the system will create a new Delivery Period for those dates and the Delivery Qty will be the Roll Qty either passed in or calculated.
      • The original Delivery Period will be updated to reflect the changes of the Roll Qty. The original Delivery Qty and Remaining Qty will be reduced by the Roll Qty.
    • Pricing:
      • The system will create a new price record based on the pricing passed in for the quantity on the new Delivery Period.
      • Old price records will be updated to reflect the change in the Price Qty based on the quantity being Rolled.
      • If the xml document is for an existing delivery period, the pricing in a roll xml document will not update the price. A price xml document should be used.
    • Posting:
      • If the system is set up to Auto Post the Price record, the system will post the record automatically. Otherwise the user will have to manually post the Price record. The record will only post if a Contract Price exists.
  • Tracking:
    • The delivery period and pricing information imported will create Purchase Contract Amendment records for each version of the contract and can be viewed by using the Purchase Contract Amendment Inquiry.

  1. AgXML 4.0 Sales Contract Export

(Creates file for the Sales contract pricing records for selected customers.)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. No filters apply
    2. Service Line Setting
      1. Cinch Consumer
        1. Yes, will add CINCH specific fields. Default = Yes
        2. No, will conform to AgXML version 4 specifications AgXML_v4.0.xsd (schema).
      2. Company ID Source
        1. This value specifies how the seller address is determined in the export file. Valid values are Company, Branch and Location. If the setting does not exist, or doesn't match one of the valid values, the Company ID will be sent. Default = Company
          1. Company will translate to the GP Company main address.
          2. Branch will translate to the Cinch Branch address.
          3. Location will translate to the address on the Site ID.
      3. Export Posted Changes
        1. Yes, when selected updates to a posted sales contract will export.
        2. No, when selected updates to a posted sales contract will NOT be exported. Default = No
      4. Export Sub Items
        1. Yes, when selected will add CINCH specific fields.
        2. No, will conform to AgXML version 4 specifications AgXML_v4.0.xsd (schema). Default = No
      5. Item Class Filter
        1. Default = *
        2. Enter a single Item Class or list of Item Classes.
          1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
          2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
          3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
          4. An item class prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
          5. Line items must have a matching Item Class in this list to be exported
      6. Item Filter
        1. Default = *
        2. Enter a single Item or list of Items.
          1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
          2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
          3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
          4. An item prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
          5. Line items must have a matching Item in this list to be exported.
      7. Message Label Extension
        1. The file extension of the export file.
          1. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example shipment 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
      8. Translate Country Codes
        1. Yes, compares the address country code (Customer's Main Address ID) against the AgXML standard country values. If it doesn't exit it will perform a translation.
          1. The translation standard value must exist as an AgXML standard country value or the translation will fail.
        2. No:
          1. If the country code attached to the address is an AgXML standard country value, the entered code will be sent.
          2. If the country code is not valid, it will be sent as US.
          3. If country code is blank nothing will be sent.
      9. XML Namespace Prefix
        1. Recommended to leave this field blank.
          1. For specific XML naming requirements. Prefixes each tag with this value.
      10. XML Namespace URL
        1. Recommended to leave this field blank.
          1. Puts the XML namespace URL in the header of each document.

  1. AgXML 4.0 Sales Contract Import

(Processes file to create or update Sales contract pricing records for selected customers.)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. No filters apply
    2. Service Line Setting
      1. Batch Hours
        1. Represents the number of hours the batch is good for before a new batch number will be created. Used to limit batch sizes by creating multiple batches per day.
        2. If set to "0" the hours will not be included in the batch number.
      2. Batch Number
        1. If a batch number is entered it will be saved in that batch.
        2. If Batch Number is entered, Batch Prefix will not be used.
        3. Maximum number of characters 15.
        4. If the batch does not exist it will be added.
      3. Batch Prefix
        1. Default = AGXML
          1. If a batch prefix is entered it will be saved in a batch with a format of XXMMDDHH (XX is the Batch prefix, and MMDDHH is the user date (MM= Month, DD= Day and HH = Hour) of the transaction import if Batch hours is set.)
          2. If Batch Number is entered, Batch Prefix will not be used.
          3. Maximum number of characters is 15. This includes the branch prefix, the batch prefix and the date time suffix.
          4. If the batch does not exist it will be added.
      4. Consume Pricing Info
        1. Yes when selected allows the basic pricing information to be imported with the contract.
          1. Contract will be created with basic pricing (net price only, no basis or board) and the zero basis checkbox will be marked.
        2. No when selected no pricing record will get created. No is the default value and should only be changed if importing contracts generated from the Excel Purch Ctr Import 01 adapter.
      5. Default Branch
        1. A valid branch ID can be selected. If default branch is specified any unresolved seller addresses will be forced to this specified branch.
        2. If blank, the seller address in the AgXML must resolve to a location in the current company or the shipment will be rejected.
      6. Put Partner Doc# in PO Number
        1. Yes, the contract number from the xml document will be placed in the "PO Number" field on the Sales Contract Entry window.
        2. No, the Reference No from the xml document will be placed in the "PO Number" field on the Sales Contract Entry window.
      7. Use Partner Doc#
        1. Yes, the contract will be created with the contract number from the xml document.
        2. No, the contract number will be auto generated based on the Purchase Contract Number Setup (General Setup>Additional Setup>Purchase Contract Type Numbering).
      8. User ID
        1. Document is created/updated on behalf of the specified user. This must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP user.
        2. If blank, User ID specified in CinchX Global Settings will be used.

Processing Note:

  • Spot and Other Contract Types are not currently supported.
  • Edits are only allowed for unposted contracts. Edits sent to a posted contract will be stopped within Document Monitor stating "Editing of posted Contracts is not supported in this version of eConnect."
  • Exclude from Price Calculator checkbox on the hedge item, is based on the Hedge Item Entry for the contract item.
  • During import of contract records generated from the Excel Purch Ctr Import 01 adapter:
    • The discount schedule on the contract will get defaulted from Branch/Item Default maintenance.
      • This will only happen if the Consume Pricing Info setting is set to "Yes", and if it hasn't been included in the xml.
    • The program schedule on the contract will get defaulted from the Vendor extensions.
      • This will only happen if the Consume Pricing Info setting is set to "Yes", and only if it hasn't been included in the xml.
    • The Contract Type will default to Cash.
  1. AgXML 4.0 Shipment Export

(Creates a file for each shipment for the selected customer.)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. Customer filter applies
        1. Customer ID is required. Only one customer can be entered per service partner. When a shipment for this customer is entered in Cinch, it is exported by this service partner.
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Cinch Consumer
        1. Yes, will add CINCH specific fields such as meter information. Default = yes
        2. No, will conform to AgXML version 4 specifications AgXML_v4.0.xsd (schema).
      2. Company ID Source
        1. This value specifies how the seller address is determined in the export file. Valid values are Company, Branch and Location. If the setting does not exist, or doesn't match one of the valid values, the Company ID will be sent. Default = Company
          1. Company will translate to the GP Company main address.
          2. Branch will translate to the Cinch Branch address.
          3. Location will translate to the address on the Site ID.
      3. Copy Load to Cust Ref 1
        1. Yes, will place load number value from shipment to the Direct Ship Instruction, load number identifier within the export xml file if the Cust Ref 1 field on the Customer Ref Details window is not populated. This is used only with direct shipments.
          1. If the Require Direct Ship Info is set to yes this setting is not used.
        2. No, load number from shipment will not be placed in the Direct Ship Instruction, load number identifier within the export xml file if the Cust Ref 1 field on the Customer Ref Details window is not populated. Default = no.
      4. Document Date Set From: This setting has three values to control how the xml IssueDateTime gets set.
        1. Shipment, the xml date will get set from the IRShipDate field of the exported shipment. Default = Shipment.
        2. System Date, the xml date will get set from the current operating system date on the server.
        3. User Specified, when selected the xml date will get set from the value in the "Document Date User Specified" setting.
      5. Document Date User Specified; the setting allows the user to select a date to be used with "Document Date Set From:" setting when the "User Specified" option is selected.
      6. Export Comments
        1. Yes, comments will be exported from the shipment. Default = yes
        2. No, comments will not be exported from the shipment.
      7. Export Notes
        1. Yes, notes will be exported from the shipment.
        2. No, notes will not be exported from the shipment. Default = no
      8. Item Class Filter
        1. Default = *
        2. Enter a single Item Class or list of Item Classes.
          1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
          2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
          3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
          4. An item class prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
          5. Line items must have a matching Item Class in this list to be exported.
      9. Item Filter
        1. Default = *
        2. Enter a single Item or list of Items.
          1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
          2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
          3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
          4. An item prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
          5. Line items must have a matching Item in this list to be exported.
      10. Message Label Extension
        1. The file extension of the export file.
          1. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example shipment 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
      11. Require Direct Ship Info
        1. Yes, will reject shipments that do not have the customer ref 1 or customer ref 2 field populated within the shipment Cust Ref Details window.
        2. No, will continue processing regardless that the customer ref 1 or customer ref 2 field within the shipment Cust Ref Details window is not populated. Default = no
      12. Skip Freight
        1. Yes, will not send freight billing information. Default = yes
        2. No, will send freight billing information.
      13. Skip Gross Weight
        1. Yes, will not send gross weight from shipment. Net weight is sent regardless of this setting.
        2. No, will send gross weight from shipment. Net weight is sent regardless of this setting. Default = no
      14. Skip Tare Weight
        1. Yes, will not send tare weight from shipment. Net weight is sent regardless of this setting.
        2. No, will send tare weight from shipment. Net weight is sent regardless of this setting. Default = no
      15. Translate Country Code
        1. Yes, compares the address country code against the AgXML standard country values. If it doesn't exit it will perform a translation.
        2. No, sends all address country codes as US.
      16. Use Shipment# as Doc#
        1. Yes, uses the shipment number as the document identifier. Default = yes
        2. No, uses either the ticket number or the meter number as the document identifier. If both exist the meter number is used.
      17. XML Namespace Prefix
        1. Recommended to leave this field blank.
          1. For specific XML naming requirements. Prefixes each tag with this value.
      18. XML Namespace URL
        1. Recommended to leave this field blank.
          1. Puts the XML namespace URL in the header of each document.

  1. AgXML 4. 0 Shipment Import

(Processes a file to create outbound shipments for selected customers.)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. No filters apply
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Allow Voids
        1. Yes, if a shipment is imported as an update but has zero for every quantity it will be marked as voided.
        2. No, the ticket will be updated with zero quantity. Default = no
      2. Auto Post
        1. Yes, shipments that are imported will automatically be posted.
        2. No, shipments that are imported will be saved to a batch for user to post at a later time.
      3. Batch by Item
        1. No, the Item XML Batch Prefix from Item Extensions will not be included in the batch number. Default = No
        2. Yes, the Item XML Batch Prefix from Item Extensions will be included in the batch number.
          1. If service setting, Batch Number is entered, Batch by Item will not be used.
            1. Batch format will be BBXXMMDDHH (BB is the Branch Prefix, XX is the Batch prefix, and MMDDHH is the user date (MM= Month, DD= Day and HH = Hour) of the transaction import if Batch hours is set.)
          2. If service setting, Batch Number is not provided the Batch Item Naming will be BBBPPIII-MMDDHH.
            1. BBB is the Batch prefix, length may vary depending on Branch ID setup.
            2. PP is the Batch Prefix, length may vary depending on Branch Prefix setup.
            3. III is the Item XML Prefix. If no item batch prefix exists for that item, then there is no item segment in the batch.
            4. – will follow the Item Batch Prefix if one exists or the Prefix if one does not exist.
            5. MMDD is the user date (MM= Month, DD= Day).
            6. HH is the Batch Hour.
          3. Maximum number of characters 15. This includes the branch prefix, the batch prefix, the Item XML Prefix and the date time suffix.
      4. Batch Hours
        1. Represents the number of hours the batch is good for before a new batch number will be created. Used to limit batch sizes by creating multiple batches per day.
        2. If set to "0" the hours will not be included in the batch number.
      5. Batch Number
        1. If a batch number is entered the outbound shipments will be saved in that batch.
        2. If Batch Number is entered, Batch Prefix will not be used.
        3. Maximum number of characters 15.
        4. If the batch does not exist it will be added.
      6. Batch Prefix
        1. Default = AGXML
          1. If a batch prefix is entered the inbound tickets will be saved in a batch with a format of XXMMDDHH (XX is the Batch prefix, and MMDDHH is the user date (MM= Month, DD= Day and HH = Hour) of the transaction import if Batch hours is set.)
          2. If Batch Number is entered, Batch Prefix will not be used.
          3. Maximum number of characters is 15. This includes the branch prefix, the batch prefix and the date time suffix.
          4. If the batch does not exist it will be added.
      7. Copy Weights/Grades to Dest
        1. Yes, weights and grades will be copied to the destination weight and grade fields.
        2. No, Weights and grades will NOT be copied to t he destination weight and grade fields. Default = no
      8. Default Branch
        1. A valid branch ID can be selected. If default branch is specified any unresolved seller addresses will be forced to this specified branch.
        2. If blank, the seller address in the AgXML must resolve to a location in the current company or the shipment will be rejected.
      9. Fail on Ship-To address match
        1. If yes, if a match for the ship to address is not found the document import will fail. Default = yes
        2. If no, if a match for the ship to address is not found the primary ship to address will be used.
      10. Get shipment# from buyer doc#
        1. No, system will generate shipment number unless shipment # from seller doc number is set to yes. Default = no
        2. Yes, the buyer document number will be used for the shipment number.
        3. If this setting is yes the get shipment # from seller doc # cannot be yes.
      11. Get shipment# from seller doc#
        1. No, system will generate shipment number unless shipment # from buyer doc number is set to yes. Default = no
        2. Yes, the seller document number will be used for the shipment number.
        3. If this setting is yes the get shipment # from buyer doc # cannot be yes.
      12. Ignore XML Freight
        1. Yes, the freight from the XML message will be ignored. For a new shipment, if freight exists on the Load, it will be applied. For updates or deletes the existing freight on the shipment will be untouched.
        2. No, the freight from the XML message will be used. For a new shipment, if freight exists on the Load, it will be applied. For update shipment messages the freight on an existing shipment will be updated/deleted as needed. Default = no.
      13. Match Bulk Transfers
        1. If the Watch for Bulk Transfers is set to yes, this flag this flag denotes how the bulk transfer will be created. Default = dual
          1. Single: This denotes a single sided bulk transfer. No matching to a destination ticket will be needed. The Bulk transfer is created with origination weights and grades for both origination and destination values.
          2. Dual: Requires a manual match. All bulk transfers are sent to the bulk transfer match window for approval.
          3. Auto: Attempts to match bulk transfers on the BILL OF LADING field only. If two matched bill of lading ticket/shipment records are identified during processing they are automatically approved and sent on as a matched bulk transfer retaining the correct origination/destination weights and grades.
      14. Outbound Window
        1. Grain, the ticket will only appear in the outbound shipping entry window.
        2. Bulk, the ticket will only appear in the bulk shipping entry window. Default = Bulk
        3. Item Controlled, system looks at Item Maintenance, Ship/Receive Def Screen setting to determine which window (Bulk or Grain) the shipment will appear in.
          1. If the Item Ship/Receive Def Screen has not been defined for the selected item, shipment will default to Bulk.
      15. Override Load Ship To
        1. Yes, when selected the address match will occur based on the customer address in the XML file, not based on the Load within the XML.
        2. No, the address match will occur based on the Load provided within the XML.
      16. Put Partner Doc# In
        1. User Defined 1, places partner doc # in the user defined 1 field.
        2. User Defined 2, places partner doc # in the user defined 2 field.
      17. Update Dest Weights/Grades Only
        1. Yes, the shipment import processor will upgrade destination weights and grades if the shipment is unposted.
          1. When set to yes it is recommended to have a separate service partner setup to process the file that will just update the dest weight and grades.
        2. No, normal shipment import processing will occur. Default = No
      18. Use location id for Ship-To
        1. Yes, the Cinch address ID will be used if included in the message.
        2. No, the address match will be run. Default = no
      19. User ID
        1. Document is created/updated on behalf of the specified user. This must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP user.
        2. If blank, User ID specified in CinchX Global Settings will be used.
      20. Watch for Bulk Transfers
        1. This flag is used to create bulk transfers from the shipment import. Default = no.
          1. Yes: Checks if the customer in the Shipment import file is a transfer customer, if so it will be processed as a bulk transfer. If not shipment import processing will continue.
            1. The transfer customer will need to be translated:
            2. Standard ID = a valid GP Inventory Site ID.
            3. Cinch Value = a valid GP Customer ID.
          2. No: Shipment import processing will continue as normal.

Processing Note:

  • Processor will verify if the created Batch ID has been used, if not it will be deleted.
  • Batch ID on the posted shipment will be set to the Service User ID or if not defined the CinchX User.
  • Imported Shipments currently does not support Markdowns in Grain Shipment Invoicing.
  • Create Spot Contracts on imported and posted shipments currently does not support Markdowns.

  1. AgXML 4.0 Ticket Export

(Creates a file for each ticket for selected vendor.)

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. Vendor filters apply
  3. Vendor ID is required. Only one vendor can be entered per service partner.
  4. Vendor can be vendor on the ticket or any ticket split owner. When a ticket for this vendor is entered in Cinch, it is exported by this service partner.
  5. Service Line Settings
  6. Cinch Consumer
  7. Yes, will add CINCH specific fields. Default = yes
  8. No, will conform to AgXML version 4 specifications AgXML_v4.0.xsd (schema).
  9. Company ID Source
  10. This value specifies how the buyer address is determined in the export file. Valid values are Company, Branch and Location. If the setting does not exist, or doesn't match one of the valid values, the Company ID will be sent. Default = Company
  11. Company will translate to the GP Company main address.
  12. Branch will translate to the Cinch Branch address.
  13. Location will translate to the address on the Site ID.
  14. Export Comments
  15. Yes, comments will be exported from the ticket. Default = yes
  16. No, comments will not be exported from the ticket.
  17. Export Notes
  18. Yes, notes will be exported from the ticket.
  19. No, notes will not be exported from the ticket. Default = no
  20. Item Class Filter
  21. Default = *
  22. Enter a single Item Class or list of Item Classes.
    1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
    2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
    3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
    4. An item class prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
    5. Line items must have a matching Item Class in this list to be exported.
  23. Item Filter
  24. Default = *
  25. Enter a single Item or list of Item.
    1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
    2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
    3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
    4. An item prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
    5. Line items must have a matching Item in this list to be exported.
  26. Message Label Extension
  27. The file extension of the export file.
  28. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example ticket 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
  29. Populate Direct Ship Info From, this setting will determine where the ticket export processor should pull the data to populate the direct ship tags. This will be used in conjunction with the AgXML 4.0 Direct Ship B.
  30. Blank, the direct ship tags will not be populated. Default = blank. This setting should be used is if you are not sending to Direct Ship B.
  31. 100% Split Owner, this will populate the direct ship tags using the Vendor of the ticket where it has been 100% split to an owner other than the vendor on the ticket.
  32. The original vendor on the exported ticket will be the Direct Ship Agent and will be translated (Agent Internal) to be the vendor on the imported ticket generated from Direct Ship B.
  33. Direct Ship Account, this will populate the direct ship tags from the Direct Ship Account expansion window if it has been filled out.
  34. The Direct Ship Account on the exported ticket will be the Direct Ship Agent and will be translated (Agent Internal) to be the vendor on the imported ticket generated from Direct Ship B.
  35. Driver, will populate the direct ship tags from the Driver info.
  36. The Driver ID on the exported ticket will be the Direct Ship Agent and will be translated (Agent Internal) to be the vendor on the imported ticket generated from Direct Ship B.
  37. On the Ticket Import the Driver tag will be set to N/A.
  38. Send All Updates
  39. Yes, system checks if the ticket has been previously exported and will send it again.
  40. No, system checks if the ticket has been previously exported and will not send updates to the exported tickets. Default = No
  41. Send Origination Tkt# in Seller
  42. Yes, the origination ticket number will be exported in the Seller section of the xml document.
  43. No, the origination ticket number will not be exported. Default = No
  44. Skip Freight
  45. Yes, will not send freight information from ticket. Default = yes
  46. No, will send freight information from ticket.
  47. Skip Gross Weight
  48. Yes, will not send gross weight from ticket. Net weight is sent regardless of this setting.
  49. No, will send gross weight from ticket. Net weight is sent regardless of this setting. Default = no
  50. Skip Tare Weight
  51. Yes, will not send tare weight from ticket. Net weight is sent regardless of this setting.
  52. No, will send tare weight from ticket. Net weight is sent regardless of this setting. Default = no
  53. Translate Country Code
  54. Yes, compares the address country code (Customer's Bill To, Main Inventory Site ID and Customer's Ship To) against the AgXML standard country values. If it doesn't exit it will perform a translation.
  55. The translation standard value must exist as an AgXML standard country value or the translation will fail
  56. No :
  57. If the country code attached to the address is an AgXML standard country value, the entered code will be sent.
  58. If the country code is not valid, it will be sent as US.
  59. If country code is blank nothing will be sent.
  60. XML Namespace Prefix
  61. Recommended to leave this field blank.
  62. For specific XML naming requirements. Prefixes each tag with this value.
  63. XML Namespace URL
  64. Recommended to leave this field blank.
  65. Puts the XML namespace URL in the header of each document.

Processing Note: Ticket Export will create multiple Commodity Movement Seller records, one for each ticket detail record.

  • System will loop through the ticket detail records and create a Commodity Movement Seller tag for each record.
  • XML document will have the Split ID in the Software Specific section if any of the owners are missing a disposition ID.
  • The system will re-export an un-posted ticket if the split was changed after the initial save/print.
  • The system will re-export an un-posted ticket if the grade is changed on the Ticket Grade Factor Entry window after the initial save/print.
  • The system will not re-export an un-posted ticket if the application is changed after the initial save/print.

  1. AgXML 4.0 Ticket Import

(Processes a file to create inbound tickets for selected customers.)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. No filters apply
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Address match Destination
        1. No, the address will match against the Buyer address. Default = No
        2. Yes, system will look for a Shipment Information, Destination tag within the xml document and try to match on that address instead of the Buyer address.
      2. Allow Voids
        1. Yes, if a ticket is imported as an update but has zero for every quantity it will be marked as voided.
        2. No, the ticket will be updated with zero quantity.  Default = No
      3. Auto Apply Ticket – this tag works in conjunction with Cinch Auto Apply Disposition settings. Refer to Cinch Grain Software System manual for more information about the Cinch Auto Apply Disposition settings.
        1. Yes, during the Import process the system will attempt to cross reference the "application instructions" disposition ID to a Cinch Disposition ID.
          1. If disposition intention is provided, the system will have the ability to apply the ticket to an assembly that meets the Ticket Auto Apply Disposition application rules for that Disposition Id. The Auto Apply Disposition rules will be based on the Branch of the imported Ticket.
            1. If system finds more than one assembly for the disposition intention, the following hierarchy will be used to select the assembly sheet to be used.
              1. The assembly from the contract with the earliest ending delivery date, if there are still multiple then.
              2. The assembly from the contract with the earliest starting delivery date, if there are still multiple then.
              3. The assembly from the contract with the earliest contract date, if there are still multiple then.
              4. Lowest contract number.
            2. If no assemblies are found, the systems checks the "Create if None" rules and either will create an assembly, or leave the ticket unapplied.
          2. If the disposition intention is not provided, systems will leave the ticket unapplied.
        2. No, the ticket is created and left unapplied. Default value = No
      4. Auto Create Spot Contracts
        1. Yes, based on the Translation Maintenance, Application Type, if the Standard value is as follows:
          1. Spot End of Day – system will create scale ticket with the Spot checkbox marked.
          2. Spot Immediate – system will create scale ticket with the Spot checkbox marked, populate the Spot Price (spot basis price, spot net price, spot board price), and populate the Programs Schedule and Discount schedule based on the Branch Item Default.  The system will create and post the Spot Contract and apply the scale ticket to the spawned assembly.
        2. No, system will create scale ticket with the Spot checkbox marked. Default value = No
      5. Batch by Item
        1. No, the Item XML Batch Prefix from Item Extensions will not be included in the batch number. Default = No
        2. Yes, the Item XML Batch Prefix from Item Extensions will be included in the batch number.
          1. If service setting, Batch Number is entered, Batch by Item will not be used.
            1. Batch format will be BBXXMMDDHH (BB is the Branch Prefix, XX is the Batch prefix, and MMDDHH is the user date (MM= Month, DD= Day and HH = Hour) of the transaction import if Batch hours is set.)
          2. If service setting, Batch Number is not provided the Batch Item Naming will be BBBPPIII-MMDDHH.
            1. BBB is the Batch prefix, length may vary depending on Branch ID setup.
            2. PP is the Batch Prefix, length may vary depending on Branch Prefix setup.
            3. III is the Item XML Prefix. If no item batch prefix exists for that item, then there is no item segment in the batch.
            4. – will follow the Item Batch Prefix if one exists or the Prefix if one does not exist.
            5. MMDD is the user date (MM= Month, DD= Day).
            6. HH is the Batch Hour.
          3. Maximum number of characters 15. This includes the branch prefix, the batch prefix, the Item XML Prefix and the date time suffix.
      6. Batch Hours
        1. Represents the number of hours the batch is good for before a new batch number will be created. Used to limit batch sizes by creating multiple batches per day.
          1. If set to "0" the hours will not be included in the batch number.
      7. Batch Number
        1. If a batch number is entered the inbound tickets will be saved in that batch.
        2. If Batch Number is entered, Batch Prefix will not be used.
        3. Maximum number of characters 15.
        4. If the batch does not exist it will be added.
      8. Batch Prefix
        1. Default = AGXML
          1. If a batch prefix is entered the inbound tickets will be saved in a batch with a format of XXMMDDHH (XX is the Batch prefix, and MMDDHH is the user date (MM= Month, DD= Day and HH = Hour) of the transaction import if Batch hours is set.)
          2. If Batch Number is entered, Batch Prefix will not be used.
          3. Maximum number of characters 15. This includes the branch prefix, the batch prefix and the date time suffix.
          4. If the batch does not exist it will be added.
      9. Check for In-Transit records
        1. Yes, the Ticket Import processor to check for In-Transit records and match them up with the new inbound ticket record.
          1. The matching hierarchy is:
            1. Customer, Item, Unit Number and Car Number
            2. Customer, Item and Car Number
            3. Customer, Item and Bill of Lading
              1. Bill of Lading in the XML will be compared to the Orig Ticket Number on the In Transit Ticket.
            4. If no match if found the import will fail.
        2. No, the Ticket Import processor will not check for In-Transit records. Default = No.
      10. Default Branch
        1. A valid branch ID can be selected. If default branch is specified any unresolved buyer addresses will be forced to this specified branch.
        2. If blank, the buyer address in the AgXML must resolve to a location in the current company or the shipment will be rejected.
      11. Fail if no In-Transit Record exists
        1. Yes, system will fail the import if no matching Inbound In-Transit record is found.
          1. Inbound In-Transit Matching: to match the Imported Ticket to an Inbound In-Transit Ticket they system will:
            1. Match by Origin Ticket Number.
            2. If there is no match on Origin Ticket Number, system will check the combination of: Customer, Item, Unit Number and Car #.
            3. System will then remove leading zeros after last alpha character.
        2. No, the Ticket Import will not fail if an In-Transit match is not found. Default = No.
      12. Get document identifier from
        1. The setting is used to select which section of xml to use when looking for the document identifier. This will not be used as the ticket number, it will be used to identify that the file has been imported and recorded in the number key status table. This gives the Grades Only import more flexibility when searching for the previously imported ticket.
        2. Available options are Buyer, Seller, and File Name
          1. File Name will not work if the Ticket Import and Grade Ticket Import files are not the same.
      13. Get intransit ticket# from
        1. Buyer, the buyer document number will be used for the intransit ticket number.
        2. Seller, the seller document number will be used for the intransit ticket number.
      14. Get ticket# from buyer doc#
        1. No, system will generate ticket number unless ticket # from seller doc number is set to yes. Default = no
        2. Yes, the buyer document number will be used for the ticket number.
        3. If this setting is yes the get ticket # from seller doc # cannot be yes.
      15. Get ticket# from seller doc#
        1. No, system will generate ticket number unless ticket # from buyer doc number is set to yes. Default = no
        2. Yes, the seller document number will be used for the ticket number.
        3. If this setting is yes the get ticket # from buyer doc # cannot be yes.
      16. Grades Only – Original Partner
        1. Since it is required that the Update Destination Grades Only import uses a separate service partner than the normal ticket import, this will only be set on the grade import service partner to identify the original service partner.
        2. Enter the PartnerID (not the name) of the pipe used to import the original ticket.
      17. Ignore XML Freight
        1. Yes, the freight from the XML message will be ignored. For a new ticket, no freight will be applied. For updates or deletes the existing freight on the shipment will be untouched.
        2. No, the freight from the XML message will be used. For a new ticket, the freight will be applied. For update shipment messages the freight on an existing shipment will be updated/deleted as needed. Default = no.
      18. Import as Barge
        1. Yes, when selected will create the In Transit Unload Scale Ticket and update the Barge with the destination information from the imported Scale Ticket.
          1. The system will look to the Ticket for the Barge (in order to find the correct voyage) then to the Barge table, if more than one exists, the import will error. Or if none exist, the import will error.
          2. The Unload process will update the Barge Entry Unload Date, Destination Weights Grades.
        2. No when selected will process the Scale Ticket as normal.
      19. Inbound Window
        1. Grain, the ticket will only appear in the inbound scale ticket entry window. Default = Grain
        2. Bulk, the ticket will only appear in the bulk ticket entry window.
        3. Item Controlled, system looks at Item Maintenance, Ship/Receive Def Screen setting to determine which window (Bulk or Grain) the ticket will appear in.
          1. If the Item Ship/Receive Def Screen has not been defined for the selected item, ticket will default to Grain.
      20. Match Bulk Transfers
        1. If the Watch for Bulk Transfers is set to yes, this flag this flag denotes how the bulk transfer will be created. Default = auto
          1. Single: This denotes a single sided bulk transfer. No matching to an origination shipment will be needed. The Bulk transfer is created with destination weights and grades for both origination and destination values.
          2. Dual: Requires a manual match. All bulk transfers are sent to the bulk transfer match window for approval.
          3. Auto: Attempts to match bulk transfers on the BILL OF LADING field only. If two matched bill of lading ticket/shipment records are identified during processing they are automatically approved and sent on as a matched bulk transfer retaining the correct origination/destination weights and grades.
      21. Overrun In-Transit contracts
        1. Yes, In-Transit ticket(s) will overrun the specified contract.
        2. No, In-Transit ticket(s) will not overrun the selected contract instead will they will be imported and left unapplied.
      22. Put Partner Doc# In
        1. User Defined 1, places partner doc # in the user defined 1 field.
        2. User Defined 2, places partner doc # in the user defined 2 field.
        3. Places partner doc # in the bill of lading field. Default = Bill of Lading
      23. Respond w/origination ticket#
        1. Yes, when an inbound ticket is imported through xml, they newly created ticket number is attached to the xml (buyer section) and sent back through the response pipe.
          1. The Origin Ticket number is also attached (in Seller section) so that it can be matched up by a Shipment Import processor to update destination weights and grades.
        2. No, the ticket number is not sent back through the response pipe. Default = No
      24. Update Destination Grades Only
        1. Yes, when selected the processor will only update records within the IRGNTicketGradeWORK table. After the grades are updated, discounts will be recalculated and DPR adjustment records will be created if needed. Also the response ticket that is normally exported (containing the new ticket number), will not be exported.
        2. No, when selected records are imported to create/update tickets normally,
      25. Use FarmID instead of Farm Code
        1. Yes, system will validate the supplied farm ID exists for the vendor.
        2. No, system will validate the supplied farm description exists for the vendor.
      26. Use SampleID as Grade Cert – This setting will determine which xml value will be added to the Cinch Grade Cert field.
        1. When set to No, it will act as it currently does, and store the value from the xml QualityCertificateHeader.QualityCertificateIdentifier element.
        2. When set to Yes, it will store the value from the QualityCertificateHeader.SampleInformation.SampleIdentifier element.
      27. User ID
        1. Document is created/updated on behalf of the specified user. This must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP user.
        2. If blank, User ID specified in CinchX Global Settings will be used.
      28. Watch for Bulk Transfers
        1. This flag is used to create bulk transfers from the shipment import. Default = no.
          1. Yes: Checks if the vendor in the Ticket import file is a transfer vendor, if so it will be processed as a bulk transfer. If not ticket import processing will continue.
            1. The transfer vendor will need to be translated.
            2. Standard ID = a valid GP Inventory Site ID.
            3. Cinch Value = a valid GP Vendor ID.
          2. No: Ticket import processing will continue as normal.

Processing Note:

  • Ticket Import supports multiple Sellers in the AgXML Commodity movement document.
  • The system will create a Cinch Grain Ticket Owner record for each Commodity Movement Seller in the AgXML Commodity Movement Document portion of the xml document.
  • The system will place the proper Disposition ID on the Ticket Owner record based on cross referencing of the XML "Application Type" to the Cinch Disposition ID.
  • If the XML document has multiple Ticket Owner records for the same owner but different contracts, an individual Ticket Owner record for will be created for each application.
  • If the xml document has a quantity allocation in pounds, it will be converted to "Cinch UofM" using the Weight/Unit value.
  • Owner records will be rounded to the precision on Item Extensions Maintenance.
  • Split Quantity must equal Ticket Quantity in the xml document being imported, if not the document will not import and be held in the Needs Attention section of the Document Monitor with the message, "The sum of the application allocations does not match the ticket quantity." The xml document will need to be edited and retransmitted from the originating system or manually entered into Cinch.
  • A flag has been added to imported records so recalculation is not done by the system.
  • When an In Transit Ticket is matched, the In Transit Ticket is moved to history when the Inbound Ticket is created.
  • When the import file contains the Application Instructions, Contract and Delivery Start Date, the ticket will be applied to the contract, delivery period combination.
    • If multiple matches, use oldest.
    • If none found, warning will be present in Doc Monitoring, system will clear assembly and leave ticket unapplied.
    • If successfully applied, set Disposition ID to Disposition ID of Assembly.
    • No Overrun rules will be checked. System will automatically overrun the contract if quantity exceeds contract quantity.
  • Inbound In Transit Ticket, net quantity will display on the DPR, Physical Inventory, and Inbound In Transit until the Inbound Scale Ticket is posted.
  • If Address Match destination is set to yes, records generated from Excel Ticket Import will use the Site address to determine the branch to create the ticket. If set to no, the default Branch will be used.
  • Update Destination Grades Only:
    • Importing grade updates will require two separate Service Partners setup.
      • The first Service Partner is used to import/create the ticket.
        • The Update Destination Grades Only set to No.
        • Get document identifier from:
          • The Commodity Movement Identifier (Buyer or Seller) within the XML.
          • File name is can only be used if the Ticket Import and Grade Ticket Import have the same file name.
          • This setting has nothing to do with how the ticket number is created, it just helps determine if the record has already been imported.
      • The second Service Partner is used to update an existing tickets grades.
        • The Update Destination Grades Only set to Yes.
        • Get document identifier from:
          • This must match the setting for the first Service Partner setting.
        • Grades Only – Original Partner set to the first Service Partner ID
    • The System will NOT allow the update if any of the following exist:
      • If the posted Inbound Scale Ticket is applied to a closed Assembly.
      • If the posted Inbound Scale Ticket is applied to a Purchase type Assembly.
    • If the updated grade value causes a quantity change on the Inbound Scale Ticket (detail), the system will create a DPR Adjustment for the date that the Import occurred. And the adjustment description will be Ticket Grade Change.
  • To support the In Transit Change Branch:
    • System will compare the Branch/Site in the Unload Ticket import file to the Branch/Site on the In Transit Ticket if they are not the same the import it will fail.
    • If the In Transit Ticket has an Outbound Shipment associated when the In Transit Ticket is unloaded the direct shipment status and shipment number will flow to the Inbound Ticket and the Outbound Shipment will be updated with the Inbound Scale Ticket number created during the unload process. The weights and grades will not update the shipment.

  1. CIDX 2.02 IAU Export

(Provides the ability to export Inventory Actual Usage documents for reporting inventory quantities back to vendors.)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. Vendor filters apply
        1. Vendor ID is required. Only one vendor can be entered per service partner.
    2. Service Settings
      1. Always Translate Header IDs
        1. Yes, the From and To identifiers in the xml Header will use the value from the Entity ID Source setting as the Domain when performing the translations. (DUNS, AssignedBySeller, etc.).
        2. No, the default domain will be used for translations.
      2. Entity ID Sources is use to determine which "Agency" type for entities (buyer, seller, etc.) are selected during the export. The list of appropriate values are:
        1. Default, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedBySeller, DUNS
          1. When DUNS is selected, the Entity ID will be pulled from the DUNS identifier for the appropriate master record (vendor, location, company, etc.), and a translation will not be performed.
          2. Default, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedBySeller, are not listed in the schema, but is a CinchX specific setting. When any of these are selected system will send the Cinch or translated value.
          3. Default is the default value.
      3. Hide Successful Item Trx Msgs
        1. Yes when selected only Item (and UofM) translations that fail will display in the document monitoring windows.
      4. Item Class Filter
        1. Default = *
        2. Enter a single Item Class or list of Item Classes.
          1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
          2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
          3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
          4. An item class prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
          5. Line items must have a matching Item Class in this list to be exported.
      5. Item ID Source is used to determine which "Agency" type for items are selected during the export. The list of appropriate values are:
        1. Default, ANSI, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedByManufacturer, AssignedBySeller, EAN, EDIFACT, GBABA, ISO, Other, UPC.
          1. When AssignedByManufacturer is selected a second Product Identifier with an Agency type of AssignedByManufacturer will be created in the XML for the Vendor Item Number from Item Vendor Maintenance.
          2. Default, ANSI, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedBySeller, EAN, EDIFACT, GBABA, ISO, Other, UPC are not listed in the schema, but is a CinchX specific setting. When any of these are selected system will send the Cinch or translated value.
          3. Default is the default value.
      6. Item User Category 1 Filter - Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
        1. Default = *
        2. Enter an Item User Category 1 filter or list of Item User Category 1 filters.
          1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
          2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
          3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
          4. A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
          5. Line items must have a matching Item User Category 1 in this list to be exported.
      7. Item User Category 2 Filter - Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
        1. Default = *
        2. Enter an Item User Category 2 filter or list of Item User Category 2 filters.
          1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
          2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
          3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
          4. A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
          5. Line items must have a matching Item User Category 2 in this list to be exported.
      8. Item User Category 3 Filter - Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
        1. Default = *
        2. Enter an Item User Category 3 filter or list of Item User Category 3 filters.
          1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
          2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
          3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
          4. A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
          5. Line items must have a matching Item User Category 3 in this list to be exported.
      9. Item User Category 4 Filter - Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
        1. Default = *
        2. Enter an Item User Category 4 filter or list of Item User Category 4filters.
          1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
          2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
          3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
          4. A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
          5. Line items must have a matching Item User Category 4 in this list to be exported.
      10. Item User Category 5 Filter - Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
        1. Default = *
        2. Enter an Item User Category 5 filter or list of Item User Category 5 filters.
          1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
          2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
          3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
          4. A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
          5. Line items must have a matching Item User Category 5 in this list to be exported.
      11. Item User Category 6 Filter - Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
        1. Default = *
        2. Enter an Item User Category 6 filter or list of Item User Category 6 filters.
          1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
          2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
          3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
          4. A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
          5. Line items must have a matching Item User Category 6 in this list to be exported.
      12. Message Label Extension
        1. The file extension of the export file.
          1. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example product 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
      13. Run Delay (# of days)
        1. This integer value field can be used to delay the export for a certain number of days after the interval occurs. This allows for things like exporting on the 3rd day of the month, or 180th day of the year.
        2. This setting is ignored when Run Interval is set to Daily.
      14. Run Interval
        1. Select the interval at which the IAU documents will get exported.
          1. Available values in the dropdown list are Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly.
          2. Default value is Monthly.
      15. Run Time
        1. Select the time of day that the export will occur after the interval has fired.
      16. Site Exclusion String
        1. Enter a string value which will be used to filter out reporting from any inventory sites where the location code contains the entered value.
      17. Use UN/CEFACT for UofM Values
        1. Yes, when selected the standard UN/CEFACT (UN-Rec-20) units of measure will be sent describing quantities in the xml document. Default = Yes
          1. If the UN/CEFACT is not found the export will fail.
        2. No, when selected the standard Cinch, or translated values will be sent.
      18. XML Namespace Prefix
        1. Recommended to leave this field blank.
          1. For specific XML naming requirements. Prefixes each tag with this value.
      19. XML Namespace URL
        1. Recommended to leave this field blank.
          1. Puts the XML namespace URL in the header of each document.
  1. CIDX 2.02 PO Response Import

(Imports purchase order responses which will update to the Dynamics GP Purchase Order, indicating if the Order has been accepted, or rejected by the Vendor

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. No filters apply
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Default Branch
        1. A valid branch ID can be selected. If default branch is specified any unresolved buyer addresses will be forced to this specified branch.
        2. If blank, the buyer address in the AgXML must resolve to a location in the current company or the shipment will be rejected.
      2. Reject Invalid Document Types
        1. Yes when selected, service allows multiple document types to share the same folder (or ftp folder). Example, if Ship Notice tries to pull down a PO Response, instead of moving the doc to the Errors folder, it will just leave it out there so PO Response processor can grab it when it has a turn. Default value = Yes
        2. No when selected, each service will require a separate folder.
      3. User ID
        1. Document is created/updated on behalf of the specified user. This must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP user.
        2. If blank, User ID specified in CinchX Global Settings will be used.

Processing Note:

  • Purchase Order Processing Setup, Allow Hold/Remove Hold of Purchase Orders checkbox is required to be marked to allow the purchase order to be placed on hold.
  • Regardless of status accept or reject, the Purchase Order Response Import will update the Dynamics Purchase Order Header Note with all special instructions form the Purchase Order Response XML Document. The reason for the rejection is contained in those "Special Instruction" XML tags. The Special Instructions can exist on the Header (Xpath-OrderResponseBody/OrderResponseProperties/SpecialInstructions) and/or on each line (Xpath-OrderResponseBody/OrderResponseDetails/OrderResponseProductLineItems/ SpecialInstructions). The import will append all the special instructions (header and Line) and place them in the Note field.
  • The Purchase Order Response will accept or reject the Purchase Order but will NOT update the PO with the new item, quantity or cost changes.
  • If the Order is accepted:
    • PO Status. The PO Status remains unchanged.
    • The Purchasing Vendor Detail, Confirm With field will be updated with the date accepted from the XML document and the word "accept".
  • If the Order is Rejected:
    • PO is placed On Hold, Hold checkbox is marked.
    • The Purchasing Date Inquiry, Placed On Hold by field will be set to the User ID defined on the Service Setting.
    • The Purchasing Date Inquiry, Placed On Hold Date will be set to the system date.
    • The Note is updated (appended) with the response.
    • If PO is rejected, we expect user to create a new PO that reflects any changes. User can then print that new Purchase Order so it gets exported.
    • If an additional response is received to Accept the PO after it has already been rejected, placed on hold, the Confirm With will be updated to Accepted but the PO will remain on hold. The user will need to determine what should be done based on the Notes.

  1. CIDX 2.02 Purchase Order Export

(Creates a file for each Purchase Order for selected vendors.)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. Vendor ID is optional
        1. Blank or * will send all vendors.
        2. Enter a Vendor ID filters all documents on an exact Vendor Match. Only one Vendor ID can be entered per service partner.
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Always Send Internal Item ID
        1. Yes, when selected the GP Item Number will be sent along with the item number type selected in the Item ID Source.
        2. No, only the item number type selected in the Item ID Source will be sent.
      2. Always Translate header IDs
        1. Yes, the From and To identifiers in the xml Header will use the value from the Entity ID Source setting as the Domain when performing the translations. (DUNS, AssignedBySeller, etc.)
        2. No, the default domain will be used for translations.
      3. Entity ID Sources is used to determine which "Agency" type for entities (buyer, seller, etc.) are selected during the export. The list of appropriate values are:
        1. Default, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedBySeller, DUNS
          1. When DUNS is selected, the Entity ID will be pulled from the DUNS identifier for the appropriate master record (vendor, location, company, etc.), and a translation will not be performed.
          2. Default, AssignedByBuyer and AssignedBySeller are not listed in the schema, but is a CinchX specific setting. When any of these are selected system will send the Cinch or translated value. Default is the default setting
      4. Export Quantities In Base UofM
        1. Yes, when selected the quantity values are exported in their equivalent Base UofM quantities.
        2. No, when selected quantity from the Purchase Order is exported. No is the default setting.
      5. Item ID Source is used to determine which "Agency" type for items are selected during the export. The list of appropriate values are:
        1. Default, ISO, EAN, AssignedBySeller, AssignedByBuyer, ANSI, GBABA, EDIFACT, AssignedByManufacturer, Other
          1. When AssignedByManufacturer is selected a second Product Identifier with an Agency type of AssignedByManufacturer will be created in the XML for the Vendor Item Number from Item Vendor Maintenance.
          2. Default, ISO, EAN, AssignedBySeller, AssignedByBuyer, ANSI, GBABA, EDIFACT, and Other are not listed in the schema, but is a CinchX specific setting. When any of these are selected system will send the Cinch or translated value.
      6. Message Label Extension is used to decide what file extension written to the file system. (xml, txt, etc.)
      7. Send on First Print Only
        1. Yes, the purchase order will only be exported the first time a Purchase order is printed.
        2. No, the purchase order will only be exported each time a Purchase order is printed.
      8. Send Pricing
        1. Yes, when selected pricing from the line will be sent.
        2. No, when selected pricing will not be sent. Default = No
      9. Use UN/CEFACT for UofM values
        1. Yes, when selected the standard UN/CEFACT (UN-Rec-20) units of measure will be sent describing quantities in the xml document.
          1. If the UN/CEFACT is not found the export will fail.
        2. No, when selected the standard Cinch, or translated values will be sent.
      10. XML Namespace Prefix
        1. For specific XML naming requirements. Prefixes each tag with this value.
      11. XML Namespace URL
        1. Puts the XML namespace URL in the header of each document.

Processing Note:

  • Printing the PO in GP will trigger the system to export any new or updated PO's.
  • It is recommended on any changes to the PO that the user print the PO to reset the PO status and revision number to ensure all updates are sent.
  • The Order Create From Section of the schema identifies the entity that is sending the Order Document. The XML document will be filled with company name and address information.
  • The Order Create To Section of the schema identifies the entity that the document is being sent to. In this Purchase Order case it will be the Vendor, so the XML document will be filled with Vendor information from the purchase order.
  • The Partner section of the schema identifies partner:
    • Buyer will be the Name and Address from Company Master.
    • Seller will be the Vendor ID from the Purchase Order.
    • Ship To will be the Name and Address for the Site ID from the first line.
    • Payer will be the Name and Address from Company Master.
  • The product Identifier section of the schema identifies what item is being ordered. The XML document can contain multiple ways of identifying the product on order. As such, the export will create product identifiers per the following:
    • Item number. The Dynamics GP Item number on the purchase order line will create "ProductIdentifier" tag(s): ProductIdentification Agency = "AssignedByBuyer" and Product Identifier = Item ID.
    • Vendor Item Number. If the Dynamics GP Purchase Order Contains a Vendor Item Number, set the Item ID Source to AssignedByManufacturer then the export will create and additional product identifier tag(s). ProductIdentification Agency = "AssignedByManufacturer" and Product Identifier = Vendor Item ID.
  • PO Deletes – When Dynamics GP deletes a Purchase Order the record is removed and the data no longer exists to create the XML Document. So it is be recommended that Dynamics Purchase Orders are voided rather than deleted in Dynamics.
  • If a Ship Method is selected on the Purchasing Vendor Detail Entry window, and the Shipping Type for that Ship Method is a "Pickup" type, then the Ship Method will be translated and the value will be exported in the TransportMethodCode tag and the Ship From section will be populated with Vendor ship address info. Otherwise neither of those sections will be written.
  • For Drop-Ship PO's the Customer and the Customer's Ship To Address will be exported. All other PO types will continue to use the Location Address from the PO Line.

  1. CIDX 2.02 Purchase Order Import

(Creates or updates purchase order records for selected customers)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. Vendor ID is required. Only one vendor can be entered per service partner.
        1. When a purchase order file for the selected vendor is received, it is imported to create/update the purchase order.
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Allow Voids
        1. Yes, will allow the Purchase Order to be voided based on the incoming file.
        2. No, will not allow the Purchase Order to be voided based on the incoming file. Default = No
      2. Default Branch
        1. A valid branch ID can be selected. If default branch is specified any unresolved seller addresses will be forced to this specified branch.
        2. If blank, the seller address in the AgXML must resolve to a location in the current company or the record will be rejected.
      3. Reject Invalid Document Types
        1. This will allow multiple document types to share the same folder (or ftp folder like).  So when set to No, if Ship Notice tries to pull down a PO Response, instead of moving the doc to the Errors folder, it will just leave it out there so PO Response processor can grab it when it has a turn.
      4. Use location id for Ship-To
        1. This setting allows the inventory site to be determined from a location id in the xml document.
        2. Yes, the Cinch address ID will be used if included in the message.
          1. The OrderCreatePartners ShipTo.PartnerInformation. PartnerIdentifier will be translated as a LOCATIONCODE type and will be validated.
        3. No, the address match will be run.
          1. The Address Information will be address matched against inventory sites. Default = no
      5. Use Partner Doc#
        1. Yes, the document identifier from the xml document will be used as the Purchase Order number. Default = Yes
        2. No, the next Purchase Order number will be used.
      6. User ID
        1. Document is created/updated on behalf of the specified user. This must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP user.
        2. If blank, User ID specified in CinchX Global Settings will be used.

Processing Note:

  • The Vendor Item must be setup for the translated item/vendor combination.
  • When importing an XML created from Touchpoint PO Import 01 the Use Location ID for Ship TO service setting must be set to Yes.
  • When importing an XML created from Touchpoint PO Import 01 the Delete transaction types will be created as a void transaction. So it is recommended to set the Allow Void service setting for processing preference.
  • Void document imports will void the Purchase Order providing no items have been received against the Purchase Order, the cancelled quantity will be set on the Purchase Order line for the void amount.
  • When an import record tries to void or update an existing Purchase Order that was items received against it, and error will be thrown and the import will fail. The Purchase Order will need to be updated manually.

  1. CIDX 2.02 Ship Notice Import

(Import data from ship notice xml documents which contain details as to the Purchase Order being shipped, including the items and quantities. The CIDX Ship Notice will be imported to a Cinch company database table for future reference)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. No filters apply
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Batch Hours
        1. Represents the number of hours the batch is good for before a new batch number will be created. Used to limit batch sizes by creating multiple batches per day.
        2. If set to "0" the hours will not be included in the batch number.
      2. Batch Number
        1. If a batch number is entered the inbound tickets will be saved in that batch.
        2. Maximum number of characters 15.
        3. If the batch does not exist it will be added.
      3. Batch Prefix
        1. Default = CIDX
          1. If a batch prefix is entered the inbound tickets will be saved in a batch with a format of XXMMDDHH (XX is the Batch prefix, and MMDDHH is the user date (MM= Month, DD= Day and HH = Hour) of the transaction import if Batch hours is set.).
          2. If Batch Number is entered, Batch Prefix will not be used.
          3. Maximum number of characters 15. This includes the branch prefix, the batch prefix and the date time suffix.
      4. Default Branch
        1. A valid branch ID can be selected. If default branch is specified any unresolved buyer addresses will be forced to this specified branch.
        2. If blank, the buyer address in the AgXML must resolve to a location in the current company or the shipment will be rejected.
      5. Reject Invalid Document Types
        1. Yes when selected, service allows multiple document types to share the same folder (or ftp folder). Example, if Ship Notice tries to pull down a PO Response, instead of moving the doc to the Errors folder, it will just leave it out there so PO Response processor can grab it when it has a turn. Default value = Yes
        2. No when selected, each service will require a separate folder.
      6. User ID:
        1. Document is created/updated on behalf of the specified user. This must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP user.
        2. If blank, User ID specified in CinchX Global Settings will be used.

Processing Note:

  • A multi-segment primary key has been added to each table. Starting with the header the combination of unique values is: 1. Document Number 2. IRShipFromID 3. Document Date 4. Date SEQ Number.
    • Since two suppliers could have the same document Identifier, the IRShipFromID solves that potential conflict. Also a supplier could send multiple updates, even within the same date. So Document Date and Date SEQ Number resolve that potential conflict.
  • Tables where data is placed for future reference are IRASShipNoticeHDR, IRASShipNoticeRef and IRASShipNoticeLine.

  1. CIDX 3.0 Ship Notice Import

(Import data from ship notice xml documents which contain details as to the Purchase Order being shipped, including the items and quantities. The CIDX Ship Notice will be imported to a Cinch company database table for future reference)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. No filters apply
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Batch Hours
        1. Represents the number of hours the batch is good for before a new batch number will be created. Used to limit batch sizes by creating multiple batches per day.
        2. If set to "0" the hours will not be included in the batch number.
      2. Batch Number
        1. If a batch number is entered the inbound tickets will be saved in that batch.
        2. Maximum number of characters 15.
        3. If the batch does not exist it will be added.
      3. Batch Prefix
        1. Default = CIDX
          1. If a batch prefix is entered the inbound tickets will be saved in a batch with a format of XXMMDDHH (XX is the Batch prefix, and MMDDHH is the user date (MM= Month, DD= Day and HH = Hour) of the transaction import if Batch hours is set.).
          2. If Batch Number is entered, Batch Prefix will not be used.
          3. Maximum number of characters 15. This includes the branch prefix, the batch prefix and the date time suffix.
      4. Default Branch
        1. A valid branch ID can be selected. If default branch is specified any unresolved buyer addresses will be forced to this specified branch.
        2. If blank, the buyer address in the AgXML must resolve to a location in the current company or the shipment will be rejected.
      5. Reject Invalid Document Types
        1. Yes when selected, service allows multiple document types to share the same folder (or ftp folder). Example, if Ship Notice tries to pull down a PO Response, instead of moving the doc to the Errors folder, it will just leave it out there so PO Response processor can grab it when it has a turn. Default value = Yes
        2. No when selected, each service will require a separate folder.
      6. User ID:
        1. Document is created/updated on behalf of the specified user. This must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP user.
        2. If blank, User ID specified in CinchX Global Settings will be used.

Processing Note:

  • A multi-segment primary key has been added to each table. Starting with the header the combination of unique values is: 1. Document Number 2. IRShipFromID 3. Document Date 4. Date SEQ Number.
    • Since two suppliers could have the same document Identifier, the IRShipFromID solves that potential conflict. Also a supplier could send multiple updates, even within the same date. So Document Date and Date SEQ Number resolve that potential conflict.
  • Tables where data is placed for future reference are IRASShipNoticeHDR, IRASShipNoticeRef and IRASShipNoticeLine.

  1. CIDX 4.0 IAU Export

(Provides the ability to export Inventory Actual Usage documents for reporting inventory quantities back to vendors.)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. Vendor filters apply
        1. Vendor ID is required. Only one vendor can be entered per service partner.
    2. Service Settings
      1. Always Translate Header IDs
        1. Yes, the From and To identifiers in the xml Header will use the value from the Entity ID Source setting as the Domain when performing the translations. (DUNS, AssignedBySeller, etc.).
        2. No, the default domain will be used for translations.
      2. Entity ID Sources is used to determine which "Agency" type for entities (buyer, seller, etc.) are selected during the export. The list of appropriate values are:
        1. Default, AGIIS-EBID, AGIIS-NAPD, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedByPapiNet, AssignedBySeller, AssignedByTestingLaboratory, DUNS, EAN, Other, SCAC
          1. When DUNS or AGIIS-EBID is selected, the Entity ID will be pulled from the DUNS identifier for the appropriate master record (vendor, location, company, etc.), and a translation will not be performed.
          2. Default, AGIIS-NAPD, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedByPapiNet, AssignedBySeller, AssignedByTestingLaboratory, EAN, Other or SCAC are not listed in the schema, but is a CinchX specific setting. When any of these are selected system will send the Cinch or translated value.
          3. Default is the default value.
      3. Hide Successful Item Trx Msgs
        1. Yes when selected only Item (and UofM) translations that fail will display in the document monitoring windows.
      4. Item Class Filter
        1. Default = *
        2. Enter a single Item Class or list of Item Classes.
          1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
          2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
          3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
          4. An item class prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
          5. Line items must have a matching Item Class in this list to be exported.
      5. Item ID Source is used to determine which "Agency" type for items are selected during the export. The list of appropriate values are:
        1. Default, AGIIS-ProductID, ANSI, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedByManufacturer, AssignedBySeller, EAN, EDIFACT, GBABA, ISO, Other, UPC.
          1. When AssignedByManufacturer is selected a second Product Identifier with an Agency type of AssignedByManufacturer will be created in the XML for the Vendor Item Number from Item Vendor Maintenance.
          2. When AGIIS-ProductID is selected, the Item ID will be pulled from the AGIIS Product ID (GTIN) from the Item Extensions Maintenance for the item, and a translation will not be performed.
          3. Default, ANSI, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedBySeller, EAN, EDIFACT, GBABA, ISO, Other, UPC are not listed in the schema, but is a CinchX specific setting. When any of these are selected system will send the Cinch or translated value.
          4. Default is the default value.
      6. Item User Category 1 Filter - Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
        1. Default = *
        2. Enter an Item User Category 1 filter or list of Item User Category 1 filters.
          1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
          2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
          3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
          4. A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
          5. Line items must have a matching Item User Category 1 in this list to be exported.
      7. Item User Category 2 Filter - Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
        1. Default = *
        2. Enter an Item User Category 2 filter or list of Item User Category 2 filters.
          1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
          2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
          3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
          4. A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
          5. Line items must have a matching Item User Category 2 in this list to be exported.
      8. Item User Category 3 Filter - Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
        1. Default = *
        2. Enter an Item User Category 3 filter or list of Item User Category 3 filters.
          1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
          2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
          3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
          4. A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
          5. Line items must have a matching Item User Category 3 in this list to be exported.
      9. Item User Category 4 Filter - Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
        1. Default = *
        2. Enter an Item User Category 4 filter or list of Item User Category 4filters.
          1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
          2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
          3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
          4. A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
          5. Line items must have a matching Item User Category 4 in this list to be exported.
      10. Item User Category 5 Filter - Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
        1. Default = *
        2. Enter an Item User Category 5 filter or list of Item User Category 5 filters.
          1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
          2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
          3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
          4. A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
          5. Line items must have a matching Item User Category 5 in this list to be exported.
      11. Item User Category 6 Filter - Item User Categories are setup on Item Maintenance Options window.
        1. Default = *
        2. Enter an Item User Category 6 filter or list of Item User Category 6 filters.
          1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
          2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
          3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
          4. A user category prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
          5. Line items must have a matching Item User Category 6 in this list to be exported.
      12. Language Code Domain when defined will override the Language Code. Default is ISO 639-2/T but can be changed as needed.
      13. Message Label Extension
        1. The file extension of the export file.
          1. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example product 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
      14. Run Delay (# of days)
        1. This integer value field can be used to delay the export for a certain number of days after the interval occurs. This allows for things like exporting on the 3rd day of the month, or 180th day of the year.
        2. This setting is ignored when Run Interval is set to Daily.
      15. Run Interval
        1. Select the interval at which the IAU documents will get exported.
          1. Available values in the dropdown list are Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly.
          2. Default value is Monthly.
      16. Run Time
        1. Select the time of day that the export will occur after the interval has fired.
      17. Site Exclusion String
        1. Enter a string value which will be used to filter out reporting from any inventory sites where the location code contains the entered value.
      18. Use UN/CEFACT for UofM Values
        1. Yes, when selected the standard UN/CEFACT (UN-Rec-20) units of measure will be sent describing quantities in the xml document. Default = Yes
          1. If the UN/CEFACT is not found the export will fail.
        2. No, when selected the standard Cinch, or translated values will be sent.
      19. XML Namespace Prefix
        1. Recommended to leave this field blank.
          1. For specific XML naming requirements. Prefixes each tag with this value.
      20. XML Namespace URL
        1. Recommended to leave this field blank.
          1. Puts the XML namespace URL in the header of each document.
  1. CIDX 4.0 Load Export

(Creates a file for each load order for selected customers). Load Order Export will recognize when a load order is being placed "On Hold" and when the "On Hold" is being removed. The load order will be exported as an update to the load order.

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. Customer filters apply
  3. Customer ID is required. The exact or wild card match must be entered. For example * = all customers, a* = all customers that begin with "a".
  4. LOCNCODE is optional. If specified filters all documents on an exact inventory site match.
  5. Service Line Settings
  6. Cinch Consumer
  7. Yes, Will add CINCH specific fields. Default = yes
  8. No, will conform to CIDX version 4 specifications (CIDX_CeS_v4.0_Message_OrderCreate.xsd (schema)).
  9. Company ID Source
  10. Default = Company
  11. This value specifies how the seller address is determined in the export file. Valid values are Company, Branch and Location. If the setting does not exist, or doesn't match one of the valid values, the Company ID will be sent.
  12. Company will translate to the GP Company main address.
  13. Branch will translate to the Cinch Branch address.
  14. Location will translate to the address on the Site ID.
  15. Export Comments
  16. Yes, comments will be exported from the ticket. Default = yes
  17. No, comments will not be exported from the ticket.
  18. Export Price
  19. Yes, Price fields from the load order will be exported.
  20. Only the net price is sent in the Load Export xml document.
  21. Price fields from the load order will not be exported. Default = no
  22. Item Class Filter
    1. Default = *
    2. Enter a single Item Class or list of Item Classes.
      1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
      2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
      3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
      4. An item class prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
      5. Line items must have a matching Item Class in this list to be exported.
  23. Item Filter
        1. Default = *
        2. Enter a single Item or list of Items.
          1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
          2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
          3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
          4. An item prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
          5. Line items must have a matching Item in this list to be exported.
  24. Message Label Extension
    1. The file extension of the export file.
      1. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example ticket 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
  25. Shipping Category Filter
    1. Shipping Category Filter, will filter by the Shipping Method, Shipping Category. Only loads that have a ship method with shipping category that matches the selected one will be exported. Options are:
      1. None, when selected no filtering by shipping category will be done.
      2. Barge
      3. Instore
      4. Rail
      5. Truck
      6. Vessel
  26. Skip Freight
  27. Yes, will not send freight information from load order. Default = yes
  28. No, will send freight information from load order.
  29. XML Namespace Prefix
  30. Recommended to leave this field blank.
  31. For specific XML naming requirements. Prefixes each tag with this value.
  32. XML Namespace URL
  33. Recommended to leave this field blank.
  34. Puts the XML namespace URL in the header of each document.

  1. CIDX 4.0 Load Import

(Processes import file to create load orders for selected customers.) Load Order Import will recognize the "Hold" status and update the load order with the "Hold" flag. If the load is already shipped, system will record import error (same as trying to update a shipped order).

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. No filters apply, but a customer must be specified on the exchange partner.
  3. Service Line Settings
  4. Assign Contract
  5. No, the load order will not attempt to assign contract.
  6. Yes, the process will attempt to assign a contract to the load based on the following: Default = yes
  7. Look for open contracts for the customer / item on the load order that is created.
  8. Looks at the Sales contract delivery period that matches the scheduled date.
  9. In the event there are multiple delivery dates, chooses the youngest delivery period to apply to.
  10. Load Order Price
  11. If the price is included in the XML import document, the price from the XML document will be placed on the load order regardless of the assign contract setting.
  12. If the price is not included in the XML import document, and the assign contract setting is yes, the price from the assigned contract will be placed on the load order.
  13. Load Order Freight
  14. If the freight information is included in the XML import document, the freight from the XML document will be used to create the Load Order Freight record regardless of the assign contract setting.
  15. If the freight information is not included in the XML import document, and the assign contract setting is yes, the freight from the assigned contract will be used to create the Load Order Freight record.
  16. Load Order Commission
  17. If the commission information is included in the XML import document, the commission information from the XML document will be placed on the load order regardless of the assign contract setting.
  18. If the assign contract setting is yes, the markdown price will be populated from the assigned contract not from the commission rate from the XML document if the commission type is Net from Price.
  19. If the commission information is not included in the XML import document, and the assign contract setting is yes, the commission information from the assigned contract will be placed on the load order.
  20. Batch by Item
  21. No, the Item XML Batch Prefix from Item Extensions will not be included in the batch number. Default = No
  22. Yes, the Item XML Batch Prefix from Item Extensions will be included in the batch number.
  23. If service setting, Batch Number is entered, Batch by Item will not be used.
  24. Batch format will be BBXXMMDDHH (BB is the Branch Prefix, XX is the Batch prefix, and MMDDHH is the user date (MM= Month, DD= Day and HH = Hour) of the transaction import if Batch hours is set.)
  25. If service setting, Batch Number is not provided the Batch Item Naming will be BBBPPIII-MMDDHH.
  26. BBB is the Batch prefix, length may vary depending on Branch ID setup.
  27. PP is the Batch Prefix, length may vary depending on Branch Prefix setup.
  28. III is the Item XML Prefix. If no item batch prefix exists for that item, then there is no item segment in the batch.
  29. – will follow the Item Batch Prefix if one exists or the Prefix if one does not exist.
  30. MMDD is the user date (MM= Month, DD= Day).
  31. NN is the Batch Hour.
  32. Maximum number of characters 15. This includes the branch prefix, the batch prefix, the Item XML Prefix and the date time suffix.
  33. Batch Hours
  34. Represents the number of hours the batch is good for before a new batch number will be created. Used to limit batch sizes by creating multiple batches per day.
  35. If set to "0" the hours will not be included in the batch number.
  36. Batch Number
  37. If a batch number is entered the inbound tickets will be saved in that batch.
  38. If Batch Number is entered, Batch Prefix will not be used.
  39. Maximum number of characters 15.
  40. If the batch does not exist it will be added.
  41. Batch Prefix
  42. Default = CIDX
  43. If a batch prefix is entered the inbound tickets will be saved in a batch with a format of XXMMDDHH (XX is the Batch prefix, and MMDDHH is the user date (MM= Month, DD= Day and HH = Hour) of the transaction import if Batch hours is set.)
  44. If Batch Number is entered, Batch Prefix will not be used.
  45. Maximum number of characters 15. This includes the branch prefix, the batch prefix and the date time suffix.
  46. If the batch does not exist it will be added.
  47. Default Branch
  48. A valid branch ID can be selected. If default branch is specified any unresolved buyer addresses will be forced to this specified branch.
  49. If blank, the buyer address in the CIDXXML must resolve to a location in the current company or the shipment will be rejected.
  50. Direct Ship Scenario A
  51. If yes, the following fields are copied to the customer ref details window. Default = yes
  52. Load number
  53. Ship to name
  54. Full Address
  55. No, no action.
  56. Doc# Prefix
    1. The system will search the load key master table for the highest load number that matches the prefix. The numeric portion of that string will be incremented by one to determine the load number.
    2. Max Length 10 characters.
  57. Doc# Suffix
    1. The value entered will be added to the end of the system generated load number.
    2. Max Length 10 characters.
  58. Fail on Ship-To address match
  59. If yes, if a match for the ship to address is not found the document import will fail. Default = yes
  60. If no, if a match for the ship to address is not found the primary ship to address will be used.
  61. Use location id for Ship-To
  62. Yes, the Cinch address ID will be used if included in the message.
  63. No, the address match will be run. Default = no
  64. Use Partner Doc#
  65. Yes, system will read the load number from the file.
  66. No, the load number will be automatically generated by the system.
    1. Load Number Max Length is 20 characters. This includes the Prefix, Load Number and Suffix).
  67. User ID
  68. Document is created/updated on behalf of the specified user. This must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP user.
  69. If blank, User ID specified in CinchX Global Settings will be used.

  1. CIDX 4.0 PO Response Import

(Imports purchase order responses which will update to the Dynamics GP Purchase Order, indicating if the Order has been accepted, or rejected by the Vendor

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. No filters apply
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Default Branch
        1. A valid branch ID can be selected. If default branch is specified any unresolved buyer addresses will be forced to this specified branch.
        2. If blank, the buyer address in the AgXML must resolve to a location in the current company or the shipment will be rejected.
      2. Reject Invalid Document Types
        1. Yes when selected, service allows multiple document types to share the same folder (or ftp folder). Example, if Ship Notice tries to pull down a PO Response, instead of moving the doc to the Errors folder, it will just leave it out there so PO Response processor can grab it when it has a turn. Default value = Yes
        2. No when selected, each service will require a separate folder.
      3. User ID
        1. Document is created/updated on behalf of the specified user. This must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP user.
        2. If blank, User ID specified in CinchX Global Settings will be used.

Processing Note:

  • Purchase Order Processing Setup, Allow Hold/Remove Hold of Purchase Orders checkbox is required to be marked to allow the purchase order to be placed on hold.
  • Regardless of status accept or reject, the Purchase Order Response Import will update the Dynamics Purchase Order Header Note with all special instructions form the Purchase Order Response XML Document. The reason for the rejection is contained in those "Special Instruction" XML tags. The Special Instructions can exist on the Header (Xpath-OrderResponseBody/OrderResponseProperties/SpecialInstructions) and/or on each line (Xpath-OrderResponseBody/OrderResponseDetails/OrderResponseProductLineItems/ SpecialInstructions). The import will append all the special instructions (header and Line) and place them in the Note field.
  • The Purchase Order Response will accept or reject the Purchase Order but will NOT update the PO with the new item, quantity or cost changes.
  • If the Order is accepted:
    • PO Status. The PO Status remains unchanged.
    • The Purchasing Vendor Detail, Confirm With field will be updated with the date accepted from the XML document and the word "accept".
  • If the Order is Rejected:
    • PO is placed On Hold, Hold checkbox is marked.
    • The Purchasing Date Inquiry, Placed On Hold by field will be set to the User ID defined on the Service Setting.
    • The Purchasing Date Inquiry, Placed On Hold Date will be set to the system date.
    • The Note is updated (appended) with the response.
    • If PO is rejected, we expect user to create a new PO that reflects any changes. User can then print that new Purchase Order so it gets exported.
    • If an additional response is received to Accept the PO after it has already been rejected, placed on hold, the Confirm With will be updated to Accepted but the PO will remain on hold. The user will need to determine what should be done based on the Notes.

  1. CIDX 4.0 Purchase Order Export

(Creates a file for each Purchase Order for selected vendors.)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. Vendor ID is optional
        1. Blank or * will send all vendors.
        2. Enter a Vendor ID filters all documents on an exact Vendor Match. Only one Vendor ID can be entered per service partner.
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Always Send Internal Item ID
        1. Yes, when selected the GP Item Number will be sent along with the item number type selected in the Item ID Source.
        2. No, only the item number type selected in the Item ID Source will be sent.
      2. Always Translate Header Ids
        1. Yes, the From and To identifiers in the xml Header will use the value from the Entity ID Source setting as the Domain when performing the translations. (DUNS, AssignedBySeller, etc.)
        2. No, the default domain will be used for translations.
      3. Entity ID Sources is use to determine which "Agency" type for entities (buyer, seller, etc.) are selected during the export. The list of appropriate values are:
        1. Default, AGIIS-EBID, AGIIS-NAPD, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedByPapiNet, AssignedBySeller, AssignedByTestingLaboratory, DUNS, EAN, Other, SCAC
          1. When DUNS or AGIIS-EBID is selected, the Entity ID will be pulled from the DUNS identifier for the appropriate master record (vendor, location, company, etc.), and a translation will not be performed .
          2. Default, AGIIS-NAPD, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedByPapiNet, AssignedBySeller, AssignedByTestingLaboratory, EAN, Other or SCAC are not listed in the schema, but is a CinchX specific setting. When any of these are selected system will send the Cinch or translated value.
      4. Export Quantities In Base UofM
        1. Yes, when selected the quantity values are exported in their equivalent Base UofM quantities.
        2. No, when selected quantity from the Purchase Order is exported. No is the default setting.
      5. Item ID Source is used to determine which "Agency" type for items are selected during the export. The list of appropriate values are:
        1. Default, AGIIS-ProductID, ANSI, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedByManufacturer, AssignedBySeller, EAN, EDIFACT, GBABA, ISO, Other, UPC
          1. When AssignedByManufacturer is selected a second Product Identifier with an Agency type of AssignedByManufacturer will be created in the XML for the Vendor Item Number from Item Vendor Maintenance.
          2. When AGIIS-ProductID is selected, the Item ID will be pulled from the AGIIS Product ID (GTIN) from the Item Extensions Maintenance for the item, and a translation will not be performed
          3. Default, ANSI, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedBySeller, EAN, EDIFACT, GBABA, ISO, Other, UPC are not listed in the schema, but are a CinchX specific setting. When any of these are selected system will send the Cinch or translated value.
      6. Message Label Extension is used to decide what file extension written to the file system. (xml, txt, etc.)
      7. Send on First Print Only
        1. Yes, the purchase order will only be exported the first time a Purchase order is printed.
        2. No, the purchase order will only be exported each time a Purchase order is printed.
      8. Send Pricing
        1. Yes, when selected pricing from the line will be sent.
        2. No, when selected pricing will not be sent. Default = No
      9. Use UN/CEFACT for UofM values
        1. Yes, when selected the standard UN/CEFACT (UN-Rec-20) units of measure will be sent describing quantities in the xml document.
          1. If the UN/CEFACT is not found the export will fail.
        2. No, when selected the standard Cinch, or translated values will be sent.
      10. XML Namespace Prefix
        1. For specific XML naming requirements. Prefixes each tag with this value.
      11. XML Namespace URL
        1. Puts the XML namespace URL in the header of each document.

Processing Note:

  • Printing the PO in GP will trigger the system to export any new or updated PO's.
  • It is recommended on any changes to the PO that the user print the PO to reset the PO status and revision number to ensure all updates are sent.
  • The Order Create From Section of the schema identifies the entity that is sending the Order Document. The XML document will be filled with company name and address information.
  • The Order Create To Section of the schema identifies the entity that the document is being sent to. In this Purchase Order case it will be the Vendor, so the XML document will be filled with Vendor information from the purchase order.
  • The Partner section of the schema identifies partner:
    • Buyer will be the Name and Address from Company Master.
    • Seller will be the Vendor ID from the Purchase Order.
    • Ship To will be the Name and Address for the Site ID from the first line.
    • Payer will be the Name and Address from Company Master.
  • The product Identifier section of the schema identifies what item is being ordered. The XML document can contain multiple ways of identifying the product on order. As such, the export will create product identifiers per the following:
    • Item number. The Dynamics GP Item number on the purchase order line will create "ProductIdentifier" tag(s): ProductIdentification Agency = "AssignedByBuyer" and Product Identifier = Item ID.
    • Vendor Item Number. If the Dynamics GP Purchase Order Contains a Vendor Item Number, set the Item ID Source to AssignedByManufacturer then the export will create and additional product identifier tag(s). ProductIdentification Agency = "AssignedByManufacturer" and Product Identifier = Vendor Item ID.
  • PO Deletes – When Dynamics GP deletes a Purchase Order the record is removed and the data no longer exists to create the XML Document. So it is be recommended that Dynamics Purchase Orders are voided rather than deleted in Dynamics.
  • If a Ship Method is selected on the Purchasing Vendor Detail Entry window, and the Shipping Type for that Ship Method is a "Pickup" type, then the Ship Method will be translated and the value will be exported in the TransportMethodCode tag and the Ship From section will be populated with Vendor ship address info. Otherwise neither of those sections will be written.
  • For Drop-Ship PO's the Customer and the Customer's Ship To Address will be exported. All other PO types will continue to use the Location Address from the PO Line.

  1. CIDX 4.0 Purchase Order Import

(Processes file to create or update purchase order records for selected customers.)

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. Vendor ID is required. Only one vendor can be entered per service partner.
  3. When a purchase order file for the selected vendor is received, it is imported to create/update the purchase order.
  4. Service Line Settings
  5. Allow Voids
  6. Yes, will allow the Purchase Order to be voided based on the incoming file.
  7. No, will not allow the Purchase Order to be voided based on the incoming file. Default = no
  8. Default Branch
  9. A valid branch ID can be selected. If default branch is specified any unresolved seller addresses will be forced to this specified branch.
  10. If blank, the seller address in the AgXML must resolve to a location in the current company or the record will be rejected.
  11. Reject Invalid Document Types
    1. This will allow multiple document types to share the same folder (or ftp folder like).  So when set to No, if Ship Notice tries to pull down a PO Response, instead of moving the doc to the Errors folder, it will just leave it out there so PO Response processor can grab it when it has a turns
  12. Use location id for Ship-To
    1. This setting allows the inventory site to be determined from a location id in the xml document.
    2. Yes, the Cinch address ID will be used if included in the message.
      1. The OrderCreatePartners ShipTo.PartnerInformation. PartnerIdentifier will be translated as a LOCATIONCODE type and will be validated.
    3. No, the address match will be run.
      1. The Address Information will be address matched against inventory sites. Default = no
  13. Use Partner Doc#
  14. Yes, the document identifier from the xml document will be used as the Purchase Order number. Default = Yes
  15. No, the next Purchase Order number will be used.
  16. User ID
  17. Document is created/updated on behalf of the specified user. This must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP user.
  18. If blank, User ID specified in CinchX Global Settings will be used.

Processing Note:

  • If an attempt is made to import a Sales Order Change doc without previously importing a Sales Order Create doc, an error will be thrown.
  • When the PO is successfully imported, a response document will be sent back, with the new PO # in the Header>RequestingDocumentIdentifier>DocumentIdentifier tag.
  • The Vendor Item must be setup for the translated item/vendor combination.
  • When importing an XML created from Touchpoint PO Import 01 the Use Location ID for Ship TO service setting must be set to Yes.
  • When importing an XML created from Touchpoint PO Import 01 the Delete transaction types will be created as a void transaction. So it is recommended to set the Allow Void service setting for processing preference.
  • Void document imports will void the Purchase Order providing no items have been received against the Purchase Order, the cancelled quantity will be set on the Purchase Order line for the void amount.
  • Void document imports will void the Purchase Order providing no items have been received against the Purchase Order, the cancelled quantity will be set on the Purchase Order line for the void amount.

  1. CIDX 4.0 Sales Order Export

(Creates a file for each Sales Order for the selected customer.)

  1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
  2. LOCNCODE is optional.
  3. Blank or * will send all sites.
  4. Enter a Site ID filters all documents on an exact Site match. Only one Site ID can be entered per service partner.
  5. IRRegionID is optional.
  6. Blank or * will send all regions.
  7. Enter a Region ID filters all documents on an exact Region match. Only one Region ID can be entered per service partner.
  8. IRBranchID is optional.
  9. Blank or * will send all branches.
  10. Enter a Branch ID filters all documents on an exact Branch match. Only one Branch ID can be entered per service partner.
  11. Service Line Settings
  12. Cinch Consumer
  13. Yes, will add CINCH specific fields. Default = Yes
  14. No, will conform to CIDX version 4 specifications (CIDX_CeS_v4.0_Message_OrderCreate and CIDX_CeS_v4.0_Message_OrderChange (schemas)).
  15. Company ID Source
  16. This value specifies how the seller address is determined in the export file. Valid values are Company, Branch and Location. If the setting does not exist, or doesn't match one of the valid values, the Company ID will be sent.
  17. Company will translate to the GP Company main address. Default = Company
  18. Branch will translate to the Cinch Branch address.
  19. Location will translate to the address on the Site ID.
  20. Message Label Extension
  21. The file extension of the export file.
  22. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example order 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
  23. Response Expected
  24. Yes – tells the processor if it should wait for a response.
  25. No - tells the process not to wait for a response. Default = no
  26. XML Namespace Prefix
  27. Recommended to leave this field blank.
  28. For specific XML naming requirements. Prefixes each tag with this value.
  29. XML Namespace URL
  30. Recommended to leave this field blank.
  31. Puts the XML namespace URL in the header of each document.

Processing Note:

  • Saving the Order or Invoicing the Order will trigger the exported.
  • Based on the Sales Setup, Allow Delete Document setting, when an invoice is voided or deleted an Order Change document will be exported with the OrderChange>OrderChangeBody>OrderChangeDetails>OrderChangeProductLineItem[0]>ActionRequest flag set to either "Void" or "Delete", based on what action was detected.
  • Deletes/Void documents will be denoted in the Export Tracking and Doc Monitoring with an appended asterisk (ex. IR000007279-USAG-A1010000396|3*).

  1. CIDX 4.0 Sales Order Import

(Processes a file to create or update sales order records for selected customers.).

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. No filters apply.
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Batch Hours
        1. Represents the number of hours the batch is good for before a new batch number will be created. Used to limit batch sizes by creating multiple batches per day.
        2. If set to "0" or blank the hours will not be included in the batch number.
      2. Batch Number
        1. If a batch number is entered the inbound tickets will be saved in that batch.
        2. If Batch Number is entered, Batch Prefix will not be used.
        3. Maximum number of characters 15.
        4. If the batch does not exist it will be added.
      3. Batch Prefix
        1. Default = CIDX
          1. If a batch prefix is entered the orders will be saved in a batch with a format of XXMMDDHH (XX is the Batch prefix, and MMDDHH is the user date (MM= Month, DD= Day and HH = Hour) of the transaction import if Batch hours is set.).
          2. If Batch Number is entered, Batch Prefix will not be used.
          3. Maximum number of characters 15. This includes the branch prefix, the batch prefix and the date time suffix.
          4. If the batch does not exist it will be added.
      4. Default Branch
        1. A valid branch ID can be selected. If default branch is specified any unresolved origin addresses will be forced to this specified branch.
        2. If blank, the origin address in the XML must resolve to a location in the current company or the order will fail.
      5. Fail on Ship-To address match
        1. If yes, if a match for the ship to address is not found the document import will fail. Default = Yes.
          1. System compares the XML To Address information and compares these values against the Customer Address Maintenance. The address is evaluated based on Zip Code, if there multiple; then City and State, if there multiple; then Address 1, if there multiple; then Address 2. If a match is not found then the Fail on Ship To Address match setting kicks in.
        2. If No, if a match for the ship to address is not found the customer's primary ship to address will be used.
      6. Fill UserDefDate1 w/sched date
        1. Yes, when selected the requested delivery date will be written to the User Date 01 field on the Sales User Defined Fields Entry window.
      7. Load Port Type, Load Port URL and Load Port Req Path
        1. These settings need to match CIDX 4.0 Load Import header settings when the Watch for Load Orders setting is set to yes.
      8. Preview Order
        1. If Yes, import will stop before any processing is done, and wait for the user to open the Sales Order Import Review window, and act upon the document before continuing.
          1. NOTE: If processing to multiple companies, this setting should only be set to "Yes" in one company. This company will be the master where the docs can be reviewed and moved to the appropriate company for fulfilling the order. The other companies will have this setting set to "No", so the orders can be consumed without any other user intervention.
        2. If No, the import will process like any other import with intervention being required only to fix translations, defaults, etc. Default = No.
      9. Pricing Preference
        1. Leave Unpriced, no pricing will be imported or defaulted from the item. Default = Leave Unpriced.
        2. Use Item Pricing, pricing will default from the item.
        3. Use XML Pricing, pricing, including Price UOM will be set from the values in the xml file.
      10. Resolve Full Ship To Address
        1. If Yes, all address fields (city, state, zip, address1 and address2) must match exactly before it will accept the address.
        2. If No, the system will filter on all address fields and once it reaches a single record, it will consider it a match even if it only matches on one address field.
      11. Use Partner Doc#
        1. If Yes, the xml PO order number is used as the created sales order. Default = Yes.
        2. If No, system will generate the sales order number.
      12. User ID
        1. Document is created/updated on behalf of the specified user. This must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP user.
        2. If blank, User ID specified in CinchX Global Settings will be used.
      13. Watch for Load Orders
        1. Yes, when selected the processor will look to the "Is Bulk" checkbox (located on the Hazmat Information screen off the item master) to determine if the translated item is bulk or not.
          1. If the item is a bulk item, further processing in this import will halt, and the xml document will be moved to the CIDX 4.0 Load Import setup in the Load Port/Path settings.
        2. If a bulk item is not detected, or this setting is set to No, this processor will continue to import the document as a normal sales order.

Processing Note:

  • If processing to multiple companies, each company will require this service to be setup and enabled and translations maintenance completed.
  • The Partner Line number, Partner Item and Partner Item description from the file will visible on the Sales Inquiry, Additional Line Information Inquiry window.
  • If the Purchase Order Type Code is empty system will assume this as an Order.
  • If the Schedule date is empty the system will assume it to be the Current Date of the Import.
  • Ship To – Partner Identifier. CinchX typically populates the customer number from the buyer section of the XML Document. If the partner Identifier is not there, the system will look to the "Ship To" section of the XML Document.

  1. CIDX 4.0 Sales Shipment Import

(This service takes CIDX Product Movement Report documents and imports them as Cinch Sales Shipments)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. No filters apply
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Apply RFD Markup, allows RFD markup costs to be added during import.
        1. Yes, a lookup will be done against the RFD Markup Maintenance by Price Level and Item Number and the Markup Amount from that record will be added to the xml Confirmed Price value. The sum of the price and markup will be placed in the Unit Price field on the Shipment Invoicing window.
          1. If the Customer Extensions Maintenance RFD Price Level is not defined for the translated customer the record will fail on import.
        2. No, the xml Confirmed Price value will be used no markup will be added. Default = No.
      2. Default Branch
        1. A valid branch ID can be selected. If default branch is specified any unresolved seller addresses will be forced to this specified branch.
        2. If blank, the seller address in the AgXML must resolve to a location in the current company or the shipment will be rejected.
      3. Default Payment Terms From
        1. Customer, payment terms from the customer will be used.
        2. Item, payment terms from the item will be used.
        3. Payment Terms Setting, payment terms defined in the Payment Terms service setting will be used.
        4. XML, payment term from the xml document will be used.
      4. Default Ship Method
        1. A valid ship method can be selected.
        2. If a ship method exists in xml, it will be used. Otherwise it will use the default ship method value.
      5. Fail On Ship-To address match
        1. If yes, if a match for the ship to address is not found the document import will fail. Default = Yes.
        2. If no, if a match for the ship to address is not found the primary ship to address will be used.
      6. Payment Terms, when defined and Default Payment Terms From is set to Payment Terms Setting this value will be placed on all shipments imported. This must be a valid GP Payment Terms.
        1. XML does not contain a Payment Term to translation so this provides the ability to set the Payment Terms on import
      7. Use location id for Ship-To
        1. Yes, the Cinch address ID will be used if included in the message.
        2. No, the address match will be run. Default = No.
      8. User Partner Doc#
        1. Yes, the document identifier from the xml document will be used as the Shipment number.
        2. No, the next Sales Shipment number will be used. Default = No.
      9. User ID
        1. Document is created/updated on behalf of the specified user. This must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP user.
        2. If blank, User ID specified in CinchX Global Settings will be used.
      10. Validate Tanks
        1. Yes, will force the TankID to be validated after translation. Validation includes the Tank ID is valid and the customer on the shipment matches the customer on the tank. If validation fails the import will fail.
        2. No, no validation will be done on the Tank, and the TankID will be written to UserDef1.

Processing Note:

  • Customer/Split ID: System will translate XML Customer Identifier to a Dynamics GP/Cinch Customer ID and Customer Split ID.
    • The solution assumes that the Cinch Customer will have a Split setup where the Split ID is the same as the Customer ID.
  • Product ID: The system will translate the XML Product Identifier to a Dynamics GP/Cinch Item ID.
  • Shipped Date: The Billing Date from the RFD file will be used as the Shipped Date on the Invoice or Counter Sale line.
  • Terms Code: Upon importing of the Product Movement document, the Terms code (terms discount and invoice due date) will come from the default terms code ID setup on the customer master.
  • Tank ID: The Tank ID from the RFD doc will be read from the ProductMovementTransaction.ProductMovementTransactionDetails.ProductMovementLineItem.PackagingContainerInformation.ContainerIdentifier tag of the xml doc and be placed in the User Defined field 1 field on the Shipment Invoicing window.
  • Prepayments: There is no auto application of prepayments. In Shipment invoicing the user will be able to see that there is prepay available ("PP" column). After shipments are processed, prepayments can be applied within Invoice Maintenance or Counter Sales Entry.
  • General Ledger Account Segments: The Sales General Ledger account is determined by first looking at the Sales account on the Customer, if none, it looks to the sales account on the item, if none, looks to sales account in company setup. Then, Cinch will modify the branch and/or site segment(s) of the account based on the Branch/Site segment modifier.
  • Sales Shipments created from a file created from CSV Sales Shipment Import 01:
    • The following will come from the specified Sales Order:
      • Branch
      • Customer ID
      • Customer Bill To
      • Customer Ship To
      • Payment Terms ID
    • After the Sales Shipment is imported user will navigate to Shipment Invoicing to create invoice(s).
    • Use location id for Ship To needs to be set to yes for the Order Ship To to be placed on the Shipment.
    • A shipment cannot be imported if associated to a closed Sales Order.

  1. CIDX 4.0 Ship Notice Import

(Import data from ship notice xml documents which contain details as to the Purchase Order being shipped, including the items and quantities. The CIDX Ship Notice will be imported to a Cinch company database table for future reference)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. No filters apply
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Batch Hours
        1. Represents the number of hours the batch is good for before a new batch number will be created. Used to limit batch sizes by creating multiple batches per day.
        2. If set to "0" the hours will not be included in the batch number.
      2. Batch Number
        1. If a batch number is entered the inbound tickets will be saved in that batch.
        2. Maximum number of characters 15.
        3. If the batch does not exist it will be added.
      3. Batch Prefix
        1. Default = CIDX
          1. If a batch prefix is entered the inbound tickets will be saved in a batch with a format of XXMMDDHH (XX is the Batch prefix, and MMDDHH is the user date (MM= Month, DD= Day and HH = Hour) of the transaction import if Batch hours is set.).
          2. If Batch Number is entered, Batch Prefix will not be used.
          3. Maximum number of characters 15. This includes the branch prefix, the batch prefix and the date time suffix.
      4. Default Branch
        1. A valid branch ID can be selected. If default branch is specified any unresolved buyer addresses will be forced to this specified branch.
        2. If blank, the buyer address in the AgXML must resolve to a location in the current company or the shipment will be rejected.
      5. Reject Invalid Document Types
        1. Yes when selected, service allows multiple document types to share the same folder (or ftp folder). Example, if Ship Notice tries to pull down a PO Response, instead of moving the doc to the Errors folder, it will just leave it out there so PO Response processor can grab it when it has a turn. Default value = Yes
        2. No when selected, each service will require a separate folder.
      6. User ID:
        1. Document is created/updated on behalf of the specified user. This must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP user.
        2. If blank, User ID specified in CinchX Global Settings will be used.

Processing Note:

  • A multi-segment primary key has been added to each table. Starting with the header the combination of unique values is: 1. Document Number 2. IRShipFromID 3. Document Date 4. Date SEQ Number.
    • Since two suppliers could have the same document Identifier, the IRShipFromID solves that potential conflict. Also a supplier could send multiple updates, even within the same date. So Document Date and Date SEQ Number resolve that potential conflict.
  • Tables where data is placed for future reference are IRASShipNoticeHDR, IRASShipNoticeRef and IRASShipNoticeLine.

  1. CIDX 5.0 PO Response Import

(Imports purchase order responses which will update to the Dynamics GP Purchase Order, indicating if the Order has been accepted, or rejected by the Vendor

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. No filters apply
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Default Branch
        1. A valid branch ID can be selected. If default branch is specified any unresolved buyer addresses will be forced to this specified branch.
        2. If blank, the buyer address in the AgXML must resolve to a location in the current company or the shipment will be rejected.
      2. Reject Invalid Document Types
        1. Yes when selected, service allows multiple document types to share the same folder (or ftp folder). Example, if Ship Notice tries to pull down a PO Response, instead of moving the doc to the Errors folder, it will just leave it out there so PO Response processor can grab it when it has a turn. Default value = Yes
        2. No when selected, each service will require a separate folder.
      3. User ID
        1. Document is created/updated on behalf of the specified user. This must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP user.
        2. If blank, User ID specified in CinchX Global Settings will be used.

Processing Note:

  • Purchase Order Processing Setup, Allow Hold/Remove Hold of Purchase Orders checkbox is required to be marked to allow the purchase order to be placed on hold.
  • Regardless of status accept or reject, the Purchase Order Response Import will update the Dynamics Purchase Order Header Note with all special instructions form the Purchase Order Response XML Document. The reason for the rejection is contained in those "Special Instruction" XML tags. The Special Instructions can exist on the Header (Xpath-OrderResponseBody/OrderResponseProperties/SpecialInstructions) and/or on each line (Xpath-OrderResponseBody/OrderResponseDetails/OrderResponseProductLineItems/ SpecialInstructions). The import will append all the special instructions (header and Line) and place them in the Note field.
  • The Purchase Order Response will accept or reject the Purchase Order but will NOT update the PO with the new item, quantity or cost changes.
  • If the Order is accepted:
    • PO Status. The PO Status remains unchanged.
    • The Purchasing Vendor Detail, Confirm With field will be updated with the date accepted from the XML document and the word "accept".
  • If the Order is Rejected:
    • PO is placed On Hold, Hold checkbox is marked.
    • The Purchasing Date Inquiry, Placed On Hold by field will be set to the User ID defined on the Service Setting.
    • The Purchasing Date Inquiry, Placed On Hold Date will be set to the system date.
    • The Note is updated (appended) with the response.
    • If PO is rejected, we expect user to create a new PO that reflects any changes. User can then print that new Purchase Order so it gets exported.
    • If an additional response is received to Accept the PO after it has already been rejected, placed on hold, the Confirm With will be updated to Accepted but the PO will remain on hold. The user will need to determine what should be done based on the Notes.

  1. CIDX 5.0 Purchase Order Export

(Creates a file for each Purchase Order for selected vendors.)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. Vendor ID is optional
        1. Blank or * will send all vendors.
        2. Enter a Vendor ID filters all documents on an exact Vendor Match. Only one Vendor ID can be entered per service partner.
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Always Send Internal Item ID
        1. Yes, when selected the GP Item Number will be sent along with the item number type selected in the Item ID Source.
        2. No, only the item number type selected in the Item ID Source will be sent.
      2. Always Translate Header IDs
        1. Yes, the From and To identifiers in the xml Header will use the value from the Entity ID Source setting as the Domain when performing the translations. (DUNS, AssignedBySeller, etc.
        2. No, the default domain will be used for translations.
      3. Entity ID Sources is use to determine which "Agency" type for entities (buyer, seller, etc.) are selected during the export. The list of appropriate values are:
        1. Default, AGIIS-EBID, AGIIS-NAPD, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedByPapiNet, AssignedBySeller, AssignedByTestingLaboratory, DUNS, EAN, GLN, Other, SCAC
          1. When DUNS or AGIIS-EBID is selected, the Entity ID will be pulled from the DUNS identifier for the appropriate master record (vendor, location, company, etc.), and a translation will not be performed.
          2. When GLN is selected, the Entity ID will be pulled from the GLN identifier for the appropriate master record (vendor, location, company, etc.), and a translation will not be performed.
          3. Default, AGIIS-NAPD, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedByPapiNet, AssignedBySeller, AssignedByTestingLaboratory, EAN, Other or SCAC are not listed in the schema, but is a CinchX specific setting. When any of these are selected system will send the Cinch or translated value.
      4. Export Quantities In Base UofM
        1. Yes, when selected the quantity values are exported in their equivalent Base UofM quantities.
        2. No, when selected quantity from the Purchase Order is exported. No is the default setting.
      5. Item ID Source is used to determine which "Agency" type for items are selected during the export. The list of appropriate values are:
        1. Default, AGIIS-ProductID, ANSI, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedByManufacturer, AssignedBySeller, EAN, EDIFACT, GBABA, ISO, Other, UPC
          1. When AssignedByManufacturer is selected a second Product Identifier with an Agency type of AssignedByManufacturer will be created in the XML for the Vendor Item Number from Item Vendor Maintenance.
          2. When AGIIS-ProductID is selected, the Item ID will be pulled from the AGIIS Product ID (GTIN) from the Item Extensions Maintenance for the item, and a translation will not be performed.
          3. Default, ANSI, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedBySeller, EAN, EDIFACT, GBABA, ISO, Other, UPC are not listed in the schema, but is a CinchX specific setting. When any of these are selected system will send the Cinch or translated value.
      6. Message Label Extension is used to decide what file extension written to the file system. (xml, txt, etc.)
      7. Send on First Print Only
        1. Yes, the purchase order will only be exported the first time a Purchase order is printed.
        2. No, the purchase order will only be exported each time a Purchase order is printed.
      8. Send Pricing
        1. Yes, when selected pricing from the line will be sent.
        2. No, when selected pricing will not be sent. Default = No
      9. Use UN/CEFACT for UofM values
        1. Yes, when selected the standard UN/CEFACT (UN-Rec-20) units of measure will be sent describing quantities in the xml document.
          1. If the UN/CEFACT is not found the export will fail.
        2. No, when selected the standard Cinch, or translated values will be sent.
      10. XML Namespace Prefix
        1. For specific XML naming requirements. Prefixes each tag with this value.
      11. XML Namespace URL
        1. Puts the XML namespace URL in the header of each document.

Processing Note:

  • Printing the PO in GP will trigger the system to export any new or updated PO's.
  • It is recommended on any changes to the PO that the user print the PO to reset the PO status and revision number to ensure all updates are sent.
  • The Order Create From Section of the schema identifies the entity that is sending the Order Document. The XML document will be filled with company name and address information.
  • The Order Create To Section of the schema identifies the entity that the document is being sent to. In this Purchase Order case it will be the Vendor, so the XML document will be filled with Vendor information from the purchase order.
  • The Partner section of the schema identifies partner:
    • Buyer will be the Name and Address from Company Master.
    • Seller will be the Vendor ID from the Purchase Order.
    • Ship To will be the Name and Address for the Site ID from the first line.
    • Payer will be the Name and Address from Company Master.
  • The product Identifier section of the schema identifies what item is being ordered. The XML document can contain multiple ways of identifying the product on order. As such, the export will create product identifiers per the following:
    • Item number. The Dynamics GP Item number on the purchase order line will create "ProductIdentifier" tag(s): ProductIdentification Agency = "AssignedByBuyer" and Product Identifier = Item ID.
    • Vendor Item Number. If the Dynamics GP Purchase Order Contains a Vendor Item Number, set the Item ID Source to AssignedByManufacturer then the export will create and additional product identifier tag(s). ProductIdentification Agency = "AssignedByManufacturer" and Product Identifier = Vendor Item ID.
  • PO Deletes – When Dynamics GP deletes a Purchase Order the record is removed and the data no longer exists to create the XML Document. So it is be recommended that Dynamics Purchase Orders are voided rather than deleted in Dynamics.
  • If a Ship Method is selected on the Purchasing Vendor Detail Entry window, and the Shipping Type for that Ship Method is a "Pickup" type, then the Ship Method will be translated and the value will be exported in the TransportMethodCode tag and the Ship From section will be populated with Vendor ship address info. Otherwise neither of those sections will be written.
  • For Drop-Ship PO's the Customer and the Customer's Ship To Address will be exported. All other PO types will continue to use the Location Address from the PO Line.

  1. CIDX 5.0 Purchase Order Import

(Creates or updates purchase order records for selected customers)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. Vendor ID is required. Only one vendor can be entered per service partner.
        1. When a purchase order file for the selected vendor is received, it is imported to create/update the purchase order.
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Allow Voids
        1. Yes, will allow the Purchase Order to be voided based on the incoming file.
        2. No, will not allow the Purchase Order to be voided based on the incoming file. Default = No
      2. Default Branch
        1. A valid branch ID can be selected. If default branch is specified any unresolved seller addresses will be forced to this specified branch.
        2. If blank, the seller address in the AgXML must resolve to a location in the current company or the record will be rejected.
      3. Reject Invalid Document Types
        1. This will allow multiple document types to share the same folder (or ftp folder like).  So when set to No, if Ship Notice tries to pull down a PO Response, instead of moving the doc to the Errors folder, it will just leave it out there so PO Response processor can grab it when it has a turn.
      4. Use location id for Ship-To
        1. This setting allows the inventory site to be determined from a location id in the xml document.
        2. Yes, the Cinch address ID will be used if included in the message.
          1. The OrderCreatePartners ShipTo.PartnerInformation. PartnerIdentifier will be translated as a LOCATIONCODE type and will be validated.
        3. No, the address match will be run.
          1. The Address Information will be address matched against inventory sites. Default = no
      5. Use Partner Doc#
        1. Yes, the document identifier from the xml document will be used as the Purchase Order number. Default = Yes
        2. No, the next Purchase Order number will be used.
      6. User ID
        1. Document is created/updated on behalf of the specified user. This must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP user.
        2. If blank, User ID specified in CinchX Global Settings will be used.

Processing Note:

  • The Vendor Item must be setup for the translated item/vendor combination.
  • When importing an XML created from Touchpoint PO Import 01 the Use Location ID for Ship TO service setting must be set to Yes.
  • When importing an XML created from Touchpoint PO Import 01 the Delete transaction types will be created as a void transaction. So it is recommended to set the Allow Void service setting for processing preference.
  • Void document imports will void the Purchase Order providing no items have been received against the Purchase Order, the cancelled quantity will be set on the Purchase Order line for the void amount.
  • When an import record tries to void or update an existing Purchase Order that was items received against it, and error will be thrown and the import will fail. The Purchase Order will need to be updated manually.

  1. CIDX 5.0 Ship Notice Import

(Import data from ship notice xml documents which contain details as to the Purchase Order being shipped, including the items and quantities. The CIDX Ship Notice will be imported to a Cinch company database table for future reference)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. No filters apply
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Batch Hours
        1. Represents the number of hours the batch is good for before a new batch number will be created. Used to limit batch sizes by creating multiple batches per day.
        2. If set to "0" the hours will not be included in the batch number.
      2. Batch Number
        1. If a batch number is entered the inbound tickets will be saved in that batch.
        2. Maximum number of characters 15.
        3. If the batch does not exist it will be added.
      3. Batch Prefix
        1. Default = CIDX
          1. If a batch prefix is entered the inbound tickets will be saved in a batch with a format of XXMMDDHH (XX is the Batch prefix, and MMDDHH is the user date (MM= Month, DD= Day and HH = Hour) of the transaction import if Batch hours is set.).
          2. If Batch Number is entered, Batch Prefix will not be used.
          3. Maximum number of characters 15. This includes the branch prefix, the batch prefix and the date time suffix.
      4. Default Branch
        1. A valid branch ID can be selected. If default branch is specified any unresolved buyer addresses will be forced to this specified branch.
        2. If blank, the buyer address in the AgXML must resolve to a location in the current company or the shipment will be rejected.
      5. Reject Invalid Document Types
        1. Yes when selected, service allows multiple document types to share the same folder (or ftp folder). Example, if Ship Notice tries to pull down a PO Response, instead of moving the doc to the Errors folder, it will just leave it out there so PO Response processor can grab it when it has a turn. Default value = Yes
        2. No when selected, each service will require a separate folder.
      6. User ID:
        1. Document is created/updated on behalf of the specified user. This must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP user.
        2. If blank, User ID specified in CinchX Global Settings will be used.

Processing Note:

  • A multi-segment primary key has been added to each table. Starting with the header the combination of unique values is: 1. Document Number 2. IRShipFromID 3. Document Date 4. Date SEQ Number.
    • Since two suppliers could have the same document Identifier, the IRShipFromID solves that potential conflict. Also a supplier could send multiple updates, even within the same date. So Document Date and Date SEQ Number resolve that potential conflict.
  • Tables where data is placed for future reference are IRASShipNoticeHDR, IRASShipNoticeRef and IRASShipNoticeLine.

  1. CIDX 5.2 PO Response Import

(Imports purchase order responses which will update to the Dynamics GP Purchase Order, indicating if the Order has been accepted, or rejected by the Vendor

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. No filters apply
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Default Branch
        1. A valid branch ID can be selected. If default branch is specified any unresolved buyer addresses will be forced to this specified branch.
        2. If blank, the buyer address in the AgXML must resolve to a location in the current company or the shipment will be rejected.
      2. Reject Invalid Document Types
        1. Yes when selected, service allows multiple document types to share the same folder (or ftp folder). Example, if Ship Notice tries to pull down a PO Response, instead of moving the doc to the Errors folder, it will just leave it out there so PO Response processor can grab it when it has a turn. Default value = Yes
        2. No when selected, each service will require a separate folder.
      3. User ID
        1. Document is created/updated on behalf of the specified user. This must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP user.
        2. If blank, User ID specified in CinchX Global Settings will be used.

Processing Note:

  • Purchase Order Processing Setup, Allow Hold/Remove Hold of Purchase Orders checkbox is required to be marked to allow the purchase order to be placed on hold.
  • Regardless of status accept or reject, the Purchase Order Response Import will update the Dynamics Purchase Order Header Note with all special instructions form the Purchase Order Response XML Document. The reason for the rejection is contained in those "Special Instruction" XML tags. The Special Instructions can exist on the Header (Xpath-OrderResponseBody/OrderResponseProperties/SpecialInstructions) and/or on each line (Xpath-OrderResponseBody/OrderResponseDetails/OrderResponseProductLineItems/ SpecialInstructions). The import will append all the special instructions (header and Line) and place them in the Note field.
  • The Purchase Order Response will accept or reject the Purchase Order but will NOT update the PO with the new item, quantity or cost changes.
  • If the Order is accepted:
    • PO Status. The PO Status remains unchanged.
    • The Purchasing Vendor Detail, Confirm With field will be updated with the date accepted from the XML document and the word "accept".
  • If the Order is Rejected:
    • PO is placed On Hold, Hold checkbox is marked.
    • The Purchasing Date Inquiry, Placed On Hold by field will be set to the User ID defined on the Service Setting.
    • The Purchasing Date Inquiry, Placed On Hold Date will be set to the system date.
    • The Note is updated (appended) with the response.
    • If PO is rejected, we expect user to create a new PO that reflects any changes. User can then print that new Purchase Order so it gets exported.
    • If an additional response is received to Accept the PO after it has already been rejected, placed on hold, the Confirm With will be updated to Accepted but the PO will remain on hold. The user will need to determine what should be done based on the Notes.

  1. CIDX 5 .2 Purchase Order Export

(Creates a file for each Purchase Order for selected vendors.)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. Vendor ID is optional
        1. Blank or * will send all vendors.
        2. Enter a Vendor ID filters all documents on an exact Vendor Match. Only one Vendor ID can be entered per service partner.
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Always Send Internal Item ID
        1. Yes, when selected the GP Item Number will be sent along with the item number type selected in the Item ID Source.
        2. No, only the item number type selected in the Item ID Source will be sent.
      2. Always Translate Header IDs
        1. Yes, the From and To identifiers in the xml Header will use the value from the Entity ID Source setting as the Domain when performing the translations. (DUNS, AssignedBySeller, etc.)
        2. No, the default domain will be used for translations.
      3. Entity ID Sources is use to determine which "Agency" type for entities (buyer, seller, etc.) are selected during the export. The list of appropriate values are:
        1. Default, AGIIS-EBID, AGIIS-NAPD, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedByPapiNet, AssignedBySeller, AssignedByTestingLaboratory, DUNS, EAN, GLN, Other, SCAC
          1. When DUNS or AGIIS-EBID is selected, the Entity ID will be pulled from the DUNS identifier for the appropriate master record (vendor, location, company, etc.), and a translation will not be performed.
          2. When GLN is selected, the Entity ID will be pulled from the GLN identifier for the appropriate master record (vendor, location, company, etc.), and a translation will not be performed.
          3. Default, AGIIS-NAPD, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedByPapiNet, AssignedBySeller, AssignedByTestingLaboratory, EAN, Other or SCAC are not listed in the schema, but is a CinchX specific setting. When any of these are selected system will send the Cinch or translated value.
      4. Export Quantities In Base UofM
        1. Yes, when selected the quantity values are exported in their equivalent Base UofM quantities.
        2. No, when selected quantity from the Purchase Order is exported. No is the default setting.
      5. Item ID Source is used to determine which "Agency" type for items are selected during the export. The list of appropriate values are:
        1. Default, AGIIS-ProductID, ANSI, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedByManufacturer, AssignedBySeller, EAN, EDIFACT, GBABA, ISO, Other, UPC
          1. When AssignedByManufacturer is selected a second Product Identifier with an Agency type of AssignedByManufacturer will be created in the XML for the Vendor Item Number from Item Vendor Maintenance.
          2. When AGIIS-ProductID is selected, the Item ID will be pulled from the AGIIS Product ID (GTIN) from the Item Extensions Maintenance for the item, and a translation will not be performed.
          3. Default, ANSI, AssignedByBuyer, AssignedBySeller, EAN, EDIFACT, GBABA, ISO, Other, UPC are not listed in the schema, but is a CinchX specific setting. When any of these are selected system will send the Cinch or translated value.
      6. Message Label Extension is used to decide what file extension written to the file system. (xml, txt, etc.)
      7. Send on First Print Only
        1. Yes, the purchase order will only be exported the first time a Purchase order is printed.
        2. No, the purchase order will only be exported each time a Purchase order is printed.
      8. Send Pricing
        1. Yes, when selected pricing from the line will be sent.
        2. No, when selected pricing will not be sent. Default = No
      9. Use UN/CEFACT for UofM values
        1. Yes, when selected the standard UN/CEFACT (UN-Rec-20) units of measure will be sent describing quantities in the xml document.
          1. If the UN/CEFACT is not found the export will fail.
        2. No, when selected the standard Cinch, or translated values will be sent.
      10. XML Namespace Prefix
        1. For specific XML naming requirements. Prefixes each tag with this value.
      11. XML Namespace URL
        1. Puts the XML namespace URL in the header of each document.

Processing Note:

  • Printing the PO in GP will trigger the system to export any new or updated PO's.
  • It is recommended on any changes to the PO that the user print the PO to reset the PO status and revision number to ensure all updates are sent.
  • The Order Create From Section of the schema identifies the entity that is sending the Order Document. The XML document will be filled with company name and address information.
  • The Order Create To Section of the schema identifies the entity that the document is being sent to. In this Purchase Order case it will be the Vendor, so the XML document will be filled with Vendor information from the purchase order.
  • The Partner section of the schema identifies partner:
    • Buyer will be the Name and Address from Company Master.
    • Seller will be the Vendor ID from the Purchase Order.
    • Ship To will be the Name and Address for the Site ID from the first line.
    • Payer will be the Name and Address from Company Master.
  • The product Identifier section of the schema identifies what item is being ordered. The XML document can contain multiple ways of identifying the product on order. As such, the export will create product identifiers per the following:
    • Item number. The Dynamics GP Item number on the purchase order line will create "ProductIdentifier" tag(s): ProductIdentification Agency = "AssignedByBuyer" and Product Identifier = Item ID.
    • Vendor Item Number. If the Dynamics GP Purchase Order Contains a Vendor Item Number, set the Item ID Source to AssignedByManufacturer then the export will create and additional product identifier tag(s). ProductIdentification Agency = "AssignedByManufacturer" and Product Identifier = Vendor Item ID.
  • PO Deletes – When Dynamics GP deletes a Purchase Order the record is removed and the data no longer exists to create the XML Document. So it is be recommended that Dynamics Purchase Orders are voided rather than deleted in Dynamics.
  • If a Ship Method is selected on the Purchasing Vendor Detail Entry window, and the Shipping Type for that Ship Method is a "Pickup" type, then the Ship Method will be translated and the value will be exported in the TransportMethodCode tag and the Ship From section will be populated with Vendor ship address info. Otherwise neither of those sections will be written.
  • For Drop-Ship PO's the Customer and the Customer's Ship To Address will be exported. All other PO types will continue to use the Location Address from the PO Line.

  1. CIDX 5.2 Purchase Order Import

(Creates or updates purchase order records for selected customers)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. Vendor ID is required. Only one vendor can be entered per service partner.
        1. When a purchase order file for the selected vendor is received, it is imported to create/update the purchase order.
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Allow Voids
        1. Yes, will allow the Purchase Order to be voided based on the incoming file.
        2. No, will not allow the Purchase Order to be voided based on the incoming file. Default = No
      2. Default Branch
        1. A valid branch ID can be selected. If default branch is specified any unresolved seller addresses will be forced to this specified branch.
        2. If blank, the seller address in the AgXML must resolve to a location in the current company or the record will be rejected.
      3. Reject Invalid Document Types
        1. This will allow multiple document types to share the same folder (or ftp folder like).  So when set to No, if Ship Notice tries to pull down a PO Response, instead of moving the doc to the Errors folder, it will just leave it out there so PO Response processor can grab it when it has a turn
      4. Use location id for Ship-To
        1. This setting allows the inventory site to be determined from a location id in the xml document.
        2. Yes, the Cinch address ID will be used if included in the message.
          1. The OrderCreatePartners ShipTo.PartnerInformation. PartnerIdentifier will be translated as a LOCATIONCODE type and will be validated.
        3. No, the address match will be run.
          1. The Address Information will be address matched against inventory sites. Default = no
      5. Use Partner Doc#
        1. Yes, the document identifier from the xml document will be used as the Purchase Order number. Default = Yes
        2. No, the next Purchase Order number will be used.
      6. User ID
        1. Document is created/updated on behalf of the specified user. This must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP user.
        2. If blank, User ID specified in CinchX Global Settings will be used.

Processing Note:

  • The Vendor Item must be setup for the translated item/vendor combination.
  • When importing an XML created from Touchpoint PO Import 01 the Use Location ID for Ship TO service setting must be set to Yes.
  • When importing an XML created from Touchpoint PO Import 01 the Delete transaction types will be created as a void transaction. So it is recommended to set the Allow Void service setting for processing preference.
  • Void document imports will void the Purchase Order providing no items have been received against the Purchase Order, the cancelled quantity will be set on the Purchase Order line for the void amount.
  • When an import record tries to void or update an existing Purchase Order that was items received against it, and error will be thrown and the import will fail. The Purchase Order will need to be updated manually.

  1. CIDX 5.2 Ship Notice Import

(Import data from ship notice xml documents which contain details as to the Purchase Order being shipped, including the items and quantities. The CIDX Ship Notice will be imported to a Cinch company database table for future reference)

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. No filters apply
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Batch Hours
        1. Represents the number of hours the batch is good for before a new batch number will be created. Used to limit batch sizes by creating multiple batches per day.
        2. If set to "0" the hours will not be included in the batch number.
      2. Batch Number
        1. If a batch number is entered the inbound tickets will be saved in that batch.
        2. Maximum number of characters 15.
        3. If the batch does not exist it will be added.
      3. Batch Prefix
        1. Default = CIDX
          1. If a batch prefix is entered the inbound tickets will be saved in a batch with a format of XXMMDDHH (XX is the Batch prefix, and MMDDHH is the user date (MM= Month, DD= Day and HH = Hour) of the transaction import if Batch hours is set.).
          2. If Batch Number is entered, Batch Prefix will not be used.
          3. Maximum number of characters 15. This includes the branch prefix, the batch prefix and the date time suffix.
      4. Default Branch
        1. A valid branch ID can be selected. If default branch is specified any unresolved buyer addresses will be forced to this specified branch.
        2. If blank, the buyer address in the AgXML must resolve to a location in the current company or the shipment will be rejected.
      5. Reject Invalid Document Types
        1. Yes when selected, service allows multiple document types to share the same folder (or ftp folder). Example, if Ship Notice tries to pull down a PO Response, instead of moving the doc to the Errors folder, it will just leave it out there so PO Response processor can grab it when it has a turn. Default value = Yes
        2. No when selected, each service will require a separate folder.
      6. User ID:
        1. Document is created/updated on behalf of the specified user. This must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP user.
        2. If blank, User ID specified in CinchX Global Settings will be used.

Processing Note:

  • A multi-segment primary key has been added to each table. Starting with the header the combination of unique values is: 1. Document Number 2. IRShipFromID 3. Document Date 4. Date SEQ Number.
    • Since two suppliers could have the same document Identifier, the IRShipFromID solves that potential conflict. Also a supplier could send multiple updates, even within the same date. So Document Date and Date SEQ Number resolve that potential conflict.
  • Tables where data is placed for future reference are IRASShipNoticeHDR, IRASShipNoticeRef and IRASShipNoticeLine.

  1. CIDX 5.3 Bulk Shipment Import

CIDX 5.3 Shipment Import has been created to process a CIDX Ship Notice that will create a CINCH Bulk Shipment.

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. No filters apply
    2. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. Auto Post
        1. Yes, shipments that are imported will automatically be posted.
        2. No, shipments that are imported will be saved to a batch for user to post at a later time.
      2. Batch By Item
        1. No, the Item XML Batch Prefix from Item Extensions will not be included in the batch number. Default = No
        2. Yes, the Item XML Batch Prefix from Item Extensions will be included in the batch number.
          1. If service setting, Batch Number is entered, Batch by Item will not be used.
            1. Batch format will be BBXXMMDDHH (BB is the Branch Prefix, XX is the Batch prefix, and MMDDHH is the user date (MM= Month, DD= Day and HH = Hour) of the transaction import if Batch hours is set.).
          2. If service setting, Batch Number is not provided the Batch Item Naming will be BBBPPIII-MMDDHH.
            1. BBB is the Batch prefix, length may vary depending on Branch ID setup.
            2. PP is the Batch Prefix, length may vary depending on Branch Prefix setup.
            3. III is the Item XML Prefix. If no item batch prefix exists for that item, then there is no item segment in the batch.
            4. – will follow the Item Batch Prefix if one exists or the Prefix if one does not exist.
            5. MMDD is the user date (MM= Month, DD= Day).
            6. HH is the Batch Hour.
          3. Maximum number of characters 15. This includes the branch prefix, the batch prefix, the Item XML Prefix and the date time suffix.
      3. Batch Hours
        1. Represents the number of hours the batch is good for before a new batch number will be created. Used to limit batch sizes by creating multiple batches per day.
        2. If set to "0" the hours will not be included in the batch number.
      4. Batch Number
        1. If a batch number is entered the outbound shipments will be saved in that batch.
        2. If Batch Number is entered, Batch Prefix will not be used.
        3. Maximum number of characters 15.
        4. If the batch does not exist it will be added.
      5. Batch Prefix
        1. Default = CIDX
          1. If a batch prefix is entered the inbound tickets will be saved in a batch with a format of XXMMDDHH (XX is the Batch prefix, and MMDDHH is the user date (MM= Month, DD= Day and HH = Hour) of the transaction import if Batch hours is set.)
          2. If Batch Number is entered, Batch Prefix will not be used.
          3. Maximum number of characters is 15. This includes the branch prefix, the batch prefix and the date time suffix.
          4. If the batch does not exist it will be added
      6. Default Branch
        1. A valid branch ID can be selected. If default branch is specified any unresolved seller addresses will be forced to this specified branch.
        2. If blank, the seller address in the AgXML must resolve to a location in the current company or the shipment will be rejected.
      7. User Id
        1. Document is created/updated on behalf of the specified user. This must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP user.
        2. If blank, User ID specified in CinchX Global Settings will be used.

Processing Note:

  • Record will be imported as a Bulk Shipment.
  • Data Mapping to the CINCH Bulk Shipment is as follows:
    • Shipment Number = Next sequential number
    • Load = from XML \ShipNoticeBody/ShipNoticeProperties/PurchaseOrderInformation/ DocumentReference/DocumentIndentifier
    • Ship Date = from XML \ShipNoticeBody/ShipNoticeProperties/ShipDate
    • Customer = from XML \ShipNoticeBody/ShipNoticeProperties/ShipNoticePartners/ Buyer/PartnerInformation/PartnerIdentifier
    • Ship To = From Load Order
    • Ship To = From Load Order
    • Cust PO Number = From Load Order
    • Item = from XML /ShipNoticeBody/ShipNoticeProperties/ShipNoticeDetails/ ShipNoticeProductLine/ProductIndentification/ProductIndentifier
    • Contract = From Load Order
    • Meter No. = From XML \ShipNoticeBody/ShipNoticeProperties/ShipmentIdenitfication/ DocumentReference/DocumentIndentifier
    • Gross = From XML /ShipNoticeBody/ShipNoticeProperties/ShipNoticeDetails/ ShipNoticeProductLine/ShippedQuantity/Measurement/MeasurementValue
    • Net Meter = From XML /ShipNoticeBody/ShipNoticeProperties/ShipNoticeDetails/ ShipNoticeProductLine/ShippedQuantity/Measurement/MeasurementValue
    • Shrink = Always zero

  1. CIDX 5.3 Load Export

Creates a CIDX 5.3 file for each load order for selected customers.

    1. Supported Exchange Partner Filters
      1. Customer ID is required. The exact or wild card match must be entered. For example * = all customers, a* = all customers that begin with "a".
      2. LOCNCODE is optional. If specified filters all documents on an exact inventory site match.
    2. Service Line Settings:
      1. Allow Deletes
        1. Yes when selected the system will will use previously filled stage table data to populate the XML document. The only difference in the exported XML document is that the ActionType flag will now be set to "Delete".
          1. Load Import will import as an edit, void or delete will not occur.
        2. No when selected any Loads that have been deleted in Cinch will be ignored by CinchX.
      2. Allow Voids
        1. Yes, voided Load Orders will be exported with an Action Type of "Delete".
        2. No, voided Load Orders will not be exported.
      3. Cinch Consumer
        1. Yes, Will add CINCH specific fields. Default = Yes.
        2. No, will conform to CIDX version 5.3 specifications (CIDX_CeS_v5.3_Message_OrderCreate.xsd (schema)).
      4. Company ID Source
        1. This value specifies how the seller address is determined in the export file. Valid values are Company, Branch and Location. If the setting does not exist, or doesn't match one of the valid values, the Company ID will be sent. Default = Company.
          1. Company will translate to the GP Company main address.
          2. Branch will translate to the Cinch Branch address.
          3. Location will translate to the address on the Site ID.
      5. Export Comments
        1. Yes, comments will be exported from the ticket. Default = Yes.
        2. No, comments will not be exported from the ticket.
      6. Export Price
        1. Yes, Price fields from the load order will be exported.
          1. Only the net price is sent in the Load Export xml document.
        2. No, Price fields from the load order will not be exported. Default = No.
      7. Item Class Filter
        1. Default = *
        2. Enter a single Item Class or list of Item Classes.
          1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
          2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
          3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
          4. An item class prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
          5. Line items must have a matching Item Class in this list to be exported.
      8. Item Filter
        1. Default = *
        2. Enter a single Item or list of Items.
          1. Each filter needs to be entered on a separate line.
          2. Multiple filters can be pasted at once into the drop down list box.
          3. An asterisk or empty string value will be treated as allow all, or, do not filter by this item.
          4. An item prefix mask can be used to filter by records that match the prefix.
          5. Line items must have a matching Item in this list to be exported.
      9. Message Label Extension
        1. The file extension of the export file. This extension can be anything but recommended to use XML for easy viewing in IE. (Example ticket 1234 will write a file called 1234.xml).
      10. Send Loads that are On Hold
        1. The CIDX 5.3 Load Export, Cinch Consumer should be set to Yes for the On Hold setting to be present in export file.
        2. Yes when selected On Hold Load Orders will be exported.
        3. No when selected:
          1. If a load order is created with an on hold status, it will not be exported.
          2. If a load is created and then subsequently marked as "on hold" the system will send an update.
      11. Send On Hold Loads as Deletes
        1. Yes, when a load order is being placed "On Hold" the update message will be Delete instead Update.
        2. No, when a load order is being placed "On Hold" the update message will be Update.
      12. Shipping Category Filter
        1. Shipping Category Filter, will filter by the Shipping Method, Shipping Category. Only loads that have a ship method with shipping category that matches the selected one will be exported. Options are:
          1. None, when selected no filtering by shipping category will be done.
          2. Barge
          3. Instore
          4. Rail
          5. Truck
          6. Vessel
      13. Skip Freight
        1. Yes, will not send freight information from load order. Default = Yes.
        2. No, will send freight information from load order.
      14. XML Namespace Prefix
        1. Recommended to leave this field blank.
          1. For specific XML naming requirements. Prefixes each tag with this value.
      15. XML Namespace URL
        1. Recommended to leave this field blank.
          1. Puts the XML namespace URL in the header of each document.

  1. Data Extract Inbound Tkt Pull

Data Extract Inbound Tkt Pull is a custom service that has been created to pull inbound ticket transaction data and place it in staging tables where it can later be pulled via SQL stored procedures.

    1. Service Partner Settings:
      1. Port Type, URL, Request Path and Response Path are not used by this service type.
      2. Initialize – exports inbound scale ticket transactions into staging tables. Tickets can be filtered by:
        1. All – exports all transactions that meet the filter criteria.
        2. Missing – exports only transaction that have not been previously exported, and meet the filter criteria.
        3. Filter by Start Date - will only export transactions that have occurred since the selected date.
        4. Filter by Cust/Vend - will only export transactions for the selected vendor
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Pull Interval (in minutes)
        1. The value which will be used to determine the interval when the transaction data will be placed in the staging tables.

Processing Note:

  • Posted and unposted records will be exported.
  • Any create, update or deletion of a ticket will cause the system to export the data for the ticket.
  • Quality Grade Description is stored within Cinch in a numeric value. That numeric value will be converted to text as follows:
    • 1 = US NO 1
    • 2 = US NO 2
    • 3 = US NO 3
    • 4 = US NO 4
    • 5 = US NO 5
    • 6 = US Sample
    • Anything else = Other
  • Three staging tables will be populated:
    • Ticket Header (IRDXDEInScaleTktHdr)
    • Ticket Detail (IRDXDEInScaleTktDet)
    • Ticket Grade (IRDXDEInScaleTktGrade)

  1. Data Extract Purch Contr Pull

Data Extract Purch Contr Pull is a custom service that has been created to pull purchase contract transaction data and place it in staging tables where it can later be pulled via SQL stored procedures.

    1. Service Partner Settings:
      1. Port Type, URL, Request Path and Response Path are not used by this service type.
      2. Initialize – exports inbound scale ticket transactions into staging tables. Tickets can be filtered by:
        1. All – exports all transactions that meet the filter criteria.
        2. Missing – exports only transaction that have not been previously exported, and meet the filter criteria.
        3. Filter by Start Date - will only export transactions that have occurred since the selected date.
        4. Filter by Cust/Vend - will only export transactions for the selected vendor
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Pull Interval (in minutes)
        1. The value which will be used to determine the interval when the transaction data will be placed in the staging tables.

Processing Note:

  • Only posted purchase contracts will be exported.
  • Any create, update or amendment of a contract will cause the system to export the data for the contract.
  • Deleted contracts will not be exported.
  • Contract Type is stored within Cinch in a numeric value. That numeric value will be converted to text as follows:
    • 1 = Spot
    • 2 = Cash
    • 3 = Price Later
    • 4 = Basis
    • 5 = Futures Fixed
    • 6 = Minimum Price
    • 7 = Other
  • Contract Status is stored within Cinch in a numeric value. That numeric value will be converted to text as follows:
    • 0 = Open
    • 3 = Open
    • 6 = Closed
    • 8 = Closed
    • 9 = Settled
  • Three staging tables will be populated:
    • Purchase Contract Header (IRDXDEPurchCtrHdr)
    • Purchase Contract Delivery Line (IRDXDEPurchCtrDel)
    • Purchase Contract Price Line (IRDXDEPurchCtrPrice)

  1. Data Extract Purch Pymnt Pull

Data Extract Purch Pymnt Pull is a custom service that has been created to pull purchase payment transaction data and place it in staging tables where it can later be pulled via SQL stored procedures

    1. Service Partner Settings:
      1. Port Type, URL, Request Path and Response Path are not used by this service type.
      2. Initialize – exports inbound scale ticket transactions into staging tables. Tickets can be filtered by:
        1. All – exports all transactions that meet the filter criteria.
        2. Missing – exports only transaction that have not been previously exported, and meet the filter criteria.
        3. Filter by Start Date - will only export transactions that have occurred since the selected date.
        4. Filter by Cust/Vend - will only export transactions for the selected vendor
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Pull Interval (in minutes)
        1. The value which will be used to determine the interval when the transaction data will be placed in the staging tables.

Processing Note:

  • Only posted payments will be exported.
  • Any create, update or deletion of a payment will cause the system to export the data for the payment.
  • Payment Type is stored within Cinch in a numeric value. That numeric value will be converted to text as follows:
    • 0 = Check
    • 1 = Cash
    • 2 = Credit Card
    • 3 = EFT
  • Two staging tables will be populated:
    • Payables Transaction (IRDXDEPurchPymntPay)
    • Payables Apply Transaction (IRDXDEPurchPymntApply)

  1. Data Extract Purch Settl Pull

Data Extract Purch Settl Pull is a custom service that has been created to pull purchase settlement transaction data and place it in staging tables where it can later be pulled via SQL stored procedures.

    1. Service Partner Settings:
      1. Port Type, URL, Request Path and Response Path are not used by this service type.
      2. Initialize – exports inbound scale ticket transactions into staging tables. Tickets can be filtered by:
        1. All – exports all transactions that meet the filter criteria.
        2. Missing – exports only transaction that have not been previously exported, and meet the filter criteria.
        3. Filter by Start Date - will only export transactions that have occurred since the selected date.
        4. Filter by Cust/Vend - will only export transactions for the selected vendor
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Pull Interval (in minutes)
        1. The value which will be used to determine the interval when the transaction data will be placed in the staging tables.

Processing Note:

  • Only posted settlements will be eligible for export.
  • Any create, update or deletion of a settlement will cause the system to export the information for the settlement.
  • Deferred Text is stored within Cinch in a numeric value. That numeric value will be converted to text as follows:
    • 0 = No
    • 1 = Yes
  • Three staging tables will be populated:
    • Settlement Header (IRDXDEPurchSettleHdr)
    • Settlement Line (IRDXDEPurchSettleLine)
    • Settlement Split Line (IRDXDEPurchSettleSplit)

  1. Data Extract Vendor Pull

Data Extract Vendor Pull is a custom service that has been created to pull vendor data and place it in staging tables where it can later be pulled via SQL stored procedures.

    1. Service Partner Settings:
      1. Port Type, URL, Request Path and Response Path are not used by this service type.
      2. Initialize – exports inbound scale ticket transactions into staging tables. Tickets can be filtered by:
        1. All – exports all transactions that meet the filter criteria.
        2. Missing – exports only transaction that have not been previously exported, and meet the filter criteria.
        3. Filter by Start Date - will only export transactions that have occurred since the selected date.
        4. Filter by Cust/Vend - will only export transactions for the selected vendor
    2. Service Line Settings
      1. Pull Interval (in minutes)
        1. The value which will be used to determine the interval when the transaction data will be placed in the staging tables.

Processing Note:

  • Any create, update or deletion of a vendor or vendor address will cause the system to export the information for the vendor.
  • Two staging tables will be populated:
    • Vendor Master (IRDXDEVendorMstr)
    • Vendor Address (IRDXDEVendorAddr)

  1. FIXML 5.0 Trade Import
    1. Service Line Settings
      1. Batch Hours
        1. Represents the number of hours the batch is good for before a new batch number will be created. Used to limit batch sizes by creating multiple batches per day.
        2. If set to "0" the hours will not be included in the batch number.
      2. Batch Number
        1. If a batch number is entered the inbound tickets will be saved in that batch.
        2. If Batch Number is entered, Batch Prefix will not be used.
        3. Maximum number of characters 15.
        4. If the batch does not exist it will be added.
      3. Batch Prefix
        1. Default = FIXML
          1. If a batch prefix is entered the inbound tickets will be saved in a batch with a format of BBXXMMDDHH (BB is the Branch, XX is the Batch prefix, and MMDDHH is the user date (MM= Month, DD= Day and HH = Military Hour (01 – 24)) of the transaction import if Batch hours is set.)
          2. If Batch Number is entered, Batch Prefix will not be used.
          3. Maximum number of characters 15. This includes the branch prefix, the batch prefix and the date time suffix.
          4. If the batch does not exist it will be added.
      4. Default Branch
        1. This setting is required to set the Branch on the transaction. If not defined the transaction will fail to import.
        2. Drop down list will display exiting branches setup within Branch Maintenance.
      5. Get Branch from Hedge Account
        1. When set to Yes, processor will look to the Hedge Account for the Branch, Hedge Item and Hedge Factor to be placed on the Trade.
          1. If the Hedge Account does not have a Hedge Item, processor will look to the Item for the Hedge Item.
          2. If the Hedge Account and Item do not have a Hedge Item define processor will look to the Trade.
        2. When set to No, the Branch ID will be determined by first trying an address match, and if not found, rolling down to the Default Branch setting.
      6. Hedge Account
        1. This setting is required to set the Hedge Account on the transaction. If not defined the transaction will fail to import.
        2. Drop down list will display exiting accounts setup within Hedge Maintenance.
          1. Since Broker ID is linked to the Hedge Account, this setting will also determine the Broker ID on the transaction.
        3. The processor checks if a hedge account is passed in, and if so perform a translation on it to get the Cinch value. However, if the Hedge Account setting is setup with anything but a blank, it will override anything passed in.
      7. Multiple Price by Comm Factor
        1. When set to Yes, the system will multiply the price by the Item Extensions Maintenance, FMS Commodity Factor and use that new value for the Trade Price.
        2. When set to No, the calculation will not occur price will not be changed.
      8. Trader ID
        1. This setting is required to set the Trader ID on the transaction. If not defined the transaction will fail to import.
        2. This must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP user.
      9. User ID – is used to set the Cinch transactional user.
        1. Document is created/updated on behalf of the specified user. This must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP user.
        2. If blank, User ID specified in CinchX Global Settings will be used.

Processing Note:

  • If multiple transactions are found within the import file, the processor will split them into separate xml files and place them into the Sent folder to be imported individually.
  • Hedge Item and Hedge Factor are determined from Item Extensions Maintenance, Hedge Item Entry.
  • Position Month/Year are based on Hedge Item and Position Setup.
  • Trade ID, if provided, will be placed in the Reference field.
  • Market Zone is determined from the Branch Maintenance for the Default Branch.
  • Contract size is based on the file information and the Board Ticker Maintenance. For CSV Trade Import 01 & CSV Trade Import 02 created files this is Full.
  • The Price Type, Term and Cancel Date will always be blank.
  • Commissions and Fees are calculated based on the number of contracts and the Broker ID.
  • Hedge Account translation, the processor allows translation of hedge accounts that will be passed in with the CSV Trade Import 01 adapter.
    • The processor will look and see if a hedge account is passed in, and if so perform a translation on it to get the Cinch value. However, if the Hedge Account setting is setup with anything but a blank, it will override anything passed in.
  • Ticker translation, the processor currently allows translation of ticker symbols to those in Cinch.
    • Since the CSV Trade Import 01 & CSV Trade Import 02 adapter files do not contain a ticker symbol, process will allow the ticker to be queried based on board of trade id, month code, board year, and commodity. If no match is found based on those items, or if multiple matches are found, the ticker will not be included on the trade.

  1. Lot Analysis Import

(Imports Lot Analysis records from an XML file and create Lot Analysis transactions within Cinch.)

    1. Service Line Settings
      1. Auto generate TestID if missing
        1. Yes when selected the processor will create a new Test ID if one is not present in the xml document. If one is present in the xml document it will be used.
        2. No when selected an error will be thrown if a Test ID is not included in the xml doc.
      2. Default Branch
        1. A valid branch ID is required. All transactions will be created within this branch.
      3. User ID
        1. This is used to set the Cinch transactional user.
        2. Document is created/updated on behalf of the specified user. This must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP user.
        3. If blank, User ID specified in CinchX Global Settings will be used.

Processing Note:

  • The system will look to Lot Analysis Setup, Disable Analysis By Location checkbox. If site is not included within the xml this checkbox must be marked or the record will fail on import.
    • XML documents tested did not have the Site included so this checkbox had to be marked to import records.
  • Translations can be setup on the Item, Lot Number and Analysis ID.
  • Create and Update records:
    • CinchX will look for existing Test ID's with the same Item, Site and Lot Number, if one is found, the system will update it with the results. And add any new result records.
      • Test files only contained one test result.
    • If no existing Test ID is found, the system will create new analysis records. The newly created Lot Analysis Record will be marked as "Active". System will update any other Lot Analysis Records for the Item, Site and Lot to "In-Active".
    • Auto Generate Test ID, if Test ID is missing, the system will use a Test ID of "01". Test ID will start out at "01" and increment from there for each new test that comes in with the same item number, site, and lot number.

  1. Process Manufacturing Import

(Imports manufacturing data and creates Process Manufacturing transactions within Cinch. A process manufacturing transaction will be created based on the provided Recipe ID and Quantity. The system will go to the Recipe to determine the "Consumed" and "Produced" line item details.)

    1. Service Line Settings
      1. Batch Hours
        1. The Date/Time that will be used in the determination of the batch will come from the Process Manufacturing transaction itself. (Unlike other CinchX services where this is based on the system date and time).
        2. System will append a number at the end of the batch indicating which timeslot the batch is for.
          1. Example, if system is setup to create a new batch every 6 hours, Tickets that are imported with transaction time from 12:00 am to 6:00 am will have a "00" at the end of the batch number, transaction with times from 6:01 to 12:00 noon will have "06", tickets from 12:00 noon to 18:00 will have "12", transaction with times from 18:01 to 23:99 will have a "18".
        3. If no transactions are imported during a particular timeslot, the system will not create that batch.
        4. If setting is left blank, the hours will not be included in the batch number.
      2. Batch Prefix
        1. Default = PRCMF
        2. The transaction will be saved in a batch with a format of BBXXMMDD (BB is the Branch prefix, XX is the Batch prefix, and MMDD is the user date (MM= Month and DD= Day) of the transaction import.
        3. Maximum number of characters 15, this includes the branch prefix, the batch prefix and the date suffix.
        4. If the batch does not exist it will be added.
      3. Default Activity Code
        1. If the Activity Code is included within in file line detail, it will be placed on each transaction line.
        2. The Activity Code to place on each transaction line in the event it is not provided with in file line detail.
        3. If Activity Code is not provided or the service setting is not set it will be left blank on the transaction.
      4. Default Apply Cost Method
        1. If the Apply Cost is included within in file line detail, it will be placed on each transaction line.
        2. If the Apply Cost Method is not provided with in file line detail the selected the default method will be used on each produced item.
          1. Base UOM, Manual, Trx Units or Weight when selected, will be placed on each transaction line that is a produced item.
          2. From Recipe when selected, system will look to the recipe to determine the Default Apply Cost Method.
            1. System will look to the recipe line for each item, if not found on the recipe line;
            2. System will look to the recipe header, if not found in the recipe header;
            3. Transaction item will be imported but the Apply Cost Method will be left blank and user will be forced to set before posting.
      5. Default Branch
        1. A valid branch ID is required. All transactions will be created within this branch.
      6. Default Cost Method
        1. If the Cost Method is included within in file line detail, it will be placed on each transaction line.
        2. If the Cost Method is not provided with in file line detail the selected the default method will be used on each produced item.
          1. Base UOM, Manual, Trx Units or Weight when selected, will be placed on each transaction line that is a produced item.
          2. From Recipe when selected, system will look to the recipe to determine the Default Cost Method.
            1. System will look to the recipe line for each item, if not found on the recipe line;
            2. System will look to the recipe header, if not found in the recipe header;
            3. Transaction item will be imported but the Cost Method will be left blank and user will be forced to set before posting.
      7. Default Location
        1. If the Site is included within in file, it will be placed on each transaction line.
        2. If the Recipe does not have the Site defined the Default location will be used on each transaction line.
        3. A valid Site is a required to process the transaction.
      8. Default Work Center
        1. If the Work Center is included within in file line detail, it will be placed on each transaction line.
        2. The Work Center to place on each transaction line in the event it is not provided with in file line detail.
        3. If Work Center is not provided or the service setting is not set it will be left blank on the transaction.
      9. Use Partner Doc#
        1. Yes when selected the MfgNumber included within the import file will be used. Defaults to Yes. When set to Yes, if this is not present the message will fail within Doc Monitor for missing number.
        2. No when selected the next Mfg Number will be used. If line details are not present this must be set to No.
      10. Use Recipe Qty As Actual Qty
        1. Yes when selected will use the RecipeQty as the actual qty of the transaction. Defaults to Yes.
          1. If line details contain items that are not on the recipe. System will create the lines for the item but leave the actual quantity at zero.
        2. No when selected will use the quantities of the line details as the total actual quantity.
      11. User ID
        1. This is used to set the Cinch transactional user.
        2. Document is created/updated on behalf of the specified user. This must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics GP user.
        3. If blank, User ID specified in CinchX Global Settings will be used.

Processing Note:

  • Given the Recipe ID and the Recipe qty the Import service will create an un-posted manufacturing transaction similar to the way the Fill Recipe Item button works in Manufacturing Entry.
    • When no line details are provided, the system will make the Actual Qty equal to the Recipe qty.
  • Given the transaction line level details (that is, produced and consumed items), the service will create an un-posted manufacturing transaction for each item included in transaction. The Actual Quantity will be populated base on the provided item quantity.
    • If line details contain items that are not on the recipe. System will create the lines with the actual qty and leave the Recipe Qty at zero.
    • If the recipe calls for an item that is not included in the imported file the system WILL NOT add a line with zero quantity for that item.
  • Transaction Actual Quantity is populated base on the service setting Use Recipe Qty as Actual Qty. When importing line details it is recommended to set this to No.

Chapter 10: Translations

Translations are setup to determine how imported and exported data will be handled. Based on the data type you have the option to define how the data will be processed either globally or by service. The options are to lookup the value, set a value to always use, prompt for a value, clear the value or clear and use the default value.
This chapter explains how the translations are defined and used:

How Translations are Used

Translations define how data is mapped between disparate systems. Many fields such as transportation mode and commodity codes are represented differently by different organizations and these values must be changed during the document exchange.

  • Sometimes one field in one system may relate to multiple fields in another. When this happens there are special provisions within CinchX to allow many-to-many type translations.
  • A common example is the commodity definition within AgXML. AgXml provides 5 distinct parameters for commodity definition and many systems have multiple fields. CinchX supports these translations with an XML snippet translation. Contact Cultura Technologies support for more details.

Translation Setup

Global Translations

This option translates data across all services.

  1. Open the Translation Maintenance window: Within Microsoft Dynamics GP (Cards>>Cinch Doc Exchange>>Translation Maintenance).
  2. Select the Global node, Translation Options tab.
    1. Select the appropriate Translation ID.
      1. Translation ID represents the type of data that will be translated.
    2. Select the appropriate Option.
      1. None – no translation will be done.
      2. Lookup – lookup and translated data between standard and CINCH values. Actual lookup values are defined as Domain Translations (Translation tab).
      3. Lookup With Domain – when selected multiple translations can be defined for the Standard or Cinch Value by using different Domains for each translation. The Domain value used is user defined; there is not a set value.
      4. Always This Value – data is not translated but is set to use the defined value.
      5. Always Ask – currently not used.
      6. Clear and Default – will clear the data. If there is a default CINCH setup value it will be used for imports.
      7. Clear – will send a blank value.
    3. Value – this field only gets defined if the option type is set to Always this Value.
    4. Translation IDs that have a lot of items (ex. Item Number) to be translated can be copied from a spreadsheet and pasted in the Translation Tab. To paste the data into the translation window, click somewhere in the first row and hit ctrl+V. If there are any key violations, or null fields the paste will be rejected and the grid reset.

Service Translations

This option translates data per service. A service translation will be used over a global translation.

  1. Open the Translation Maintenance window: Within Microsoft Dynamics GP (Cards>>Cinch Doc Exchange>>Translation Maintenance)
  2. Select the Service node that will override global translations, then select the Translation Options tab.
    1. Select the appropriate Translation ID.
      1. Translation ID represents the type of data that will be translated.
    2. Select the appropriate Option.
      1. None – no translation will be done.
      2. Lookup – lookup and translated data between standard and CINCH values. Actual lookup values are defined as Domain Translations (Translation tab), if data is not defined as Domain Translation data entered in the Value field will be used.
      3. Lookup With Domain – when selected multiple translations can be defined for the Standard or Cinch Value by using different Domains for each translation. The Domain value used is user defined; there is not a set value.
      4. Always This Value – data is not translated but is set to use the defined value.
      5. Always Ask – currently not used.
      6. Clear and Default – will clear the data. If there is a default CINCH setup value it will be used for imports.
      7. Clear – will send a blank value.
    3. Value – this field only gets defined if the option type is set to Always this Value.

Translation Domain

This option translates data between Standard and CINCH values. Application types that use the standard messaging values (AgXML values) the standard values are defaulted.

  1. Open the Translation Maintenance window: Within Microsoft Dynamics GP (Cards>>Cinch Doc Exchange>>Translation Maintenance).
  2. Select the appropriate node (Global or Service).
  3. Select the appropriate Translation ID where the Option ID = Lookup.
  4. Select the Translations tab. (This tab is only active if the option ID is Lookup).
    1. Domain – DEFAULT is auto populated. If multiple standard authorities are needed you can change this domain to match the authority specified in the XML document.
    2. Standard Value – The Standard (XML document) value.
    3. Cinch Value – Enter the CINCH value that relates to the Standard Value.

Chapter 11:Multicurrency

The following describes how Cinch Document Exchange works with Multicurrency and the supported services.
This chapter explains how the translations are defined and used:

Multicurrency Processing

The following describes processing notes regarding multicurrency.

  1. Currency ID on Imports:
    1. If the Currency ID is included within the XML it will be used.
    2. If the Currency ID is not included within the XML:
      1. System will look to the Currency ID defined on Customer Maintenance Options or Vendor Maintenance Options.
      2. If the Currency ID is not defined on the Customer Maintenance Options or Vendor Maintenance Options, system will use the Functional Currency ID.
    3. Currency ID will be updated during contract application providing the transaction has not been posted.
    4. If the Discount Schedule within the XML has a different Currency ID than Currency ID determined for the transaction, the transaction will fail on import

Multicurrency Supported Services

The following lists the services that support multicurrency.

  1. AgXML 4.0 Load Export
  2. AgXML 4.0 Load Import
  3. AgXML 4.0 In Transit-In Import
  4. AgXML 4.0 Shipment Export
  5. AgXML 4.0 Shipment Import
  6. AgXML 4.0 Ticket Export
  7. AgXML 4.0 Ticket Import
  8. CIDX 4.0 Load Export
  9. CIDX 4.0 Load Import
  10. Excel Shipment Import 02
  11. Excel Ticket Import 01
  12. AgXML 4.0 Purch Contract Export
  13. AgXML 4.0 Purch Contract Import
  14. AgXML 4.0 Purch Contr Price Export
  15. AgXML 4.0 Purch Contr Price Import
  16. Excel Purch Ctr Import 01
  17. CIDX 2.02 Purchase Order Export
  18. CIDX 2.02 Purchase Order Import
  19. CIDX 4.0 Product Movement Export
  20. CIDX 4.0 Purchase Order Export
  21. CIDX 4.0 Purchase Order Import
  22. CIDX 4.0 Sales Order Export
  23. CIDX 4.0 Sales Order Import
  24. CIDX 5.0 Product Movement Export
  25. CIDX 5.0 Purchase Order Export
  26. CIDX 5.0 Purchase Order Import
  27. CIDX 5.2 Product Movement Export
  28. CIDX 5.2 Purchase Order Export
  29. CIDX 5.2 Purchase Order Import

Chapter 12: CinchX Monitoring Service Log Viewer

This chapter explains the CinchX Monitoring Service Log Viewer.
This allows the log to be viewed when the log to database option within Global Settings is selected. Only the most current 5000 records will be displayed. The log can be accessed from (Cards>Cinch Doc Exchange>Server Log).
The Save button allows the log to be saved to a physical text file. The Copy button copies the entire text into memory to allow the log file to easily be sent in an email.
If the log to database option is not selected, the log (CinhXTrace…) is located in the Windows\Temp folder.

Chapter 13:Metric Setup

This chapter explains how to setup and use CINCH metric. The metric will display the number of documents that need attention.

  1. On the Microsoft Dynamics Home Page
  2. Click Customize this Page
    1. The Customize Home Page opens
    2. Check Metrics
    3. Click the Metric Details expansion button
      1. The Metric Details opens
        1. Select the CinchX Documents in Error
        2. Click Insert>>
      2. Click OK to close Metric Detail
    4. Click Ok to close Metrics
  3. Metric is displayed on the home page.

Part 4: Document Exchange Scenarios

This part of the documentation describes some common document exchange scenarios and walks you through getting them up and running.

Chapter 14: AgXML Ticket Export

This chapter walks you through defining and starting a common ticket export.

  • Scenario. This section gives an overview of the scenario used in this example.
  • Walkthrough. This section walks you through defining the example and getting it working.


This scenario will replicate a company exporting ticket data to a CinchX File Queue on a Cultura Technologies web server where a customer will pick up the file to be used to import a shipment into their company.
There are many different ways to setup this service the items below are an example.


This section shows you the setup of the AGXML Ticket Export service partner.

  1. Login to Plant (USAG)
  2. Create an Exchange Partner (TKT01)
    1. See Exchange Partner setup for this.
    2. Enter Vendor ID (this is required for AgXML Ticket Export)
  3. Setup AgXML Ticket Export Header
    1. See AgXML Ticket Export service setup for definitions of the follow settings.
    2. Add Exchange Partner to the Service. Partner ID = TKT01
    3. Port: CinchXFileQueue
    4. URL: https://CinchX.E-Markets.com/CinchXWebService/FileQueuev1_0.asmx/
    5. Request Path: USAG/TKT01/TicketExport/Request
    6. Response Path: USAG/TKT01/TicketExport/Response
  4. Setup AgXML Ticket Export Service Lines
    1. Cinch Consumer: yes
    2. Export Comments: yes
    3. Export Notes: no
    4. Message Label Extension: xml
    5. Require Vehicle ID: no
    6. Send Driver Name in USERDEF2: no
    7. Send Freight Rate info: no
    8. Send Shipper info in FreightCarrier: no
    9. Send TraceID in USERDEF1: no
    10. Skip Gross Weight: no
    11. Skip Tare Weight: no
    12. Use BOL for Weight Cert: no
    13. Use Description for Ship Method: no
    14. Check Enable checkbox within the header section
    15. Click Save
  5. See Appendix B for setting up commonly used translations.
  6. Verify the export change tracking mechanism is working
    1. Enter ticket for the customer you just setup in Ticket Export service. Click the Print button. Wait approximately 30-60 seconds for the CinchX Service.
    2. Open the Export Changed Tracking window, select ticket, the ticket should be listed. If the Sent check box is checked the processor has already send the ticket.
  7. Work the ticket through the system in the event any issues occur. Document Monitoring will used to validate the ticket export is successful or help determine what the issue is that is preventing the ticket from exporting.

Chapter 15:AgXML Shipment Import

This chapter walks you through defining and starting a common shipment import.

  • Scenario. This section gives an overview of the scenario used in this example.
  • Walkthrough. This section walks you through defining the example and getting it working.


This scenario will replicate a company picking up a file containing the customer's ticket data from an ftp site. This file will be used to import a shipment into their company.
There are many different ways to setup this service the items below are an example.


This section shows you the setup of the AGXML Shipment Import.

  1. Login to Plant (example: USAGA
  2. Create an Exchange Partner (SHMT01)
    1. See Exchange Partner setup for this.
  3. Setup AgXML Shipment Import Header
    1. See AgXML Shipment Import service setup for definitions of the follow settings.
    2. Add Exchange Partner to the Service. Partner ID = SHMT01
    3. Port: FTP
    4. URL: ftp://ftp.emarkets.com/USAG/SHMT01/
    5. Request Path: ShipmentImport/Request
    6. Response Path: ShipmentImport/Response
  4. Setup AgXML Shipment Import Service Lines
    1. Allow Voids: no
    2. Batch Prefix: AGXML
    3. Default Branch: AMES
    4. Get Shipment# from Buyer Doc#: no
    5. Get Shipment# from Seller Doc#: no
    6. Put Partner Doc# In:
    7. User ID:
    8. Watch for Bulk Transfers: no
    9. Window: Grain
    10. Enter new service settings to access the ftp site.
      1. Add new Name in the grey line of the service scrolling window.
        1. Name = UserName
        2. Value = username that has access to the ftp site.
        3. Tabbing off the line will insert the new setting into the scrolling window.
      2. Add new Name in the grey line of the service scrolling window.
        1. Name = Password
        2. Value = password of user that has access to the ftp site.
        3. Tabbing off the line will insert the new setting into the scrolling window.
    11. Check Enable checkbox within the header section
    12. Click Save
  5. See Appendix B for setting up commonly used translations.
  6. Work the shipment through the system in the event any issues occur. Document Monitoring will used to validate the shipment import is successful or help determine what the issue is that is preventing the shipment from importing.

Chapter 16:CIDX Load Export and CIDX Load Import

This chapter walks you through defining and starting a common load order export and load order import.

  • Scenario. This section gives an overview of the scenario used in this example.
  • Walkthrough. This section walks you through defining the example and getting it working.


This scenario will replicate a marketing company (ethanol or DDG) exporting load orders from marketing and importing those orders at the plant. The plant will fill the load orders via outbound shipping or bulk shipping entry. In this scenario the market company and the plant are two different Dynamics GP companies on the same domain.
This would be a first step in the Direct Ship Scenario. Refer to Direct Ship Setup for the remaining steps around a direct shipment.


This section shows you the setup of the CIDX Load Export for the marketing company and the CIDX Load Import for the plant.

CIDX Load Export – for the Marketing Company

  1. Login to Marketing Company (USAG Marketing)
  2. Create an Exchange Partner (PLANT01)
    1. See Exchange Partner setup for this.
    2. Enter Customer ID (this is required for CIDX Load Export).
  3. Setup CIDX Load Export Service Header
    1. See CIDX Load Export service setup for definitions of the follow settings.
    2. Add Exchange Partner to the Service. Partner ID = PLANT01
    3. Port: Dynamics Table
    4. URL: PLANT01/
    5. Request Path: Load/Request
    6. Response Path: Load/Response
  4. Setup CIDX Load Export Service Lines
    1. Cinch Consumer: yes
    2. Export Comments: yes
    3. Export Price: no
    4. Skip Freight: yes
    5. Check Enable.
    6. Click Save.
  5. Create or choose a Purchase Contract.
    1. The Customer is the Plant Vendor ID (PLANT01)
  6. Create or choose a Sales Contract
    1. A sales contract is entered into the marketing company when a customer agrees to purchase DDG's or ethanol.
  7. Create or choose a Load Order for the Sales Contract created above. Load can be entered either from Load Order Entry or Load Generator.
  8. Service Translation
    1. Open Translation Maintenance (Cards>>Cinch Doc Exchange>>Translation Maintenance)
    2. Select CIDX40-LOAD-EXP
      1. Check PARTNERID Override checkbox
      2. Select Always this value from PARTNERID Option dropdown
      3. Enter the Plant Vendor ID in the Value field (PLANT01)
      4. By tabbing off the translation line the translation will be saved and a new node will be under the CIDX40-LOAD-EXP service node (Partner ID).
  9. See Appendix B for setting up commonly used translations.
  10. Verify the export change tracking mechanism is working
    1. Open the Export Changed Tracking window, (Transactions>>Cinch Doc Exchange>>Export Change Tracking) select Load the load order should be listed. If the Sent check box is checked the processor has already send the load order.
  11. Work the load through the system in the event any issues occur. Document Monitoring will used to validate the load export is successful or help determine what the issue is that is preventing the load from exporting.
  12. Verify the load export processed within the Dynamics table.
    1. Open the Dynamics GP Queue (Transactions>>Cinch Doc Exchange>>Dynamics Queue)
    2. Select the appropriate message path (example = PLANT01/ Load/Request)
    3. Validate the file status. The export file is generated with a status of 0, sent.
      1. Status 0 = Sent
      2. Status 1 = Received
      3. Status 2 = Error
      4. Status 3 = Archive

CIDX Load Import – for the Plant

  1. Login to Plant Company (USAG)
  2. Validate that the SOP Order Type is defined. (Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Cinch Grain>>General Setup)
  3. Create an Exchange Partner (MKT01)
    1. See Exchange Partner setup for this.
    2. Enter Customer ID (this is required for CIDX Load Import).
  4. Setup CIDX Load Import Header
    1. See CIDX Load Import service setup for definitions of the follow settings.
    2. Add Exchange Partner to the Service. Partner ID = MKT01
    3. Port: Dynamics Table
    4. URL: PLANT01/
    5. Request Path: Load/Request
    6. Response Path: Load/Response
  5. Setup CIDX Load Import Service Lines
    1. Assign Contract: yes
    2. Batch Prefix: CIDX
    3. Default Branch: AMES
    4. Direct Ship Scenario A: yes
    5. User ID:
    6. Check Enable
    7. Click Save
  6. (Optional) Create or choose a Sales Contract at the plant with the marketing company as the customer. This will allow the plants shipment to get the right price.
  7. Setup Global Translation for Unit of Measure. Gallons are not supported by the Schema another unit of measure will have to be used to translate to and from.
    1. Open Translation Maintenance (Cards>>Cinch Doc Exchange>>Translation Maintenance)
    2. Select the Global Node
    3. Set the Translation ID UofM Option to Lookup
    4. Select the Translations tab to open the Domain Translations window.
      1. Define the Cinch value for the appropriate unit of measures.
      2. To add a Domain translation, key data into the grey line. Enter the Domain and Translation exactly as the others listed below. Enter the Standard Value and Cinch Value that will represent it.
  8. Setup Global Translation for Commodity Group. DDG and Ethanol are not supported by the Schema another item will have to be used to translate to and from.
    1. Open Translation Maintenance (Cards>>Cinch Doc Exchange>>Translation Maintenance)
    2. Select the Global Node
    3. Set the Translation ID Commodity Group Option to Lookup
    4. Select the Translations tab to open the Domain Translations window.
      1. Define the Cinch value for the appropriate Standard Value.
      2. To add a Domain translation, key data into the grey line. Enter the Domain and Translation exactly as the others listed below. Enter the Standard Value and Cinch Value that will represent it.
  9. See Appendix B for setting up commonly used translations.
  10. Work the load through the system in the event any issues occur. Document Monitoring will used to validate the load import is successful or help determine what the issue is that is preventing the load order from importing.
  11. Verify the load import processed within the Dynamics table.
    1. Open the Dynamics GP Queue (Transactions>>Cinch Doc Exchange>>Dynamics Queue)
    2. Select the appropriate message path (example = PLANT01/ Load/Request)
    3. Validate the status. The import file process will update the status to 1, received, then to status 3, archive after successfully imported.
      1. Status 0 = Sent
      2. Status 1 = Received
      3. Status 2 = Error
      4. Status 3 = Archive

Chapter 17:Direct Ship Setup

This chapter walks you through defining setting up the direct ship scenario.

  • Scenario. This section gives an overview of the scenario used in this example.
  • Walkthrough. This section walks you through defining the example and getting it working.


This scenario will replicate a direct ship process between a plant and marketing company. In this scenario the market company and the plant are two different Dynamics GP companies on the same database server.
This section begins after the plant has imported the load orders. The plant fills the load orders via outbound shipping or bulk shipping entry. These shipments get exported via the AGXML Shipment Export to the marketing company. The plant shipments are processed via the marketing companies AGXML Direct Ship Scenario A which will create AGXML Ticket Import and AGXML Shipment Import files. The import files will create a direct ship inbound ticket and the corresponding direct ship outbound shipment within the marketing company.
Refer to CIDX Load Export / CIDX Load Import for the first steps in the Direct Ship Scenario (exporting load orders from marketing and importing those orders at the plant).


This section shows you the setup of the AGXML Shipment Export for the plant and the AGXML Direct Ship Scenario A, AGXML Ticket Import and AGXML Shipment Import for the marketing company.

AGXML Shipment Export – for the Plant

Shipments generated from either outbound shipment or bulk shipment entry will be exported from the plant. If Load Order import is used the load order will be on the shipment.

  1. Login to Plant (USAG)
  2. Exchange Partner (MKT01)
    1. The exchange partner has already been setup from the CIDX Load Export setup in the previous chapter.
  3. Setup AGXML Shipment Export
    1. See AgXML Shipment Export service setup for definitions of the follow settings.
    2. Add Exchange Partner to the Service. (Partner ID = MKT01)
    3. Port: Dynamics Table
    4. URL PLANT01/
    5. Request Path: Shipment/Request
    6. Response Path: Shipment/Response
    7. Cinch Customer: yes
    8. Copy Load to Cust Ref 1: yes
  4. Setting to yes will ensure the plant's load number is used at marketing.
    1. Export Comments: yes
    2. Export Notes: no
    3. Message Label Extension: xml
    4. Require Direct Ship Info: yes
    5. Skip Freight: yes
    6. Skip Gross Weight: no
    7. Skip Tare Weight: no
    8. Use Shipment# as Doc#: yes
    9. Check Enable
    10. Click Save
  5. Verify the export change tracking mechanism is working
    1. Enter shipment for the customer you just setup in Shipment Export service. Click the Print button. Wait approximately 30-60 seconds for the CinchX Service.
    2. Open the Export Changed Tracking window, select shipment the shipment should be listed. If the Sent check box is checked the processor has already send the shipment.
  6. Work the shipment through the system in the event any issues occur. Document Monitoring will used to validate the shipment export is successful or help determine what the issue is that is preventing the shipment from exporting.
  7. Verify the shipment export processed within the Dynamics table.
    1. Open the Dynamics GP Queue (Transactions>>Cinch Doc Exchange>>Dynamics Queue)
    2. Select the appropriate message path (PLANT01/ Shipment/Request)
    3. Validate the status. The export file is generated with a status of 0, sent.
      1. Status 0 = Sent
      2. Status 1 = Received
      3. Status 2 = Error
      4. Status 3 = Archive

AGXML Direct Ship A – for the Marketing Company

The AGXML Direct Ship A service processes the plants AGXML Shipment Export records. It will create the AGXML Ticket Import and AGXML Shipment Import and place them in the designated paths.

  1. Login to Plant (USAG Marketing)
  2. In the event the direct ship scenario is not using the CIDX Load Export / CIDX Load Import.
    1. Create a Purchase Contract.
  3. To buy from the plant. Post contract so the assembly sheet is available. The Customer is the Plant Vendor ID (example: PLANT01)
    1. Create a Sales Contract
  4. A sales contract is entered into the marketing company when a customer agrees to purchase DDG's or ethanol.
    1. Create a Load Order for the Sales Contract created above. Load can be entered either from Load Order Entry or Load Generator.
  5. Exchange Partner (example: PLANT01)
    1. The exchange partner has already been setup from the CIDX Load Export setup in the previous chapter.
  6. Setup AGXML Direct Ship A
    1. See AgXML Direct Ship A service setup for definitions of the follow settings.
    2. Add Exchange Partner to the Service. (Partner ID = MKT01)
    3. Port: Dynamics Table
    4. URL : PLANT01/
  7. Should be the same as the shipment export setup.
    1. Request Path: Shipment/Request
  8. Should be the same as the shipment export setup.
    1. Response Path: Shipment/Response
  9. Should be the same as the shipment export setup.
    1. Shipment Port Type: 5
      1. 0 = None
      2. 1 = CinchX File Queue
      3. 2 = File Share
      4. 3 = FTP
      5. 4 = Web Service
      6. 5 = Dynamics Table
    2. Shipment Port URL: USAGM/
  10. Change default value to Shipment Import service header setup value.
    1. Shipment Req Path: Shipment Import/Request
  11. Change default value to Shipment Import service header setup value.
    1. Shipment Resp Path: Shipment Import/ Response
  12. Change default value to Shipment Import service header setup value.
    1. Ticket Port Type: 5
    2. Ticket Port URL: USAGM
  13. Change default value to Ticket Import service header setup value.
    1. Ticket Reg Path: Ticket Import/Request
  14. Change default value to Ticket Import service header setup value.
    1. Ticket Resp Path: Ticket Import/Response
  15. Change default value to Ticket Import service header setup value.
  16. Verify the messages processed within the Dynamics table.
    1. Open the Dynamics GP Queue (Transactions>>Cinch Doc Exchange>>Dynamics Queue)
    2. Validate the shipment export, select the appropriate message path (PLANT01/Shipment/Request)
      1. Validate the status. The direct ship will update the shipment export status to 1, received, then to status 3, archive after successfully processed.
        1. Status 0 = Sent
        2. Status 1 = Received
        3. Status 2 = Error
        4. Status 3 = Archive
    3. Validate the ticket import, select the appropriate message path (example = USAGM/Ticket Import/Request)
      1. Validate the status. The import file is generated with a status of 0, sent.
        1. Status 0 = Sent
        2. Status 1 = Received
        3. Status 2 = Error
        4. Status 3 = Archive
    4. Validate the shipment import, select the appropriate message path (USAGM/Shipment Import/Request)
      1. Validate the status. The import file is generated with a status of 0, sent.
        1. Status 0 = Sent
        2. Status 1 = Received
        3. Status 2 = Error
        4. Status 3 = Archive

AGXML Ticket Import Service – for the Marketing Company

The AGXML Ticket Import will create a direct ship inbound ticket in the marketing company.

  1. Login to Plant (example: USAG Marketing)
  2. Create an Exchange Partner (example: OURSELF)
    1. Enter the description as Direct Ships. This exchange partner will be used to ferry direct ship information to and from the channels used to create tickets and shipments as part of the process.
    2. Type * for both the vendor and customer fields. This will allow any vendor or customer to use these settings.
  3. Setup AGXML Ticket Import Service
    1. See AgXML Ticket Import service setup for definitions of the follow settings.
    2. Add Exchange Partner to the Service. (Partner ID = OURSELF)
    3. Port: Dynamics Table
    4. URL: USAGM/
    5. Request Path: Ticket Import/Request
    6. Response Path: Ticket Import/Response
    7. Allow Voids: no
    8. Auto Apply Ticket: No
    9. Auto Create Spot Contract: No
    10. Batch Prefix: AGXML
    11. Default Branch: SPICER
      1. This should be the marketing company's branch that contains the location that represents the Plant.
    12. Get Ticket# from Buyer Doc#: no
    13. Get Ticket# from Seller Doc#: yes
    14. Put Doc# In: Bill of Lading
    15. Watch for Bulk Transfers: no
    16. Check Enable
    17. Click Save
  4. Work the ticket through the system in the event any issues occur. Document Monitoring will used to validate the ticket import is successful or help determine what the issue is that is preventing the ticket from importing.
  5. Verify the ticket import processed within the Dynamics table.
    1. Open the Dynamics GP Queue (Transactions>>Cinch Doc Exchange>>Dynamics Queue)
    2. Select the appropriate message path (example = USAGM/ Ticket Import)
    3. Validate the status. The import file process will update the status to 1, received, then to status 3, archive after successfully imported.
      1. Status 0 = Sent
      2. Status 1 = Received
      3. Status 2 = Error
      4. Status 3 = Archive

AGXML Shipment Import Service – for the Marketing Company

The AGXML Shipment Import will create the corresponding direct ship outbound shipment in the marketing company. If a load order/contract was on the plant shipment export the shipment import be created with the assembly number that corresponds to the load orders contract.

  1. Login to Plant (example: USAG Marketing)
  2. Setup Shipment Import Service
    1. See AgXML Shipment Import service setup for definitions of the follow settings.
    2. Add Exchange Partner to the Service. (Partner ID = OURSELF)
    3. URL: USAGM/
    4. Request Path: Shipment Import/Request
    5. Define the Response Path: Shipment Import/Response
    6. Allow Voids: no
    7. Batch Prefix: AGXML
    8. Default Branch: SPICER
    9. Get Shipment# from Buyer Doc#: no
    10. Get Shipment# from Seller Doc#: yes
    11. Watch for Bulk Transfers: no
    12. Window: Bulk
    13. Check Enable
    14. Click Save
  3. Work the shipment through the system in the event any issues occur. Document Monitoring will used to validate the shipment import is successful or help determine what the issue is that is preventing the shipment from importing.
  4. Verify the shipment import processed within the Dynamics table.
    1. Open the Dynamics GP Queue (Transactions>>Cinch Doc Exchange>>Dynamics Queue)
    2. Select the appropriate message path (example = USAGM/ Shipment Import)
    3. Validate the status. The import file process will update the status to 1, received, then to status 3, archive after successfully imported.
      1. Status 0 = Sent
      2. Status 1 = Received
      3. Status 2 = Error
      4. Status 3 = Archive

Chapter 18:Scale Integration

This chapter walks you through defining and starting a scale integration:

  • Scenario. This section gives an overview of the scenario used in this example.
  • Walkthrough. This section walks you through defining the example and getting it working.


This scenario will replicate a scale integration. In this example we are assuming the scale system can import data. Therefore, export services will be setup to provide the customer, vendor, freight carrier and grower split data to the scale system. Ticket and/or Shipment imports will be setup to process data provided by the scale system.


This section shows you the setup of the services used in the scale integration.

  1. Login to Company (USAG)
  2. Create an Exchange Partner (SCALE01)
    1. See Exchange Partner setup for this.
  3. Setup AgXML Customer Export Header
    1. See AgXML Customer Export service setup for definitions of the follow settings.
    2. Add Exchange Partner to the Service. (Partner ID = SCALE01)
    3. Port: file share
    4. URL: \\Server\Share\USAG\SCALE01\
    5. Request Path: CustomerExport\Request
    6. Response Path: CustomerExport\Response
  4. Setup AgXML Customer Export Service Lines
    1. Cinch Consumer: yes
    2. Customer Class Filters: RETAIL
    3. Message Label Extension: xml
    4. Check Enable.
    5. Click Save.
    6. Click Initialize button. This will seed the list of customers.
  5. Validate customers have been sent to the destination folder (example: \\Server\Share\USAG\ SCALE01\CustomerExport\Request\Sent)
  6. Verify the document monitoring window recorded the transfer.
  7. Edit a customer in the proper customer class to verify changes are being sent in the document monitoring window.
  8. Setup AgXML Customer Address Export Header
    1. See AgXML Customer Address Export service setup for definitions of the follow settings.
    2. Add Exchange Partner to the Service. (Partner ID = SCALE01)
    3. Port: file share
    4. URL: \\Server\Share\USAG\SCALE01\
    5. Request Path: CustomerAddress\Request
    6. Response Path: CustomerAddress\Response
  9. Setup AgXML Customer Address Export Service Lines
    1. Cinch Consumer: yes
    2. Customer Class Filters: RETAIL
    3. Message Label Extension: xml
    4. Check Enable
    5. Click Save
    6. Click Initialize button. This will seed the list of customer Addresses.
  10. Setup AgXML Farm Export Header
    1. See AgXML Farm Export service setup for definitions of the follow settings.
    2. Add Exchange Partner to the Service. (Partner ID = SCALE01)
    3. Port: file share)
    4. URL: \\Server\Share\USAG\SCALE01\
    5. Request Path: Farm\Request
    6. Response Path: Farm\Response
  11. Setup AgXML Farm Export Service Lines
    1. Cinch Consumer: yes
    2. Export: Grain, Agronomy, Both: Both
    3. Message Label Extension: xml
    4. Check Enable
    5. Click Save
    6. Click Initialize button. This will seed the list of farm records.
  12. Setup AgXML Field Export Header
    1. See AgXML Field Export service setup for definitions of the follow settings.
    2. Add Exchange Partner to the Service. (Partner ID = SCALE01)
    3. Port: file share)
    4. URL: \\Server\Share\USAG\SCALE01\
    5. Request Path: Field\Request
    6. Response Path: Field\Response
  13. Setup AgXML Field Export Service Lines
    1. Cinch Consumer: yes
    2. Export: Grain, Agronomy, Both: Both
    3. Message Label Extension: xml
    4. Check Enable
    5. Click Save
    6. Click Initialize button. This will seed the list of field records.
  14. Setup AgXML Freight Carrier Export Header
    1. See AgXML Freight Carrier Export service setup for definitions of the follow settings.
    2. Add Exchange Partner to the Service. (Partner ID = SCALE01)
    3. Port: file share)
    4. URL: \\Server\Share\USAG\SCALE01\
    5. Request Path: FreightCarrier\Request
    6. Response Path: FreightCarrier\Response
  15. Setup AgXML Freight Carrier Export Service Lines
    1. Cinch Consumer: yes
    2. Message Label Extension: xml
    3. Check Enable
    4. Click Save
    5. Click Initialize button. This will seed the list of freight carriers.
  16. Setup AgXML Grower Split Export Header
    1. See AgXML Grower Split Export service setup for definitions of the follow settings.
    2. Add Exchange Partner to the Service. (Partner ID = SCALE01)
    3. Port: file share
    4. URL: \\Server\Share\USAG\SCALE01\
    5. Request Path: GrowerSplit\Request
    6. Response Path: GrowerSplit\Response
  17. Setup AgXML Grower Split Export Service Lines
    1. Cinch Consumer: yes
    2. Message Label Extension: xml
    3. Vendor Class Filters: PRODUCERS
    4. Check Enable
    5. Click Save
    6. Click Initialize button. This will seed the list of grower splits.
  18. Setup AgXML Vendor Export Header
    1. See AgXML Vendor Export service setup for definitions of the follow settings.
    2. Add Exchange Partner to the Service. (Partner ID = SCALE01)
    3. Port: file share
    4. URL: \\Server\Share\USAG\SCALE01\
    5. Request Path: VendorExport\Request
    6. Response Path: VendorExport\Response
  19. Setup AgXML Vendor Export Service Lines
    1. Cinch Consumer: yes
    2. Message Label Extension: xml
    3. Vendor Class Filters: PRODUCERS
    4. Check Enable
    5. Click Save
    6. Click Initialize button. This will seed the list of vendors
  20. Setup AgXML Ticket Import Header
    1. See AgXML Ticket Import service setup for definitions of the follow settings.
    2. Add Exchange Partner to the Service. (Partner ID = SCALE01)
    3. Port: file share
    4. URL: \\Server\Share\USAG\SCALE01\
    5. Request Path: TicketImport\Request
    6. Response Path: TicketImport\Response
  21. Setup AgXML Ticket Import Service Lines
    1. Allow Voids: no
    2. Auto Apply Ticket: no
    3. Auto Create Spot Contracts: no
    4. Batch Prefix: AGXML
    5. Default Branch: AMES
    6. Get ticket# from buyer doc#: no
    7. Get ticket# from seller doc#: no
    8. Put Partner Doc# In:
    9. User ID:
    10. Watch for Bulk Transfers: no
    11. Check Enable
    12. Click Save
  22. Setup AgXML Shipment Import Header
    1. See AgXML Shipment Import service setup for definitions of the follow settings.
    2. Add Exchange Partner to the Service. (Partner ID = SCALE)
    3. Port: file share
    4. URL: \\Server\Share\USAG\SCALE01\
    5. Request Path: ShipmentImport\Request
    6. Response Path: ShipmentImport\Response
  23. Setup AgXML Shipment Import Service lines
    1. Allow Voids: no
    2. Batch Prefix: AGXML
    3. Default Branch: AMES
    4. Get shipment# from buyer doc#: no
    5. Get shipment# from seller doc#: no
    6. Put Partner Doc# In:
    7. User ID:
    8. Watch for Bulk Transfers: no
    9. Window: Bulk
    10. Check Enable
    11. Click Save
  24. Place a file from the scale system in the appropriate Request folder \\Server\Share\USAG\SCALE01\TicketImport\Request\Received)
  25. See Appendix B for setting up commonly used translations.
  26. Work the ticket through the system in the event any issues occur. Document Monitoring will used to validate the ticket import is successful or help determine what the issue is that is preventing the ticket from importing.
  27. Once the ticket imports the file will be moved to the sent folder \\Server\Share\USAG\SCALE01\Ticket Import\Request\Sent

Chapter 19: Vendor Import

This chapter walks you through defining and starting a vendor import.

  • Scenario. This section gives an overview of the scenario used in this example.
  • Walkthrough. This section walks you through defining the example and getting it working.


This scenario will replicate a vendor import. In this example we are assuming a scale system can export vendor data. The vendors will in turn be imported into the company to eliminate the need setup and translate every vendor.


This section shows you the setup of the Vendor Import service.

  1. Login to Company (USAG)
  2. Create an Exchange Partner (SCALE02)
  3. See Exchange Partner setup for this.
  4. Setup AgXML Vendor Import Header
    1. See AgXML Vendor Import service setup for definitions of the follow settings.
    2. Add Exchange Partner to the Service. (Partner ID = SCALE02)
    3. Port: file share
    4. URL: \\Server\Share\USAG\SCALE02\
    5. Request Path: VendorImport\Request
    6. Response Path: VendorImport\Response
  5. Setup AgXML Vendor Import Service Line
    1. Address Name: PRIMARY
    2. Create Ship Method: no
    3. Note Text:
    4. Split ID:
    5. Split Vendor ID:
    6. Translation Domain: DEFAULT
    7. Vendor Class: PRODUCERS
    8. Vendor ID Prefix:
    9. Check Enable
    10. Click Save
  6. Place a file from the scale system in the appropriate Request folder \\Server\Share\USAG\SCALE02\Vendor\Request\Received
  7. See Appendix B for setting up commonly used translations.
  8. Work the vendor through the system in the event any issues occur. Document Monitoring will used to validate the vendor import is successful or help determine what the issue is that is preventing the vendor from importing.
  9. Once the vendor imports the file will be moved to the sent folder \\Server\Share\USAG\SCALE02\Vendor\Request\Sent

Chapter 20:Net Order Position Management

This chapter walks you through defining and starting defining and starting a Net Order position management.

  • Scenario. This section gives an overview of the scenario used in this example.
  • Walkthrough. This section walks you through defining the example and getting it working.


This scenario will replicate Integrating with Net Order. Data downloaded from Net Order will be presented in one consolidated position report.
In this scenario the company has one IC Code for the main office and one for each of its two branches.
Multiple locations exist at each branch but none have IC Codes.


This section shows you the setup and connecting with Net Order.

E-Markets Net Order Data Settings

  • The Item Standard Value is the Net Order External Prod ID for the item – This can be found in Net Order: Admin Tools>Supply>Manage Global Supply Values>.
  • Leave Product Line, Brand and Trait Limit checkboxes unmarked.
  • Mark Product Name with part of the product ID, i.e. 691, 780, 801
  • The DELIVCOMPANY Standard Value Translation is the IC Code is found in Net Order: Admin Tools>Manage Sellers/Users and Accounts>Manage Accounts>Edit Account
  • IC Code is a 13 character numeric field.
  • Should validate that there is only one account number per IC Code by using the above path and selecting IC Code in the Limit Criteria drop down list and then entering the specific
  • Use the table below to help define how the Net Order IC Codes correlate to your CINCH company setup. Cultura Technologies support can help define this setup.

Net Order IC Code

CINCH Company

CINCH Region

CINCH Branch

















Net Order Retail Order Mgmt

  1. Open Service Partner Setup (Cards>>Cinch Doc Exchange>>Service Partner Setup)
  2. Create an Exchange Partner ( example: NETORDER)
    1. See Exchange Partner setup for this.
    2. Source = NETORDER
    3. Service = NETORDER-SYNCv1
  3. Setup Net Order Retail Order Mgmt Header
    1. See Net Order Retail Mgmt service setup for definitions of the follow settings.
    2. Add Exchange Partner to the Service. (Partner ID = NETORDER)
    3. Define Port: web service
    4. URL (https://axix.e-markets.com/axis/services/OrderingDataService)
    5. The Request Path: (Leave blank)
    6. The Response Path: (Leave blank)
  4. Setup Net Order Retail Order Mgmt Service Lines
    1. Application ID:
      1. Contact Cultura Technologies support for the application ID
    2. Password
      1. Contact Cultura Technologies support for the application password.
    3. Planning Season: 2008
    4. Check Enable
    5. Click Save
  5. Be sure the translations in the following section are completed.
  6. Validate message are processed by opening the Transactions/Position Services window. Select the Net Order pane and click Check Net Order button when the service returns the list will be refreshed with the Net Orders.

Net Order Translations

Since some of the Translation ID's are generated during the service partner setup, the service partner setup must be completed prior to doing the following translations.

  1. DELIVCOMPANY Translation: The level of reporting, by company, by region, by branch or by location, is determined based on the translation setting. This is accomplished by translating the IC Code from the Net Order Account (this will be provided by Cultura Technologies support) to only one of the following: DELIVCOMPANYCOMPANY, DELIVCOMPANYREGION, DELIVCOMPANYBRANCH or DELIVCOMPANYLOCATION. The translation is setup for the lowest level of detail the data will be rolled up in each additional level above the translation. For example if you translate the DELIVCOMPANYBRANCH with the Net Order Account IC Code the Net Order information will display in the branch, region and company. Note: If the IC Code is used for more than one translation, the Net Order information will be duplicated.
    1. Setup Document Exchange Global Translations
      1. Open Translation Maintenance (Cards>>Cinch Doc Exchange>>Translations Maintenance). Select the Global Node
      2. Set the translation option to Lookup for the following translations ID's:
          1. Cinch translation value is the company ID.
          1. Cinch translation value is the Region ID.
          1. Cinch translation value is the Branch ID.
          1. Cinch translation value is the Inventory Site ID.
      3. Select the translation based on the reporting level.
        1. Select the DELIVCOMPANYCOMPANY Translations tab to open the Domain Translations window.
          1. Key data into the grey line.
            1. Domain = NETORDER
            2. Translation= DELIVCOMPANYCOMPANY
            3. The Standard Value = 0000000001234 (Net Order Account IC Code)
            4. Enter the Cinch Value that corresponds to the standard value. (USAG)
        2. Select the DELIVCOMPANYBRANCH Translations tab to open the Domain Translations window.
          1. Key data into the grey line.
            1. Domain = NETORDER
            2. Translation= DELIVCOMPANYBRANCH
            3. The Standard Value = 0000000002345 (Net Order Account IC Code)
            4. Enter the Cinch Value that corresponds to the standard value. (Ames)
        3. Select the DELIVCOMPANYBRANCH Translations tab to open the Domain Translations window.
          1. Key data into the grey line.
            1. Domain = NETORDER
            2. Translation= DELIVCOMPANYBRANCH
            3. The Standard Value = 0000000004567 (Net Order Account IC Code)
            4. Enter the Cinch Value that corresponds to the standard value. (Spicer)
  2. Make sure to setup Item Number Translation by service (Net Order)
    1. Domain = Net Order
    2. Translation = ITEMNMBR
    3. Enter the Standard Value = Net Order External Product ID (this will be provided by Cultura Technologies support).
    4. Enter the Cinch Value that corresponds to the Standard value.
  3. Make sure to setup UOFM Translation by service (Net Order)
    1. Domain = NETORDER
    2. Translation = UOFM
    3. Enter the Standard Value and Cinch Value that will represent it.
    4. This unit is typically bags.
  4. Make sure to setup TRANSPORTATIONMODE Translation by service (Net Order)
    1. Domain = NETORDER
    2. Translation= TRANSPORTATIONMODE
    3. Enter the Standard Value and Cinch Value that will represent it.
  5. Make sure to setup PARTNERID Translation by service (Net Order)
    1. Select the NETORDER-SYNCv1 Node
      1. Domain = NETORDER
      2. Translation= PARTNERID
      3. Enter the Standard Value – the IC Code for the Vendor Account within Net Order (this will be provided by Cultura Technologies support)
      4. Enter the Cinch Value – Cinch Vendor ID

Chapter 21:Net Sales Integration

This chapter walks you through defining and starting a Net Sales Integration.

  • Scenario. This section gives an overview of the scenario used in this example.
  • Walkthrough. This section walks you through defining the example and getting it working.


This scenario will replicate Integrating with Net Order. Data export from CINCH will be consumed in Net Order.


This section shows you the setup of the export process.

XML Export & Cross Referencing

        1. Install latest dll files
          1. Install the Application.CinchAg dll to the Microsoft Dynamics\GP directory.
          2. Install the InventoryActualUsage, ProductMovementReport and CinchXMLExport dll's to the Microsoft Dynamics\GP\AddIns directory.
        2. Define Export Entry
          1. Open Export Entry (Tools>>Routines>>Cinch Sales>>Export Entry)
          2. Zoom back on export name to open Export Criteria Entry
        3. Define Export Criteria Entry
          1. This can also be accessed from (Cards>>Cinch Sales>>XML - Export XRef>>Export Criteria Entry)
          2. Enter Export Name
          3. Enter Export Description
          4. Export Type select Product Movement
          5. Select Export To = Web Service
          6. FTP-WS Pwd = password (Contact Cultura Technologies support for your password)
          7. FTP-WS Address = https://axis.e-markets.com/axis/services/NetsalesService
          8. Cross reference remaining items.
        4. Define Company XRef Entry
          1. Open Company XRef Entry (Cards>>Cinch Sales>>XML - Export XRef>>XRef Company Entry) can access from criteria entry window, zoom back on Company.
          2. Enter Dynamics GP Company (USAG)
            1. Be sure that the Dynamics GP Company Setup address information has Name, Address 1, City, State, Zip and Country data.
          3. Enter X Ref Company
            1. This is your company identifier.
              1. Supported Company types are:
                1. AGIIS-EBID
                2. AGIIS-NAPD
                3. AssignedByBuyer
                4. AssignedByPapiNet
                5. AssignedBySeller
                6. AssignedByTestingLaboratory
                7. D-U-N-S
                8. EAN
                9. Other
                10. SCAC
        5. Define Customer XRef Entry
          1. Open Customer XRef Entry (Cards>>Cinch Sales>>XML - Export XRef>>XRef Customer Entry) can access from criteria entry window, zoom back on Customer.
            1. Net Order uses AGIIS- NAPD IDs since they are too long for the XRef Customer do not enter the four leading zeros.
        6. Define Item XRef Entry
          1. Open Item XRef Entry (Cards>>Cinch Sales>>XML - Export XRef>>XRef Item Entry) can access from criteria entry window, zoom back on Item.
        7. Define Location XRef Entry
          1. Open Location XRef Entry (Cards>>Cinch Sales>>XML - Export XRef>>XRef Location Entry) can access from criteria entry window, zoom back on Site.
            1. This is the Account IC Code.
        8. Define Manufacturer XRef Entry
          1. Open Manufacturer XRef Entry (Cards>>Cinch Sales>>XML - Export XRef>>XRef Manufacturer Entry) can access from criteria entry window, zoom back on Manufacturer.
            1. This represents the Product Manufacturer. (i.e. DOW)
        9. Define U of M Entry, UN/CEFACT Code
          1. Open U of M Entry (Cards>>Cinch Sales>>Unit of Measure)
            1. Make sure the UN/CEFACT code is defined for the unit of measure.
        10. Define U of M XRef Entry
          1. Open U of M XRef Entry (Cards>>Cinch Sales>>XML - Export XRef>>XRef UofM Entry) can access from criteria entry window, zoom back on U of M.
            1. This is normally bags.
        11. Define Address Code XRef Entry
          1. Open Address Code XRef Entry (Cards>>Cinch Sales>>XML - Export XRef>>XRef Address Entry) can access from criteria entry window, zoom back on Address.
            1. This is a reference of your Address Code.
        12. Enter Order in CINCH
        13. Open XML Export Entry
          1. Click Get Transactions
          2. Click Transmit
          3. View Transmit Details message for export status or failures.
        14. Login to Net Order to verify order is listed.

Chapter 22:Terminal Transfer Setup

This chapter walks you through defining and starting a Terminal Transfer setup. This would be used when transferring inventory between two companies. Bulk Transfers would be the preferred setup choice when transferring inventory within the same company.
Scenario. This section gives an overview of the scenario used in this example.
Walkthrough. This section walks you through defining the example and getting it working.


This scenario will replicate a Terminal Transfer. In this example we are assuming a plant is selling to a marketing company. The plant ships in this example 100% denatured ethanol to a Terminal. The marketing company will import tickets for their specified site so that inventory can be tracked. In our scenario the shipments from the terminal are being handled manually.


This section shows you the setup of the Shipment Export and Ticket Import services.

Plant Setup

  1. Add Terminal location
    1. Create Customer for terminal (Cards>>Sales>>Customer)
      1. Enter new customer for each terminal with an Address Id using the identical address information as the marketing site. OR
      2. Create one customer for the terminal and multiple Customer Addresses (Cards>>Sales>>Addresses) for each shipping address.
        1. The address information from the Bill To or Ship To ID will be used during the ticket import to determine the site to use on the marketing ticket.
  2. Create an Exchange Partner for each Terminal (example: TERM01)
    1. See Exchange Partner setup for this.
    2. Enter Customer for terminal (Customer ID created above)
  3. Setup AGXML Shipment Export Header
  4. See AgXML Shipment Export service setup for definitions of the follow settings.
  5. Add Exchange Partner to the Service. (Partner ID = MKT01)
  6. Port: Dynamics Table
  7. URL: TERM01/
  8. Request Path: Shipment /Request
  9. Response Path: Shipment /Response
  10. Setup AGXML Shipment Export Service Lines
  11. Cinch Consumer: yes
  12. Copy Load to Cust Ref 1: no
  13. Export Comments: yes
  14. Export Notes: no
  15. the Message Label Extension: xml
  16. Require Direct Ship Info: no
  17. Skip Freight: yes
  18. Skip Gross Weight: no
  19. Skip Tare Weight: no
  20. Use Shipment# as Doc#: yes
  21. Check Enable
  22. Click Save
  23. Create a shipment via bulk shipping entry
    1. Select the appropriate terminal customer and Ship To Address ID.
    2. Enter ship method.
    3. Click Print or Post.
  24. Verify the export change tracking mechanism is working
  25. Wait approximately 30-60 seconds for the CinchX Service.
  26. Open the Export Changed Tracking window, select shipment the shipment should be listed. If the Sent check box is checked the processor has already send the shipment.
  27. Work the shipment through the system in the event any issues occur. Document Monitoring will used to validate the shipment export is successful or help determine what the issue is that is preventing the shipment from exporting.
  28. Verify the shipment export processed within the Dynamics table.
  29. Open the Dynamics GP Queue (Transactions>>Cinch Doc Exchange>>Dynamics Queue)
  30. Select the appropriate message path (example = TERM01/ Shipment/Request)
  31. Validate the status. The export file is generated with a status of 0, sent.
  32. Status 0 = Sent
  33. Status 1 = Received
  34. Status 2 = Error
  35. Status 3 = Archive

Marketing Company Setup

  1. Add Terminal location (Example: TERM01)
    1. Open Site Maintenance (Cards>>Inventory>>Site)
    2. Enter Address information for the Site
      1. Address will be used during the ticket import to match with the customer address on the shipment to determine the market site to use on the ticket.
  2. Add Branch ID to the Site
    1. Open Location COMP Entry from Site Maintenance (Additional>>Location COMP Entry)
    2. Select Branch ID
    3. Click Save
  3. Create an Exchange Partner (example: PLANT01)
  4. Setup AGXML Ticket Import
  5. See AgXML Ticket Import service setup for definitions of the follow settings.
  6. Add Exchange Partner to the Service. (Partner ID = PLANT01)
  7. Port: Dynamics Table
  8. URL: TERM01/
  9. Request Path: Shipment/Request
  10. Response Path: Shipment/Response
  11. Address match definition:
    1. No, indicates that the address match will use the buyer address information. Default = no
    2. Yes, indicates that the address match will use the destination information from the xml document.
  12. Allow Voids: no
  13. Auto Apply Ticket: no
  14. Auto Create Spot contract: no
  15. Batch Prefix: AGXML
  16. Default Branch: SPICER
  17. Get Ticket# from Buyer Doc#: no
  18. Get Ticket# from Seller Doc#: no
  19. Ignore XML Freight: no
  20. Match Bulk Transfers: no
  21. Put Doc# In: Bill of Lading
  22. Watch for Bulk Transfers: no
  23. Check Enable
  24. Click Save
  25. Work the ticket through the system in the event any issues occur. Document Monitoring will used to validate the ticket import is successful or help determine what the issue is that is preventing the ticket from importing.
  26. Verify the ticket import processed within the Dynamics table.
    1. Open the Dynamics GP Queue (Transactions>>Cinch Doc Exchange>>Dynamics Queue)
    2. Select the appropriate message path (example = TERM01/ Shipment/Request)
    3. Validate the status. The import file process will update the status to 1, received, then to status 3, archive after successfully imported.
      1. Status 0 = Sent
      2. Status 1 = Received
      3. Status 2 = Error
      4. Status 3 = Archive
  27. Validate the Inbound Ticket
    1. The customer will be the Plant and will come from the selling company in the xml document. (example: PLANT01)
    2. The site will be selecting from the address matching of the Ship To/Bill To information on the imported xml document and the site ID in marketing. (example: TERM01)
    3. The Branch will be assigned based upon the site matching.

Chapter 23:Adapter Setup

This chapter walks you through defining and starting an adapter. Adapters take a non XML document and convert it to an XML document.
Adapters are customized for the data they will be processing and therefore require additional files. Please contact Cultura Technologies support for more details before using a custom adapter.
Scenario. This section gives an overview of the scenario used in this example.
Walkthrough. This section walks you through defining the example and getting it working.


This scenario will replicate an adapter setup. Adapters take a spreadsheet (or other document type) and convert it into a XML document. Two services are used in the process. The Adapter, Excel Load Import 01, contains the location of where the spreadsheet is located and where to place the XML files after the data has been converted. The second service is based on the data type that has been converted. In this scenario CIDX Load Import service will be used to import loads.


This section shows you the setup of the adapter and the CIDX Load Import services.

  1. Place the adapter (dll files) in the E-Markets and Dynamics\GP directories. The dll is specific for the data that will be processed, and is provided from Cultura Technologies support.
  2. Login to Company (example: USAG)
  3. Create an Exchange Partner ( example: LOADADAPTER)
  4. If the Excel Load Import 01 service is not listed within the services node click the Register Processors button on the right side. This will load all available services.
  5. Setup adapter Excel Load Import 01
    1. See Excel Load Import 01 service setup for definitions of the follow settings.
    2. Add Exchange Partner to the Service. (Partner ID = LOADADAPTER)
    3. Port: file share
    4. URL: C:\Temp\
    5. Request Path: ExcelLoadImport01 \request
    6. Response Path: ExcelLoadImport01 \response
    7. Load Port Type: 2 – File Share
      1. 0 = None
      2. 1 = CinchX File Queue
      3. 2 = File Share
      4. 3 = FTP
      5. 4 = Web Service
      6. 5 = Dynamics Table
    8. Load Port URL: C:\Temp\
    9. Load Req Path: Load Import\Request
    10. Message Label Extension: xml
    11. Check Enable
    12. Click Save
  6. Setup CIDX Load Import
    1. See CIDX Load Import service setup for definitions of the follow settings.
    2. Add Exchange Partner to the Service. (Partner ID = LOADADAPTER)
    3. Port: file share
    4. URL: C:\Temp\
    5. Request Path: Load Import \Request
    6. Response Path: Load Import \Response
    7. Assign Contract: yes
    8. Batch Prefix: CIDX
    9. Direct Ship Scenario A: yes
    10. Default Branch: AMES
    11. Check Enable
    12. Click Save
  7. Place an excel file from the trading partner in the appropriate Request folder (example C:\Temp\ExcelLoadImport01\Request\Received).
    1. After processed the excel file should be moved to the Request folder (example C:\Temp \ExcelLoadImport01 \Request\ Sent).
    2. After processed the created xml file should be placed to the Request folder (example C:\Temp\ Load Import\ Request\ Received).
  8. Work the load through the system in the event any issues occur. Document Monitoring will used to validate the ticket import is successful or help determine what the issue is that is preventing the ticket from importing.
  9. Once the load imports the file will be moved to the sent folder (example C:\Temp\Load Import\Request\Sent).

Chapter 24:Bulk Transfer Setup

This chapter walks you through defining and starting Bulk Transfer setup.
Scenario. This section gives an overview of the scenario used in this example.
Walkthrough. This section walks you through defining the example and getting it working.


Bulk transfer can be handled three different ways; single sided no matching required, dual sided requires a manual matching and auto which will attempt to match and process the transfers. This scenario will replicate a bulk transfer setup as dual.
When the Shipment and Ticket Import files are processed if the watch for bulk transfer flag is set to yes, the customer and vendors will be validated against the translations for transfer customer and transfer vendor. If a transfer customer is matched the shipment will be flagged as a bulk transfer. If a transfer vendor is matched the ticket will be flagged as a bulk transfer.
From the Bulk Transfer Matching window the ticket and shipment records will be matched when the match is processed a bulk transfer will be created. The site specified in the transfer customer translation will be the destination site on the bulk transfer and the site specified in the transfer vendor translation will be the origination site on the bulk transfer.


This section shows you the setup of the Bulk Transfer, Shipment Import and Ticket Import services.

  1. Login to Plant (example: USAGA
  2. Create an Exchange Partner (SHMT01)
    1. See Exchange Partner setup for this.
  3. Setup AgXML Shipment Import Header
    1. See AgXML Shipment Import service setup for definitions of the follow settings.
    2. Add Exchange Partner to the Service. Partner ID = SHMT01
    3. Port: FTP
    4. URL: ftp://ftp.emarkets.com/USAG/SHMT01/
    5. Request Path: ShipmentImport/Request
    6. Response Path: ShipmentImport/Response
  4. Setup AgXML Shipment Import Service Lines
    1. Allow Voids: no
    2. Batch Prefix: AGXML
    3. Default Branch: SPICER
    4. Fail on Ship-To address match: no
    5. Get Shipment# from Buyer Doc#: no
    6. Get Shipment# from Seller Doc#: no
    7. Match Bulk Transfers: dual
    8. Put Partner Doc# In:
    9. Use location id for Ship-To: no
    10. User ID:
    11. Watch for Bulk Transfers: yes
    12. Window (1=outbound, 2 = bulk): 2
    13. Enter new service settings to access the ftp site.
      1. Add new Name in the grey line of the service scrolling window.
        1. Name = UserName
        2. Value = username that has access to the ftp site.
        3. Tabbing off the line will insert the new setting into the scrolling window.
      2. Add new Name in the grey line of the service scrolling window.
        1. Name = Password
        2. Value = password of user that has access to the ftp site.
        3. Tabbing off the line will insert the new setting into the scrolling window.
    14. Check Enable checkbox within the header section
    15. Click Save
  5. Create an Exchange Partner (TKT01)
    1. See Exchange Partner setup for this.
    2. Enter Vendor ID (this is required for AgXML Ticket Export)
  6. Setup AgXML Ticket Import Header
    1. See AgXML Ticket Import service setup for definitions of the follow settings.
    2. Add Exchange Partner to the Service. Partner ID = TKT01
    3. Port: FTP
    4. URL: ftp.emarkets.com/USAG/TKT01/
    5. Request Path: TicketImport/Request
    6. Response Path: TicketImport/Response
  7. Setup AgXML Ticket Import Service Lines
    1. Allow Voids: no
    2. Auto Apply Ticket: no
    3. Auto Create Spot Contract: no
    4. Batch Prefix: AGXML
    5. Default Branch: SPICER
    6. Get Ticket# from Buyer Doc#: no
    7. Get Ticket# from Seller Doc#: no
    8. Match Bulk Transfers: dual
    9. Put Doc# In: Bill of Lading
    10. Watch for Bulk Transfers: yes
    11. Enter new service settings to access the ftp site.
  8. Add new Name in the grey line of the service scrolling window.
  9. Name = UserName
  10. Value = username that has access to the ftp site.
  11. Tabbing off the line will insert the new setting into the scrolling window.
  12. Add new Name in the grey line of the service scrolling window.
  13. Name = Password
  14. Value = password of user that has access to the ftp site.
  15. Tabbing off the line will insert the new setting into the scrolling window.
    1. Check Enable checkbox within the header section
    2. Click Save
  16. Create an Exchange Partner (TRANSTKT)
    1. See Exchange Partner setup for this.
  17. Setup AgXML Bulk Transfer Header for Inbound Tickets
    1. See AgXML Bulk Transfer service setup for definitions of the follow settings.
    2. Add Exchange Partner to the Service. Partner ID = TRANSTKT
    3. Port: File Share
    4. URL: USAG\TKT01\TicketImport\
    5. Request Path: Bulk Transfer\Request
    6. Response Path: Bulk Transfer\Response
  18. Setup AgXML Bulk Transfer Service Lines
    1. Allow Voids: no
    2. Batch Prefix = AGXML
    3. Check Enable checkbox within the header section
    4. Click Save
  19. Setup AgXML Bulk Transfer Header for Outbound Shipments
    1. See AgXML Bulk Transfer service setup for definitions of the follow settings.
    2. Add Exchange Partner to the Service. Partner ID = TRANSSHMT
    3. Port: File Share
    4. URL: USAG\TKT01\ShipmentImport\
    5. Request Path: Bulk Transfer\Request
    6. Response Path: Bulk Transfer\Response
  20. Setup AgXML Bulk Transfer Service Lines
    1. Allow Voids: no
    2. Batch Prefix = AGXML
    3. Check Enable checkbox within the header section
    4. Click Save
  21. Setup Transfer Vendor and Transfer Customer Translations
    1. Open Translation Maintenance (Cards>Cinch Doc Exchange>Translation Maintenance)
    2. Select TRANSFERVENDOR Translation ID
      1. Select Lookup from the Option dropdown
      2. Select the Translations Tab
      3. Enter New Domain Translation
        1. Domain = DEFAULT
        2. Translation = TRANSFERVENDOR
        3. Standard ID = a valid GP Inventory Site ID
        4. Cinch Value = a valid GP Vendor ID
    3. Select Translation Options Tab
    4. Select TRANSFERCUSTOMER Translation ID
      1. Select Lookup from the Option dropdown
      2. Select the Translations Tab
      3. Enter New Domain Translation
        1. Domain = DEFAULT
        2. Translation = TRANSFERCUSTOMER
        3. Standard ID = a valid GP Inventory Site ID
        4. Cinch Value = a valid GP Customer ID
  22. Process the ticket and shipment imports.
  23. Work the ticket and shipment through the system in the event any issues occur. Document Monitoring will used to validate the ticket import and shipment import are successful or help determine what the issue is that is preventing them from processing.
  24. Open Bulk Transfer Matching (Transactions>Cinch Doc Exchange>Bulk Transfer Match
    1. Select shipment #, line will be highlighted. Click Ctrl and select the ticket number, both lines will be highlighted.
    2. Click the Match button.
    3. Select the matched transaction(s), the lines will be highlighted and click Process, this will create the Bulk Transfer within CINCH.

Part 5:Transaction Windows

This part of the documentation describes the different Tools available within Cinch Document Exchange.

Chapter 25:Net Order Services

This chapter gives you an overview of what Net Order Services is and how it is used.

  • Overview. This tool provides a new way to manage your corporate-wide position.  Instead of consolidating each location's position by product and merging these together into one spreadsheet, this tool shows your position across locations, branches, regions, and across the entire company.  As an additional added value, orders placed on E-Market's Net Order are also factored into the report.
  • Using Net Order Services, Retail Position
          1. Open Net Order Services, Retail Position (Transactions>>Cinch Doc Exchange>>Net Order Services)
          2. Select the Company, Region, Branch or Location that you would like to view the combined position for.
          3. Select the Item Filter you would like to view the combined position for.
            1. The position will be displayed in the pane on the right side of the window.

Chapter 26Document Monitoring

This chapter gives you an overview of what Document Monitoring is and how it is used.

  • Overview. Document Monitor is used to monitor all transactions (messages). Message detail, state and individual messages can be viewed here. Failed messages can be view to determine what is preventing the transaction from being processed. Messages can also be reprocessed and deleted from Document Monitoring.
  • Using the Document Monitor:
  1. Open Document Monitor (Transactions>>Cinch Doc Exchange>>Document Monitoring)
  2. The filter checkbox, next to Services in the Services tree, when selected will filter services to only display services with pending and/or processed transactions that meet the display restriction.
  3. The transaction's status is listed under the appropriate service name based on the Display option.
    1. Select the appropriate Display, this is the date range option for the transactions:
      1. Date range options are: Past 7 Days (which is the default), Today's, Older than 7 days and All
    2. The transaction status types are:
      1. All
      2. Error
      3. Needs Attention
      4. Successful
    3. Select the transaction.
      1. The message details are displayed in the right side of the window.
      2. The Message sort from newest to oldest.
    4. Double clicking on the transaction will open the message in XML format.
  4. After determining and resolving the issue that had prevented the transaction from importing, reprocessing the failed message:
    1. Continue is used when you are ready to process from the existing stage. Stage is the left hand column in the message audit window. You may continue if the first error shown in the audit window is in the same stage as when the processing stopped.
    2. Reprocess is used when processing as already occurred in a stage where the error occurred. For example, if processing stopped in the push stage (eConnect) and you change a translation, reprocessing is required so that the new translation is recognized.
    3. Multiple messages can be selected for reprocessing.
  5. Potentially a transaction may fail several times before the import completes if there are missing translations.

Chapter 27:Export Change Tracking

This chapter gives you an overview of what Export Change Tracking is and how it is used.

  • Overview. Export Change Tracking is used to monitor export transactions. This is the table that logs every change behind the ticket/shipment/customer etc. tables. Records do not get deleted after they have been sent, they are left with a flag setting of sent. This allows records to be resent.

It is often useful to resend records to an exchange partner in the event the message was never delivered or simply needs to be reentered.

  • Using Export Change Tracking:
  1. Open Export Change Tracking (Transactions>>Cinch Doc Exchange>> Export Change Tracking)
  2. Select the record type, documents for the selected record type will be displayed.
  3. Records that have already been exported will have the Sent checkbox is marked.
  4. To resend a record, highlight the record and hit resend, the record will be re-exported.

Chapter 28: Dynamics Queue

This chapter gives you an overview of what Dynamic Queue is and how it is used.

  • Overview. The Dynamics Queue is used when messages are passed along multiple services in a chain (direct ship) or when passing messages between different branches or companies on the same database server. This prevents potential sensitive information from ever leaving the Dynamics system.

The Dynamics Queue places data in a Dynamics table, IRDXQueueWORK (Dynamics database). The text of the message is entered as row in the table.
When an export service runs the message is placed in the queue table with the URL + request path with a status of sent (0). When an import runs, it looks for messages that match the URL + request path, picks them up and marks them as received (1). A later process moves the messages to the history table (IRDXQueueHIST) and are no longer visible from this window.

  • Using Dynamics Queue:
  1. Open Dynamics GP Queue (Transactions>>Cinch Doc Exchange>> Dynamics Queue)
  2. Select the appropriate message path of the transactions (example USAG/Shipment/Request), documents for the selected path will be displayed.
    1. Transaction Status are:
      1. 0 = Sent
      2. 1 = Received
      3. 2 = Error
      4. 3 = Archive
  3. The Dynamics tables are IRDXQueueHist for received records and IRDXQueueWork for Sent records
  4. If message had a status of 2, Error go to Document Monitoring to view the message to determine how to resolve the issue and reprocess the message.

Chapter 29: Bulk Transfer Matching

This chapter gives you an overview of what Bulk Transfer Matching is and how it is used.

  • Overview. There are two settings within the Ticket Import and Shipment Import. Watch for Bulk Transfers determines if a shipment or ticket will be validated as a bulk transfer. Match Bulk Transfers determines how the ticket or shipment will be processed, if set to dual a manual match is required. Manually matching and processing will be done from the Bulk Transfer Matching window.
  • Using Bulk Transfer Matching:
  1. Open Bulk Transfer Matching (Transactions>>Cinch Doc Exchange>>Bulk Transfer Match)
  2. Select shipment #, line will be highlighted. Click Ctrl and select the ticket number, both lines will be highlighted.
  3. Click the Match Button.
  4. Select Approved from the dropdown.
  5. Select the matched transaction(s) and click the Process button, this will create the Bulk Transfer within Cinch.

  • Window definitions:
  • Redisplay: Refreshes the window
  • Match: Binds the highlighted shipment and ticket together as a matched bulk shipment. If the selection is invalid nothing happens and the user is notified.
  • UnMatch: Unbinds the shipment and ticket from the highlighted row into 2 unmatched rows.
  • Process: Approves highlighted, matched records and places them in the Bulk Transfer queue to be processed in the next cycle. DPR Date and Copy Details From settings will be used on all selected documents.
  • Delete: Used to delete rows. Can be used to resend a message to the Bulk Transfer queue or if a Ticket or Shipment is voided.
  • Reset: Will unapprove a matched bulk shipment that has already been processed. Can be used if a bulk transfer needs to be reprocessed with new values from a ticket/shipment. Once a bulk transfer is approved, no ticket or shipment updates get passed to the bulk transfer.
  • View dropdown:
  • Unapproved: This is the default setting. Displays ticket and shipment records that need to be matched and processed.
  • Approved: Displays all matched records that have been processed.
  • Both: Displays all records.
  • Auto Match: Will attempt to match records by the selected Match On criteria.
  • Vehicle ID
  • License
  • Driver
  • Bill of Lading
  • Weight Cert
  • DPR Date: The specified DPR date will be used for the bulk transfer import. This defaults to user date. If the match bulk transfers on the ticket and/or shipment import service is set to single, the DPR date will ticket or shipment date.
  • Use Weights/Grades From: This will populate the Use Weights/Grades from on the Bulk Transfer Entry.
  • Cleared Checkbox: Denotes approved/processed records.

Chapter 30: Sales Order Import Review

This chapter describes the Sales Order Import Review window, which contains a list of all orders waiting to be acted on. The sales order needs to be reviewed edited and approved before processing into Cinch.
There is a setting within the CIDX Sales Order Import, Preview Order. If setting is set to Yes, import will stop before any processing is done, and wait for the user act upon the document from this window before continuing.

  1. Open Sales Order Import Review (Transactions>Cinch Doc Exchange>Sales Order Edit)

  1. Display Records button:
    1. Grouped Radio button by default is selected. Groups the order lines together by the header information.
    2. Detailed view when selected allows user to view all lines on the sales orders.
  2. The scrolling window contains a list of all orders waiting to be acted on.
    1. On a grouped order the item# field will note that multiple items exist.
    2. When detailed is selected, there will be one row for each line item of the order.
    3. If different data exists for line items in the same order, multiple documents will be created with only one line item each and placed in the appropriate companies.
    4. The select checkbox allows the user to select orders to process.
      1. Selecting the checkbox in the header line will select/unselect all orders.
    5. Read only data columns populated from the XML file:
      1. Customer, hovering over the customer will display the customer name.
      2. PO #
        1. Customer PO from the XML will be imported to the Customer PO # field.
      3. Line #
        1. Line number from the XML will be imported to the Additional Line Information Inquiry, Partner PO Line.
      4. Item #, hovering over the item will display the item description.
        1. Item number and description from the XML will be imported to the Additional Line Information Inquiry, Partner Item and Description fields.
      5. Change Code, hovering over the code will display the change code and description.
        1. Change Code and description will be imported to the Sales Order Reference field.
      6. ShipTo, hovering over the field will display the complete Ship To address.
    6. Editable data columns:
      1. Company, will display a list of companies that have CinchX installed.
        1. If all lines have the same company they must have the same branch. Cannot have one company and multiple branches.
        2. If an order with multiple lines is set with multiple companies – each company will be imported as a separate order. In this case you can then have different branches.
      2. Partner, will display a list of CinchX exchange partners for the selected company which this service is setup for.
      3. Branch, will display a list of branches that exist in the selected company.
        1. Branch will default to the user's current branch but can be changed.
      4. Site, will display a list of Sites that exist in the selected company.
        1. If Branch/Site are defined they will be used.
        2. If Site is not defined will look for Default Branch service setting and use it.
        3. If Site is not defined and Default Branch service setting is not set it will fail.
      5. Ship Method, will display a list of ship methods that exist in the selected company.
      6. Requested Ship Date, contains a date control to let the user choose a new requested ship date.
      7. Header Comment is a text field with a maximum of 80 characters.
      8. Line Comment is a text field with a maximum of 80 characters.
  3. Redisplay button, when selected reload the scrolling window, any edits will be lost.
  4. Process button, when selected will process all the selected records regardless if the rows have been updated or not.
    1. If Order has been partially shipped or invoiced in Cinch, system will NOT allow an update, the order will fail in Doc Monitoring.
  5. Delete button, when selected all selected records will be deleted.

Chapter 31: PMR Reconciliation Matching

This chapter describes the Product Movement Reconciliation window, which provides the ability to reconcile sales history transactions (invoices and returns) to a partner's spreadsheet of transactions.

  1. Open PMR Reconcile (Transactions>Cinch Doc Exchange> PMR Reconcile)

    1. PMR Reconcile will only display on the menu if one of the Product Movement Exp processors (CIDX 4.0, CIDX 5.0 or CIDX 5.5) is registered.
  1. Select Records to display, is used to narrow down the data displayed. When changing selection, the grid is updated immediately.
    1. All
    2. Matched when selected records where the Cinch and partner records that are matched will be displayed.
    3. Partially Matched when selected records where document and item match but the quantity may be different.
    4. All Unmatched when selected all unmatched records will be displayed.
    5. Cinch Unmatched when selected only unmatched Cinch records will be displayed.
    6. Partner Unmatched when selected only unmatched partner records will be displayed.
  2. Restrictions:
    1. Primary Owner checkbox
      1. When selected Cinch sales data that is split, will display the total quantities of the transaction line for each split partner.
      2. When not selected the transaction line quantity displayed is based on the split partner portion.
    2. Start and End Dates
      1. Restricts records by transaction date.
    3. Partner
      1. When a service partner exchange partner is selected the system will only load transactions that were sent through pipes configured with the currently selected exchange partner.
      2. Select * to not filter by this criteria.
    4. Manufacturer
      1. Restricts transactions that contain items from the currently selected manufacturer.
      2. Select * to not filter by this criteria.
    5. Item Cat 1 – 6
      1. Restricts transactions based on each corresponding item category.
      2. Select * to not filter by this criteria.
  3. Grid
    1. Will display transaction lines that met the restriction criteria.
    2. Coloring - The grid is shaded with different colors to denote different sections of the grid.
      1. The first column is a status column.
        1. = unmatched
        2. = partially matched
        3. = matched
      2. The white/gray columns are Cinch values.
      3. The light blue/blue columns are partner values from the spreadsheet.
      4. The light orange/orange column denotes quantity differences.
    3. Sorting - The data can be sorted by any column.
      1. Click in the column header, and the data will immediately sort by the data in that column. Clicking the same header again will reverse the order.
    4. Filtering – Certain columns have a filter button in the header.
      1. Clicking the filter button will show a drop down list containing the following. Clicking any of those items will limit your view to only show rows that match that criteria.
        1. All
        2. Custom
        3. Blanks
        4. NonBlanks
      2. Selecting Custom filter opens the filter dialog window which allow you to filter multiple ways.

      1. To remove a filter, click the filter button again, and choose the "All" option.
    1. Status column – The first column helps identify which records have matches, which ones have partial matches and which ones have no match.
  1. Open button is selected to locate the customer's formatted Excel spreadsheet and import the data.
  2. Redisplay when selected refreshes the data in the data grid based on Cinch Sales History Restrictions.
  3. Resend button will reprocess selected records that has a through CinchX Product Movement Report export where the record has the Partner defined.
  4. Reset button reset the window to default restrictions and clear the customer's import data allow the user to start over.
  5. Supported file format of the Excel spreadsheet is as follows:


Field Name

Cinch Field Name




Invoice Number




Invoice Date




Line Number




Item ID

X-Ref to Vendor Item Number.







Unit Of Measure


Chapter 32: Portal Maintenance

This chapter gives you an overview of Portal Maintenance, which is used with CINCH Portal. Refer to CINCH Portal Manual for more information about setting up and using CINCH Portal.

  1. Open Portal Maintenance. (Cards>Cinch Doc Exchange>Portal Maintenance)

  1. User will be prompted when the window opens if there is not a Cinch Database Synchronization service partner enabled or if more than one service partner is enabled.
  2. Website configuration:
    1. Select Web Setup, click New.
      1. Enter Company information, name, location, contact, address, city, state and phone numbers.
        1. The information will default to the Branch Maintenance, Company Address ID based on the user's current branch but this can be edited.
      2. Support Text is where you enter the text for the content area of the Support page in the portal website.
        1. The field will accept html encoded strings without header or body tags.
        2. The field can handle up to 65,535 characters.
      3. Terms of Use Text is where you enter the text for the content area of the Terms of Use page in the portal website.
        1. The field will accept html encoded strings without header or body tags.
        2. The field can handle up to 65,535 characters.
    2. Click Save to save the Web Setup information.
    3. Click Delete to delete the selected Web Setup information.
  3. Setting up Portal Users
    1. User can request a User Name by contacting the company and verbally request a login. Or from the Cinch Portal Login page, user can select create an account which will allow them to fill out the required information for a User Name and the request will be sent to the portal administrator requesting their User Name to be setup.
    2. Select a Customer, click New. Customer ID will be set based on the selected customer and is required for a Portal User.
      1. Portal User Name, this will be the user name when logging into the website and will not be changed.
        1. This is the User Name provided in the Portal Login Request email.
        2. Portal User is one to one with ASP.NET user.
      2. Site Admin?, mark checkbox to give user admin rights within the login.
        1. Website Admin user must be associated to a valid GP user.
      3. Disabled checkbox will disable the user's login.
      4. Vendor ID is the Dynamics GP Vendor ID.
        1. If a Vendor ID is not entered user will not be able to view Grain Assemblies, Grain Sales Contracts, Grain Scale Tickets, Grain Settlements or Sales Patronage Equity.
        2. Only one Vendor ID can be entered per Customer ID. This does not require a customer/vendor relationship.
      5. Show Patronage Data checkbox when marked will display the Patronage Equity Inquiry List for the customer to view. When not marked Patronage Equity is not available from the menu.
    3. Click Save to save the Portal user information.
    4. Click Delete to delete the selected Portal user information.
  4. Selecting Redisplay will repopulate the portal setup information.
  5. If the Cinch Database Synchronization service is setup and enabled, the Enable Replication button will setup the Replication job. You must be logged in as sa to use this button.
    1. If the service setting, Auto Start Snapshot Job is set to yes the Replication Job will be started automatically, creating initial snapshot.
      1. The initial snapshot may take some time, so should be scheduled accordingly.
      2. After the initial snapshot only transactional updates will be sent.
    2. If the service setting, Auto Start Snapshot Job is set to no, the Replication Job will need to be started manually, to create the initial snapshot.
      1. The replication job is located at, SQL Management > Replication > Local Publications. Select Portal_Pub, right click and choose View Snapshot Agent Status, the status will display the agent has never been run, click Start.
      2. The initial snapshot may take some time, so should be scheduled accordingly.
      3. After the initial snapshot only transactional updates will be sent.
    3. Check Doc Monitor, Cinch Database Synchronization to be sure replication was enabled successfully.
    4. Check the Replication Monitor to ensure the initial replication processed (SQL Management > Replication > Local Publications. Select Portal_Pub, right click and choose Launch Replication Monitor)
      1. If the replication fails for any reason, once you solve the problem, restart the replication, select Portal Pub, right click and select Reinitialize.
  6. If the Cinch Database Synchronization service is setup and enabled, Open Portal Button will open the web site specified in the Cinch Database Synchronization Service URL.
    1. This allows the portal user to be setup then registered on the portal allowing the login and password to be provided to customer.
  7. If the Cinch Database Synchronization service is setup and enabled, the Disable Replication button will remove the Replication Job, no additional updates will be sent. You must be logged in as sa to use this button.
    1. If the Enable Replication is run again after disabling the replication, an initial snapshot will be created and re-imported.

Part 6:Troubleshooting

This part of the documentation describes the techniques for troubleshooting a document exchange that is not behaving as expected.
Chapter 33: Common Questions. This chapter answers commonly asked questions.
Chapter 34: Where to Start. This chapter provides guidance on where to start given different symptoms.

Chapter 33: Common Questions

This chapter answers commonly asked questions:

Questions and Answers

How can the batch number for imported documents be controlled?

Using the service setting for Batch. The batch number can be fixed by service partner or created as a combination of Branch, a user defined string and suffixed with the month, data and optionally hour.

What if I add a new company after installing eConnect 9.0?

If running Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 you must re-run the eConnect setup.
1. Within add/remove programs choose changed and select "Install Additional Company"
2. Enter the connection info (Click the ellipse and connect to the Dynamics database).
3. Enter the domain\cinchx account for the COM+ identity that setup prompts.

What if I am having problems loading Microsoft Dynamics GP?

Temporarily move the ExceltoXMLLoad.dll from the Microsoft Dynamics\GP\AddIns folder, re-launch Microsoft Dynamics GP open the Service Partner Setup, move the ExcelltoXMLLoad.dll files back into the AddIns folder and click the Register Processors button.

Is there a log file for the Monitoring Service?

Yes it will contain a constant listing of what has happened. The file name is CinchXTracexxx.log it will be located on the machine where the service is installed in the Windows\Temp folder or in the folder of the Domain\CinchX User\Local Settings\Temp folder.

Monitoring Service log has error "Select Permissions denied for table XYZ ", what should I do?

1. Verify the service user login is setup as part of the DYNGRP within Dynamics and each company database.
2. If step one does not fix the problem, run the IRGrant.sql script.

Can VPN be used to transfer message?

Yes, the service partner port would be set to file share. However establishing the connection will be done outside of the CINCH Document Exchange.

Is there a way to create an export without creating new records?

You can simulate saving at ticket by going to the Export Change Tracking window select a record and hit resend.

Records are not being displayed in Document Monitor.

Make sure the CinchX Monitoring service is running.





Chapter 34:Where to Start

This chapter provides guidance on where to start given different symptoms:
Audit Messages. This section shows you how to use audit messages to determine why a document is not processing completely.
Application Logs. This section shows you how to use audit messages to determine why a document is not processing completely.
Windows Event Log. This section shows you how to scan the windows event log to determine why the server processing service fails to start.

Audit Messages

See Document Monitoring Transaction window.

Application Logs

Application logs are generated for both the server and the Microsoft Dynamics GP client. CINCH support may need these files while trying to resolve certain issues.
Log files are named CinchX#########.log and are found:

  • Server: The windows temp folder
  • Client: The user's temp folder. This is generally c:\documents and settings\\{username}\local settings\temp for Windows 2003 Server and XP. For Window 2008 Server and Vista this will be c:\users\\{username}\app data\local\temp.

Windows Event Log

If the CINCH Document Exchange service does not start on the database server, consult the windows event log for more information. It should describe in the security or .Net framework issues.
If the CINCH Document Exchange service stops unexpectedly more information can be found in Window Event Log.

Appendix A:Export and Import Company Data

This chapter goes into detail on how Export Company Document Exchange setup data and how Import that Company Document Exchange setup data into another company.
Exporting Data

  1. Login into company (example: USAG)
  2. Open the Service Partner Setup window: Within Microsoft Dynamics GP (Cards>>Cinch Doc Exchange>>Service Partner Setup)
  3. Select the Export Company Data
    1. Select Export Location and file type
  4. The Following data will be exported:
    1. Company (Company INTERID)
    2. Document Exchange Services (IRDXDocXService)
    3. Exchange Partners (IRDXDocXPartner)
    4. Service Partners (IRDXDocXServicePartner)
    5. Service Partner Settings (IRDXDocXServicePartnerSq)
    6. Global Translation settings (IRDXXRefTranslation)
    7. Service Translation settings (IRDXXRefTranSvc)
    8. Domain Translations (IRDXXRefDomain s)

Importing Data

  1. Open the Service Partner Setup window: Within Microsoft Dynamics GP (Cards>>Cinch Doc Exchange>>Service Partner Setup)
  2. Select the Import Company Data
    1. Browse to the import file.
    2. Select the company database that the company data will be imported to.
    3. Click Ok when Import is Complete.

Appendix B:Commonly Used Translations

Below are an example of commonly used translations, these may not represent the values in your system.



Standards Value

Cinch value



Deferred Price




Grain Bank












Specific Contract




Spot End of Day




Spot Immediate





































New London
















691 LF QB












































691 LF QB



Standards Value

Cinch value




691 LF QB




691 LF QB








Seed Company X




Seed company Y







































































































Standards Value

Cinch value





























Appendix C:Company Reset SQL Script

Run this ONLY when you want to remove all document processing history from a particular company. This should be discussed with E-Market support before these scripts are run.
Running the script below will reset all your queues, messages, and tracking tables.
delete from DYNAMICS.dbo.IRDXQueueWORK
delete from IRDXDocXDoc
delete from IRDXDocXDocAudit
delete from IRDXDocXDocPreset
delete from IRDXNumberKeyStatus

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