Missing Ticket Report [Quick Tip]

Missing Ticket Report [Quick Tip]

If your import procedure does not appear to have brought in the oneWeigh ticket export file or there was a communication error that caused an incomplete file, there is a way to find those tickets and allow them to be imported into AGRIS. This is a four-step process.


STEP ONE - Verify the Export Setup in oneWeigh

Got to ONE>Setup Information>Workstation Information>Export Tab


Note the Default Export Directory and the Commodity Tickets File Name + Ext



Step Two – Create a Missing Ticket Report in oneWeigh


Go to: GRN>Report Manager>Ticket Report>Report Writer Features>Insert tab>Standard Report

You are going to use an existing format for your Missing Ticket Report.

You want to select the Commodity Ticket Export File:



On the next screen: The Output Type should automatically be set to “3”. Click>OK


You will need to enter the following:

  1. Rename the Report on the Title line. We recommend “Missing Ticket Report + the date”

  2. Directory: This where you noted the file location in Step One (C:\APPS\MIDTERM)

  3. File Name: This is file name you noted in Step One (MID with an Ext FIL)

  4. Click> OK



Click Continue

Click Select (4 times)


On the next screen Enter “I” at Beginning and “O” at Ending. Delete anything in the Entry Date Field. Click> OK

Continue to Click> OK until you get to this screen where you can click SAVE/EXIT.


Verify the report was created by going to: GRN>Report Manager>Ticket Reports>Report Writer Features


STEP THREE: Run the Missing Ticket Report


If you use BEGIN NEW DAY, you can run the report for a date range. If you use the computer’s system date, you will need to have the ticket number or range that is missing.


Go to: ONE>Report Manager>Ticket Report>Print User Defined Report

Select the Missing Ticket Report + Date that you created in Step Two.











Enter the Shipment Date Range OR the Ticket Number Range depending on your method of ticket date creation.

Hit >OK. Continue clicking OK until you get to “Appending to File” message. Click>OK



You can verify that the file created by going to the export file location noted in Step One.


STEP FOUR: Import the exported file


This is where you will need to follow your current import process. This can be different for different customers.

When the import is run, make sure to change the “Use current processing date for out range.” This will ensure the tickets do not reject. This is done on an AGRIS PC. Go to: Reports>Import Procedures



After the import is run, process as normal.


by J. Janssen


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