AGRIS Customer Documentation
DRS-Ability to alert operator via email if updates not processing (AGS-4358)
Minimize effort to know if there is a communication issue
Reduce effort to know if a location is offline and not receiving updates as scheduled.
This enhancement will keep you updated on the communications status via email. If a failure occurs, emails will be sent once a day for the same error for each site/message. Once the issue is resolved a follow-up email will be sent to notify that issue has been resolved.
Access to SMTP or SSL enabled SMTP email solution.
An understanding of email administration and configuration policies (i.e. SMTP, SLL SMTP, mail relay, spam policies, proxy servers). Consult with your email administrator or email provider prior to implementing this feature.
In AGRIS go to either Maintenance > Email Forms Maintenance, or Maintenance > Email Reports Maintenance. If using SYS extended options for Email Forms and/or Email Reports, then select the Setup button to set up Email service. If these extended options are not on, then it will go straight into the setup option to set up an Email service.
Once the Email service has been set up, then go into Utilities > Data Replication Service then into each Site Configuration. Once there, select Notifications: to set up recipient emails. One or more recipients can be set up by following the example on the screen. Use the Test button to send a sample email to test out the email service. Use the Save button to save this for just the current site or the Save All button to save for all sites. Once saved, the save buttons will default to indicate if notification Emails are for the current site only or for all sites.
When processing DNS, failure emails will be sent once a day for the same error for each site/message. Once the issue has been resolved follow-up email will be sent to notify that issue has been resolved.
Customizing email template
By default, AGRIS supplies a default email template (packages\SYS\EmailBodyDRS.htm). If you are comfortable programming in HTML, you can customize this file by copying the packages\SYS\EmailBodyDRS.htm file to the userprog\SYS folder and use some type of HTML editor to make changes.
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