Ability to import System Security spreadsheet into AGRIS with changes (AGS-8142)

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Ability to import System Security spreadsheet into AGRIS with changes (AGS-8142)


  • Reduce time and effort to update security settings for existing users.


  • The System Security Import allows users to update System Security Settings, AttachToo Security Settings, Group Security Settings, and Location Security Settings using the updated System Security Export File.

  • Users may not be ADDED using the import.  It only supports updating values for existing users.

  • Note:  For more information about how to view security settings with a spreadsheet, click this link:  https://culturatech.atlassian.net/wiki/x/HoDuLQ

Navigation - Setup: 

System Security Export File:  Customize > System Security > Click "Print"

  1. There were a number of changes made to the System Security Export CSV File necessary to support using it as an import file.  Some of these changes also apply to the System Security Report.

  2. The order of the sections/records in the report/export file has changed.  When selected, Group User ID, SYSS4, will appear second in the file below the SYSS0 record and the General, SYSS3, section will appear next.  This allows the user to freeze the SYSS0, SYSS4, and SYSS3 so that they can see the user id, group user id, and user name together at the beginning of the file.

  3. There is a new default option,"B", for Print Security Listing ?  Using this selection will blank out the security setting for users that are assigned to groups.  This will help prevent someone from erroneously trying to change a security setting for a user assigned to a group.  While it would update the user's individual setting, it would not change their access in AGRIS since they are assigned to a group. 

  4. The System Security and AttachToo Security values are abbreviated to a single character where appropriate.  Other values will retain their three character codes.

    1. Y=Yes N=No V=View A=Add P=Process R=Reverse E=Edit D=Delete

  5. There are some settings that appear multiple times in a package, i.e. ACP>VCHRP.  For these, only the first occurrence will have a security value printed.  All subsequent occurrences will be blank.  This keeps a user from only changing the first occurrence and finding their change overwritten by the original value stored in the second occurrence. 

  6. Importing of the General records, SYSS3, is not supported currently.  They will be rejected by the import processor if present in the csv file but will otherwise have no impact on the import.

Navigation - Usage:

Import Security Spreadsheet: Reports > Import Procedures.

  1. Use the standard import procedures to process the Security Import Spreadsheet.

  2. Be sure to use only the "Comma Separated Import File" option.

Import File Layout: Maintenance > File Layouts for Imports

  1. Select "SYS - Security Settings".

  2. The import layout is described in the same terms as the standard text-based imports but it is important to note that the records are variable length based on the number of users in the file.  Therefore, the import should only be processed as a CSV file and not as a text file.

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