AGRIS Customer Documentation
How to set a Group User ID
Group User ID: Individual user IDs can be associated with a group user ID.
A security level changed for the group user ID will also change each individual user ID in the group.
A Group User ID is useful when managing a group of individuals' security settings. Instead of setting each individual’s security, a group user will allow multiple users to have the same security.
Go to Customize > System Security
Click into a User ID
Go to 1) General Information
In the blank box, assign a Group User ID
Save/Exit and now all users with a Group ID will have the same security settings.
** A security level changed for the Group User ID will be applied to each user tied to that User ID. **
When a user has a ‘Group User ID’ defined, the user’s ‘Security Level' as defined in system security will NOT appear any different than if the user were not part of a group. In the example below, user ‘0' (this account was configured with level ‘0' access to all security options in AGRIS) is associated with Group User ID ‘6’ (this account was configured with level '6 'access to all security options in AGRIS). This grants user '0’ full rights (security level = 6) within AGRIS, but user '0’ still shows security level '0’ (NO / NO ACCESS) for all permissions.
The user's effective rights reflect the highest value that either the user itself or the associated ‘Group User ID’ has. This is on an item-by-item basis across all 1000+ security options in AGRIS.
For example, if a user has a security level '3' for a given permission and the group has a security level '2' for that same permission, then the user’s effective right is '3'. Conversely, if the user has a security level '2' and the group has a security level '6', then the user has a '6' in terms of effective rights for that specific permission.
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