AGRIS Customer Documentation
A/R Statements - Allow statement details to be sorted by Shipment Date instead of Invoice Date (AGS-9665)
Maximize flexibility to sort invoice lines in way that helps the customer to better understand the statement. This enhancement allows statement forms to display the invoice lines in either invoice date order or shipment date order.
When designing a statement form the user may specify the sort order, invoice date or ship date, for the invoice lines.
Navigation - Setup:
System Security: ACR > Forms Manager > Statement Forms
Select the form you wish to edit or create a new one.
Proceed to Screen 2 of 5 where the "Sort Invoices By Ship Date ?" question resides.
Leaving this setting at "N" will result in the invoice lines being sorted by invoice date like they always have.
Changing this setting to "Y" will result in the invoice lines being sorted by ship date.
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