\uD83E\uDD14 Problem
When beginning the use of the AgVend integration. The statements may not show up in the customer portal due to the version in which the AR Statement was created.
\uD83C\uDF31 Solution
For the statement period that you would like to publish follow standard processing steps your company has developed to run or re-process the AR Statements in AGRIS Version 22.3 SU7 or higher.
When printing the statements you MUST save a copy to the AGRIS Form Spool.
The statements will then be added within the next 24 hrs to the customer portal.
You must process the AR Statements AND save a copy to the form spool in AGRIS 22.3 SU7 or higher to successfully send to the customer portal.
Removing AR Statements from the form spool will remove access in the AgVend Cusotmer Portal.