AGRIS inventory items will not publish - Send to Transaction Queue Failed Reporting Service Not Available (Timeout)


When interfacing with AIS.   The AGRIS CFT may not update the inventory item listing with a similar error to the following.

<rejection><date>2017-06-13</date><time>08:28:14</time><integration>0001</integration><message>80800 - INV Inventory Item Extract</message><componentserver>CULGSSQATS02</componentserver><context><login dataset="022" userid="999" datapath="\\culgssqats02\103\PSQL\DATASETS" password="*" remoteuserid="aaicdms" version="17.2.0" ai="Y" databasetype="DBBTRIEVE"/></context><input><input requester="AgWeb" details="true" action="" usefile="true" usefilepath=""><locid datetime="2016-09-01T00:00:00" id="" loccode=""/></input><taxtabledetail>false</taxtabledetail><misccodedetail>false</misccodedetail><pricedetail>false</pricedetail><componentdetail>false</componentdetail><remarkdetail>false</remarkdetail></input><errorinfo>Send to Transaction Queue Failed Reporting Service Not Available (Timeout)</errorinfo></rejection>


  1. Access CFT>Communications>AGRIS Web Services> Select the integration you named.
  2. Select   #1 AGRIS Web Services Configuration
  3. Select the correct integration from the list. 
  4. Select #70 Inventory Item Extract
  5. Update the Maximum Number of Documents to equal 1000
  6. Save and exit. 
  7. Reprocess the CFT and the records should update without issue

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