AGRIS Response Message error [F - The default formula group will not work - No items in formulation group.]


When processing work orders from AgSync you may encounter the following error. 


This error states that the Agroguide formulation group is not configured correctly for the product you are adding to the work order in AgSync. 

Typically this is an issue that can be fixed in AgroGuide setup.  

The key words to troubleshoot this error.    

  • For the location of the Work Order is the Formulation Group configured.
  • If so, are the items available to use in the formulation group?

Things to check.. 

  1. Is this a dry or liquid blend?  -   Are the items that are being passed enabled to add to the correct formulation group?
  2. Is the item configured within the AGRIS Inventory location that the Work Order references?
  3. Are the items configured in AgroGuide to be used in a blend?  
  4. Are the items configured in Agroguide for the correct location (when you go into fertilizer or chemical setup) are the items configured for the location you are sending from AgSync?