AGRIS Customer Documentation

Pennent Mill Manager - Installing / updating the adapter.

If you have received a software update or new version of AGRIS that contains a change to the PMM interface, the following steps should be performed.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Update to the latest AGRIS.  Currently only version 2.4 of Pennent Mill Manager (PMM) is supported.

  2. Open the Windows Services Manager and locate the Sivado Service.

  3. Copy the PMM adapter and config files from the AGRIS folder to the PMM system to operate properly.  If you have copied the config file once DO NOT DO it again or you will overwrite your settings

    1. Copy the dll for PMM from the AGRIS Bin folder, agris\bin\agris.cft.pmm.adapter.dll, into C:\Program Files (x86)\Feed Management Systems\Sivado Server\Adapters\AGRIS.

    2. Copy the config file for the adapter from the AGRIS Bin folder, agris\bin\agris.cft.pmm.adapter.dll.config, into C:\Program Files (x86)\Feed Management Systems\Sivado Server\Adapters\AGRIS.  If you have copied the config file once DO NOT DO it again or you will overwrite your settings

    3. Configure the appsettings section in agris.cft.pmm.adapter.dll.config as follows:

      <add key="EnableAdapterDebugging" value="False"></add>

      <!-- AGRIS specific settings -->
      <!-- AGRIS dataset number must be 3 characters such as 003 -->
      <add key="agris_datasetnumber" value="003"></add>
      <add key="agris_userid" value="6"></add>
      <add key="agris_userpassord" value="6"></add>

      <!-- example value="http://localhost/agris/agris.env.messagerouter/agris.env.messagerouter.asmx" 
      localhost can be replaced with the target server name if different than localhost  (this should be the database or component server. You can find the name of the AGRIS component server by opening AGRIS and selecting Help>About and print system information- then search for the Component server.) 
      <add key="agris_webserviceurl" value="http://localhost/agris/agris.env.messagerouter/agris.env.messagerouter.asmx"></add>

      <!-- agris_autopost means to automatically post to AGRIS.
      Default is true if not specified.
      If "true" post to agris - only failures will be written to the queue
      If "false" all transactions will be written to the queue
      <add key="agris_autopost" value="false"></add>

      The agris_queue is the folder where pmm transactions can be written based on the agris_autopost setting.
      If agris_autopost is "true", then only failures will be written to the queue folder to be processed by AGRIS CFT.
      If agris_autopost is "false", then all transactions will be written to the queue folder and then processed by AGRIS CFT.
      The queue folder is expected to be a unique location per agris dataset
      PMM and AGRIS users will need read/write permissions to this path
      Example: value="\\agrisserver\apps\agris\datasets\003\queue"  THIS Must be UNC path not drive letter
      <add key="agris_queue" value="\\servername\sharename\AGRIS\Datasets\003\queue\inbound"></add>

      <!-- pmm_currencyunit is the default value used when posting Sales Contracts -->
      <add key="pmm_currencyunit" value="ZUS$"></add>

      <!-- a generic NameID used for sending Sales Contract applications (0 dollar invoice) to AGRIS -->
      <add key="agris_billtonameid" value=""></add>

      <!-- invoice type used for sending Sales Contract applications (0 dollar invoice) to AGRIS -->
      <add key="agris_invoicetype" value=""></add>

      <!-- voucher type used for sending AP Vouchers (stock additions) to AGRIS -->
      <add key="agris_vouchertype" value=""></add>

      <add key="agris_importdescription" value=""></add>

      <!-- voucher remark numbers used for setting scale ticket values for sending AP Vouchers (stock additions) to AGRIS -->
      <add key="agris_destination_weight_certificate_voucher_remark_number" value="11"></add>
      <add key="agris_destination_gross_weight_voucher_remark_number" value="12"></add>
      <add key="agris_destination_tare_weight_voucher_remark_number" value="13"></add>
      <add key="agris_destination_net_weight_voucher_remark_number" value="14"></add>
      <add key="agris_origin_weight_certificate_voucher_remark_number" value="15"></add>
      <add key="agris_origin_gross_weight_voucher_remark_number" value="16"></add>
      <add key="agris_origin_tare_weight_voucher_remark_number" value="17"></add>
      <add key="agris_origin_net_weight_voucher_remark_number" value="18"></add>

      <!-- AGRIS commodity to PMM commodity cross reference -->

      <!-- values below should use this pattern: value="AGRIS Commodity, PMM Commodity" -->
      <!-- key names below must be sequential with no gaps -->
      <add key="agris_commodity_01" value="01,CORN"></add>
      <add key="agris_commodity_02" value="02,COMMBEANS"></add>
      <add key="agris_commodity_03" value="03,COMMOAT"></add>


  4. Sivado/PMM Web Service configuration

    1. Edit C:\Program Files (x86)\Feed Management Systems\Sivado Server\FMS.WebServiceHost.exe.config
      Add the following lines to the bottom of the appSettings section

    2. <add key="ManualAdjustment Proxy" value="FMS.EnterpriseServices, FMS.EnterpriseServices.Proxies.ManualAdjustmentProxy"/>

    3. <add key="ReceivingTransaction Proxy" value="FMS.EnterpriseServices, FMS.EnterpriseServices.Proxies.ReceivingTransactionProxy" />

    4. <add key="Shipment Proxy" value="FMS.EnterpriseServices, FMS.EnterpriseServices.Proxies.ShipmentProxy" />

    5. <add key="ManufactureOrder Proxy" value="FMS.EnterpriseServices, FMS.EnterpriseServices.Proxies.ManufactureOrderProxy"/>

  5. Remember to restart the services after completing changes to any of the config files mentioned below.  Make all your changes then restart these two services below.

    1. Stop the Sivado Web Service which will also stop the integration service.  Next, Start the Sivado Web Service which will also start the Integration Service

    2. Go into Sivado, click Administration tab on bottom left of screen, then choose Integration Manager and you should see the adapters listed.  If the adapters are not listed then there is a problem.  Check the c:\PROGRAMDATA\Sivado\Logs Adapter.txt, scroll to bottom to see most recent activity. 

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