AGRIS Customer Documentation
Setup_ Planned Releases Blenders – Murray – Yargus - Kahler
Note: Some areas of these instructions are suggestions. If the customer needs to vary the implementation in these areas, that is acceptable. Areas of suggestion will be noted in this document.
Automated Blender Folder:
The first step in the setup process is to determine the location of the folder that will hold the XML's until the blend processes them. The only requirement here is that both AgroGuide and the blender software can access the folder. The location and naming is a matter of customer preference.
Suggestion: Create a folder named AutoBlender in a location accessible to both AgroGuide and the blender software. Inside that folder create a folder for each type of automated blender that will be setup. This will be important later in the implementation process.
Here is an example:
Murray and Yargus will use the same automated blender services as the generic automated blender use. In order to test and verify each step of the setup, these services should be stopped until completion of the implementation. To accomplish this go to Administrative Tools on the server that is running the controls and stop both services. (see below)
Automated Controls Setup:
Now the automated controls can be set up. Follow the menu below to open the automated controls in AgroGuide.
On the Automated Controls screen select New
Give the new Auto Blender a name and select the Auto Blender Type. (Use the Murray type not the Murray Extended)
Enter or browse to the Interface Queue Directory which will be the folder that was created in the first step of these instructions.
Then enter or browse to the blender Path Name. (In this example it is Murray) This will normally be the same as the Interface Queue Directory. Enter or Browse to the Data Server.
Select the dataset from the list
Select the Dataset User Name from the list
Select the AGRIS User from the list
Suggestion: It is best to select an AGRIS user that uses AgroGuide on a regular basis.
The "is Inactive" flag defaults as checked. Uncheck the box to make the blender active before leaving this screen
Click the "setup" button
Select each Murray product code and assign the corresponding AgroGuide product
Click Apply or OK on this screen and the Automated Blender Setup screen.
Now look inside the AutoBlender folder we created in the first step and you should see two folders that were create. One is the folder AgroGuide will put the plans into (blendernameTo) and one that AgroGuide will monitor for processed releases (blendernameFrom)
Equipment Setup:
Navigate to the Equipment Edit option in AgroGuide using the path below
Click New
Add the blender just as you would any new blender. Make sure that "Blender" is checked in the Equipment Roles box.
Choose the Auto Blender that was setup in the Automated Controls.
The "Planned Releases" box defaults to unchecked. Be sure to check it before clicking Apply or OK.
If the box is left unchecked for a Murray blender, the blending process will revert to the Murray Extended format
Any Yargus blender will default the box to checked because Yargus is only available in "batchless" format
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