AGRIS Customer Documentation

Setting Default Printer on Form or Report

AGRIS > Package > Report Manager > Select Report type > Report Writer > Select report
Each for or report in AGRIS has an option to select a default AGRIS printer.

Forms Manager > select document type > edit the form in forms manager.


  1.  Normal default means it is controlled by AGRIS > Customize > Report Output Defaults > Package > document type

  2. System Printer #1 means it default to AGRIS printer #1 but that printer is defined under AGRIS > Customize > Workstations > select the workstation you are at (must physically be at that machine) go to 2nd screen to see what printer is captured to the AGRIS printer #1.

  3. System Printer #2 – repeats #1 above but with AGRIS printer #2

  4. System Printer #3 – repeats #1 above but with AGRIS printer #3

  5. Print to Screen – prints to screen

  6. Spool – prints to form spool

  7. HTML Document – prints to IE page

  8. Other – brings up all the printers captured via Windows at this computer/workstation

  9. Email to Current User – if you have email option, allows you to email to yourself based on email address under AGRIS > Customize > System Security

  10. N) Do not print.

So the flow of data is:
 Start with the default printer on the report or form to see the default printer setting.
Then based on that setting go to main AGRIS menu  > Customize

  1. Report Output Defaults for option 0) Normal default

  2. Work Stations for options 1), 2), or 3) AGRIS system printers.

  3. Nothing in AGRIS for options 4), 5), 6) or 7) are all going to use the computers defaults.

  4. System Security for options 8)Email

  5. Option N) will not print.

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