How to Send New Contracts

AGRIS Customer Documentation

How to Send New Contracts

This is a quick explanation of how to send new contracts in eSign


In order to get a contract in the Ready to Send Bucket you need to follow the below steps:

  1. Make sure to create your contract in AGRIS

    1. Make sure you are choosing the correct contract type that has been formatted for eSign



      b. Make sure you are selecting a user that has a valid email in the SIG field for their NAME ID

      1. You can validate this by going to NAM -->Name/Address Maintenance → View/Edit Name Id and searching for the NAME ID of the signer

  2. Once the contract is created in AGRIS login to IIS Windows Server and click on the eSign Dashboard:


    a. Make your Contracts appear in Ready to Send; this is where you will be sending your contracts out the first time:



  3. Once you are in Ready to send for signature; select the contract you wish to send and click on the green arrow to send:



  4. After you send your contract it should appear in the Pending bucket for you to review


If you have noticed that your contract hasn’t been sent or isn’t in the Pending bucket please reach out to your company eSign admin regarding the issue.

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