CINCH Customer Documentation
Void A Contract Underfill
We recommend that all contracts are closed via the underfill process to ensure all reporting is updated.
Open the Purchase Contract Entry window. (Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Purchases/Inbound>>Purchase Contracts>>Purchase Contract Entry)
Select the Contract lookup and select the purchase contract that requires the underfill. The selected contract must be settled before entering a purchase contract underfill.
Open the Purchase Contract Underfill Entry window from the Purchase Contract Entry window. (Additional>>Underfill Process)
Open the Sales Contract Entry window. (Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Sales/Outbound>>Sales Contract Entry)
Select the Contract lookup and select the sales contract that requires the underfill.
Open the Sales Contract Underfill Entry window from the Sales Contract Entry window. (Additional>>Underfill Contract)
Help>About This Window or see Cinch Grain Software Procedures Manual
However, if you close a contract to early or need to make changes you will need to void the contract underfill:
The Contract Underfill Void provides the ability to void Purchase or Sales Contract Underfill that does not have a Payable or Receivable transaction posted.
Open the Contract Underfill Void window. (Transactions>Cinch Grain>Contract Underfill Void)
Select the Source Type, Purchase or Sales.
Enter or select the Contract Number.
The system will validate if the original underfill created a Payable or Receivable transaction. If so, the user will be warned and stopped.
The underfill can be reversed by deleting the unposted Payable or Receivable transaction.
4. Select Process to void the underfill.
The under fill will be removed from the contract, the contract totals will be updated and the contract will be reopened.
Select Cancel to clear the screen without voiding the underfill.
For additional assistance contact support via phone 1-800-366-2474 or e-mail
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