How to setup ACH payments for MyGrower

How to setup ACH payments for MyGrower

Setup in AGRIS:

  1. Create a Bank Code or use a current one

  2. Setup ACH in AGRIS (Name/Address Maintenance > Setup Information > Contact/Remark Types):

    • Create a Remark field for Routing and Account numbers with description shown below

    • Create a Remark field for Account Type with description shown below

    • Remarks do not have to be 555 and 666, those are just examples

    • Setting Contact Category to S will classify it as Secured Information and will allow you to hide this information from users who do not need to see it.





Admin Setup in MyGrower:

  1. Log into MyGrower as a Super Admin and click on Payment Preferences tab on the left

  2. From the top, click on ACH setup

  3. Check the "Enable ACH Payment" box, and fill in all fields according to how they were setup in AGRIS

  4. Choose how you'd like payments to come into AGRIS

  5. Click Save, and you're done.

  6. At this point, at whichever timeframe you'd like, run the CoBank payment report in AGRIS and submit it to your financial institution for them to draw funds.

    1. CoBank report is found in Bank system – Reports – Advanced Reports: "ACH Output File"




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