AGRIS Customer Documentation

Setting up UOM Cross References


Use this job aid to setup cross reference tables for the units of measure set up in the business system with the standard units of measure setup in AgroGuide.

To setup units of measure cross references:

  1. From the Toolbar, select AGY for AgroGuide.

  2. From the AgroGuide  Menu, select General Setup Information, select Units of Measure - Cross Reference.

  3. Mark the Show All check box to display all the units of measure setup in the business system.

  4. In the Standard UOM ID box, click the arrow, and then select the UOM that matches the business UOM Id.

  5. In the Conversion Factor is multiplied by the standard unit of measure to come up with the quantity in the business unit of measure. box, type the conversion factor.

  6. Click OK.

Learn more about General Setup feature:


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