AGRIS Customer Documentation
Basics for ACR Clerk
- 1
- 2 Item Invoicing Process
- 2.1 Step One:
- 2.2 Step Two:
- 2.3 Step Three:
- 2.4 Step Four:
- 2.5 Step Five:
- 2.6 Step Six:
- 2.7 Step Seven:
- 3 Invoice Entry
- 3.1 Invoice Header
- 3.2 Invoicing – Splits Items
- 3.3 Adding Line Item – Field Definitions
- 3.4 Invoicing – Summary of Line Items
- 3.5 Invoicing – Keying Item Detail
- 3.6 Invoicing – Editing Inventory Lines
- 3.7 Invoicing – Invoice Summary Screen
- 3.8 Invoicing – Invoice Misc Fields
- 3.9 Invoicing – Shortcuts to Speed Things Up
- 3.10 Invoicing – Tab Sequence Order
- 4 Payment on Account Process
- 4.1 Step One:
- 4.2 Step Two:
- 4.3 Step Three:
- 4.4 Step Four:
- 4.5 Step Five:
- 4.6 Step Six:
- 5 Entering Payments on Account
- 6 A/R Balance Inquiry
- 7 To Inquire on a Customer Balance via A/R
- 8 To Inquire on a Customer Balance from Any Package
- 9 End of Day Reports
- 10 A/R Reports
Item Invoicing Process
Step One:
Start the invoice.INV > Invoices > Invoice Entry
Step Two:
Enter in Invoice Heading Information. Note that some of this information, such as dates, will default from invoice to invoice unless the clerk exits the screen to reset.
Ship to – split control
Pickup/Delivery – Sales tax purpose
Price Levels & Schedules – controls the prices that default on the line items
Dates that the A/R, Inventory and Ledger will be affected
Invoice Type – can affect the SJI coding, if used
State/county – controls sales tax charged on invoice line items.
Step Three:
Add Line Items to the invoice.
There are multiple ways to key line items:
Default from Sales Order – not covered in this class
Default from Delivery ticket – not covered in this class
Pull from Blend document – not covered in this class
Search for item
Scan or Key UPC Code
Step Four:
The Invoice Summary screen shows the inventory by the bill to, if it's been split between multiple customers.
This screen also gives you one more time to control the pricing and discounts.
It then gives you the chance to apply a payment or prepayment.
Step Five:
The A/R Clerk will have one last screen that controls the document number and invoice description along with other fields that are used for reporting purposes.
This is also the screen that allows the user to enter remarks that can be saved and/or printed on the invoice form. Such remarks can be who signed for the product or where it was delivered to.
Once you enter past this screen, you cannot escape from the invoice. That invoice has been saved to the system, A/R has been updated, and Inventory has been relieved from stock at the average cost on that item at time of invoicing entry (assuming it is not a delivery ticket, as delivery tickets capture cost also).
Step Six:
Print out a copy of the invoice in multiple forms.
Step Seven:
File one copy of the invoice in the customer file, to be mailed to him with his statement.
File the other copy of the invoice in a numerical sequence of all invoices keyed.
Invoice Entry
Invoice Header
Location Code – the location code of the document. Inventory items will default this code but that can be changed. Any invoices that invoice inventory for another location will drive the sales and cost to the inventory location. The invoice location will only receive the debit for the invoice.
Ship to Name ID – should represent the name the product was shipped to; for example, a joint account. Each joint account can be set up with pre-defined splits to pull automatically only this invoice. This name ID will also control the default loading of the other fields on this screen.
Pickup/Delivery – this option is to control where the invoice pulls the default state/county code form. The state/county code comes into play for calculating sales tax.
Pickup – pull from the state/county defined in location maintenance on the location code
Delivered – pulls the state/county from name/address
Price Level/Schedule – defaults from the ship to name ID record. If blank there, it defaults from the INV – Invoicing Setup. This option helps control the prices that pop in on each inventory item.
Invoice Terms – controls the due dates, discount dates, and discount rates on the invoice. It pulls from the ship to name ID record. If blank there, it defaults from ACR – General information setup.
Invoice Date – the date the invoice will hit your accounting system. It defaults from the date control. If you change this date, it will keep your change until you exit invoicing.
Ship Date – allows you to key the actual delivery date of the product. It allows you to have the ship date differ from the invoice date so you can control when it affects your accounting system, regardless of when it was shipped.
Ledger Date – controls when the invoice affects the ledger. This is different from the invoice date. It can cause balancing issues if you use an invoice date that is different from the ledger date.
Invoice Type – gives you a reporting field for running sorts, can control what ledger accounts an invoice affects, and allows you to use invoice type prepay types.
State/County – represents a taxing district that will allow you to run reports by taxing district and pull in the default sales tax based on where it was picked up or delivered to.
Sales Order – pull a sales order into the invoice at the front of an invoice.
Blend Number – pull in an AGY blend number directly to the invoice without needing to create a sales order first for the blend.
OK Button – will take you to the line item entry.
Returns – allows you to return items from a previous invoice.
Payments Button – will take you directly to enter a payment on account. After completing the payment on account, you will be returned to the invoice menu.
Formulation Button – will take you directly to the AGY formulation screen to begin a new formulation and return you to invoicing when you are done.
Cancel Button – will exit you from the invoicing menu and take you back to the Inventory menu.
Invoicing – Splits Items
The top of the screen displays an overview of the invoice default information. These fields may be edited by selecting the Details button.
The middle part of the screen displays any splits that would have defaulted from the Ship To name ID. You can also edit these splits for the invoice by selecting the Splits button.
These splits pull from the Name/Address package.
NOTE: The name/address splits will override any Splits from the AgroGuide Farm/Field setup.
If you select this button after adding line items from AgroGuide Farm/field, the farm/field splits are lost.
The bottom of the top screen is for keying in the first item number, order number, or blend number. If there were any delivery tickets for this customer, there would also be a button for Delivery Tickets.
Adding Line Item – Field Definitions
Invoicing Entry Fields for Items
When selecting an item for invoicing, the above screen is displayed.
The top of the screen will display a summary of the line items on the invoice as inventory is added.
The bottom of the screen will alternate between keying in the item number and keying in additional detail on the inventory item.
Invoicing – Summary of Line Items
NO. – the line number of invoiced items on the invoice.
Loc-Item Number – this field can be toggled to show the description of the item by clicking on the <Alt Display> button on the bottom of the screen.
Tax – if there is a T in this column, then the item is taxed.
Qty on Hand – how much product is in stock? Be aware that this field can be affected by order, delivery tickets, bookings, and prepays. It is all based on the inventory setup questions.
Quantity – how much product was invoiced?
UOM – the units of measure used on the invoiced quantity
Price – the price of the inventory item.
Per UOM – the pricing unit of measure. For example, you may choose to invoice out in tons, but quote the price in pounds.
Total Amount – the extended amount of the quantity multiplied by price.
Bill To / Splits – how many ways an inventory item has been split.
If the item is 100% to the Ship To Name id, the button reads Bill To
Once you add a split, the button reads Splits
Invoicing – Keying Item Detail
Item Number – Description – the description of the inventory item is displayed and can be edited to another description.
Quantity – how much product was invoiced?
UOM – the units of measure used on the invoiced quantity
Price – the price of the inventory item. Note that the price is searchable so that, although it defaults based on the price level/schedule you started on the invoice, you can search for every available price defaulted in the system.
Per UOM – the pricing unit of measure. For example, you may choose to invoice out in tons, but quote the price in pounds.
Total Amount – the extended amount of the quantity multiplied by price.
Discount – discount defaults in from the item discount code and if the item is set to use terms discounts, then the terms discount rate will default in. If an item does not have a discount code defined at all, then this field will not be available.
Activity Location – allows user to drive the sales and cost of sales to another location, even if the inventory item is in a different location.
Other Reference – 15-character field that can be used for running reports. You have the ability to change the name of the field in invoicing setup.
Line Item Remark – use this field to key in a remark or to bring over AGY fields such as crop, farm, field, etc. See order entry setup to define what populates this field from AGY.
Sales Tax Fields – if the item is marked with a sales tax table in item maintenance, the sales tax table percentages would appear to the lower right of the screen. Whether you can edit these fields is defined by system security.
OK Button – will accept the screen and move you to the next screen.
Inventory Button – takes the user to the inventory status screen of the item being billed.
Agronomy Button – takes the user to the agronomy information screen where field details can be attached to this line item.
Remarks Button – takes the user to the 36-invoice remarks that will save with the invoice form and can be viewed in A/R Balance inquiry or reprinted on the invoice and reports.
Bill To Button – allows the user to edit the split on this line item only.
Invoicing – Editing Inventory Lines
The screen below appears if more than one item is displayed in the item grid.
OK Button – will take you to the next screen of invoicing.
Edit Button - allows you to edit quantity and price of every line item that is displayed in the grid voice.
Edit All – this button opens the first item displayed in the grid and will move you to the next item automatically without your having to select the next line in the grid.
Splits – Allows you to edit the splits on the invoice
Weights – Allows user to sum up lines on the invoice to a scale ticket, then it reallocates the units of the lines based on the scale ticket.
Invoicing – Invoice Summary Screen
This screen allows the user to make the final changes to the items and then apply payments.
The top of the screen gives you an overall view of the invoice and what is available to assist in payment of the invoice. Note that the credit information that displays is a function of the ACR Setup Screens. This information can be hidden.
The bottom of the screen lists the inventory line items for that Bill To Name ID. At this point, you are working on each Bill To's share of the inventory. You will repeat this screen for each split. Note the column that displays the Split % of each line.
Select Button – if you highlight one of the lines in the invoice & hit <Select> the pricing fields are opened up to edit the price for this bill to only.
Continue Button – will take you to the next screen.
Reprice All/Details – this button will open up the first invoice default fields. The dates are display only fields. Any changes to invoice terms and state/county will cause the system to recalculates taxes and available discounts. At this point it is only affecting this Bill To customer. If you use this field on the other splits, the terms code and state/county will be blocked.
Tax/Discount Button – this button will allow you to edit the sales tax and discounts on the invoice. Any edit will be allocated back to the items that are flagged for discount and/or tax.
Paid/Booked – see documentation on bookings and prepays for more detail.
New Payment – allows user to key in a payment for the invoice.
Alt Display Button – toggles from the item number to the inventory item description.
Cancel Button – will wipe out any changes you have made with the other buttons. If no changes have been made, it takes you back to item entry.
Invoicing – Invoice Misc Fields
This is the final screen of the invoicing before printing or saving/exiting.
The top half of the screen offers a summary of the invoice amount and what has been applied against it. The invoice number and date are also displayed.
Due Date – defaults from the Terms Code but can be edited prior to saving. This due date will flow to all consecutive invoices if this is a split billing.
User Field #1 & #2 – user-defined fields whose description is controlled in ACR Setup.
Description – this becomes the description of the invoice that is visible in A/R Balance Inquiry and will print on the statements. There are defaults in Inventory – Invoicing Setup to control what defaults into this field or if this field is required.
XRef Document – will allow you to key or search for another AGRIS invoice number to attach this invoice to for reference. This is used when you are entering a credit invoice that should be applied to a particular debit invoice.
Name Address fields (Name ID type through the next 5-fields) – these fields titles are defined in name/address setup – Code Descriptions. These fields can be made required (shown by asterisk on screen) and are used as a sorting feature when running reports.
Order Field #1 & #2 – titles for these fields are found in Inventory – Order Entry Setup. Anything keyed on a sales order that is invoiced will default into these fields. These fields can be printed on forms and reports and used to sort by in reports.
Their Order No. – this field is controlled on each bill to name ID. It is used to force your clerks to key PO numbers of customers that require them, such as government agencies. But this field can also be used to record counter ticket number, thus placing a link between the counter ticket number and the document number that is assigned in the AGRIS system.
Shipper Name ID – allows user to attach an AGRIS name ID to the invoice that is setup to represent the shipping company that delivered the product. You can run reports on this.
Agent/Broker ID – allows user to attach an AGRIS name ID to the invoice that is setup to represent the person who handles crop management for this person.
Invoice Remarks #1 thru #5 – this is the first of the 36-remarks that can save with an invoice for reprinting later. DO NOT confuse these with the invoice messages that do not save when the invoice is completed. Remarks are meant to save detail such as delivery instructions or field details on the invoice, whereas message lines are meant to be used as a Sales Tool.
OK Button – will return to the next split invoice summary screen or will take user to the screen to edit Ship To and Bill to Address.
Save/Print Button - the Save/Print will move the user to the printer dialog box or prompt the user to fill in required fields left blank. If there are required fields, the user must fill them in prior to printing.
Save/Exit Button – the Save/Exit will complete the invoice (provided all required fields are filled in). If there are required fields the user must fill them in prior to ending the invoice.
Cancel Button – will take you back to the invoice summary screen.
Signature – Allows for an electronic signature of whoever is picking up t