When Vouchers Fail To Create At Paycheck Printing Time

AGRIS Customer Documentation

When Vouchers Fail To Create At Paycheck Printing Time


If you run payroll and a glitched caused vouchers for tax to not create, go to PAY>Report Manager>Payroll Check Reports>Payroll Tax Report - By Check Date. Use the check date as the parameters to search.


Yellow - This is what was withheld from Paychecks and posted to Employee FICA Withheld.
If AGRIS had created the voucher it would have been a debit to FICA Withheld for $4509.37 and a debit to Employee FICA Expense for $4589.37. The voucher amount would equal $9,178.74

Green - This is the tax withheld from employee’s checks for FIT (Federal Income Tax)
If AGRIS had created the voucher it would have debited the FIT Withholding account for $8505.74. The voucher amount would equal $8505.74.

Blue - This is the tax withheld from employee’s checks for SIT (State Income Tax)
If AGRIS had created the voucher, it would have debited the SIT Withholding account for $3351.72. The voucher amount would equal $3351.72.




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