AGRIS Customer Documentation
How to Reverse Connect2 / Farmplan Payment
there are two payment types keyed as Connect2 / Farmplan payments.
Payment on Invoice or what AGRIS calls a I=Invoice Cash Receipt
Payment on Account or what AGRIS calls an R=Rec On Acct Receipt.
The ability to reverse each of these is handled completely differently.
Reversing an I=Invoice Cash Receipt
An Invoice Cash Receipt coded to a Farmplan bank can only be reversed if you set your accounting date back to the original date of the receipt, via Begin New Day.
Then reverse the receipt via ACR > Payment/Prepayments.
Reversing an R=Rec On Account Receipt
If they are doing a payment on account where the coop takes a payment on their John Deere Farmplan account to pay off the John Deere Farmplan balance, you cannot use the option above.
Because AGRIS does this following process:
Merchant accepts payment to cash bank
Merchant selects option to apply payment to the Farm Plan account
Payment is sent to Farm Plan via Connect2
Within AGRIS, the payment is automatically transferred to A/P.
AGRIS creates a transfer invoice for the A/R payment amount and applies the payment
AGRIS creates a transfer voucher for the payment amount
AGRIS creates an applied disbursement to the Farm Plan bank to pay the voucher
This removes the transferred amount from the Farm Plan bank
AGRIS does not print the check it just created.
The overall net effect of this is a debit in the Daily Cash Receipts bank and a credit in the Farmplan Bank.
And because it was handed with transferred documents, nothing can be reversed.
So how to fix?
Transfer the Daily Cash REceipts bank amount of the payment to the Farmplan bank.
reconcile amounts.
Re-key the payment and do NOT select Farmplan bank.
Be sure that Farm Plan knows they need to void they payment on their side.
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