Agronomy Split Relationships

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Agronomy Split Relationships

to set up agronomy split relationships for a client:

  1. On the AgroGuide dialog box, select a Client Farm, or afield level from the entity tree.. the entity level selected will be the entity level for the split assignment.

  2. click on the Splits button in the lower left section to display the splits maintenance dialog box, or
    When using AgroGuide - Land _ quick Add dialog box, click Splits after setting up the land entity information for the new farm or field.

  3. In the first blank row of the grid, under the Client Name column, click the search button, select a client to add to the split.

  4. For each split type (Fertilizer, Chemical, Seed, Service, and Lime) type in the percentage to apply to this client.
    As percentages are entered for each different client, the percentages for the original client in the first row automatically update to reflect the new remaining percentage.
    As a different client is added to the split, an additional blank line is inserted at the bottom of the grid so that you can continue to add additional clients to the split.
    To add a 0% split name id, add name and key 1% on split. Apply. Then edit split to 0%. Apply.

  5. Click on the Ok button to save the split information and exit the AgroGuide - splits maintenance dialog box, or
    click on the Apply button to save the split information and remain in the dialog box.


Splits Hierarchy

the hierarchy of where to look for splits is as follows:

Crop Zones within the field, Fields on the farm, Farm, then Client (AGRIS Name ID),


Each of these layers may have it’s own split.

The Mueller & Brown farm splits everything 50-50

but the Field by the Old Brown House is split 75-25 between Mueller & Brown.

this field is divided into crop zones of Irrigated circle and dryland corners.

Irrigated Circle split 75-25
Dryland Corners is 100% to Mueller.



If you do a blend for the crop zone “Irrigated Circle”, it will split 75-25.
If you do a blend for the farm “Mueller & Brown”, it will split 50-50.

But there is one area where AgroGuide reacts differently. This is when you have 100% split.
In order for AgroGuide to know that the 100% split is to be used, there MUST be another name id on the split at 0%.
If there is NOT another name id, Agro Guide assumes the 100% name id was the default entry when farm/field/crop was loaded and you are to go back to the next largest grouping of data for accurate splits.
As of Version 22.2, a warning has been placed on the split screen to warn you of this scenario.

100% splits must have at least two name id’s defined (100% and 0%). Having more than one name id identifies this as a custom split which overrides the splits defined higher up. to print printing zero dollar split invoices, change “Create Invoices for Zero Percent billing Splits?” to NO on the INV > Setup > Invoicing Setup > Screen 1 of 3.

So in our example above, in order to have Mueller receive 100% of the Dryland Corners of the Old Brown House Field under the Mueller & Brown Farm, I must key at least two name id’s.
If I leave just a single name id with 100%, Agro Guide will go up to the Field and use the Old Brown House splits of 75-25.


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