Storage Management Setup

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Storage Management Setup

  1. Select the Storage/Bin package

  2. Select Commodity information

  3. Select Add a Commodity

  4. Enter or select location code and commodity code (commodity codes are the same ones that you have setup in GRN package), leave variety/class blank, Click OK

  5. Enter the Weight per UOM and the Weight per bag (which will be the same figure as the Weight per UOM), these are the only two required fields the rest are optional

  6. Click Ok, and Yes this is correct

  7. Repeat the above steps for each commodity and location, if you have been using variety/class fields without the actual bins you will need to repeat the steps above, but enter the variety/class fields (we at least need a blank variety/class setup for each commodity code)

  8. Select Storage bin information (if this is grayed out go to Setup Information-General information-Say Y to maintain storage facility/bins)

  9. Select Add a Storage bin

  10. Enter or select the location code

  11. Enter a one character field for the Storage facility ( It can be alpha or numeric)

  12. Enter a 1 to 3-character field for the Bin Code

  13.  Enter a Bin description, the rest of the information at the top is not required

  14.  Enter your approx diameter, height, cone (if necessary), leave the pack factor at 1.00, Click ok, go right back into option 1 Capacity information

  15.  On the right side of the screen you can see it made a calculation of the uom per foot and the calculated capacity for reference. You can then enter on the left on the same rows those figures or what you want the uom per foot and capacity to be. The rest of the info is optional

  16. Click Ok

  17. Select option 7-Assign Commodity

  18. Enter or Select the Commodity you want for this Bin (Variety/Class can also be entered you created those commodity/variety/classes in the first part of setup and if you are wanted to setup a bin specifically for that variety/class)

  19. Click OK

  20. This will open up the rest of the options for future use

  21. Select Save/Exit option (Beginning balance and grades will be enter later)

  22. Repeat for each Bin setup

  23. In the GRN package-Setup Information-System Integration-On the first screen at the bottom there is a question ?Integrate with the Storage management system? Say Y, then Next through the rest of the screens to save. This also automatically turns it on for Oneweigh and makes it a required entry in Oneweigh.

  24. In GRN-Shipments-Ticket Entry-Enter a Inbound Transfer ticket for each Bin you will have a Beginning balance (Transfer tickets can be entered by changing the ticket type from a R to a T)

  25. Blank out the ticket number so that it will use a control ticket number

  26. Enter the Storage Facility and Bin code you setup

  27. Click on Next and it should default the commodity code you defaulted for that Bin

  28. Enter the beginning weight for that bin, click Next

  29. Enter the beginning average grade factors for the bin, click Next (see attachment)

  30. If option 5-Apply ticket is Asterisked out then go to Option 1-Freight/ misc and enter the words beg balance where it is asking for the Outbound ticket number, any other field that comes up being required just enter a number 1 or letter A in to move on. Hit enter, then Click on OK

  31. Select option 5-Apply Ticket

  32. Click Ok on the view/adjust discount window

  33. Repeat for each Bin you will have a beginning balance and beginning average grades (you don't have to do this if you are starting with an empty bin with no grades)

  34. Since we added Transfer tickets to put in beginning balances it also updated your GRN side, if this is a standalone Oneweigh and you are importing the tickets into a Network dataset then the next steps are not needed, but if you are Live with the Network dataset on this Oneweigh then we need to adjust the position back to where it was before we created this Inbound transfers

  35. In GRN-Commodity positions-Positions adjustments-Enter location code and Commodity code, Enter until you get to the Adjustment row. In the decrease column only enter a negative symbol (symbol is the key step here) and the amount of the beginning balance tickets we enter for this commodity location), enter through and it will create an adjustment control ticket. What this does is put the company owned paid and total stock in GRN back to where it was before we started entering the Inbound transfer tickets. These adjustments will not affect the Storage management side.

  36. In ONEWEIGH there is really nothing to do here unless you want to change how you choose a commodity. Under 4-Station information-under the processing option there is an option to choose commodity by bin. If this is selected when you choose the pull down menu on the commodity you will see a list of Bin descriptions instead. Once you select a bin it will automatically change to the commodity assigned to that bin and you will see that bin at the bottom right corner. If not selected then you normally select the commodity and then select the Bin separately

  37. To select a Bin click on the big gray box at bottom right of ticket entry or click on the MORE button then the BIN button (this is also the area where you can see the average grades of the Bin)

  38. With integration turned on, the Bin will be a required field in order to print the final scale ticket.  You cannot have it required for some commodities and not setup for others. If turned on we must have a Bin created for each commodity in use.

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