AGRIS Customer Documentation

Setting up Storage Premium

Use this guide to set up a Storage Premium

Go to Grn>Commodity tables>Discount codes

Enter a code for Storage Premium


Enter the highlighted areas>click ok

Enter a begin delivery date and shipment date


Go to Grn>Commodity Tables>Storage Tables>1)add/Edit Storage/Dp tables

Enter SC for Storage Charge>Enter Commodity>Enter table number


Enter Table Description and Time period type


Enter Day and Rate type


Go to Grn>Commodity tables>Discount tables>Add new table

Enter Discount code/table and effective date (Make the effective date a previous month)


Enter a table name and leave the rate method and effective date a 1

Enter Rate type S with the storage table number and change to a premium


Add a contract

Make sure the delivery date is correct


Click on settlement discounts


Click on insert


Enter the discount code


Enter the table number


Leave the defaulted start and end date


Click on back tab







When a final settlement is produced the storage premium will calculate.












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