PSQL #161 error

AGRIS Customer Documentation

PSQL #161 error

PSQL161: A key has reached a maximum limit for user count, session count, or data in use, or has changed state to expired or disabled.

  1. This code is returned after a temporary license has expired. The state of the key, which can be verified with the License Administration tool, changes to Expired. After a key expires, all users receive this code and are unable to access the engine. The solution is to authorize a permanent license key. Contact your vendor or Actian Support to purchase a permanent license key.

  2. The maximum limit allowed by your license agreement for user count, session count, or data in use has been reached. You can try closing one or more sessions or files, which may reduce the value for user count, session count, or data in use below the maximum limit.





  1. Launch PSQL/Zen License Administrator. Ensure they have a valid PSQL/Zen license key and not using an expired license key. Also, ensure they key is in a active state and not disabled. If the key is in a disabled state- press the repair button to authorize the key again.

  2. Launch PSQL Monitor and ensure that they are not exceeding the maximum number of users. This can be found under the Resource Usage Tab while looking at the Resource column and User Count. The current number should be equal to or under the Maximum number. If the current is above the maximum one user must close Agris in order to open a new Agris session.








Casey Clark



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