Reversing a Stock/Equity Transfer

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Reversing a Stock/Equity Transfer

How to reverse a stock / equity transfer and the effect reversing


  1. Find the document number of the transfer to be reversed. This can be found by running a Patronage Transaction Report, or by looking in PAT > Account Balance Inquiry

    1. image-20240430-170801.png

  2. Reverse the transfer by going to PAT > Patronage Transactions > Reverse Transactions.

    1. image-20240430-171015.png

  3. Key in the document number of the transfer in the beginning and ending box. This is a range, so keying the same number in the beginning and ending box will ensure only this transfer transaction is reversed.

  4. Key an A into the Reverse This Transaction? box to reverse the transfer out of the original name ID and the transfer into the new name ID.

  5. Confirm Yes, this is the transaction to be reversed

When the transfer is reversed, the stock / equity will go back to the original name ID and have the original dates of the transaction.

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