AGRIS Customer Documentation

How to find out what effect a transaction will have on your LDG.

For example, you have a settlement with several discounts and want to see which LDG accounts will be hit when you process your SJI’s.

You will need to create an Execution work file that includes the date of the transaction

SJI > Execution I.D > Build Execution Work File > Enter Beginning and Ending LDG dates (the smaller the time frame the faster it will run, but if it was voided days later you will need a larger time frame to get this info), run for all packages (because many transactions hit several packages) and select OK. Choose if you want to include settlement discounts. Then select OK.

Once the work file has been created, go to SJI > Execution I.D. > Execution Reports > verify dates of work file, select OK > #1 for Standard Report, then #3 for Transaction Analysis Report.




Enter the transaction's document number (settlement #, invoice #, voucher #) in both the beginning and ending and select print (you may need to select ok to Subtotal and other Options screen to verify the detail is set to “Y”), then #4 to send to the screen.

This will create a Notebook file showing all transactions with that document number in that time frame and a list of the LDG acct codes that were/will be affected.

You can also run this report for a specific LDG acct code instead of a Document Number to see what transactions will hit that LDG code.


DB 7/24/24

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