AttachToo - FileBound Integration: Overview and Setup

AGRIS Customer Documentation

AttachToo - FileBound Integration: Overview and Setup


The FileBound integration builds on the AttachToo Document Management functionality provided by AGRIS.  Customers who already have or wish to implement their document management functions via Upland Software's FileBound product can configure AGRIS to file and retrieve documents from FileBound.  This provides AGRIS users a tight integration between documents stored in FileBound and operational transactions as they happen within AGRIS.   The integration will support enhanced business rules designed to provide supplier’s and customer’s related documentation based on the specific relationships between your organization and each of your respective trading partners.

Connection Setup

The connection to a FileBound server is managed via URL, user id, and password.  The setup screen is accessed through the Customize menu, Customize > FileBound Storage Security.


To enable this menu option all AttachToo options must be enabled before access to this menu option is enabled.


FileBound Storage Security

FileBound Storage Security

Integration Setup

In order for documents to be properly routed between AGRIS and FileBound a mapping between AGRIS document types and properties and FileBound projects, separators, and fields must be established.  This mapping is managed through the DMS_FileBound.xml file.  A file with default values resides in the packages\ENV folder.  This file should be copied to the datasets folder and modified to contain the mapping appropriate to your business.  The default file contains an entry for each AGRIS form type.  The mapping for each file type must be defined to avoid system errors.  Conceptually, an AGRIS document type, like Purchase Settlements (PSTLM), must map to a FileBound project id (numeric value).  AGRIS document subtypes correspond to FileBound separators.  And each project must have, at minimum, four fields to integrate with AGRIS properly, documentnumber, documentlocation, nameid, and namedescription.  In addition, settlements must have a purchasesales field and tickets must have an inboundoutbound field.  The files will be arranged by documentnumber.

Steps to configure

  1. Copy the DMS_FileBound.xml file from the packages\ENV folder to the Datasets folder

  2. Configure the mapping of AGRIS data fields in the DMS_FileBound.xml file ( located in the datasets folder) to the correct fields within Filebound. (see example below)

  3. Save and exit the DMS_FileBound.xml file

  4. Test by sending a new file in AGRIS to filebound. (easiest way to do this is reprint a form)

Inbound Ticket (ITCKT) Setup Example

Inbound Ticket (ITCKT) Setup Example


  • If FileBound is being used then network access must be maintained in order to prevent errors in the application.

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