AGRIS Customer Documentation

Understanding AGRIS Security Settings

This is a helpful guide for navigating the security settings when setting up a new user or editing an existing one. 

  1. To set up security for users go to Customize>System Security

  2. If you have no users, you will be asked if you would like to “Insert A New User?” Select Yes.

  3. If you do have users already created, you can add a new one by hitting insert at the bottom of the list. You can also select already created users to edit their securities.

  4. Enter a User ID and Name for the user. User ID’s can be numbers, letters or a combination.

  5. Select #1 General Information

    • General Information:

      • Network Id will allow you to set up to relate to an active directory so that you don’t have to login and out of AGRIS every day.

      • You can set if you want the user to be able to change their own password or if you want them to go through a higher security personnel. Most people set this to a Y.

      • You can enter if you want the password to expire. (If you chose to have it expire, the place to set the length of time before it expires is in Dataset Maintenance>Select your dataset>Security Options.)

      • Use detail security, this is the setting that records login in history for the user. It is almost always yes.

      • Automatic Login, do you want the user to be automatically signed in once it is determined who they are. This is almost always a Yes.

      • Login Status, if you have a user who has forgotten their password and gotten locked out for too many tries, this is where you will go to correct it. You can blank out the B and they will be able to change their password. (If you have settings to allow user to change their password.) You can also enter a B and prevent someone from being able to sign in.

      • If the individual will be mainly working out of one location, you can enter their default location. This will not prevent them from being able to log into other locations, it is just a default upon sign in. If you cannot enter anything into this field, like as shown, you will need to edit settings in Dataset Maintenance.

      • Image file, here you can enter an image to show on the gray portion of the main screen. For example, you can set your company logo or a picture of a field of crops. If you cannot enter anything into this field, like as shown, you will need to edit settings in Dataset Maintenance.

      • Email associates to the user ID. This may come into play more in future versions of AGRIS. 

  6. Option #2 in security is change password. If you require someone else to change the password for the user, here is where you will enter the old password and the new password.

  7. Option #3 is Assign Locations. Here, you can grant access to only certain locations or all the locations. Just highlight the one you want to give permission to and hit select. When finished, hit back.


  8. Option #4 is where you will pin-down the details of what you wish to allow within each package

    • You can highlight a line and select.

    • This will give you the security options for each setting. They are either levels of security or yes/no. If you are going to grant the same security throughout a package, you can select the package line and select the security level. (Most used for all access or no access) See Security - AGRIS Security Levels 1-6 

  9. Option #5 is Attachtoo Security Levels. This is where you will set in what areas you wish to allow the user access to the Attachtoo feature. You can select the different areas and it will open window with security levels, just like in the packages security.

  10. Option #6 is copy from another user. If you are setting up a new user and you wish to mirror another user’s security, you can by selecting this option. Then select the Dataset security you wish to copy and select the user.

  11. Option #7 Copy to Another Dataset will allow you to mirror the securities set for this dataset in another dataset, such as archived or practice datasets. Just hit select, highlight the dataset you wish to copy to and hit select. It will ask you to confirm that you wish to copy security to that dataset, hit OK.

  12. Option #8 Clear Old Passwords will remove all old passwords saved for the user. This will allow them to reuse passwords. It will ask you to confirm your choice, hit OK.

  13. Option #9 Login History Inquiry is where you can view the Login in history for this particular user if detail login in a Y in General Information.

  14. Option # 10 Delete. This will completely delete the user and securities. You can also Block a user from being able to sign in if you wish to retain security levels to copy to other users or login history of the user. (To Block, enter B in Login Status under General Information.) It will ask you to confirm you choice before deleting the user.

  15. Option #11 Save/Exit is how you exit from security and any changes you made will be saved. Some changes, such as permissions will require the user to logout of AGRIS and then back in before the changes are available.


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