Compressing Activity

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Compressing Activity


Use this job aid to ensure that up-to-date values are used during the patronage refund or source allocation process. Compressing will combine all activity into one activity record with a single period ending date, thus speeding the reporting, refunding, and source allocation processes. You must have already accumulated all activity for the period for which you will be calculating a refund or source allocation. Print the Unrefunded Activity Report before you compress activity. When accumulating patronage activity, entries for Name Id Type and Name/Address Miscellaneous Fields are saved along with the patronage activity in the Accumulated Activity file.  If you change a Name Id Type or Miscellaneous Field value after you accumulate activity, you must use this option to update the Accumulated Activity file with the current values.

To compress activity:

  1. From the Toolbar, click PAT for Patronage.

  2. From the Patronage menu, select Process Activity, and then select Compress Activity.

  3. In the Period Date Beginning and Ending boxes, type the beginning and ending period dates that define the range of activity you want to compress.

  4. In the Patron Name Id Beginning and Ending boxes, type a range of patrons you want to compress activity for, or leave blank to include all patrons.

  5. In the Product Location Beginning and Ending boxes, type a range of locations that you want to compress activity for, or leave blank to include all locations.

  6. In the Purchases/Sales Beginning and Ending boxes, type P for Purchases, S for Sales, or leave blank to include both Purchases and Sales. The Beginning and Ending boxes must be the same value; both P's or both S's.

  7. In the Compress Activity box, type Y to both replace Name Id Type and Miscellaneous Field values and compress activity, or type N to only replace Name Id Types and Miscellaneous Field values.

  8. Click OK.

  9. Click OK.

Learn more about the Accumulate Activity feature:

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