Chapter 3_Collar Price and Replants

CINCH Customer Documentation

Chapter 3_Collar Price and Replants

This chapter describes enhancements made to for Collar Prices and Replants.
Collar Prices checks prices entered on sales transactions against an acceptable range. If the entered price falls outside the range the user will be warned or stopped completely depending on a companywide setting.
In the Seed industry, it is common that seed may get planted, but the seed does not germinate or grow for a while and is destroyed. In those cases, Replant seed is sold to the grower, sometimes at a reduced price to replace the initial seed and used for a second planting. This chapter describes enhancements made to allow the user to flag sales transactions as RePlant. Once flagged, certain sales reports can be run to include or exclude the replant seed sales depending on the reporting objective.
This chapter contains the following sections:

Changes to Table Utility
Table Utility has been modified with the addition of the Sales Setup button.

  1. Open Table Utility

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>Maintenance>Cinch Maintenance>Table Utility)

  1. Click the Backfill button to open the Backfill window.

  2. Run each of the Backfills in the order they are listed.

    1. Click the Sales Setup backfill button to set the Sales Setup, Warning Level field to N/A so warnings will not take place until the user turns this feature on.

    2. Load Prefix backfills are related to the expansion of the Load Number Prefix.

  3. When the Backfill has been complete, you may close the Table Utility window.

Changes to Sales Setup
Sales Setup has been modified with the addition of the Price Warning settings.

  1. Open Sales Setup

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>Tools>Setup>Cinch Sales>Sales Setup)

  1. Enter a Price Warning Settings:

    1. Percent of Price is used to obtain the Price range that is acceptable (both the acceptable max price and the acceptable minimum price). If 10% is used the Price entered must fall between 90% and 110% of the Price on the Price Level or the applicable Extended Price Sheet, based on whether Dynamics GP Extended Pricing is enabled.

    2. Warning Level, the type of warning the user will receive if the Unit Price entered is not within the Price range.

      1. If a Percent of Price is entered the user will be required to select a Warning Level. The warning options are:

        1. N/A (Not applicable), when selected the warning will be disabled. The user will not be warned if the price does not fall within the acceptable range. N/A is the default value.

        2. Warn, when selected the user will be warned that price does not fall within the acceptable range but user is allowed to continue.

        3. Not Allow, when selected the user will be warned that price does not fall within the acceptable range and not allowed to continue until a Price entered is within the acceptable Price range.

    3. Validation will use the following criteria to determine if an acceptable price is entered.

      1. When Standard Pricing is enabled:

        1. Item

        2. Unit of Measure - The Unit of Measure entered will be used.

        3. Currency ID – The system will check if a Functional Currency is set up and if so use the global Functional Currency ID for the validation.

        4. Quantity The system will use the Quantity of 1 to determine the Price Level to use for determining the Unit Price.

        5. Price Level – If the Price level does not exist for the item or the transaction line, no price warning validation will be performed. System will assume a valid price in this case.

      2. When Extended Pricing is enabled:

        1. Document Date, will be compared to the Price Sheet Date Range to determine the Price to use.

        2. Item

        3. Quantity – The system will use the Quantity to determine the Price Sheet Quantity Price break Unit Price to use.

        4. If an item has no valid price sheets attached no price warning validation will be performed. System will assume a valid price in this case.

    4. The price validation (validation that the price entered falls between the acceptable price range) will take place when the following occurs:

      1. When the user manually enters a price in the Unit Price field.

      2. When the user tabs to a new line. This will validate any price changes that have taken place if for example the user changes the Price Unit of Measure or enters a Line Extension. However, this validation will not take place in the following instances:

        1. A Contract has been assigned.

        2. Prepay has been applied.

      3. After the user selects a Contract and then goes back and manually changes the Unit Price the system will validate the manually entered Unit Price even though a Contract has been selected or Prepay has been applied. So any time the user manually enters a price the validation will take place.

      4. After the user applies a Prepay and then goes back and manually changes the Unit Price the Prepay is unapplied and the price entered will be validated against the default price level on the customer.

      5. If the user enters the Extension Price (which is typically calculated as Qty x Price), the system calculates the per unit price. The calculated price will be compared to the acceptable price range as if user had entered it.

    5. Validation will take place in the following screens:

      1. Bookings Entry

      2. Sales Order Entry

      3. Counter Sales Entry

      4. Invoice Maintenance

      5. Sales Shipment Invoicing

      6. Sales Contract Entry, since a Sales Contract Entry does not have a price level attached, the system will get the default price level from the customer master to use in the price validation.

      7. Prepay Entry

      8. Prepay Transfer

    6. This feature will not affect the Batch Sales Edit List report warning level.

  2. Mark the Suppress Hazmat Auto Print to prevent the Hazmat document from automatically printing when a Sales Order or Counter Sales is Invoiced or when the Invoice is printed from Invoice Maintenance.

Changes to Bookings Entry
Bookings Entry has been modified with the addition of the Price Warnings validation.

  1. Open Bookings Entry

(Transactions>Cinch Sales>Bookings)

  1. User will be warned if the Price entered is not within the Price range based on the Sales Setup, Price Warning settings.

  2. Validation will use the following criteria to determine if an acceptable price is entered:

    1. When Standard Pricing is enabled:

      1. Item

      2. Unit of Measure - The Unit of Measure entered will be used.

      3. Currency ID – The system will check if a Functional Currency is set up and if so use the global Functional Currency ID for the validation.

      4. Quantity The system will use the Quantity of 1 to determine the Price Level to use for determining the Unit Price.

      5. Price Level – If the Price level does not exist for the item or the transaction line, no price warning validation will be performed. System will assume a valid price in this case.

    2. When Extended Pricing is enabled:

      1. Document Date, will be compared to the Price Sheet Date Range to determine the Price to use.

      2. Item

      3. Quantity – The system will use the Quantity to determine the Price Sheet Quantity Price break Unit Price to use.

      4. If an item has no valid price sheets attached, the system will default to a zero price for that transaction no price warning validation will be performed. System will assume a valid price in this case.

  3. The price validation (validation that the price entered falls between the acceptable price range) will take place when the following occurs:

    1. When the user manually enters a price in the Unit Price field.

    2. When the user tabs to a new line. This will validate any price changes that have taken place if for example the user changes the Price Unit of Measure or enters a Line Extension.

    3. If the user enters the Extension Price (which is typically calculated as Qty x Price), the system calculates the per unit price. The calculated price will be compared to the acceptable price range as if user had entered it.

Changes to Sales Order Entry
Sales Order Entry has been modified with the addition of the Price Warnings validation and the Replant checkbox to the scrolling window.

  1. Open Sales Order Entry

(Transactions>Cinch Sales>Sales Orders)

  1. User will be warned if the Price entered is not within the Price range based on the Sales Setup, Price Warning settings.

  2. Validation will use the following criteria to determine if an acceptable price is entered:

    1. When Standard Pricing is enabled:

      1. Item

      2. Unit of Measure - The Unit of Measure entered will be used.

      3. Currency ID – The system will check if a Functional Currency is set up and if so use the global Functional Currency ID for the validation.

      4. Quantity The system will use the Quantity of 1 to determine the Price Level to use for determining the Unit Price.

      5. Price Level – If the Price level does not exist for the item or the transaction line, no price warning validation will be performed. System will assume a valid price in this case.

    2. When Extended Pricing is enabled:

      1. Document Date, will be compared to the Price Sheet Date Range to determine the Price to use.

      2. Item

      3. Quantity – The system will use the Quantity to determine the Price Sheet Quantity Price break Unit Price to use.

      4. If an item has no valid price sheets attached, the system will default to a zero price for that transaction no price warning validation will be performed. System will assume a valid price in this case.

  3. The price validation (validation that the price entered falls between the acceptable price range) will take place when the following occurs:

    1. When the user manually enters a price in the Unit Price field.

    2. When the user tabs to a new line. This will validate any price changes that have taken place if for example the user changes the Price Unit of Measure or enters a Line Extension. However, this validation will not take place in the following instances:

      1. A Contract has been assigned.

      2. Prepay has been applied.

    3. After the user selects a Contract or applies Prepay and then goes back and manually changes the Unit Price the system will validate the manually entered Unit Price even though a Contract has been selected or Prepay has been applied. So any time the user manually enters a price the validation will take place.

    4. If the user enters the Extension Price (which is typically calculated as Qty x Price), the system calculates the per unit price. The calculated price will be compared to the acceptable price range as if user had entered it.

  4. Mark RePlant checkbox if transaction is a replant.

  5. Invoicing the Order where transaction line(s) are marked Replant, will create sales invoices with lines also marked as Replant.

  6. When the Sales Setup, Suppress Hazmat Auto Print checkbox is marked the Hazmat document will not automatically print when the Order is Invoiced.

Changes to Counter Sales Entry
Counter Sales Entry has been modified with the addition of the Price Warnings validation and the Replant checkbox to the scrolling window.

  1. Open Counter Sales Entry

(Transactions>Cinch Sales>Counter Sales)

  1. User will be warned if the Price entered is not within the Price range based on the Sales Setup, Price Warning settings.

  2. Validation will use the following criteria to determine if an acceptable price is entered:

    1. When Standard Pricing is enabled:

      1. Item

      2. Unit of Measure - The Unit of Measure entered will be used.

      3. Currency ID – The system will check if a Functional Currency is set up and if so use the global Functional Currency ID for the validation.

      4. Quantity The system will use the Quantity of 1 to determine the Price Level to use for determining the Unit Price.

      5. Price Level – If the Price level does not exist for the item or the transaction line, no price warning validation will be performed. System will assume a valid price in this case.

    2. When Extended Pricing is enabled:

      1. Document Date, will be compared to the Price Sheet Date Range to determine the Price to use.

      2. Item

      3. Quantity – The system will use the Quantity to determine the Price Sheet Quantity Price break Unit Price to use.

      4. If an item has no valid price sheets attached, the system will default to a zero price for that transaction no price warning validation will be performed. System will assume a valid price in this case.

  3. The price validation (validation that the price entered falls between the acceptable price range) will take place when the following occurs:

    1. When the user manually enters a price in the Unit Price field.

    2. When the user tabs to a new line. This will validate any price changes that have taken place if for example the user changes the Price Unit of Measure or enters a Line Extension. However, this validation will not take place in the following instances:

      1. A Contract has been assigned.

      2. Prepay has been applied.

    3. After the user selects a Contract or applies Prepay and then goes back and manually changes the Unit Price the system will validate the manually entered Unit Price even though a Contract has been selected or Prepay has been applied. So any time the user manually enters a price the validation will take place.

    4. If the user enters the Extension Price (which is typically calculated as Qty x Price), the system calculates the per unit price. The calculated price will be compared to the acceptable price range as if user had entered it.

  4. Mark RePlant checkbox if transaction is a replant.

  5. Invoicing the Counter Sale where transaction line(s) are marked Replant, will create sales invoices with lines also marked as Replant.

  6. When the Sales Setup, Suppress Hazmat Auto Print checkbox is marked the Hazmat document will not automatically print when the Counter Sale is Invoiced.

Changes to Invoice Maintenance
Invoice Maintenance has been modified with the addition of the Price Warnings validation and the Replant checkbox to the scrolling window.

  1. Open Invoice Maintenance

(Transactions>Cinch Sales>Invoices)

  1. User will be warned if the Price entered is not within the Price range based on the Sales Setup, Price Warning settings.

  2. Validation will use the following criteria to determine if an acceptable price is entered:

    1. When Standard Pricing is enabled:

      1. Item

      2. Unit of Measure - The Unit of Measure entered will be used.

      3. Currency ID – The system will check if a Functional Currency is set up and if so use the global Functional Currency ID for the validation.

      4. Quantity The system will use the Quantity of 1 to determine the Price Level to use for determining the Unit Price.

      5. Price Level – If the Price level does not exist for the item or the transaction line, no price warning validation will be performed. System will assume a valid price in this case.

    2. When Extended Pricing is enabled:

      1. Document Date, will be compared to the Price Sheet Date Range to determine the Price to use.

      2. Item

      3. Quantity – The system will use the Quantity to determine the Price Sheet Quantity Price break Unit Price to use.

      4. If an item has no valid price sheets attached, the system will default to a zero price for that transaction no price warning validation will be performed. System will assume a valid price in this case.

  3. The price validation (validation that the price entered falls between the acceptable price range) will take place when the following occurs:

    1. When the user manually enters a price in the Unit Price field.

    2. When the user tabs to a new line. This will validate any price changes that have taken place if for example the user changes the Price Unit of Measure or enters a Line Extension. However, this validation will not take place in the following instances:

      1. A Contract has been assigned.

      2. Prepay has been applied.

    3. After the user selects a Contract or applies Prepay and then goes back and manually changes the Unit Price the system will validate the manually entered Unit Price even though a Contract has been selected or Prepay has been applied. So any time the user manually enters a price the validation will take place.

    4. If the user enters the Extension Price (which is typically calculated as Qty x Price), the system calculates the per unit price. The calculated price will be compared to the acceptable price range as if user had entered it.

  4. Mark RePlant checkbox if transaction is a replant.

  5. When the Sales Setup, Suppress Hazmat Auto Print checkbox is marked the Hazmat document will not automatically print when the Invoice is printed.

Changes to Shipment Invoicing
Shipment Invoicing has been modified with the addition of the Price Warnings validation.

  1. Open Shipment Invoicing

(Transactions>Cinch Sales>Shipment Invoicing)

  1. User will be warned if the Price entered is not within the Price range based on the Sales Setup, Price Warning settings.

  2. Validation will use the following criteria to determine if an acceptable price is entered:

    1. When Standard Pricing is enabled:

      1. Item

      2. Unit of Measure - The Unit of Measure entered will be used.

      3. Currency ID – The system will check if a Functional Currency is set up and if so use the global Functional Currency ID for the validation.

      4. Quantity The system will use the Quantity of 1 to determine the Price Level to use for determining the Unit Price.

      5. Price Level – If the Price level does not exist for the item or the transaction line, no price warning validation will be performed. System will assume a valid price in this case.

    2. When Extended Pricing is enabled:

      1. Shipment Header Detail, Ship Date, will be compared to the Price Sheet Date Range to determine the Price to use.

      2. Item

      3. Quantity – The system will use the Quantity to determine the Price Sheet Quantity Price break Unit Price to use.

      4. If an item has no valid price sheets attached, the system will default to a zero price for that transaction no price warning validation will be performed. System will assume a valid price in this case.

  3. The price validation (validation that the price entered falls between the acceptable price range) will take place when the following occurs:

    1. When the user manually enters a price in the Unit Price field.

    2. When the user tabs to a new line. This will validate any price changes that have taken place if for example the user changes the Price Unit of Measure or enters a Line Extension.

    3. If the user enters the Extension Price (which is typically calculated as Qty x Price), the system calculates the per unit price. The calculated price will be compared to the acceptable price range as if user had entered it.

Changes to Sales Contract Entry
Sales Contract Entry has been modified with the addition of the Price Warnings validation.

  1. Open Sales Contract Entry

(Transactions>Cinch Sales>Sales Contract Entry)

  1. User will be warned if the Price entered is not within the Price range based on the Sales Setup, Price Warning settings.

  2. Validation will use the following criteria to determine if an acceptable price is entered:

    1. When Standard Pricing is enabled:

      1. Item

      2. Unit of Measure - The Unit of Measure entered will be used.

      3. Quantity The system will use the Quantity of 1 to determine the Price Level to use for determining the Unit Price.

      4. Price Level – since a Sales Contract Entry does not have a price level attached, the system will get the default price level from the customer master to use in the price validation. If the Price level does not exist no price warning validation will be performed. System will assume a valid price in this case.

    2. When Extended Pricing is enabled:

      1. Item

      2. Quantity – The system will use the Contract Quantity to determine the Price Sheet Quantity Price break Unit Price to use.

      3. Contract Date will be compared to the Price Sheet Detail Maintenance Date Range to determine the Price Sheet to use.

      4. If an item has no valid price sheets attached, no price warning validation will be performed. System will assume a valid price in this case.

      5. Price - The system will call the Dynamics GP Extended price engine and will compare the entered price to the price that the Dynamics GP Extended price engine determined.

  3. The price validation (validation that the price entered falls between the acceptable price ranges) will take place when the user enters a price on the Contract Delivery Period line.

  4. Sales Contract Sub-Items

    1. Validation will use the following criteria to determine if an acceptable price is entered

      1. When Standard Pricing is enabled Price validation is not supported on the Substitute Item price.

      2. When Extended Pricing is enabled:

        1. Item

        2. Quantity – The system will use the Contract Quantity to determine the Price Sheet Quantity Price break Unit Price to use.

        3. Contract Date will be compared to the Price Sheet Detail Maintenance Date Range to determine the Price Sheet to use.

        4. If an item has no valid price sheets attached, no price warning validation will be performed. System will assume a valid price in this case.

        5. Price - The system will call the Dynamics GP Extended price engine and will compare the entered price to the price that the Dynamics GP Extended price engine determined.

Changes to Prepay Cash Receipt
Prepay Cash Receipt has been modified with the addition of the Price Warnings validation.

  1. Open Prepay Entry

(Transactions>Cinch Sales>Prepay Entry)

  1. Price Validation is only valid for Prepay Types of Item and Deposit.

  2. User will be warned if the Price entered is not within the Price range based on the Sales Setup, Price Warning settings.

  3. Validation will use the following criteria to determine if an acceptable price is entered:

    1. When Standard Pricing is enabled:

      1. Item

      2. Unit of Measure - The Unit of Measure entered will be used.

      3. Quantity The system will use the Quantity of 1 to determine the Price Level to use for determining the Unit Price.

      4. Price Level – If the Price level does not exist no price warning validation will be performed. System will assume a valid price in this case.

    2. When Extended Pricing is enabled:

      1. Extended Pricing will only be used if the Prepay Type either Item or Deposit. All other Prepay Types will continue to use Price Level.

      2. Document Date, will be compared to the Price Sheet Date Range to determine the Price to use.

      3. Item

      4. If an item has no valid price sheets attached, the system will default the price to zero for that transaction.

  4. The price validation (validation that the price entered falls between the acceptable price range) will take place when the user enters a price.

Changes to Prepay Transfer
Prepay Transfer has been modified with the addition of the Price Warnings validation.

  1. Open Prepay Transfer

(Transactions>Cinch Sales>Prepay Transfer)

  1. Price Validation is only valid for Prepay Types of Item and Deposit.

  2. User will be warned if the Price entered is not within the Price range based on the Sales Setup, Price Warning settings.

  3. Validation will use the following criteria to determine if an acceptable Transfer To Price is entered:

    1. When Standard Pricing is enabled:

      1. Item

      2. Unit of Measure - The Unit of Measure entered will be used.

      3. Quantity The system will use the Quantity of 1 to determine the Price Level to use for determining the Unit Price.

      4. Price Level – If the Price level does not exist no price warning validation will be performed. System will assume a valid price in this case.

    2. When Extended Pricing is enabled:

      1. Extended Pricing will only be used if the Prepay Type either Item or Deposit. All other Prepay Types will continue to use Price Level.

      2. Document Date, will be compared to the Price Sheet Date Range to determine the Price to use.

      3. Item

      4. If an item has no valid price sheets attached, the system will default the price to zero for that transaction.

  4. The price validation (validation that the price entered falls between the acceptable price range) will take place when the user enters a price.

Changes to Sales Returns Entry
Sales Returns Entry has been modified with the addition of the Replant checkbox to the scrolling window.

  1. Open Sales Returns Entry

(Transactions>Cinch Sales>Returns)

  1. Mark RePlant checkbox if transaction being returned is a replant.

  2. Return From document, if the selected document has transaction line(s) that are marked Replant, the Return line that is created will also be marked as Replant.

Changes to Sales Detail Inquiry List
Sales Detail Inquiry has been modified with the addition of the Include Replant restrictions and the Replant checkbox to the scrolling window.

  1. Open Sales Detail Inquiry

(Inquiry>Cinch Sales>Sales Detail Inquiry)

  1. Select the Replant Restriction, options are:

    1. Exclude RePlants when selected, transactions marked as replant will not be included in the display.

    2. Include RePlants when selected, all transactions including those marked as replant will be included in the display. This is the default value.

    3. Replants Only when selected, only transactions marked as replant will be included in the display.

  2. The RePlant checkbox will be marked if the transaction is a replant.

Changes to Sales History Inquiry
Sales History Inquiry has been modified with the addition of the Replant checkbox to the scrolling window.

  1. Open Sales History Inquiry

(Inquiry>Cinch Sales>Sales Documents; History radio button)

  1. The RePlant checkbox will be marked if transaction is a replant.

Changes to Sales Inquiry
Sales Inquiry has been modified with the addition of the Replant checkbox to the scrolling window.

  1. Open Sales Inquiry

(Inquiry>Cinch Sales>Sales Documents; Unposted radio button)

  1. The RePlant checkbox will be marked if transaction is a replant.

Changes to Sales Returns Inquiry
Sales Returns Inquiry has been modified with the addition of the Replant checkbox to the scrolling window.

  1. Open Sales Returns Inquiry

(Inquiry>Cinch Sales>Sales Documents; Unposted radio button)

  1. The RePlant checkbox will be marked if transaction is a replant.

Changes to Sales Reports
Sales Reports has been modified with the addition of the Replanted Items report restriction.

  1. Open Sales Reports

(Reports>Cinch Sales>Sales Reports)

  1. Replanted Restriction dropdown list options are:

    1. Include Replant, when selected the report will include lines marked as Replant and those not marked as Replant. The default value.

    2. Exclude Replant, when selected the report will exclude any sales lines marked Replant.

    3. Replant Only, when selected the report will include only sales lines marked as Replant.

  2. Reports affected by the Replanted Restriction:

    1. Sales Volume Detail by Item

    2. Sales Volume Detail by Customer

    3. Sales Volume Line Detail by Item

    4. Sales Volume Line Detail by Customer


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