Chapter 12_Sales Miscellaneous

CINCH Customer Documentation

Chapter 12_Sales Miscellaneous

This chapter describes enhancements made to the CINCH Sales processes.
This chapter contains the following sections:

Changes to Branch Maintenance
Branch Maintenance has been modified with the addition of the Enable Branch Restricted Customer Lookup checkbox.

  1. Open Branch Maintenance

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>Tools>Setup>Cinch Grain>General Setup)

  1. Enable Brach restricted Customer Lookup checkbox, when marked the system will look to the transaction branch and restrict the lookup to that branch. By default the checkbox is not marked.

    1. Must also select the Cinch Ag Alternate/Modified Form, Customers and Prospects to access the new lookup.

Changes to Customers and Prospects
Customers and Prospects Lookup has been modified to restrict the lookup by Branch to reduce the number of customers when the Branch Maintenance Enable Branch checkbox is marked. Must select Cinch Ag from Alternate/Modified Form, Customers and Prospects to access the new lookup.

  1. Open Customers and Prospects Lookup

(From various locations)

  1. Restriction drop down list has the following options:

  2. Customer ID

  3. Customer Name

  4. Phone 1

  5. Branch

  6. City

  7. Phone 2

  8. Filter Phone

  9. Customer Class

  10. Include Inactive Customers checkbox:

  11. When marked inactive customers will be included in the lookup window.

  12. When not marked only active customers will be displayed.

  13. Filter Phone, will look to the Phone 1, Phone 2 and Phone 3 fields for an exact match for the entered filter.

  14. Branch Restriction; Current Branch, My Branches or All Branches functions in a manner consistent with Branch Security and existing Cinch Branch functionality. By Default My Branches is selected.




          1. The System will use the Customer Extensions Maintenance, Default Customer Extensions Branch when determining which Customers to display when restricting by Current Branch.

  15. The Customers and Prospects lookup window will restrict by branch based on the Transactional Branch of the transaction. So for example if user is logged into Branch A, entering a Counter Sale, changes the Branch to Branch B, then tabs to customer and performs a lookup, the system will default the list to just those customers with a default branch of B.

  16. Customers that do not have a Default Branch setup (i.e. empty) will only show up when the "All Branches" Restriction is selected.

  17. Select Customer and hit Select button. Customer will be returned to the transaction window.

  18. Cancel with close lookup without making a selection.

Changes to Companion Table Sync
Companion Table Sync has been modified with the addition of the Cust Lookup button that will create the table triggers.

  1. Open Customers and Prospects Lookup

(Microsoft Dynamics GP>Maintenance>Cinch Maintenance>Table Sync)

  1. Restriction drop down list has the following options.

Changes to Counter Sales
Counter Sales has been modified by adding the access to Contract Apply to the Contract Indicator Icon.

  1. Open Counter Sales

(Transactions>Cinch Sales>Counter Sales)

  1. To apply a Sales Contract, select the Contract Apply Icon

    to access the Contract Apply window.

  2. If the user attempts to enter or lookup a contract they will be prompted to use the Contract Apply window.

Changes to Invoice Maintenance
Invoice Maintenance has been modified by adding the access to Contract Apply to the Contract Indicator Icon.

  1. Open Invoice Maintenance

(Transactions>Cinch Sales>Invoices)

  1. To apply a Sales Contract, select the Contract Apply Icon

    to access the Contract Apply window.

  2. If the user attempts to enter or lookup a contract they will be prompted to use the Contract Apply window.

Changes to Split Details Entry
Split Details Entry has been modified by adding the access to Contract Apply to the Contract Indicator Icon.

  1. Open Split Details Entry

(Transactions>Cinch Sales>Counter Sales; Split Code Expansion button> Details)

  1. To apply a Sales Contract, select the Contract Apply Icon

    to access the Contract Apply window.

  2. If the user attempts to enter or lookup a contract they will be prompted to use the Contract Apply window.

New Contract Apply
Contract Apply has been added to Counter Sales and Invoice Maintenance.
(Transactions>Cinch Sales>Counter Sales; Contract Apply button or
Transactions>Cinch Sales>Invoices; Contract Apply)

  1. The window will display the contracts for the customer and selected item.

    1. General Setup, Cross Customer Sales Contract determines how customers, contract partners are handled for application.

  2. All Customers checkbox:

    1. Checkbox is only enabled if the General Setup, Cross Customer Sales Contract is set to Allowed – All.

    2. When selected contracts for all customers will be displayed for the selected item.

  3. All Ship To checkbox:

    1. Checkbox is only enabled if the General Setup, Cross Customer Sales Contract is set to Allowed – All.

    2. When selected contracts for all customer Ship To will be displayed for the selected item.

  4. Unposted checkbox, when selected will include unposted contracts in the display.

  5. Closed Deliveries checkbox, when selected contract delivery periods that are closed will be included in the display.

    1. The contract application process will NOT split the line when a closed delivery period is selected.

  6. Mark the Select checkbox of the contract the line will be applied to.

    1. When an overrun scenario exists:

      1. The system will automatically select the Split Line checkbox.

      2. The Unapplied Quantity will display the overrun amount.

      3. When the Apply button is selected the line will be applied to the selected contract and a new line created for the unapplied quantity.

        1. The new line will be priced based on the original values used before contract application.

    2. If an over apply scenario exists:

      1. User can unmark the Split Line checkbox.

      2. When Apply button is select user is prompted to split the line due to contract overrun.

        1. If Yes is selected the full line amount will be applied to the contract overrunning the contract.

        2. If No is selected the line will be applied to the selected contract and a new line created for the unapplied quantity.

  7. Further editing of quantity or pricing data for a contract applied line will require the contract will be unapplied.

Changes to Prepay Setup
Prepay Setup has been modified with the addition of User Def List 1 & 2.




        1. (Tools>Setup>Cinch Sales>Prepay Setup)




        1. Enter User Def List 1 label that will be displayed in Prepay Cash Receipts and Prepay Transfer.

          1. Selecting Expansion button opens the prompt to enter or browse for value.

            1. Selecting Enter opens User Defined List Maintenance to enter new user defined values.

            2. Selecting Browse opens the User Defined List Inquiry to view previously entered new user defined values.

        2. Require User Def 1 checkbox when marked will require user to select a user defined value when entering a Prepay Receipts and Prepay Transfer.

        3. Enter User Def List 2 label that will be displayed in Prepay Cash Receipts and Prepay Transfer.

          1. Selecting Expansion button opens the prompt to enter or browse for value.

            1. Selecting Enter opens User Defined List Maintenance to enter new user defined values.

            2. Selecting Browse opens the User Defined List Inquiry to view previously entered new user defined values.

        4. Require User Def 2 checkbox when marked will require user to select a user defined value in Prepay Cash Receipts and Prepay Transfer.

Changes to Prepay Cash Receipts
Prepay Cash Receipts has been modified with the addition of User Def List 1 & 2 on the detail line.

  1. Open Prepay Cash Receipts

(Transactions>Cinch Sales>Prepay Entry)

  1. User can select User Def List 1 and User Def List 2 values to associate to the line.

    1. If the Prepay Setup, Require User Def 1 or Require User Def 2 checkboxes are marked user will be required to select a value before leaving the line.

Changes to Prepay Transfer
Prepay Transfer has been modified with the addition of User Def List 1 & 2 values.

  1. Open Prepay Transfer

(Transactions>Cinch Sales>Prepay Transfer)

  1. User can select User Def List 1 and User Def List 2 values to associate to the transfer.

    1. If the Prepay Setup, Require User Def 1 or Require User Def 2 checkboxes are marked user will be required to select a value before posting the transfer.

Changes to Prepay Cash Receipts Zoom
Prepay Cash Receipts Zoom has been modified with the addition of User Def List 1 & 2 on the detail line.

  1. Open Prepay Cash Receipts Zoom

(Inquiry>Cinch Sales>Prepay Receipts)

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