Chapter 9_Greenbook Integration

CINCH Customer Documentation

Chapter 9_Greenbook Integration

Greenbook is a service that provides regulatory information. This chapter describes enhancements made to integrate with Greenbook to assist in keeping regulatory information up to date.
This chapter contains the following sections:

Cinch Greenbook Installation
The following describes the installation of the Cinch Greenbook Integration.
Cinch Application Assembly DLL Installation

  1. Close Microsoft Dynamics GP.

    1. The application must not be running when you install an add-in DLL.

  2. Place the Application.CinchAg.dll file in the Dynamics GP folder.

    1. Typically, the default location is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics\GP.

Cinch Greenbook Installation

  1. If running a previous version of Cinch Greenbook, remove the program using Control Panel, Add or Remove Programs.

  2. Run the CinchGreenbookSetup.msi

  3. Click Next on the Welcome to the Cinch Greenbook Setup Wizard

  4. Mark the I accept License Agreement, click Next.

  5. Select the Destination Folder.

    1. Select the destination folder. The default location is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics\GP2013\.

    2. Select Next.

  6. Select Install to begin installation.

  7. Select Finish when Installation is Complete.

Changes to Sales Setup
Sales Setup has been modified with the addition of the Greenbook Enabled checkbox.

  1. Open Sales Setup

(Tools>Setup>Cinch Sales>Sales Setup)

  1. Greenbook Enabled checkbox when marked indicates that Greenbook is being used for Hazmat shipping documents and Hazardous descriptions.

    1. When the checkbox is marked the modified Greenbook HazMat Shipping document will be printed.

    2. When the checkbox is not marked the standard Cinch HazMat document will be printed.

  2. Greenbook Expansion button when selected opens the Greenbook Services Setup used for entry of the setup information needed to access Greenbook Services.


    1. Client ID provided by Greenbook for access to the Greenbook Services.

    2. Password provided by Greenbook for access to the Greenbook Services.

Greenbook Initialization
Before the Greenbook integration can be used in Cinch, the Greenbook Hazmat Master table must be initialized.

  1. Prior to running Initialization ensure that Greenbook Services Setup has been completed, Sales Setup (Tools>Setup>Cinch Sales>Sales Setup) Greenbook Enabled is marked and the Greenbook Services Setup has been completed.

    1. Initialization will need to be done for each company that has Greenbook integration.

  2. Select IRGreenbookInitialize.exe from the GP2013/IRGreenbookObjects folder specified in the installation. The default location is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics\GP2013\IRGreenbookObjects\.

  1. Enter the sql login information.

    1. Choose the Server Name (ODBC) that connects to your Microsoft Dynamics GP instance.

    2. Enter the User Name, a Microsoft Dynamics GP login name.

    3. Enter the Password corresponding to the User Name.

    4. Select your Microsoft Dynamics GP company database name for the Database Name list. The databases listed will depend on the Server Name you have chosen.

  2. Click Save button to save the login values to the registry.

    1. The saved information is what the Greenbook Update will use when it runs.

    2. If running with multiple companies the information can be saved per company by setting up each company under different Domain User Accounts.

  3. Click Initialize to run the initialize process.

    1. The initialization status will display on the bottom of the window.


    1. Close window when status displays Initialization complete.

  1. The initialization will create one or more records for each Greenbook ProductID.

    1. If the ProductID has more than one DOT Size defined, a record will be created for each ProductID/Size combination.

    2. The required hazmat data will be stored in the Cinch database, and can be viewed from the Greenbook HazMat Maintenance window.

  2. Update Individual Product can be used to get an Individual Product ID after the full initialization has been run.

It is recommended to run the Greenbook Update prior to running the individual Product Update.


    1. Select Prod ID

    2. Update button when selected will run initialization for the selected product.

      1. The IRCreatedDate form IRASGreenbookMSTRLog will be updated for the Greenbook Update.

  2. A log file is created from initialization, the file (IRGreenbookInitialize_User.log) is located within the domain user running the process temp folder, (User>App Data>Local> Temp). Any errors encountered during initialization will be noted within the log file.

Greenbook Update
After the Greenbook data has been initialized in the Cinch database, Greenbook may add or update Products in the web services. The IRGreenbookUpdate application will check the Greenbook web services for updates.

  1. Select IRGreenbookUpdate.exe from the GP2013/IRGreenbookObjects folder specified in the installation. The default location is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics\GP2013\ IRGreenbookObjects\.

    1. The update application can be scheduled to run periodically by the Windows Task Scheduler, but it can be run manually as well.

    2. If running with multiple companies:

      1. To run manually login under the Domain User Account used to save the Initialization information for each company.

      2. To run from Windows Task Scheduler set up the task to run using Domain User Accounts used to save the Initialization information for each company.

  2. Running the update application will send a request to Greenbook for any records updated since the last update or initialize date (IRCreatedDate form IRASGreenbookMSTRLog)

    1. When updates exist, the procedure will update the data in the Greenbook Hazmat Master table for any new or updated records not marked as User Modified.

    2. Any updates that exist for a User Modified record will need to be updated from the Greenbook Update Exceptions (Greenbook HazMat Maintenance>Update Exceptions button).

    3. The process will update the original and current values on the record with the information from Greenbook.

  3. A log file is created from initialization, the file (IRGreenbookUpdate_User.log) is located within the domain user running the process temp folder, (User>App Data>Local> Temp). Any errors encountered during update will be noted within the log file.

New Greenbook Item Entry
Greenbook Item Entry allows the linking of Greenbook Product ID's to Dynamics GP items.

  1. Before linking items ensure a Restricted Use License Type is setup within Cinch Sales (Cards>Cinch Sales>License Types; Restricted Use checkbox marked).

  2. Open Greenbook Item Entry

(Cards>Cinch Sales>Greenbook Item Entry)

  1. Start Item Class is the first Item Class used to limit the displayed Items by the item class.

  2. End Item Class is the last Item Class used to limit the displayed Items by the item class.

  3. Item Description Like will display if any of the entered value is included in the Item Description.

  4. Click the Redisplay button to populate the scrolling window based on the selected restrictions.

  5. Scrolling window includes:

    1. Item Number, the Dynamics Item number that is being linked. (Display only)

    2. Item Number expansion when selected will open the Item Maintenance for the selected item.

    3. Item Description it the Items Description. (Display only)

    4. Base UM is the Items Base Unit of Measure. (Display only)

    5. Greenbook ProdID is the Greenbook Product ID number.

      1. When the Product is linked, and the Greenbook web services indicate that the product is Restricted Use, the Required Licenses Information for the Cinch item will be updated.

        1. The Required Licenses companion record (Cards>Inventory>Item; Additional>Item Extensions: Additional> Licenses) will be updated to include the Restricted Use License Type.

    6. Click the Greenbook Item Lookup button to open the Greenbook Item Lookup window which displays all of the Greenbook ProductID/DOTSize combinations.



      1. Select the Greenbook Product to associate to the Dynamics Item.

        1. When selected it is returned back to the Greenbook Item Entry window.

      2. Greenbook ProdID is the Product ID from the Greenbook all products list.

      3. Common Name is the Product Name from the Greenbook all products list.

      4. Manufacturer (Company) of the product.

      5. DOT Size is the size listed in the Greenbook DOT web service.

      6. EPA Number is the product's EPA Number.

      7. Hazardous ID, a Cinch system generated ID number representing the Hazardous Description for a ProductID/Size combination.

        1. This ID is created by the Greenbook Initialization process.

    2. Greenbook ProdID expansion button will open the Greenbook HazMat Maintenance window.

      1. Select the item in the scrolling window and click the expansion button.

    3. Hazardous ID

      1. When the Greenbook ProdID is selected, the Hazardous ID will be populated with the Hazardous ID related to the Greenbook ProductID/Greenbook DOT Size combination that was selected in the Greenbook Item Lookup window.

    4. Reg Qty Size (Regulated Qty Size)

      1. When the Greenbook ProdID number is selected, the Reg Qty Size will be populated with the DOT Size related to the Greenbook ProductID/Greenbook DOT Size combination that was selected in the Greenbook Item Lookup window.

    5. Bulk checkbox is marked to indicate a variable quantity container is used.

      1. When the checkbox is marked the Gallons/Lbs and Cont Size default to 1.0 and Cont Description will default to Bulk.

    6. Gallons/Lbs is the number of Gallons or Lbs.

      1. The Unit of measure schedule attached to the Dynamics GP Item MUST contain a Unit of Measure for a Gallon (or Pound).

      2. The corresponding Unit of Measure for Gallon or Pound must be set up using the UN/CEFACT code for gallon (GLL) or pound (LBT).

    7. Cont Size (Container Size) is the number of gallons or pounds that each container holds.

    8. Cont Description (Container Description) is the description of the container that will be used on the HazMat shipping document. Example: Drum, Jug, Barrel, Quart, 2.5 Gallon Jug.

      1. For Packaged Product user will enter the number of gallons or lbs. per container. (i.e. carton may contain 6 – 1 Quart jugs The container size would be .25 gallon).

      2. For Bulk Product this will be 1.

  2. Save button when selected will save and linking or changes within the scrolling window.

  3. Clear button when selected will clear the scrolling window without saving changes.

  4. To remove the link between the Item Number and Greenbook ProdID, select the line and click the Delete Link Icon.

New Greenbook HazMat Maintenance
Greenbook HazMat Maintenance is used to manually add, edit or view the Hazmat Info for an item.

  1. Open Greenbook HazMat Maintenance

(Cards>Cinch Sales>Greenbook Maintenance or
Cards>Cinch Sales>Greenbook Item Entry: select item in the scrolling window and click the Greenbook ProdID expansion button)

  1. Hazardous ID Is a Cinch system generated ID number representing the ProductID/Size combination.

    1. ID is created by the Greenbook Initialization process.

    2. If the user creates a record manually, the system will supply the next available number.

  2. DOT Regulated checkbox when the checkbox is marked indicates the ProdID/DOT Size combination is DOT regulated.

  3. Restricted Use checkbox when marked indicates the ProdID is Restricted Use.

  4. Auto-generated checkbox

  5. User Modified checkbox will be marked if the ID has been manually modified.

  6. Product Name is the common Name of the product.

  7. Product ID is the Greenbook Product ID.

    1. If the record is manually created the Product it will generated based on the Cinch Item Number with a leading *.

  8. DOT Size for the product.

  9. EPA Number for the product.

  10. Placard ID from the ProdID/DOTSize combination.

  11. Emergency Response Guide from the ProdID/DOTSize combination.

  12. RQ – Reportable Qty displays the reportable quantity for the Product if one exists. If an RQ exists, "RQ" will be added to the Cinch Hazardous Description.

  13. ID Number from the ProdID/DOTSize combination. Used to create the Cinch Hazardous Description.

  14. Proper Shipping Name, the shipping name from the ProdID/DOTSize combination. Used to create the Cinch Hazardous Description.

  15. Technical Name, the RQ Tech Name from the ProdID/DOTSize combination. Used to create the Cinch Hazardous Description.

  16. Hazmat Class, the Hazardous Class from the ProdID/DOTSize combination. Used to create the Cinch Hazardous Description.

  17. Packing Group, the Pack Group from the ProdID/DOTSize combination. Used to create the Cinch Hazardous Description.

  18. Marine Pollutant checkbox from the ProdID/DOTSize combination. Used to create the Cinch Hazardous Description.

    1. Marked = True

    2. Unmarked = False

  19. Cinch Hazardous Description gets populated from the products Reportable Qty, ID Number, Proper Shipping Name, Technical Name, Hazmat Class, Pacing Group and Marine Pollutant values.

  20. MSDS URL, the URL pointing to the MSDS PDF file from Greenbook. From the Greenbook GetDocuments web service.

  21. Label URL, URL pointing to the Label PDF file from Greenbook. From the Greenbook GetDocuments web service.

  22. Re-entry Interval the Worker Protection REI

  23. Personal Protective Equipment the Worker Protection PPE

  24. Early Entry the Worker Protection EE

  25. Signal ID the Worker Protection Signal ID

  26. Signal English the Worker Protection Signal English

  27. Refresh From Web when selected will refresh all fields for selected product with fresh data from the Greenbook Web Services. This will overwrite any user modified fields and all original values.

    1. User will receive a prompt confirming that they want to refresh the data.

  28. Reset Record button when selected will overwrite all user editable fields with the original stored values. This will not get new values from the web services, it only resets the user editable fields.

    1. User will receive a prompt confirming that they want to reset the data.

  29. Update Exceptions button when selected opens the Greenbook Update Exceptions window which is will display any ProdID updates that need to be processed by the user. The most likely scenario when exceptions will occur is when a user has modified the data originally acquired from the Greenbook web services. In this case, the update process will not overwrite the modified data but instead a record will be added to the Greenbook Update Exceptions log.


    1. Update button when selected will update the GreenbookMSTR for the selected record with the newly acquired data from the web services, and clear the record from the exception log.

    2. Ignore when selected will clear the selected record from the exception log without updating the data.

    3. View Details drop down list contains the following:

      1. View Hazmat Details when selected will open the HazMat Original Values to compare the current and the newly acquired data from Greenbook.

      2. View Worker Protection Details when selected will open the Worker Protection Original Values to compare the current and the newly acquired data from Greenbook.

    4. A SmartList with a Reminder can be set up using the IRASGreenbookMSTRLOG to notify a user when an update exception occurs.

      1. The IRActionNeeded value will be Yes for exceptions.

  2. Original Values drop down list contains the following:

    1. View Hazmat Details when selected will open the HazMat Original Values to compare the original and current data from Greenbook.


    1. View Worker Protection Details when selected will open the Worker Protection Original Values to compare original and current data from Greenbook.

  1. Active Ingredients button when selected opens the Active Ingredients window to view the active ingredients for the selected product.


    1. The Greenbook/Cinch item may have one or more active ingredients.

    2. Data Collected:

      1. Active Ingredient Name

      2. Percent of the active ingredient.

New Greenbook Hazmat Shipping Document
Greenbook HazMat Shipping document has been created and will be printed when Greenbook is Enabled.

  1. From Sales Documents (Counter Sales Entry, Invoice Maintenance, Sales Order Entry, Fulfillment Entry and Branch transfers) select Print button and select HazMat.

    1. When Sales Setup, Greenbook Enabled checkbox is marked:

      1. And the GP Item is linked to a Greenbook Item the Greenbook HazMat Shipping document will be printed.

      2. If GP Item is NOT linked to a Greenbook Item no HazMat Shipping document will be printed.

    2. When the Sales Setup, Enabled checkbox is NOT marked the standard Cinch HazMat document will be printed.

  2. The Header of the report will contain Company Info, Doc Number, Date info, Page info, and Ship To information.

  3. Line Information – the report body will include:

    1. Line Number for each item line in the report.

    2. Qty display the number of packages.

    3. Package

      1. If the item is DOT Regulated this column will display the Container Description as set up in Greenbook Item Entry.

      2. If the item is not DOT Regulated this column will display the selling unit of measure.

    4. HM column will contain an "X" if the item is DOT regulated.

    5. Shipping Description will contain the GP Item Description and the Cinch HazMat Description created from the Greenbook DOT Regulated information.

    6. ERG# contains the Emergency Response Guide number.

    7. Total Qty/Wt – this column will display the total quantity in Pounds or Gallons. This is determined by the Greenbook Item Entry, Gallons/Lbs field.

      1. If the item is DOT Regulated this column will display the total quantity in Pounds or Gallons.

      2. If the item is not DOT Regulated this column will display total quantity in the selling unit of measure.

  4. The footer Information will contain:

    1. Emergency phone number will be retrieved from Branch Setup.

    2. Placard this load will be populated from the Greenbook Placard ID for each item that it applies.

Changes to Bill of Lading Document
Bill of Lading document has been modified to print the Cinch Hazardous Description from the Greenbook HazMat Maintenance when Greenbook is Enabled.

  1. From Sales Documents (Counter Sales Entry, Invoice Maintenance, and Sales Order Entry) select Print button and select Bill of Lading.

    1. When Sales Setup, Greenbook Enabled checkbox is marked:

      1. And the GP Item is linked to a Greenbook Item the Cinch Hazardous Description will be printed on the Bill of Lading.

    2. When the Sales Setup, Enabled checkbox is NOT marked the standard Hazardous ID description setup on the Item Extension will be printed on the Bill of Lading.

Changes to Item Extensions Maintenance
Item Extensions Maintenance has been modified with the addition of Greenbook HazMat to the Additional drop down list.

  1. Open Item Extensions Maintenance

(Cards>Inventory>Item; Additional>Item Extensions)

  1. Greenbook HazMat when selected will open the Greenbook Item Entry to allow the user to link the selected item to the Greenbook ProdID.

Changes to Counter Sales Entry
Counter Sales Entry has been modified with the addition of a button drop-down list to provide the ability to print the Label, MSDS, and WPS forms on a line by line basis.

  1. Open Counter Sales Entry

(Transactions>Cinch Sales>Counter Sales)

  1. Select Print HazMat:

    1. When Sales Setup, Greenbook Enabled checkbox is marked:

      1. And the GP Item is linked to a Greenbook Item the Greenbook HazMat Shipping document will be printed.

      2. If GP Item is NOT linked to a Greenbook Item no HazMat Shipping document will be printed.

    2. When the Sales Setup, Enabled checkbox is NOT marked the standard Cinch HazMat document will be printed.

  2. Select the MSDS, Label and WPS

    icon to access the dropdown list which contains.

    1. Display WPS when selected, the Greenbook Worker Protection report will be printed that contains the information from the Greenbook web service.

    2. Display MSDS when selected, the Product MSDS PDF file from Greenbook will be displayed for the selected item.

    3. Display Label when selected, the Product Label PDF file from Greenbook will be displayed for the selected item.

Changes to Invoice Maintenance
Invoice Maintenance has been modified with the addition of a button drop-down list to provide the ability to print the Label, MSDS, and WPS forms on a line by line basis.

  1. Open Invoice Maintenance

(Transactions>Cinch Sales>Invoices)

  1. Select Print HazMat:

    1. When Sales Setup, Greenbook Enabled checkbox is marked:

      1. And the GP Item is linked to a Greenbook Item the Greenbook HazMat Shipping document will be printed.

      2. If GP Item is NOT linked to a Greenbook Item no HazMat Shipping document will be printed.

    2. When the Sales Setup, Enabled checkbox is NOT marked the standard Cinch HazMat document will be printed.

  2. Select the MSDS, Label and WPS

    icon to access the dropdown list which contains.

  3. Display WPS when selected, the Greenbook Worker Protection report will be printed that contains the information from the Greenbook web service.

  4. Display MSDS when selected, the Product MSDS PDF file from Greenbook will be displayed for the selected item.

  5. Display Label when selected, the Product Label PDF file from Greenbook will be displayed for the selected item.

Changes to Sales Order Entry
Sales Order Entry has been modified with the addition of a button drop-down list to provide the ability to print the Label, MSDS, and WPS forms on a line by line basis.

  1. Open Sales Order Entry

(Transactions>Cinch Sales>Sales Orders)

  1. Select Print HazMat:

    1. When Sales Setup, Greenbook Enabled checkbox is marked:

      1. And the GP Item is linked to a Greenbook Item the Greenbook HazMat Shipping document will be printed.

      2. If GP Item is NOT linked to a Greenbook Item no HazMat Shipping document will be printed.

    2. When the Sales Setup, Enabled checkbox is NOT marked the standard Cinch HazMat document will be printed.

  2. Select the MSDS, Label and WPS

    icon to access the dropdown list which contains.

  3. Display WPS when selected, the Greenbook Worker Protection report will be printed that contains the information from the Greenbook web service.

  4. Display MSDS when selected, the Product MSDS PDF file from Greenbook will be displayed for the selected item.

  5. Display Label when selected, the Product Label PDF file from Greenbook will be displayed for the selected item.

Changes to Branch Transfer Entry
Branch Transfer Entry has been modified to print Greenbook HazMat Shipping document.

  1. Open Branch Transfer

(Transactions>Cinch Sales>Branch Transfers)

  1. Select Reports, HazMat:

  2. When Sales Setup, Greenbook Enabled checkbox is marked:


      1. And the GP Item is linked to a Greenbook Item the Greenbook HazMat Shipping document will be printed.

      2. If GP Item is NOT linked to a Greenbook Item no HazMat Shipping document will be printed.

  3. When the Sales Setup, Enabled checkbox is NOT marked the standard Cinch HazMat document will be printed.

Changes to Fulfillment Entry
Fulfillment Entry has been modified to print Greenbook HazMat Shipping document.

  1. Open Branch Transfer

(Transactions>Cinch Sales> Fulfillment Entry)

  1. Select Print, HazMat:

  2. When Sales Setup, Greenbook Enabled checkbox is marked:

  3. And the GP Item is linked to a Greenbook Item the Greenbook HazMat Shipping document will be printed.

  4. If GP Item is NOT linked to a Greenbook Item no HazMat Shipping document will be printed.

  5. When the Sales Setup, Enabled checkbox is NOT marked the standard Cinch HazMat document will be printed.


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