Chapter 10_Internal Order

CINCH Customer Documentation

Chapter 10_Internal Order

This chapter describes enhancements made to assist in processing shipments to an internal branch via a branch transfer. This will allow users to process both customer and internal orders in the same manner, however when the shipment is finalized (i.e. fulfilled), the system will automatically create branch transfers for internal orders.
This chapter contains the following sections:

Changes to Customer Extensions Maintenance
Customer Extensions Maintenance has been modified with the addition of the Internal Customer checkbox used to indicate that a given customer is a Branch.

  1. Open Customer Extensions Maintenance

(Cards>Sales>Customer; Additional>RM Customer Extensions)

  1. Internal Customer checkbox provides the ability to indicate that the customer is a Branch.

  2. When the checkbox is marked and Branch Transfer Setup, Allow SOP Transfers is marked when sales documents are processed for the customer the system will generate a Branch Transfer.

  3. When the checkbox is not marked and sales documents are processed for the customer the system will generate an Invoice.

  4. Default Branch

    1. When the Internal Customer checkbox is marked the Destination Site on the Branch Transfer will default to the Main Inventory Site of the customer's Default Branch.

      1. If the Branch Main Inventory Site is not populated site user will be required to enter the destination site.

Changes to Branch Transfer Setup
Branch Transfer Setup has been modified with the addition of the Allow SOP Transfers and Auto Receive SOP Transfer checkboxes and the ability to setup In Transit Sites per Site.

  1. Open Branch Transfer Setup

(Tools>Setup>Cinch Sales>Branch Transfer Setup)

  1. Allow SOP Transfers checkbox

    1. When the checkbox is marked system will create a Branch Transfer when sales documents are processed for a customer where the Customer Extensions Maintenance Internal Customer checkbox is marked.

    2. When the checkbox is not marked system will create an Invoice when sales documents are processed.

  2. Auto Receive SOP Transfers checkbox

    1. Allow SOP Transfers checkbox must be marked before the Auto Receive SOP Transfer checkbox can be marked.

    2. When the checkbox is marked the system will automatically populate the following fields when the branch transfer is created:

      1. Received Date

      2. Received User

      3. Received Quantity will be set to the shipped quantity.

  3. Def In Transit Site expansion button opens the Default In Transit Location Setup window to allow the user to enter the default In Transit site for multiple originating sites.


    1. Enter the Default In Transit Site for each originating site.

      1. Within Branch Transfer Entry, when the user enters the Origination Site, the system will default the corresponding Def In Transit Site.

      2. If the Default In Transit Site is empty for the selected Origination Site, the value from Branch Transfer Setup will be used.

Changes to Location COMP Entry
Location COMP Entry has been modified with ability to enter the In Transit Sites per Site.

  1. Open Location COMP Entry

(Cards>Inventory>Site: Additional>Location COMP Entry)

  1. Def In Transit Site

    1. Enter the Default In Transit Site for each originating site.

      1. If the Def In Transit Site has been defined in the Branch Transfer Setup, Default In Transit Location Setup it will be displayed.

    2. Within Branch Transfer Entry, when the user enters the Origination site, the system will default the corresponding Def In Transit Site.

      1. If the Def In Transit Site is empty, the value from Branch Transfer Setup will be displayed if defined.

Changes to Sales Order Entry
Sales Order Entry has been modified with ability create a Branch Transfer for an Internal Customer.

  1. Open Sales Order Entry

(Transactions>Cinch Sales>Sales Orders)

  1. When Branch Transfer Setup, Allow SOP Transfers is marked and the Customer Extensions Maintenance Internal Customer checkbox is marked on the selected Customer:

    1. The Split Code ID and Prepay Apply will be disabled.

    2. When Invoice is selected from the drop down list and the Order is Invoiced a Branch Transfer will be created as follows.

      1. Transfer Batch will be based on Originating Site Branch Prefix + TO + Destination Site Branch Prefix from Branch Maintenance.

      2. Origination Site is the Site from the SOP line.

      3. In Transit Site is the Def In Transit Site defined for the Origination site.

        1. If the Default In Transit Site is empty for the selected Origination Site, the value from Branch Transfer Setup will be used.

      4. Destination Site is the Main Inventory Site of the customer's Default Branch.

        1. If the Branch Main Inventory Site is not populated user will be required to enter the destination site.

      5. The Reference Number will be populated with the Order Number.

      6. The Order will be flagged as cancelled after a Branch Transfer is created and the Order is written to history.

        1. Subsequent changes or deletions to the Branch Transfer will not affect the original Order.

      7. When the Branch Transfer Setup, Auto Receive SOP Transfer checkbox is marked the system will automatically populate the following fields when the branch transfer is created:

        1. Received Date

        2. Received User

        3. Received Quantity will be set to the shipped quantity.

    3. When Create CS or Open CS is selected from the drop down list when the Order is Invoiced a Counter Sale will be created.

Changes to Counter Sales Entry
Counter Sales Entry has been modified with ability create a Branch Transfer for an Internal Customer.

  1. Open Counter Sales Entry

(Transactions>Cinch Sales>Counter Sales)

  1. When Branch Transfer Setup, Allow SOP Transfers is marked and the Customer Extensions Maintenance Internal Customer checkbox is marked on the selected Customer:

    1. The Split Code ID and Prepay Apply will be disabled.

    2. When the Counter Sale is Invoiced a Branch Transfer will be created as follows.

      1. Transfer Batch will be based on Originating Site Branch Prefix + TO + Destination Site Branch Prefix from Branch Maintenance.

      2. Origination Site is the Site from the SOP line.

      3. In Transit Site is the Def In Transit Site defined for the Origination site.

        1. If the Default In Transit Site is empty for the selected Origination Site, the value from Branch Transfer Setup will be used.

      4. Destination Site is the Main Inventory Site of the customer's Default Branch.

        1. If the Branch Main Inventory Site is not populated user will be required to enter the destination site.

      5. The Reference Number will be populated with the Counter Sale Number.

      6. The Counter Sale will be flagged as cancelled after a Branch Transfer is created and the Counter Sales is written to history.

        1. Subsequent changes or deletions to the Branch Transfer will not affect the original Counter Sale.

      7. When the Branch Transfer Setup, Auto Receive SOP Transfer checkbox is marked the system will automatically populate the following fields when the branch transfer is created:

        1. Received Date

        2. Received User

        3. Received Quantity will be set to the shipped quantity.

Changes to Bookings Entry
Bookings Entry has been modified with ability create a Branch Transfer for an Internal Customer.

  1. Open Bookings Entry

(Transactions>Cinch Sales>Bookings)

  1. When Branch Transfer Setup, Allow SOP Transfers is marked and the Customer Extensions Maintenance Internal Customer checkbox is marked on the selected Customer, the Split ID will be disabled.

Changes to Fulfillment Entry
Fulfillment Entry has been modified with ability create a Branch Transfer for an Internal Customer.

  1. Open Fulfillment Entry

(Transactions>Cinch Sales> Fulfillment Entry)

  1. When Branch Transfer Setup, Allow SOP Transfers is marked and the Customer Extensions Maintenance Internal Customer checkbox is marked on the selected Customer:

    1. When Invoice is selected from the drop down list and the Fulfillment is Processed a Branch Transfer will be created as follows.

      1. Transfer Batch will be based on Originating Site Branch Prefix + TO + Destination Site Branch Prefix from Branch Maintenance.

      2. Origination Site is the Site from the SOP line.

      3. In Transit Site is the Def In Transit Site defined for the Origination site.

        1. If the Default In Transit Site is empty for the selected Origination Site, the value from Branch Transfer Setup will be used.

      4. Destination Site is the Main Inventory Site of the customer's Default Branch.

        1. If the Branch Main Inventory Site is not populated user will be required to enter the destination site.

      5. The Reference Number will be populated with the Order Number.

      6. The Order will be flagged as cancelled when after a Branch Transfer is created and Order is written history.

        1. Subsequent changes or deletions to the Branch Transfer will not affect the original Order.

      7. When the Branch Transfer Setup, Auto Receive SOP Transfer checkbox is marked the system will automatically populate the following fields when the branch transfer is created:

        1. Received Date

        2. Received User

        3. Received Quantity will be set to the shipped quantity.

    2. When Create CS is selected from the drop down list and the Fulfillment is Processed a Counter Sale will be created.

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