Install with INV package NOT initialized
What to do on a PSQL install when customer does not utilize the INV package. As an admin you will not be able to add any account members with the selected dataset. From a UI standpoint, no name i.d’s will appear for selections.
From a development side - if you check the agent logs, you will find the below error message.
Lookup Entity: AGRIS.Relational.SJI_Valid_Options.Entity.ReceivableTransactionCode System.Data.DataException: Database Errors: Message: Pervasive.Data.SqlClient.Lna.w: [LNA][Zen][SQL Engine][Data Record Manager]The MicroKernel cannot find the specified file(Btrieve Error 12) Source: Pervasive.Data.SqlClient SQL Command: SELECT VirtualView.* FROM (SELECT DISTINCT Top 1 'AR' as Code, 'Accounts Receivable' as Description FROM U22_PKG_SETUP_INFO Union SELECT DISTINCT Top 1 'BB' as Code, 'Budget Billing Receivable' as Description FROM U22_PKG_SETUP_INFO Union SELECT DISTINCT Top 1 'CS' as Code, 'Cost of Sale' as Description FROM U22_PKG_SETUP_INFO Union SELECT DISTINCT Top 1 'CT' as Code, 'Cost of Free Sale' as Description FROM U22_PKG_SETUP_INFO Union SELECT DISTINCT Top 1 'DT' as Code, 'Discount Taken' as Description FROM U22_PKG_SETUP_INFO Union SELECT DISTINCT Top 1 'FC' as Code, 'Finance Charge' as Description FROM U22_PKG_SETUP_INFO Union SELECT DISTINCT Top 1 'IC' as Code, 'Interest Credit' as Description FROM U22_PKG_SETUP_INFO Union SELECT DISTINCT Top 1 'PM' as Code, 'Payment' as Description FROM U22_PKG_SETUP_INFO Union SELECT DISTINCT Top 1 'PP' as Code, 'Prepayment' as Description FROM U22_PKG_SETUP_INFO Union SELECT DISTINCT Top 1 'SL' as Code, 'Invoice Sale' as Description FROM U22_PKG_SETUP_INFO Union SELECT DISTINCT Top 1 'SM' as Code, 'Invoice Free Sale' as Description FROM U22_PKG_SETUP_INFO Union SELECT DISTINCT Top 1 'TA' as Code, 'Transfer To/From A/P' as Description FROM U22_PKG_SETUP_INFO Union SELECT DISTINCT 'D1' as Code, cast(rtrim(U22_PKG_SETUP_INFO.U22_VALUE_S) + ' Discount' as varchar) as Description FROM U22_PKG_SETUP_INFO where U22_PKG_S='ACR' and U22_TOKEN_S ='TAX1_LABEL' Union SELECT DISTINCT 'D2' as Code, cast(rtrim(U22_PKG_SETUP_INFO.U22_VALUE_S) + ' Discount' as varchar) as Description FROM U22_PKG_SETUP_INFO where U22_PKG_S='ACR' and U22_TOKEN_S ='TAX2_LABEL' Union SELECT DISTINCT 'D3' as Code, cast(rtrim(U22_PKG_SETUP_INFO.U22_VALUE_S) + ' Discount' as varchar) as Description FROM U22_PKG_SETUP_INFO where U22_PKG_S='ACR' and U22_TOKEN_S ='TAX3_LABEL' Union SELECT DISTINCT 'D4' as Code, cast(rtrim(U22_PKG_SETUP_INFO.U22_VALUE_S) + ' Discount' as varchar) as Description FROM U22_PKG_SETUP_INFO where U22_PKG_S='ACR' and U22_TOKEN_S ='TAX4_LABEL' Union SELECT DISTINCT 'S1' as Code, cast(U22_PKG_SETUP_INFO.U22_VALUE_S as varchar) as Description FROM U22_PKG_SETUP_INFO where U22_PKG_S='ACR' and U22_TOKEN_S ='TAX1_LABEL' Union SELECT DISTINCT 'S2' as Code, cast(U22_PKG_SETUP_INFO.U22_VALUE_S as varchar) as Description FROM U22_PKG_SETUP_INFO where U22_PKG_S='ACR' and U22_TOKEN_S ='TAX2_LABEL' Union SELECT DISTINCT 'S3' as Code, cast(U22_PKG_SETUP_INFO.U22_VALUE_S as varchar) as Description FROM U22_PKG_SETUP_INFO where U22_PKG_S='ACR' and U22_TOKEN_S ='TAX3_LABEL' Union SELECT DISTINCT 'S4' as Code, cast(U22_PKG_SETUP_INFO.U22_VALUE_S as varchar) as Description FROM U22_PKG_SETUP_INFO where U22_PKG_S='ACR' and U22_TOKEN_S ='TAX4_LABEL' Union SELECT DISTINCT I17_PROMO_TYPES.I17_PROMO_TYPE_S as Code, I17_PROMO_TYPES.I17_DESCRIPTION_S as Description FROM I17_PROMO_TYPES ) AS VirtualView ---> Pervasive.Data.SqlClient.PsqlException: Pervasive.Data.SqlClient.Lna.w: [LNA][Zen][SQL Engine][Data Record Manager]The MicroKernel cannot find the specified file(Btrieve Error 12) at Pervasive.Data.SqlClient.Lna.q.b(aa ) at , am , c , ak , Boolean ) at Pervasive.Data.SqlClient.PsqlCommand.a(Boolean , CommandBehavior , Boolean , Int32 ) at Pervasive.Data.SqlClient.PsqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior) at AGRIS.Relational.DataNT.Common.BuildArrayFromDataReader(ArrayList[]& data, PsqlCommand[]& cmdArray, Boolean buildChildren, Int32& depth) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at AGRIS.Relational.DataNT.Common.BuildArrayFromDataReader(ArrayList[]& data, PsqlCommand[]& cmdArray, Boolean buildChildren, Int32& depth) at AGRIS.Relational.DataNT.Common.ExecuteQuery(String sql, Int32 noCommands, ArrayList queryParameters, Boolean getChildren, Hashtable options) at AGRIS.Relational.SJI_Valid_Options.DataNT.ReceivableTransactionCode.GetAll(CollectionAccessModes accessMode, Boolean getChildren, Hashtable options) at AGRIS.Relational.SJI_Valid_Options.Activity.ReceivableTransactionCode.GetAll(CollectionAccessModes accessMode, Boolean getChildren, Session session, Hashtable options) at Modularis.EnterpriseServices.ActivityService.GetAll(CollectionAccessModes accessMode, Boolean getChildren, Session session, Hashtable options) at Modularis.EnterpriseServices.ActivityService.GetCollectionByQueryDef(QueryDef query, CollectionAccessModes accessMode, Session session, Hashtable options) at Modularis.EnterpriseServices.UncachedLookup.GetUncachedLookups(Dictionary`2 lookupQueryParameters, Boolean suppressEvents, Session session, Hashtable options, EntityDefs entityDefsOfInterest)
Steps To Resolve
Please create a license file and add inventory to it.
Then assign to a support person to call them and help them apply the license file and initialize inventory
Then please turn around and apply the original license file which will turn inventory off.
After this is done please re-start agent
Final step is to test and verify that dataset appears in data source drop down for account members.
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