AGRIS Customer Documentation

Basics for AP Clerk



Our goal in this document is to take you through the above processes using all the functionality that can be used in the AGRIS™ system.
Your business may not be using all the options in AGRIS today. Why?

  • Your business may require a less detailed solution.

  • You could have been just starting on AGRIS as a new user and learned just enough to do your job.

  • You were new to the whole AGRIS software and were shown all the options, but they have been forgotten or bypassed in an effort to just "get the job done" for now.

  • You are the fourth person in this job position and, just like the game of "telephone," each person training the next person has lost bits and pieces of what can be done or why things are done.

  • You're the office manager who needs to be able to do every other person's job in the office, and this is where you're going to learn it before they call in sick.

This document will go over a general day in the life of an A/P clerk. We will be covering Stock Additions, Expense Vouchers, & Disbursement Processing.

Inventory Purchasing Process

Step One:

An order is placed for Inventory. Your salesman or a manager makes a call to order a semi-load of 32% fertilizer or 500-gallons of Roundup. At this point this information is either written in a notebook or on a sticky note or just stored in their memory.

Step Two:

A purchase order is keyed into AGRIS. Why use this?This places an electronic copy of the order into the accounting system.

  • Vendor product is purchased from.

  • Quantity ordered is recorded.

  • Price quoted is recorded.

  • Expected arrival time is recorded.

  • Inventory Status of Quantity on Order is updated.

Overall, this gets the order into the system instead of written down somewhere where it can get lost. It also provides a more accurate view of inventory status.

Step Three:

The shipping company delivers the product to your place of business. The paper work left is a Bill of Lading stating:

  • Product delivered.

  • Quantity delivered.

Warehouse staff verifies that product left matches Bill of Lading. At this point the product is in the warehouse or tank and is available for shipment.
NOTE: The AGRIS accounting system does not know that the product has arrived.

Step Four:

The Bill of Lading is brought to the person in charge of entering the stock addition, the purchasing clerk.
In order for AGRIS to provide accurate average cost, the bill of lading should be entered into the AGRIS system at the point that it's also available for resale.

Step Five:

The purchasing clerk keys the bill of lading into AGRIS as a stock addition voucher using the quantities from the Bill of Lading and the cost from the purchase order. The voucher is marked with a status of Estimate in order to keep it from being paid.
The goal of entering the stock addition from the Bill of Lading is to get the most accurate cost possible associated with the product BEFORE Sales Invoices or Transfers of product can be keyed into the AGRIS system. If Sales Invoices or Transfers are keyed first, the cost associated with those transactions will be prior to the shipment was keyed and, therefore, will not be accurate at the document level. The overall picture will come out in the end, but any ability to track by document or customer level is lost.

Step Six:

The invoice from the inventory vendor arrives with the final costing and any additional service items, such as trucking or taxing.
The purchasing clerk tweaks the cost of the inventory already keyed on the stock addition and adds the service items to increase the overall cost of the product.
Once all item invoices have arrived and service items are added, the stock addition is marked with a status of Actual so that it can be paid.

Step Seven:

The stock addition voucher is paid.

Stock Addition Entry

When choosing to enter stock additions, the user has the following menu choices:

  • Stock Additions – where new Stock Additions are entered. Step Five - This will automatically create an Accounts Payable voucher.

  • Adjust Stock Additions – where existing Stock Additions are edited or changed.Step Six - This will automatically adjust the existing Accounts Payable.

  • Reverse Stock Additions – where existing Stock Additions are voided or deleted. This will automatically remove the Accounts Payable voucher.

  • Split/Transfer Stock Additions - This feature allows users to do the following:1) Change the Remit To 2) Setup multiple due dates based on selecting products that need to be paid on a separate date.

  • Inventory Activity Reports – reports about what has happened. These are reports about the line items quantities and costs that are keyed on the stock additions.

  • Inventory Position Reports – reports about what will happen.These are reports that take into account what is to be received and shipped, based on purchase and sales orders. It lets you track what is going to come in and go out so you can better manage the inventory quantities.

Add New Stock Addition Using Purchase Order

Screen 1 – Starting Stock Addition Voucher

  • Enter the location code of where the inventory is being received or where the voucher is going to be accrued. The line items on the voucher can go to different location codes.

  • Ship From – the name ID of where the product came from. For example, I may be paying ABC Supply for fertilizer but the fertilizer could come from the East Kansas plant or the Missouri plant. Ship From allows me to track what location the product came from, which would aid in explaining different freight costs.

  • Remit To – the name ID that I will use to look up the voucher in A/P Balance inquiry and who I will issue the disbursement check to.

  • Voucher Status – Actual or Estimate. This does not stop the stock addition from affecting on the ledger.By marking a voucher estimate, you are keeping a disbursement check from being issued for it, thus protecting the voucher until you can add/edit all costs. Once everything is keyed or approved, then the stock addition voucher can be made Actual and a disbursement check can be written for it.

  • Ledger Date – will be the date that the inventory hits the inventory balances and affects the average cost. It will also be the date on the voucher in A/P.

  • Other Reference – misc field that will attach to each line item for additional info tracking. In this case, I've keyed in a general description of what the voucher is purchasing.

Click on OK and the System will default in the next Voucher Number. Write this number down on the Bill of Lading or shipping document.

Screen 2 – Adding Line Items

  • Item Number – key in the Item number or use the search option icon or asterisk <*> search option to find the inventory item that is being added to the stock addition. Note that you can also use the plus <+> key option to open up for a UPC code to be keyed to find the item.

  • Item Number Location Code – this option allows you to control what location is receiving the inventory. It will default from the location code that was used to start the voucher. However, you can edit this to choose another location.

  • Order Number – key in the Purchase Order number and line number or search option icon or asterisk <*> to search for an open Purchase Order. If the field for "Order Number" is not available for input, there is no open purchase order for the Ship From vendor name ID. If your purchasing manager has keyed a PO, you would have the quantity ordered and the cost quoted populating in the product without you having to key anything.

Screen 3 – Selecting Purchase Order

  • Loc Order# - As the system displays all available purchase orders for your selection, you will notice that each order has one "header" line in addition to the detail lines. The user can pick the header line if he/she wishes to add all line items on the order. For example, by selecting V17-00005 all 6-lines of PO#V17-00005 would be pulled onto the stock addition.Or the user can choose each line separately, allowing him/her to only choose V17-000005-01, which would then only pull on 10-tons to the stock addition, leaving the other purchase order lines available to use later.

Screen 4 – Defaulting Order Info onto Voucher

  • If a single line item is chosen, the system will default the order quantity into the stock addition quantity field. The user can then overtype that value with the actual delivered quantity.

Screen 5 – Completing Line of Order

  • If the quantity is less than the order quantity, the system will ask if the user wishes to "Complete This Item of This Order?" If this is the 1st delivery of several, the user would answer the question "N." An example would be a PO that was for 100 tons of fertilizer but you just received the first semi-load. If this is simply shipment shortage and no more inventory will be shipped on the order line, the question should be answered "Y."

Screen 6 – Summary of Inventory Entered on Voucher

Screen 7 - Additional Voucher Information

The additional voucher information screen appears after all items have been added to the stock addition. The information on this screen has more to do with the appearance of the Accounts Payable voucher than it does with the inventory activity of the stock addition.

  • Voucher Date – defaults from the ledger date that was used on the first screen to being stock addition entry. These dates should match or there can be difficulties in balancing ledger.

  • Voucher Status – defaults from the first screen. This gives the user another chance to control the Actual/Estimate status.

  • Voucher Terms - the code is used to default the discount dates and due dates.

  • Voucher Type – is used for report running and for controlling how the ledger account codes are affected during SJI as it acts as a source code in the SJI System Code setup.Because it is a source code and can affect the ledger, depending on SJI setup, it can only be edited if adjusting the stock addition on the original voucher date.

  • Name ID Type - can be edited and further used to "point" transactions to a different G/L account number using the AGRIS System Journal Interface module. Because it is a source code and can affect the ledger, depending on SJI setup, it can only be edited if adjusting the stock addition on the original voucher date.

  • Due Date – controls the due date placed on the voucher for the A/P side.

  • Discount Date – if the voucher is paid on or before this date, then any discount keyed in the discount amount will default at time of voucher payment.

  • Voucher Amount – how much the voucher totals up to.

  • Amount Applied – how much has been paid on the voucher.

  • Discount Amount – the amount available to be taken as a discount.Note that the discount, if taken, does not change the dollar amount of the inventory value. The discount amount will post to a ledger account for Discount Taken, but it does NOT affect the average cost of inventory.

  • Discount Percent – you can key in an amount and AGRIS will calculate the discount amount, or if you key the discount amount, the discount percent will be calculated by the AGRIS system.

  • Net Amount – the voucher amount less the discount amount. This field will also back calculate. For example, if you key in $10,000 for a voucher that is $15,000, then a $5,000 discount is filled in for discount amount and 33.33% is filled into the discount percentage.

  • Their Order Number – for keying in the vendor's sales order or bill of lading number. This field is made required per each name ID by flagging THEIR ORDER NO. FIELD to "yes" on the name/address accounting information setup.

  • Their Invoice Number – this should be the vendor's invoice number that you receive when you get the final bill. This will print on the disbursement check for referencing what is being paid.

  • Voucher Description – will print a general description of the voucher that prints on the disbursement check and will display in Account Balance Inquiry.

  • Voucher Remark – allows the user to key in an additional 50-character remark that can be printed on reports and used for referencing.

Screen 8 – Inventory and AP Updated

Service Items on Stock Additions

Many times when purchases of inventories are made, there is a separate freight charge involved. In addition, this freight is often payable to someone other than the inventory vendor. The AGRIS system has the ability to add 9 additional service items at the time of stock addition for such items. If the "Remit To" name ID is different on the service items than for the original inventory, additional vouchers are created. In addition, the value of the service items added to the stock addition is added to the cost of the inventory items themselves (increases their Average Cost).
Let's look at an example where the business is receiving 2 different products from the same vendor on the same stock addition. Freight is involved and will be payable to another vendor. We will need to make a determination of how to divide the total freight cost between the 2 separate inventory items.
INV > Stock Additions > Adjust Stock Additions > Select Voucher > Insert Lines

Screen 1 – Allocating Service Item Cost

  • Note that as the Freight service item is added, and the Ship From and Remit To name IDs are changed, the system has created a new Voucher Number.

  • The user is now prompted about how to divide the cost of the freight. This stock addition has the following inventory items on it:



Unit Cost


0-0-50 SOP

9.59 Tons




15.00 Tons




24.59 Tons



The user can prorate the cost of the freight based on the following choices:

  • Equally To Each Item – since there are 2 items, each would receive ½ of the freight cost.

  • By Purchase Quantity – Purchase Quantities are added up and then divided by the gross total to calculate a percentage. 9.59 tons + 15.00 tons = 24.59 tons or 38.99% - 61.01% split. $122.95 x 38.99% = $47.94 $122.95 x 61.01% = $75.01 This gives the item with the most purchase quantity the most cost. But realize that the UOMs may not be the same, so you could be comparing 1 500 gal tank of Roundup to 30 spark plugs. The spark plugs would get more of the freight cost.

  • By Common Quantity – The system will take the total of the lowest common denominator UOM codes, add them together, and divide the total freight cost by that number. Then it would take that per unit cost multiplied by the total quantity per item of each item's smallest UOM quantity.tons goes down to LBS for common UOM based on the UOM setup in AGRIS19180 lbs + 30,000 lb = 49,180 lbs or 38.99%-61.01% $122.95 x 38.99% = $47.94 $122.95 x 61.01% = $75.01 This gives the item with the most quantity the most cost. But again, realize you could be comparing the 1 500 gal tank of Roundup Chemical to 30 spark plugs.

  • By Direct Cost – The system in this case would add the $2637.25 for the 0-0-50 Fertilizer the $142.50 for the Manganese. It would then divide the $122.95 by that total and multiply it back against each item's direct cost. This works as a percentage or applies freight by each item's value.$2637.25 + $142.50 = $2779.75 or 94.87% for 0-0-50 & 5.12% for Manganese $122.95 x 94.87% = $116.64 $122.95 x 5.12% = $6.30 for the ManganeseThis gives the most expense item the majority of the freight cost.

  • Enter Each Item – if this option is chosen, the system will display each item sequentially and allow the user to enter a dollar figure for the freight charges. Once the values entered add to the total freight cost, the AGRIS system will no longer display items.

Screen 2 – Entering Service Item Cost per Item

Daily Expenses Process

Step One:

A bill is received for an expense item, such as the electric bill or light bulbs or AGRIS Support & Maintenance.

Step Two:

A voucher is keyed into AGRIS using the A/P Voucher maintenance. This places an electronic copy of the bill into the accounting system.

  • Vendor to be paid.

  • Month expense is accrued or expected.

  • Dollar value of expense.

Step Three:

A report for what needs to be paid is run on a daily or weekly basis.This report can be shown to management for approval of vouchers to be paid as a way of separating duties between the person that keys the expense and the person that pays the expense.

Step Four:

A disbursement check is issued to pay the voucher. Note that the expense is recorded to the ledger when the voucher is entered.The check just pays the voucher. It does not drive the expense.

Accruing Expenses Using Voucher/Credit Memos

There are two ways to accrue expense vouchers. We'll first cover the most common method.

Manual Voucher Method

This is the most common method for keying expense vouchers.

Screen 1 - Creating Vouchers/Credit Memos

Screen 2 – Add a Manual Voucher

Screen 3 - Adding Manual Vouchers

  • Location Code – will be the location that the voucher resides in. The expense dollars can still be allocated out to unique location codes.

  • Remit To Name ID - enter the name ID number for the account that the voucher is being written for.

  • Ledger Date - should be the current accounting date. This determines when it will hit the ledger.

This is the same process that will be used every time a manual invoice is entered.

Screen 4 - Adding Manual Vouchers – Continued

  • Actual/Estimate – This sets the status on the voucher. If the status is set to Actual, then the voucher can be paid using automatic disbursements. If the status is set to estimate, then automatic disbursements will not pay it. It can only be paid through disbursements, and it will warn the user that he/she is about to pay a voucher with an estimate status. Even if the voucher is paid, the estimate status will keep it appearing as an unpaid voucher. These will not purge until marked actual.

  • The Name ID Type will default from the name/address. It is used as a SJI source code. It gives the ability to drive this to a different ledger account based on the name ID type.

  • Voucher Type – determines what the voucher type will be. The invoice type is for SJI source code definition and reporting purposes.

  • Voucher Terms – defines the due date and the discount amount and discount date.

  • Voucher Date – controls the date of the voucher. For balancing purposes, this should match the original ledger date.

  • Due Date – the date the voucher is due.

  • Voucher Amount – the overall amount of the voucher.

  • Discount Amount – shows the amount of discount that is available if the voucher is unpaid.

  • Discount Percent – shows the percentage of the total voucher that could be received on discount.

  • Net Amount – gives the amount of cash that should be given to pay this voucher if the discount is taken.

  • If Paid By – the date the voucher must be paid by in order to receive the discount.

  • Their Invoice – for the vendor's invoice number. Depending on the setup in General Setup, this could be a required field. It may also have to be a unique invoice number for this vendor name ID.

  • Description – the description that will show in Account Balance Inquiry and what will print on the remittance form and the check, depending on their form design.

  • Voucher Remark – allows a remark to be added to the voucher. Its purpose is to give a little more description to the voucher.

  • Click OK to accept all the above information and then the Age & Payment Information displays.

  • Aging Analysis – gives the current aging status of the voucher. Upon each aging, if this voucher is unpaid, then the analysis will change to the next aging bracket.

  • Amount Applied – the amount that is currently applied to this voucher. The above example shows that the above voucher has no disbursement applied against it.

  • Amount Due – shows the current amount owed on the voucher.

  • Last Pmt Date – the date of the last disbursement application.

Screen 5 - Entering a Manual Voucher – Transaction Codes

The transaction codes above are for reporting purposes. Any of these can be edited after the creation of a voucher.
Important: It should be noted that if these codes are edited, they only change on the voucher record. The inventory activities on stock additions will always have the original codes attached to them. Only a reversal and re-entry of an inventory voucher will change the inventory transaction codes.
These fields are coming from two different package setups:

  1. Name/Address package

  2. Accounts Payable Package

  1. State/County Code

  2. Salesperson

  3. Territory

  4. Market Region

  5. Origin Location

  6. Destination Location

  7. Their Order Number

Accounts Payable
  1. Order field #1

  2. Order field #2

Screen 6 – G/L Distribution

Every credit must have a debit. We are creating a credit voucher, and the above screen is the offsetting debit.
Enter an asterisk to search for the correct G/L account. The search functions here allow you to look by ledger account number orio9 by alphabetical order.
The voucher amount can default into the amount column or can be set to force the user to enter this. This is a setup question flagged in Setup Information – System Integration.
Note that in the example above, the $818.98 is split between two location codes.
Leave the next G/L Account prompt blank to finish the G/L Distribution screen.
Answer Yes to "Is This Correct?"
A manual invoice has been completed.

Purchase Order Approval on Business Purchases

There are some expenses that a business would like to have approved prior to their purchase.

  • Office supplies

  • Parts for vehicle repairs

  • Maintenance on buildings

  • Customer conference in Florida for accounting software.

AGRIS has a way of handling this that allows the business to use the purchase orders and stock addition vouchers.

Setup of Expenses for Purchase Order Approval

  1. Each expense ledger account that requires purchase order approval is identified.The User Data #1 field that has a product category keyed into it is just for human interface use. It's not part of the required setup. It just helps the user recognize what product category goes with what ledger account.LDG > Maintenance Options > Chart of Accounts

  2. Setup the product categories in the Inventory package.INV > Setup > Inventory Setup Options > > Add/Edit Product Category

  3. Set up inventory service items in each product category for the expense type.You can set up multiple item types so you can run reports, for example, for all Office Repair vs. Elevator Repair.

  1. Define the System Journal interface so that each product category hits the appropriate ledger code.SJI > System Accounts > Inventory setup > Select product category > Transaction Code of SE-Service Expense

  1. Define order status for approved/denied order status.INV > Setup Information > Order Setup > Screen 2

Process for Expenses Purchase Order Approval

Step One:

A purchase order is keyed into AGRIS for an estimate or quote of what the expense will be. For example, Customer Conference for AGRIS:

  • Vendor to be paid.

  • Estimated hotel amount.

  • Estimated conference fee.

  • Estimated flight.

  • Estimated meals.

  • Status of order flagged as code 6 for waiting for approval.

INV > Purchase Orders > Add new Purchase Order > Set Status of Order so that it's up for review >
Select each Expense line

Step Two:

Purchase order is reviewed by management for approval.A user-defined report can be designed to only print orders with a certain status code. In our example, that is status code 6...PO for Review…

Step Three:

Management marks purchase order with status 4-Approved.An open PO report can be run on a daily basis showing open and approved purchase orders so that the company is aware of upcoming expenses but they don't have to accrue the expense to the ledger yet in the form of an estimated voucher.
Management approves the expenditure by editing the status on the order to 4-approved or 5-denied or just changing it to ACTIVE.
INV > Purchase Orders > Edit Purchase Orders > Change status then enter through to save.

Step Four:

Accounting and IT personnel come back from the Customer Conference full of wonderful knowledge that makes them much better employees.All receipts are turned in to be keyed as a stock addition voucher applied against the PO.

Step Five:

Enter an inventory stock addition.
Default the stock addition from the approved purchase order.

Tweak the amounts of the lines to match actual expense compared to the approved estimates on the purchase order.

Step Six:

Issue check to reimburse employee or pay direct to vendors for expense.

Recurring Vouchers

  • Monthly Rental Property

  • Monthly Utility Bill

  • Monthly Phone Bill

  • Recurring Vehicle Loan Payment

Above are some examples of the vouchers that must be keyed on a recurring basis. There may be slight dollar variations but the name IDs and items on the voucher are the same.
AGRIS now provides the ability to import from spreadsheets. This option gives you the chance to create a standard import where you could update the dates and dollar totals of multiple vouchers, and then import them into AGRIS to create new transactions.

How to Setup

  1. Enter a document to be the template in A/P.

  2. Run the standard voucher report for that document.Voucher Export Spreadsheet (AGEXPIMP)

  3. Now you have a spreadsheet that you can use to copy more vouchers and edit the dates and dollar amounts.

What to Edit for Vouchers

  • Blank out voucher number (the AGRIS system will assign the next available document number)

  • Edit voucher date (6 characters)

  • Edit original (aka ledger) date (6 characters)

  • Edit due date (6 characters)

  • Edit discount date (6 characters)

  • Blank out 1st invoice/settlement number (this is at the end of the record)

  • Edit voucher amount and ledger amounts

  • Save file as CSV

How to Process

  1. AGRIS – Reports – Import Procedures – Standard Import

  2. Edit the File Extension from FIL to CSV

  3. Click OK to View Import review

  4. Click OK to see import options.

  5. Select 1) Begin Import Processing

  6. Review import file.You can now see that there are new vouchers in AGRIS for 2009-Feb Expenses.

A/P Voucher Import Report

Paying the Bills

Step One:

A voucher is keyed into AGRIS.

  • Due Date is recorded.

  • Estimate/Actual flag is determined.

Step Two:

Aging function places vouchers in aging buckets to better analyze when they are owed and prepares vouchers for Cash Requirement & Balance reports.

Step Three:

Run A/P voucher report CASH REQUIREMENTS to print a list of unpaid vouchers along with a cash flow time line.Run A/P balance report A/P Aging Analysis with voucher detail to show balance due by vendor.

Step Four:

Analyze the reports to determine who is being paid.Change any estimate to actual flags so that voucher can be paid.

Step Five:

Issue the disbursement checks.

Step Six:

Mail or ACH checks to vendor.

Step Seven:

File first check copy with bill in vendor's folder.File second check copy in numerical check order.


Aging Vouchers helps provide analytical information on how long it takes to pay vouchers and also corrects any balance total issues that may exist in the A/P Balance.

Aging Setup

Calculating the age category of vouchers is based on the Ending Date specified in the Aging option.

  • Which Method Should Be Used To Age Vouchers? — There are two methods to age vouchers.

    • By Number of Days - the number of days method uses the five digits Julian date to determine the age category of a voucher. The Julian date is the day of the year. For example 17-Jul-08 is 08199. The 08 stands for the year and 199 for the 199th day of the year.

    • By Number of Months - the number of months method uses the four digits of the date in the YYMM format.

  • Which Date Should Be Used To Age Vouchers? To determine the age category, the software may subtract either the due date or the invoices date from the aging cut-off date.

  • Aging Period Days — the number of days in the aging categories or brackets or buckets is specified in the six input fields at the bottom of the screen, if aging by number of days. If using the number of months method, the six aging input fields are not opened.

Aging Process

ACP > Account Processing > Age Open Vouchers
The aging process may be run as frequently as necessary.
Run the aging after applying all credit memos and unapplied disbursements.

  • Aging Date — the date that is compared to either the Voucher Date field or Due Date field to determine the age category for each unpaid voucher.

  • Name ID Number — the selection of unpaid vouchers may be limited to a "range" of name IDs. The Name ID Number field identifies vendors as maintained in the AGRIS Name/Address System.

  • Location Code — the selection of unpaid vouchers may be limited to a range of locations. The location code field identifies the document location where the accounts payable balances are maintained.



Estimated vs. Actual

The estimated/actual status has NO affect on the ledger system. When a voucher is keyed, that is the date that it flows to the ledger.
The Estimates purpose is to keep you from issuing a check for the voucher before all the data has been entered or the voucher has been approved.
Actual Status – voucher is complete and may be paid through automatic Disbursements.
Estimated Status – voucher is still waiting for more information. It can be paid through single disbursements but the user must answer YES to "Are you sure you want to pay this estimated voucher?"

When a voucher is paid by a "forced disbursement" the voucher will still show on all voucher reports as UNPAID, while the voucher amount due will be zero.The voucher will also pull up in Balance Inquiry as Unpaid with zero-amount due.

Is there a mass way to change ESTIMATE to ACTUAL? No.Each voucher must be edited manually.
ACR > Voucher Maintenance > Edit a voucher > Enter Voucher number > Change status > Save


A disbursement is the process of issuing checks to pay vouchers.
There are two methods of disbursements.

  1. Disbursements.

  2. Automatic disbursements.

Automatic disbursements are a way to set parameters to print checks. After the parameters are set, the user can sit back and watch the printer go.
Disbursements are the manual method of issuing A/P checks.

Single Disbursement

Found under the Accounts Payable menu-Disbursements – Disbursements Processing – Enter Disbursements & Print Check.

  1. Choose to Enter Disbursements & Print Check.

  2. Answer Y or N to print the check. There may be times you do not want to print an A/P check, such as when the voucher was paid from petty cash.

  3. Choose the remittance option. The user may choose not to print a remittance form, to print one, or to print the form only if the check stub overflows.

  4. Choose the check form to print. This question may never come up, depending on your setup. Some users choose to lock in the form to use through form manager. If the form is locked in, you will skip this step.

  5. Enter the name ID of the vendor being paid.

  6. The ledger date should be the current accounting date.

  7. Okay the bank code the disbursement check will be written from.

  8. Okay the check number.

  9. Choose to pay unpaid vouchers or to pay on the outstanding balance.Disbursement on unpaid vouchers will allow you to choose the vouchers that are paid.Disbursement on unpaid balance will choose all vouchers that match the criteria. The user does not have to view each voucher before paying.

Prepayment for Purchase Order.

In this example, we are choosing Payment type 1) Disbursement on Unpaid Vouchers.

  1. Enter the search criteria to look for the vouchers that need to be paid. Recommendation: Blank out all the options. It is very easy to limit the criteria so much that you lose the ability to see all of the vouchers you were looking for.

  2. Once the vouchers can be seen, choose the line number that corresponds with the vouchers you wish to pay.

  1. Select the voucher to pay. In order to control the dollar/discount amount applied, select EDIT instead of SELECT to choose the voucher.Then you are able to enter the payment amount and discount. They will default in but you may wish to edit them, for example, if you are taking the discount regardless of the discount date.

  1. Select more vouchers for payment or select <Continue> to move to the next screen.

  1. If you are done with the vendor, then select 1) apply amount to selected vouchers.

  1. The next window will allow you to continue selecting vendors for payment. The disbursement checks will print in a run, so you can continue to select vendors and their vouchers until everything is ready, and then all checks will print in a run.Select OK to select another vendor.Select Continue to print what you have done so far.Select Esc or the Cancel button to get out of everything you've done so far. No vouchers will be paid and no checks will be printed.

Automatic Disbursements

Automatic Disbursements gives the user the ability to issue checks based on parameter settings without having to select each vendor/voucher to be paid. The biggest difference is that it automatically pulls up the vendors and vouchers that match your beginning range input. The user does not have to keep keying in the vendor to pay, then selecting the voucher to pay.
Auto Disbursements brings up every voucher that meets the criteria and it's just a matter of saying Yes/No to pay, or, just paying everything that matches criteria without the Yes/No option.

Process for Automatic Disbursements

  • * From the ACCOUNTS PAYABLE main menu select DISBURSEMENTS.


  • Use the following fields to limit the VOUCHERS selected for PAYMENT.

  • NAME ID NUMBER Limits the search to a specific NAME ID or group of NAME IDs.

  • LOCATION CODE Limits the search to a specific LOCATION CODE for the VOUCHER.

  • VOUCHER NUMBER Limits the search to a specific VOUCHER NUMBER.

  • VOUCHER TYPE Limits the search to a specific TYPE of VOUCHERS.

  • VOUCHER TERMS Limits the search to a specific VOUCHER TERMS CODE on VOUCHER.


  • NAME ID TYPE Limits the search to a specific TYPE of NAME IDs. (e.g. T for all Truckers.)

  • MISC NAME ID FIELDS 1 – 6 This group of 6 fields will limit the search by the MISC NAME ID fields you have set up.

  • DUE DATE Refers to the DUE DATE of the VOUCHERS.


  • MINIMUM CHECK AMOUNTAllows you to set a minimum amount that must be reached for the check to print. This option keeps a zero-dollar check from printing if all the auto disbursement process does is apply a credit memo to a voucher, marking the account paid.

  • CHOOSE EACH NAME ID / VOUCHER NUMBER Answer Y for Yes to see all NAME IDs and select the VOUCHERS for each. Answer N for No to allow the System to select.

  • COMBINE MULTIPLE LOCATIONS ON EACH CHECK. Answer Y for Yes to bring all LOCATIONS onto one CHECK, N for No to only run one LOCATIONS VOUCHERS on a check. Note: you will be asked for each NAME ID if you want this LOCATION'S VOUCHER paid. A separate CHECK will be created for each LOCATION if answering NO.

  • Click on the OK button.

  • Answer IS THIS CORRECT Y for Yes to continue, N for No, or Escape to edit.

  • Answer YES or NO to set the above parameters as defaults.If running the checks in a report stream, then these settings will be used during the report stream process.

  • Type in the BANK CODE (this is the BANK you will be crediting).

  • Click on the OK button to continue.

  • Type in Y to PRINT CHECK FORMS Type N for No only if you do not want to print the CHECKS but want to print the REMITTANCE FORMS.

  • Click on the OK button to continue.

  • Select the REMITTANCE FORM option.

    • NO FORM LIMIT DISBURSEMENTS PER CHECK Select this option if you do not want a separate REMITTANCE form to print. This will limit the number of VOUCHERS you can include on a CHECK.

    • PRINT FORM FOR EVERY CHECK GENERATED. Select this option if you want to print a REMITTANCE form for every check you print.

    • PRINT FORM ONLY IF DETAIL OVERFLOWS STUB. Select this option if you want to print the REMITTANCE form only if the CHECK STUB overflows.

    • Print Related Commodity Settlement Forms. Y or N.

  • Select the CHECK FORM you want to use. Press the SELECT button when the CHECK FORM is highlighted.

  • Type in the DATE FOR ALL CHECKS. Note: This will be the date it hits the V9 BANK and the GENERAL LEDGER.

  • Click on the OK button.

The System will proceed depending on the choices you made.
If you answered Y to CHOOSE EACH NAME ID / VOUCHER NUMBER the system will ask you the following questions.


  • Answer Yes if you want to choose VOUCHERS for this NAME ID NUMBER. N to skip this NAME ID and move to the next.

  • Select this VOUCHER for PAYMENT. You will be asked this for each VOUCHER. Answer Y for Yes for each VOUCHER you want to include on the CHECK; answer N for No for the VOUCHERS you want to pay at a later date.

Note: When you select the first VOUCHER the System will ask you to assign a CHECK NUMBER. Type in the correct CHECK NUMBER for the first NAME ID; the system will then assign the checks in sequential order (one CHECK for each NAME ID).

  • Repeat for all NAME IDs.

  • Select the PRINTER you want the CHECKS to print on.

  • Select the PRINT TYPE.

  • Click on the OK button.


    1. Answering Y for Yes will finish the process.

    2. Answer N for No will give you a chance to reset your check numbers and restart the printing process. This option is there for when the printer jams and messes up your check run.You'll be able to enter first CHECK NUMBER that had problems printing.Answer YES to reuse the CHECK NUMBERS that did not print, or No to move to the CHECK NUMBER after the ENDING CHECK NUMBER listed. Click on the OK button. The System will then tell you the starting CHECK NUMBER. Click on the OK button.

If you <Cancel> during the Select Vendor/Voucher Process, the documents selected up to that point will still have a chance to be printed, if you do not escape completely out.

End of Day Reports

Your business is only as good as its last backup.

Every business should have a backup system in place that is backing up the system on a nightly basis. But we've all been in the situation where:

  • the tape backup was corrupted

  • the raid drive had a disk go out and only a portion of the data can be recovered

  • flood water got to the server and backup tapes

  • the grain bin beside the office collapsed and destroyed equipment.

  • a former employee caused some mischief upon existing the business

Because of "life circumstances" it never hurts to have some additional backup. Because of this, a recommendation is being made to print end of day reports. These are not reports that you have to keep forever. But it's a quick, fast way to recover from data disasters. If it's printed out, then it can be rekeyed.
Also, if it's printed out, the daily entry of information can be reviewed for errors and corrected in a timelier manner.

A/P Reports

  • A/P DAILY VOUCHER REPORT for a list of vouchers keyed that day.

Be sure to answer YES to print G/L & Item Voucher detail.

  • A/P DAILY DISBURSEMENT REPORT for a list of checks issued that day.

~ Document Written by Janet Krumholz 04/19

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