AGRIS Customer Documentation
Ledger Detail - Steps to enable.
After installing or higher you will have access the the Ledger Detail inquiry view.
Please remember Ledger Detail will begin to be captured for all journal entries (Ledger and SJI journal entries) after the extended option is turned on.
Step-by-step guide to enable Ledger Detail
Confirm you have updated your license file to enable the Ledger Detail inquiry view. Emailing is the fastest and easiest way to get started.
Turning On the Extended option - Once you have received and updated your license file, enable the Detail Ledger option for each dataset by following the navigation below
Maintenance> Dataset Maintenance> Select the dataset > extended options> LDG> Detailed Ledger set as Y - Yes
Update user security
Navigate to Customize> System Security> Select the user> Edit Security Levels> LDG Inquiry options - Ledger Detail Inquiry and set to view access or higher.
Now process your SJI journal entries as normal and once you post to the ledger the Detail inquiery will populate in the following areas.
Viewing Ledger Detail from the three access areas
Account inquiry
Select entry within the account inquiry - Ledger> Inquiry Options> Account Inquiry> Select account> Select Entry in account> Select Ledger Detail button
Journal entry inquiry
Ledger> Inquiry Options> Journal Entry Inquiry> Select Entry> Select Entry in account> Select Ledger Detail button
Ledger Detail Inquiry
Ledger> Inquiry Options> Ledger Detail Inquiry> Select Journal Period
You are now ready to begin! Remember that Ledger detail is only generated from the first SJI entries created AFTER enabling the Ledger detail extended option!
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