A/R Payment Received Report - Prepayments

AGRIS Customer Documentation

A/R Payment Received Report - Prepayments

This page is to help you understand more about how to generate a standard PREPAYMENT HISTORY report available within the Accounts Receivable (ACR) module.

  1. Navigation: Packages > Accounts Receivable System > Report Manager > A/R Payment Reports > 1) Print A/R Payment Reports.

  2. Select 1)Print A/R Payment Reports.

  3. Select 1 A/R Payment Received Report (Report Id 00100).

  4. On the Range Selection Criteria screen (see below), consider the following:

    1. On the Name Id Number row, enter the applicable Name Id Number range if you wish to narrow the report down to a customer (or range of customers).

    2. On the Cash Source row, enter “P” (= Prepayment) in both the Beginning and Ending columns (see screen below).

    3. On the “Payment Date” row, enter your desired Beginning and Ending dates for the range that you seek to view.

    4. On the “Prepayment Type” row, enter Beginning and Ending values to limit it down to those prepay items with quantities (e.g., “0” to “1” for prepays by Item Description to Item Number”). 

  5. Select OK to view more criteria (OR select Print to generate the output immediately).

  6. The Value Selection Criteria screen (see below) lets you determine what values you wish to filter on to appear on the report. Enter any applicable Option(s) and Value(s) filters you seek.

    1. On the “Prepayment Quantity” row, enter Option 4=Greater Than Or Equal To with a value of “.0001”.  This will show all prepays with quantities greater than zero. This will narrow prepays down to those items with quantities.

    2. Select OK to view more criteria (OR select Print to generate the output immediately).

  7. On the Subtotal & Other Options screen (see below), enter

    1. How you would like to Subtotal the report.

    2. Enter “N” if you do not want to Print A/R Payment Detail and/or Print Grand Total Information.

    3. Enter “Y” in the Replace Name Id With Alternative Id field if you wish to see Alternative Ids.

    4. Select OK to view more criteria (OR select Print to generate the output immediately).

  8. On the Additional Options screen, enter “Y” if you wish to Print Remark Detail. Select OK.

  9. Below is a sample of the report.


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