AGRIS Customer Documentation
Future feature ideas and considerations
The following items are known issues or features that are being considered in a future AGRIS release.
.NET UI Dashboard - After subscribing to another widget or adding a dashboard favorite, do not reload the entire dashboard just to display the new widget/favorite
AGRIS to restore each user’s dashboard screen positioning and size each time they re-launch the system
AGRIS dashboard does not yet support the following keyboard functions.
F1 - Help (only on the Dashboard, it does still work throughout the system)
F2 - Select Dataset
F4 - oneWeigh Ticket Entry
F11 - Open Cash Drawer
Ability to order or sort based on user preferences
After the calendar day changes (i.e. at midnight), the widgets should recognize the change without having to restart the Dashboard Service
Template Widgets to be available in the following modules in the future:
LDG - General Ledger
NAM - Name/Address
PAT - Patronage Accounting
PAY - Payroll Accounting
SJI - System Journal Interface
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