AGRIS Customer Documentation
Dashboard Functionality
After a user has subscribed to multiple widgets and/or favorites, their dashboard might look similar to this example below. The widgets could display summary information like you see here, or they could contain graphs, charts, pictures, etc. If there are more widgets than will fit in the area with the background image, then the user can scroll the panel up and down. If there are more Favorite reports than will fit in the lower section, then that panel can scroll down as well. The size of the dashboard can be adjusted down, or could be fully maximized. The widgets will adjust their position as the user adjusts the size of their dashboard.
Once the AGRIS Dashboard package menu options are displayed, the widgets will begin “popping up” one-at-a-time. You do NOT need to wait for all the widgets to be displayed before navigating to any of the package menu choices. Go ahead and select the package menu option where you need to go, and the widget images will continue to be displayed in the background.
When you navigate to any of the menu options throughout the AGRIS packages, the AGRIS Dashboard continues to redisplay the current view of the widgets when appropriate. Example, when you are in the Invoice Entry module, the dashboard widgets will continue to be refreshed based on their configured timing, and you will still be able to view the current dashboard. You do not need to return to the AGRIS System Support to see the images on the dashboard.
As you choose different datasets, the widgets will refresh based on the data in each dataset that you log in to. You do not need to subscribe to the widgets or the favorites within each dataset. The user subscribes to the widgets and favorites, and then the service generates the widget images based on each dataset they access.
Hover over a widget
Each widget is directly associated with an existing text-based or graphic report within the system. When you hover over the widget, the yellow box will pop up as shown below. This shows the report that is associated with the widget. This example is a widget for the Accounts Payable Balance Report, Standard Report sequence 00500. The name of the report is in the heading of the widget itself. The last updated time is displayed, as well as the refresh rate.
Double-click a widget
If you double-click on the widget, the report itself will be processed with the current up-to-date information and then automatically displayed. If it’s a text-based report, it will be displayed in Notepad (or whatever application is registered for .txt files). If it is a graphic report, it will be processed and displayed in the Active Reports viewer. The widget serves both as dashboard information, and also as a direct link to print the details of the report itself.
Right-click on a widget
Right-click on a widget to provide the three options shown below.
Filter/Print Report: As mentioned before, double-click will automatically process and display the results of the report on the screen. If you want to adjust the filter parameters before printing the report, then select this option. You will also have the ability to select your output device, preview, spool, or email.
Print Report: If you want to print the report with the existing filter criteria, but need to select the output device, then use this option.
About: This option will display the following information
The top portion of the window above shows the information about the widget and the report. The bottom section shows the filter criteria of the report.
Double-click a Favorite Report
When you double-click on a favorite report at the bottom of the dashboard, then the filter screen of that report will be displayed. You can adjust the parameters if necessary and then print the report.
In this example, the Customer Status Report was selected. The Range Selection Criteria screen of the Customer Status Report became available without having to follow the normal menu navigation of the system.
You might also see a message on the dashboard like this, where the widget would normally be displayed.
If you hover over the image, it may tell you additional information, or you can Right-click and choose About. This will provide additional information. Notice on the first line below that it says “Dashboard Service Not Running”
Reasons for the Right Click, About image to appear:
Dashboard Service Not Running: check the AGRIS.ini to determine which server has the dashboard service. Make sure the Cultura AGRIS SYS Dashboard Service is running. To find if the Dashboard Service is running or not, from the Server, click the Start button & type in Services. Select Cultura Agris SYS Dashboard Service.
Open the Dashboard Service & select Startup Type: Pick Automatic
Click Apply & Ok.
On previous screen select Start Service.
Widget Not Yet Created: When a user first logs in, or first subscribes to a widget, it may take time for the widget to be generated. This is especially true if the SQL Query of the widget is processing a lot of data. This message tells you that the service is running, the widget image will be generated, and will automatically appear on the dashboard when it has been created.
Error Condition: If there is an error condition when processing the widget, then the error details will be displayed in the bottom section where the Filter Criteria normally displays. This would mean that the Active Report custom widget may need to be modified. See the section for Creating and Maintaining Widgets.
Edited: 4/27/23 AB
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