Emailing Forms to Customers

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Emailing Forms to Customers

Emailing Forms to Customers



Auto Emailing allows for the abilities to:

  • Automatically distribute graphical documents/forms via email using the Forms Spool, including A/R (bookings, statements, payment receipts, and invoices) and Commodity (contracts, tickets, delivery sheets, settlements, commodity generated invoices, and warehouse receipts).

  • Publish encrypted PDFs ensures data integrity and security.


  • Reduces cost, time, and effort associated with printing, preparing, and mailing paper documents.

  • Enhances customer communication with more timely information to customers.

  • Improves positive cash flow through more timely payments from customers.

Key Take Aways:

Emailing AGRIS generated forms to your customers is an extended option for purchase from Cultura.

With the Email form feature users can configure each Graphic form to print for specific customers.

Stated another way…

  1. You set which forms will be enabled for emailing.

  2. You can then establish which customers are eligible to receive those emails.

  3. You set one or many emails on the customer record.

  4. You trigger the send email feature after reviewing the forms that were sent to the spool.

  5. Your customer receives the following email with the original form from AGRIS attached.

Sample Output:

Example from GMAIL of a sent email. All details within the email are configurable including colors.


Getting Started:

  1. What type of documents would be most valuable to send to the customer (Grain, Inventory, and Statements)?

    1. Of that type of documents, which form will be most valuable to send to your customers?

    2. Who is the target group to get these emails?

    3. Will there be a chance that the target group may want one type of document and not another?

  2. Once you have identified which form will be configured first, confirm that it is a Graphic Form and all groups agree that the look and feel of the form is what is needed for emailing to the customer.

a. Graphic form designer is now available to all AGRIS customers.

b. If significant changes need made in how the data is displayed, contact AGRIS support at 800-366-2474 or mysupport@culturatech.com

3. Set email contact types

a. Go to Name Address > Setup Information > Contact Remark types and setup at least one email contact type. It is recommended that a different email type for each form type sent be configured.

b. It is better to have more than one email contact type as then customers can opt out or in of each type.

c. Set the Hierarchy sequence and which types of Name ID accounts this email type will be visible to see in the View/Edit name id menu option.

d. Notify your email server administrator – or if using an online email provider, review the steps to send email via SMTP.

i. Your administration will need to review the AGRIS documentation within the following path: Maintenance > Email Forms Maintenance > Setup > Help



e. Review the documentation of how the Email form feature works and configure integration with your email solution accordingly.

f. Determine what email id’s will be used and which users will have access / redirection of the emails back to their inbox to monitor feedback /responses from customers.

e. You are now ready to enable your forms for emailing.

Enable Forms for Emailing

  1. Go to Maintenance > Email Forms Maintenance

  2. Insert a new form

  3. Select a form from the list


  4. Select email contact type.


  5. Review remaining information on the page – Examples include:

    1. Who should this show as the sender?

    2. Is an email address configured to receive the emails?

    3. What should the subject line state?

  6. Review the HTML5 with any HTML5 editor to review the look and feel of the email.

    1. Note that room may need reserved on the web server to host the pictures displayed within the email.

  7. Quickly add the email addresses from your test group by using the email addresses button at the bottom.

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