Durable Goods Tracking: Notes and Rules

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Durable Goods Tracking: Notes and Rules

DGT Notes and Rules


1. Adding New Containers at time of Stock Addition

  • At least one of those containers must be setup in containers.

    • Example: 500-gal shuttle

  • Add the inventory item for the 500-gal shuttle and the number of new containers wanted

  • Key in the information for each container when prompted

  • Add the chemical to the stock addition that is going into the shuttles

    • If the shuttles were setup with the default item number, there will be a line under each container for the inventory item.

2. Selling Containers as part of blend in AGY - Containers will only be relieved if they are marked bulk

  • Non-bulk containers are not seen if the chemical is part of a blend

3. Bulk Containers do NOT show on invoices

  • Non-bulk containers print as a service item on the invoice

  • Bulk container products can only be used in AGY blends

4. Split Invoice

  • The first invoice number displays on container

  • Must drill into it to display the invoices involved in the split

5. Transfer Rules

  • Can only transfer to locations with DGT turned on, otherwise transfer is stopped

  • All locations can have DGT without locational licensing

    • May need a new license to do this

  • If that can’t be done, inter-company stock additions and sale can still be done

  • The stock addition will not have the container on it but you could setup a ghost container item (not type 2) and that would cover the clearing account difference

  • Note: this is not going to cover the EPA requirements for tank tracking

6. Correcting Invoicing Splits

  • In a perfect world, you would use a delivery ticket as the customer takes out the shuttles of product, then invoice out the delivery tickets with splits.

  • If a customer brings back a container, then do a product return that will create a delivery ticket.

  • When they bring in the splits, you’ll have the container/product and the return containers to invoice out and split.

  • If you have already returned container and invoice:

    • Bill out the credit and re-bill as bulk container items (non-customer facing) requesting the ability to have it tied back to the container but once the container has be returned or the bulk item has been invoice, it no longer is a durable goods tracking issue and no longer regulated by the EPA requirements that created the need for DGT.

  • If you do not have a BULK item for this product

    • Recommend setting up a service item like CORR - CORRECTIONS FOR DGT BILLING in the service the service item product category.

  1. Add this service item to all locations using DGT.

  2. Any item that has to have a correction on it, add a tank to the item in DGT and fill it with 1-unit.

  3. Any time you have to make a billing correction on a DGT item, use the AGRIs invoicing.

  4. Do a negative quantity (return) for the product to the CORRECTIONS container.

  5. Then do a positive quantity (rebill for correct amount) to the CORRECTIONS container.

  6. All the corrections for billing go through the CORRections tank, instead of trying to fix a container that has already been filled and sent back out again.\

7. Taking an item OFF Durable Goods Tracking (turning it off)

  1. Setup a new inventory item number.

  2. Cleanout product on containers.

  3. Inventory adjustment to bring back in to new inventory item.

NOTE: you cannot use transfer as it won’t let you transfer an item in a container. So you have to use the cleanout which creates an inventory adjustment. Now you can enter a counter adjustment on the new item.  (This all works if everything is still in the same product category.)

2nd solution, not the best, brings up issues in any EPA Audit of containers. You will never be able to do a product return on this item as it continues to ask for a container:

  1. Remove from service any container associated with that item number.

  2. Reassign those containers so they are NOT attached to that item number.

  3. Cleanout any containers in service and note product quantities.

  4. Reassign those containers so not associated to item number.

  5. Turn off the item option 3) Containers and move back to Item Option 0) None.

  6. Enter an inventory adjustment to put the quantity/value back on the item.

  7. Remember you won’t ever be able to do a product return or a stock transfer on this item.

8. Inventory Status (display status of location)

  • If no DGT balances are displayed on right of screen, this does not mean this item is not flagged for a container.

  • The item could still be flagged for a container but have NO containers assigned to it.

  • There must be containers assigned to shows “display status” with balances vs container balance.

9. Retiring or Taking a Container Out of Service

  • This moved the container status to Not Active.

  • If you retire the container with product in it the product stays there. 

  • You have to clean out the container and this will create an adjustment in AGRIS inventory, lowering your inventory.

10. Hazmat document quantity not matching delivered quantity

  • If a DGT Item, then Yes, the hazmat is supposed to show what the container holds. 

  • That would be the maximum exposure if there was an accident.

11. Physical Count

  • If you key your long/short by stock adjustments, the stock adjustment function allows you to choose a container when you key in the short. BEST OPTION.

  • If you do a physical count, it does not update containers.

    • Long – updates inventory so you then do a fill from blank container to update the container, which creates an item to item transfer document.

    • Short – updates inventory so inventory drops but containers remain the same.  Now do a negative fill even from BLANK container, by keying in the gross amount in the tank. Overall gross amount. So if the tank shows 1000-gals and you are short 100-gals, then key in 900-gals in the GROSS field.  It becomes an adjustment which creates a type 5-adjustment document. This drives to the ledger crediting asset and debiting cost of goods sold.  Now the type 6-count and type 5-document have both credited the ledger asset and cost of goods sold.

      • The tank shows what should be there.

      • AGRIS inventory is shorted twice.

      • Follow up by keying a positive type 5- stock adjustment, to counter balance the container adjustment. (do not select a container)
        Now inventory is right and containers are right.

  • If you key your long/short by stock adjustments, the stock adjustment function allows you to choose a container when you key in the short. BEST OPTION.

12. Adjusting Containers so on hand matches container amount

  • How to see if On Hand quantities Match Container Quantities.

    • AGRIS > INV > Inventory Status Inquiry > select location totals

    • Select option 8. Display status

      • This shows if the on hand is in balance with the container amounts.

  • How to correct when the on-hand is greater > than the container.

    • Use "fill container" function.

    • DGT > Fill Container

    • Select container to fill

      • Wipe out the asterisk on the "fill from" container.

    • Key in the Fill amount.

      • This takes the quantity from the on hand and moves to container.

    • Result: No transaction is made that affects ledger or quantity on hand.

  • How to correct when the On-hand is less < than the container.

    • Use the "fill container" function

    • DGT > Fill Container

    • Select container to fill

      • Wipe out the asterisk on the "fill from" container

    • Key in the GROSS amount (fill in what should be in the container)

    • This creates an adjustment in AGRIS inventory, lowering the on-hand amount.

    • But it gets the right amount in the container.

    • Now we need to reverse adjustment created.

    • Go to AGRIS > INV > Inventory > stock adjustments.

    • Select the item

      • Answer NO to select a container

      • Enter a positive quantity adjustment that is the exact amount of the adjustment just taken to "correct" the tank.

    • Result: Tank is correct, Inventory on hand is correct, Negative adjustment and positive adjustment zero each other out, no effect to the ledger.

13. Adjusting Inventory Values of Containers to Overall Inventory

  • Use INV > inventory adjustment, selecting a container, for value only.

  • This is going to increase the overall value and the value of the container

  • Then INV > inventory adjustment, not selecting a container, remove the dollars.

  • Now overall inventory stays correct, but the value is assigned to the container.

14. Filling Container from Another Location’s Product

  • Reassign the container to the Current Location of the product.

    • Example: 715 location container gets reassigned to Current Location and Current Product of location 740

  • Fill it and it will use location 740

  • Now use the inventory transfer function to transfer back to location 740.


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