Product Returns

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Product Returns

Product Returns
This feature was previously available for customers who had the Durable Goods Tracking (DGT) option. The feature will be available in AGRIS 10 without having the Durable Goods Tracking option.
Product Returns will do the following:

  • Return product at the same cost and price as the original sale, including all pricings of a line item

  • Return taxes at the same rate as the original sale

  • Allow product to be returned at a different location than the original sale

  • Allow items from multiple invoices to be included on one return invoice

  • Allow return of containers

  • Allow return of active delivery tickets

  • Allow the resulting credit memo to be applied when the return is finished

  • Allow additional charges (service items) to be included on returns

  • Update field history with the same details as the sale (with negative quantity)

  • Return split invoices with the original split percentages

  • Prevent the return of more product than was sold

  • Reopen prepayments used in the original sale

Product Returns does not do the following:

  • Update sales orders used in the original sale

  • Reopen bookings used in the original sale

  • Update contracts used in the original sale

  • Put commodities back in grain bank if the original invoice pulled from grain bank

  • Update blend releases used in the original sale

  • Include any early payment discounts given on the original sale

A Product Returns menu option is available under INV. The option is available if the extended option is turned on and the user has a sufficient security level. A product return can also be initiated in Invoice Entry. A Returns button is available if the extended option is turned on and the user has a sufficient security level.

  • If an Invoice Number, Delivery Ticket Number, or Scan ID is entered, the Ship To Name Id is set based on that entry.

  • Invoice Terms defaults from the Ship To Name Id.

  • State/County is set from the location.

The container Scan ID must be a non-bulk container. Product can be returned to a bulk container by entering the invoice number, delivery ticket number, or inventory item, but not by entering the container Scan ID.
If you choose an invoice to return it will bring up the products on that invoice. Select the item that you wish to return.

It will bring up the quantity on the invoice and you enter in the amount you are returning.

After selecting all items you wish to return, choose continue to complete your return.
Press the Agronomy button to display agronomy information for a line item. This button is available if the AgroGuide Formulation/Blending extended option is on in the dataset.

Additional Charges

  • You can add charges (service items) to product returns.

  • Examples could be a charge for damaged product or a restocking fee.

  • The return must have at least one item returned.

  • Then use the "Add Charge" button to add service items. Specify the quantity and price as you would on a regular invoice.

  • If an invoice is created on the return, the service item is saved on the invoice. If an invoice is not created, the service item is saved on the delivery ticket.

  • Multiple service items may be added. These service items are charges on the return, which could cause the entire product return to be a positive amount.

  • The service item cost does not prorate to the returned items, as it does on a stock addition. Instead the cost is on the service item alone.

Prepayments used in the original sale are automatically reopened when the product is returned. The following business rules control this functionality:

  • The amount of prepayment reopened is based on the percentage of the original application that is returned and the pricings used on each billing split.

  • Reopening a prepayment does not affect the original application.

  • A prepayment is not reopened if it is expired.

  • A new negative prepayment application is created on the original receipt. This negative application is applied to the return invoice.

  • A second adjustment is made to the original receipt to reopen the amount returned with the same details as the original application. This second adjustment could be a new unapplied application or it could add to a similar existing unapplied application (same type, reference, price, etc).

Reversing a Return Invoice or Delivery Ticket
A return invoice or return delivery ticket can be reversed using the same process as the reversal of any other item invoice or delivery ticket.
Once you have created a return, you cannot reverse your original invoice or delivery ticket unless you reverse the return document.

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