Report Writers

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Report Writers

What is Report Writer?

The Report Writer module may be used to:

  •  Add a new user-defined report.

  •  View or edit an existing user-defined report.

  •  View only a standard report.

  •  Delete an existing user-defined report.

Report Writer Basics

Standard and User Defined forms
Standard forms are provided with the Agris  Software and are occasionally updated as part of the on-going update and enhancement process for each individual package. Forms that are designed and maintained by Greenstone are called standard forms. Those that are designed and maintained by you are called user-defined forms.

Each form is defined to include records that contain certain selected ranges of data from a specific file. The form parameters determine which records to include when extracting and sorting the data for a form. These parameters on any standard or user-defined form may be temporarily overridden when printing the specific form.

If the report does not yet exist, you will have to design (create) a new report. If you need to make permanent changes to an existing user-defined report, choose the view/edit option. Use the delete option to remove an unwanted user-defined report. You may neither change nor delete a standard report. A standard report may be a source for a new user-defined report, which may be changed.

If you are unfamiliar with the reports in the listing, you may review the reports you have on file or simply print one to review. If you select a report at random, you may change a few parameters to decrease the size of the report. Since you are designing a new report, the original report remains unchanged and will still be there when you are finished.

Choose a starting point
The first step in designing a report through any of the Report Writer Features is deciding where to start. Sometimes, the obvious starting point is not necessarily the best option.

For example, an A/R Age Analysis report is usually generated through the A/R Balance Reports. However a similar report may also be produced through the Name/Address Reports. Since there may be several possible starting points (reports to choose from as a default), selecting the most efficient source of information may be confusing.

Choosing a starting point determines the data fields that may be specified for sorting the file, range selection, subtotals, etc. A report may include almost any field from the primary file on which the report is based, plus certain other fields from related files. The basic questions to ask are:

· What fields do I want to include on the report?

For example, if you need to print the line items from the invoices, you should use the Inventory Activity Reports; or if you need to print just the amount of each invoice, you should use the A/R Invoices Reports.

· How do I want the data sorted (grouped)?

For example, by location code, by product category, or by item number.

· What fields do I use for range selection in order to limit the records to include in the report?

A user-defined report may be edited (permanently changed) or deleted through the Report Writer Features module. Standard reports may not be permanently changed or deleted. However, a standard report or an existing user-defined report may be used as a template for a new user-defined report. For example, a standard report that is defined as a daily report may be duplicated in a user-defined report where the date range may be permanently set as a monthly report. (You probably also should change the title to indicates that it is a monthly report).

You may select a standard report or user-defined report, when selecting a report to use as a starting point in designing a report.

It is not permitted to create a report totally from scratch. You must select an existing user-defined or standard report to use as the source for the report you are designing. The parameters and settings from the report that you select are automatically copied into the new report that you are designing.

A user-defined report may be edited (permanently changed) or deleted through Report Writer. Standard reports may not be permanently changed or deleted. However, a standard report or an exiting user-defined report may be used as a template for a new user-defined report.

Access the Report Manager window
To access the window:

· Select Packages » Inventory Management Systems » Report Manager » Inventory Activity Reports.

· From the Inventory Activity Reports window, select option 2, Report Writer Features.

Reports created through the Report Writer Features module are called user-defined reports.

The first time that you are creating a user-defined report in a specific module, the following window will display after selecting Report Writer Features:

· Click the Yes button to create a new user-defined report.

If you already have at least one user-defined report created, the following window will display:

When selecting a report to print, the user-defined report listing is displayed separately from the standard report listing.

Reports cannot be created from scratch. You must select an existing user-defined or standard report to use as the source for the report you are designing. The parameters and settings from the will automatically copy into the new report from the standard or user-defined report selected.

· Select Option 1, Standard Reports as the “base” report for this new report.

· Click the Select button to continue.

· Highlight Daily Sales Report and click the Select button to continue.

Line Callout 3 (No Border): and click the Select button to continue.Line Callout 3 (No Border): Highlight Daily Sales Report...

Output Type
· Next you will specify if you want to generate a report, generate a text file or append to a text file.

· Generate A Report produces a printed report, either directly to the printer or through the spool utility.

· Generate A Text File creates a file on disk to be used as a source for a spreadsheet, word processing, or some other software package. This option will overwrite any existing file with the same file name and extension in the selected directory. Enter the

· Append To A Text File adds the output of this report to the end of an existing text file with the same file name and extension in the selected directory. This option will create a new text file if one does not currently exist then continue to add to the file each time the report is run.

· Sequence Number allows you to set the order of the report(s) within the User-Defined Reports.

· Dataset Number allows you to set the Report to a specific Dataset.

· Assigned To allows you to set the Report to a Specfic user.. Using System Security.

· Set Edit Password and Set Print Password Buttons allow you to set the Edit Password and Print Password for this report. This will give you control over who can edit or print this report.

· Click the Select button to continue. The following window will display.

· Enter the report title in the Description field to differentiate your user-defined report. (Optional)

· If you have chosen to generate a text file or append to a text file, the Directory field will display. You can leave this field blank if you would like the text file to be saved in the current dataset directory. You can also enter a specific directory location for the text file to be saved. The pathname can be up to 65 characters.

· This will allow you to specify the extension of any output text file generated by the Report Writer. You have control over the name of the file extension.

If the pathname is not valid, when you click the OK button for the window, the following warning message will display, but you will be allowed to continue with designing the report.

If you have chosen to generate a report, the window will display as follows:

· Output Device: Select the appropriate output for the report.

· Normal Default: Use the default printer setup under Agris System Manager » Customize » Workstations.

· System Printer 1, 2, or 3: The report prints on the device associated with that port number. Port numbers are assigned to devices under Agris System Manager » Customize » Workstations.

· Print To Screen: The report appears on your screen.

· Disk Spool File: The report is saved in the report spool. From the report spool, you can print the report, delete the report, or save the report as a file.

· HTML Document: Display the report in your default Internet browser window. From the Internet browser, you can print the report, delete the report, or save the report as an HTML file. Upon exiting the Internet browser window, you return to the Print Output Selection window.

After closing or minimizing your Internet browser, you return to the Select Output window, on which you can send the report to another destination without having to regenerate the report. You can minimize the Internet browser, and from the Select Output window, send the report to a different destination or continue with other tasks.

· Other: Select an alternate printer that is installed through Windows. If you installed fax software, the fax device is listed as a printer, and you can send the report to the fax device.

· Print Type: Specify the print quality and character spacing that you want to use to print the report.

· Normal Default: Print the report using the default established for this report under Agris System Manager.

· Regular 17 Cpi: On a dot matrix printer, print the report using draft mode, 17 characters per inch. On a laser printer, print the report using the normal printer speed setting, 17 characters per inch.

· Regular 10 Cpi: - On a dot matrix printer, print the report using draft mode, 10 characters per inch. On a laser printer, print the report using the normal printer speed setting, 10 characters per inch.

· Quality 17 Cpi: - On a dot matrix printer, print the report using quality mode, 17 characters per inch. On a laser printer, print the report using the normal printer speed setting, 17 characters per inch.

· Quality 10 Cpi: - On a dot matrix printer, print the report using quality mode, 10 characters per inch. On a laser printer, print the report using the normal printer speed setting, 10 characters per inch.

· Click the OK button to continue to display the Define Calculation Fields window.

Define Calculation Fields
Because of disk space limitations, it is not always practical to store every possible numeric value in a file. The calculation field definition feature in the Report Writer Features module allows you to define a maximum of sixteen numeric field values that are not permanently stored in the file. These calculated values may be printed on the report and/or used in the VALUE Selection Criteria for limiting the selection of records to include in the report.

You may perform mathematical calculations only on numeric fields. You may add, subtract, multiply, or divide two numeric field values to derive a third value. This third value may then be used in yet another mathematical calculation to derive a fourth value, and so forth.

Note: Standard Features - The Report Writer Features includes a series of screens that are standard among reports. For example: Calculation Field Definitions, Sort Selection, Range Selection, Value Selection Criteria, Subtotal and Page Break Routines, Legend Line, Grand Total Calculations, etc. These standard features work the same way although you may see different Field Titles.

· Highlight a line and click the Continue button to enter the Calculation Field Definitions for that specific line item.

· In this window, in the 1st Field Number field, enter the Field Choice.

· Enter the appropriate Calculation.

· In this window, in the 2nd Field Number field, enter the Field Choice.

· Click the OK button to continue.

· Enter the Calculation Title.

· Enter the appropriate selection for the Extension Ability:

1. No Additional Calculation: Leaves the Calculation as is.

2. Zero If Less Then Zero: Makes the calculation answer zero if it is a negative number.

3. Multiply By One Hundred: Multiplies the calculated answer by 100. (Moves the decimal place to the right 2 places.)

4. Divide By One Hundred: Divides the calculated answer by 100. (Moves the decimal place to the left 2 places.)

5. Use Absolute Value: Makes all answers positive numbers.

· Enter the Decimal Positions (0 - 5, T, P, Q, or U) for this calculated field.

· 0 = No Decimal positions

· 1 = 1 Decimal position

· 2 = 2 Decimal positions

· 3 = 3 Decimal positions

· 4 = 4 Decimal positions

· 5 = 5 Decimal positions

· T = Total

· P = Position

· Q = Quantity

· U = Unit of Measure

· Enter the Total Ability by selecting a choice listed below.

· 1 = No Totals

· 2 = Accumulate for Totals – Allows you to create a calculated total field that wouldn’t normally exist in the report. (For example, sales tax does not total.) To create this total field, multiply the field by 1 and select Accumulate for Totals.

· 3 = Calculate Weighted Averages

· 4 = Calculate Totals Only

· 5 = Calculate Detail and Totals

· 6 = Calculate 1st sub / Accumulate Rest

· Click the OK button to return to the Calculation Field Definitions window. Enter any additional calculated fields.

· Click the Continue button to open the Sort Levels selection window.

Sort Levels
The records in a file are sequentially organized, based on certain key fields, which are used to locate specific records within the file. The standard sort features in the Report Writer Features module allows you to re-organize the records into a separate file for output to the report. Sort levels categorize similar records for presentation on the report. Subtotals and page breaks are based on sort levels. You may specify a maximum of five different sort levels. Some files may not include five separate fields that can be specified as sort levels. When you select a field as a sort level, you tell the software to group together all records in the file that contain the same value in this field.

Use the Sort Level to include a range of dates or product categories, or etc. for grouping purposes.

· Highlight the first sort level and click the Select button. Continue until you have all of the sorts selected.

· When this step has been completed, leave the Sort Level field blank and click the Select button to advance to the next window.

Range Selection
The Range Selection feature in the Report Writer Features module limits the records to include in the report. The records are included and excluded from the report based on values in the Beginning and Ending fields. The range selection process excludes all records that do not contain a value that either matches or falls between the values in the range input fields.

For example: if you want to include only records from product category number 10, type 10 in both the Beginning and Ending input fields next to the Product Category field. Suppose you want to include records from product categories 10 through 19, simply type 10 in the Beginning and 19 in the Ending input fields.

The range selection input fields use the conditional if/and method of inclusion. For example, if you specify a range of salespersons and a range of territories, a Record must fall within both ranges in order to be included in the report.

· Clicking the lookup button next to certain fields will display a listing of data related to that specific field. In the example below, the lookup button next to Product Category was selected. The Product Category window displays. Entering an “*” in the field and clicking the OK button will display the same window.

As with sort levels, the number of ranges that you specify significantly affects the amount of time to produce the report.

· Click the Date Help button to access a text file that contains help information on how the dates are entered in the Range Selection windows.

· Click the X to exit Date Help.

· Click the OK button to continue.

· If you don’t need to enter any more Range Selection Criteria, click the OK button in the next window to accept the defaults.

Location Group Range Selection
Enter any limiting criteria related to the location groups set up in the Location Maintenance window and click the OK button.

· Location groups will print on the location detail report.

· Location groups may be used as limiting criteria when running reports.

· Location groups may be specified when filtering the list of locations when searching for a location.

The setup window for Location Groups can be found at Maintenance » Location Maintenance » highlight Location and click the Select button.

Value Selection Criteria
The value selection criteria feature in the Report Writer Features module compares a value that you specify with a numeric value in the record to determine if the record should be included in your report. The file may have several numeric fields stored in each record. The Value Selection Criteria may include some commonly calculated numeric values that are not actually stored in the file. You may set the type of comparison, as indicated in the legend box on the screen.

Value Selection Criteria is in addition to the Range Selection Criteria that you set on the report. Only records that match both the Range Selection and Value Selection Criteria are included in the report.

You can change any option by selection from the following list:

· 0 = Include All Values

· 1 = Equal To

· 2 = Not Equal To

· 3 = Greater Then

· 4 = Greater Then Or Equal To

· 5 = Less Then

· 6 = Less Then Or Equal To

· Click the OK button to continue to the next Value Selection Criteria window.

· Click the OK button to continue on with Subtotals and Page Breaks.

Subtotals and Page Breaks
The ability to produce a subtotal and/or a page break is based on the previously specified Sort Level Criteria.

The subtotal feature of the Report Writer module accumulates and produces a subtotal on the numeric fields in a record based on the Sort Level Criteria specified earlier in the report.

In the screenshot below, the sorting would be as follows. Sorting is done first by Product Category, then by Bill/Remit ID, Activity Date and finally by Item Number.

Although the fields specified as sort levels may not actually be a numeric field, the sort level may be used to group similar detail information on the report.

For example: the name ID is an alphanumeric field that is often used in producing a subtotal.

The page break feature of the Report Writer Features module feeds the page to the top of the next page and resumes printing based on the sort levels specified earlier in the report. The page break feature also allows the operator to output a separate report, beginning with page 1 for each group.

· Enter 1 for the Subtotal option that was defined earlier in the Sort Level window.

· 0 = No Subtotal Options

· 1 = Subtotal This Level

· 2 = New Page This Level

· 3 = Subtotal & New Page

· Legend Line: You may put anything in the Legend Line input field to further identify the report. For example: a short title, your name, the name of the person requesting the report, the title of the original report, etc.

· Print Inventory Activity Detail: Enter Y for yes on the detail questions in order to include the descriptive information from the file. If you answer N for no, the report shows only subtotal and/or grand total information.

· Print Grand Total Information: Type Y for yes on the question "Print grand total information?" in order to accumulate and print a grand total on the numeric fields specified for printing from the primary file. If you answer N for no, the accumulation and printing of grand totals on the numeric fields is omitted.

· Replace Name ID Number with Alternate Name ID #: The Alternate Name ID field found on the Relationships screen in Name/Address Maintenance may be used to store the account number used in another software or accounting system. The value stored in this field may be substituted for the values stored in the Name ID field anywhere in reports that the name ID is to be printed. Normally this field is set to N for no.

· Click the OK button to continue.

Additional Options
Each set of reports is based on a primary file, and may include information stored in related files. The specific questions depend on where you started and on the source report being used. A separate detail line may be produced for each related file. By answering Y for yes on any of these report specific options, additional questions and input fields are displayed to further define the report.

· Report Unit of Measure: Select the reporting unit of measure used for this report. Select from the following list.

· 0 = Stock/Sell

· 1 = Stocking

· 2 = Purchasing

· 3 = Selling

· 4 = Ledger

· 5 = Common

· 6 = Reporting

· A positive response to the question Reverse sign on invoice quantities? prints the value in the quantity field as a positive number. A negative response to this question prints a minus sign on the invoice quantity field.

· Enter Y or N if you want the Service Charge Detail to print for Purchases in the Print Service Change Detail for Purchases? checkbox.

· Taxable?The report may include or exclude sales transactions that are taxable. Enter 1 for Yes Only, 2 for No Only or 3 for Both.

· Discountable?The report may include or exclude sales transactions that are discountable. Enter 1 for Yes Only, 2 for No Only or 3 for Both.

· Accumulate Period Analysis Information?Accumulates totals for printing a comparison of period analysis information. The print positions must be defined for this feature to produce the analysis. Range selection input fields are opened for specifying the date ranges. A negative response to this question bypasses accumulation of analysis information.

· Print Promotional Pricing Detail?A positive response includes promotional discounts/premiums on the report if the print positions are defined. And in Report Writer Features, a positive response opens the PROMOTBL.INV file for print line definition. A negative response to this question omits the promotional data from the report. The Promotional Pricing module must be activated.

· Maximum Specification Number:A product category may contain a maximum of twelve specifications. Type the maximum number of specifications to include on the report in space provided.

· Click the OK button.

Detail Lines
All reports share common characteristics. The top-of-page includes the title of report, page number, title titles, legend line, etc. The detail lines show specific fields of data for each record included in the report. The number of detail lines available for printing is based on the primary file, plus the related files selected for inclusion on the report. Subtotal lines summarize the numeric fields accumulated since the previous subtotal line. The grand total line summarizes the subtotal lines.

The remaining screens in the Report Writer Features are used to specify the Detail Lines. You indicate the specific fields to print by assigning them a horizontal position, number of characters to print (length), the number of decimal positions, and the character type

Layout each detail line separately. If you make a mistake or want to view what you have already done, press the OK button to return to the first screen of the detail line on which you are working.

Write the title of the data fields that you want on the report across the top of a sheet of paper in the order that you want them to appear.

· All available fields to print on a section of a report are listed in one grid (this example shows the Activity Detail for the Daily Sales Report).

· The fields selected to print are listed first in the grid, in the order in which they will print. This is a quick way to see what will print on the report.

· Below that are all the other available fields listed in alphabetical order that, in this example, will not be printed on the report.

Buttons on this window…
· Select: Click this button to access line detail for the line item selected.

· Continue: Store the print settings. Proceeds to the next screen or saves the report if on the last screen.

· Insert: Each detail screen can have up to five user-defined fields to include as constant text on a report.

If five miscellaneous text fields have already been defined, this button will be grayed out.

· Options: Select this button to store print options.

· Clear: All fields will be set to not print. After selecting the Clear button, a window prompt appears asking “Remove all fields from this detail line?” A positive response will remove the column settings.

Remember, there is no Undo command. If you select the Clear button and then select Yes ALL of the column information will be removed.

· Cancel: Returns to the Additional Options screen without saving any changes to the window. (Except for clearing columns.)

· Save/Exit: Saves settings and exits Report Writer.

· Highlight a line and click the Select button to display the Line Detail window.

Line Detail Window
This window lets the user enter the print settings for a field. Settings include column, length, decimal precision and data type.

· Col(umn): Enter the column number where this field should be placed on the report. The left margin is position 1, the right margin is position 132. Look for the title of the first field on your sheet of paper in the list of data fields on the screen.

· The Size input field normally contains the maximum number of characters to print for the data field. You may decrease the number in the SIZE input field to squeeze more information on the detail line.

You normally should not increase the value in this field. This field has special capabilities for date fields.

· The Dec input field controls the number of Decimal) places to print. This field may contain a number or one of the characters from the Numeric Precision option. Normally, you should not change this value.

· 0 - 5 = Number of Decimals

· T = Total Currency Field

· P = Unit Price or Cost Field

· Q = Inventory Quantity Field

· U = Commodity Quantity Field

· The Typ(e) input field controls the appearance of the data field when printed by inserting characters such as slash, dollar sign, common, and decimal point. The types are shown in the legend box.

Always leave a couple of spaces between data fields to keep the values from running together. To determine the position for the next data field, use this simple equation. Next Col = (current Col + SIZE + 2).

Note: Clear out the value in Col input field of any data field that you do not want to print.

Data fields may not overlap.

Click the OK button to close the line detail window to return to the main detail line window.

Detail Line Print Options
· Click the Options button to access the Detail Line Print Options window.

· The Characters/Line that may be printed is dependent on your printer's capabilities. Most desktop printers can print the default of 132 characters horizontally, while some narrow carriage printers that do not have a compressed print mode would need this value set to 80. If the report is output to an ASCII text file, the value in this field should be based on the requirements of the software system into which the file is to be imported.

· The Total Lines/Page input field controls the number of lines on a page. The software counts the number of lines to determine when to output the top-of-page information.

· The Print Lines/Page input field controls the number of actual lines of print on the page. All standard Agris reports use 60 print lines per page to leave a half-inch margin at the top and bottom.

· Print Address Lines? A positive response will print the address lines.

· Print Telephone Number? A positive response will print the telephone number.

· Print Tax ID Number? A positive response will print the tax ID number.

After you’ve made any changes, click the OK button to return to the main detail line window

User-Defined Fields
Each detail window can have up to five optional user-defined fields that can contain constant text that will print on a report. Each field may contain a maximum of twenty-five alphanumeric characters. The user-defined fields are often used when creating or appending to an ASCII text file. The fields may also be used to replace a value in certain fields.

Creating a User-Defined Text field…
To access the user-defined field entry window, click the Insert button located on the Activity Detail window. The following window will display.

· In the Col field, enter the column number where the field should display.

· Enter the user-defined text in the field to the right. The number following the field label User Defined Text Field will display in sequential order the current user-defined field being created.

After you’ve made any changes, click the OK button to return to the main detail line window.

Editing a User-Defined Text field…
If you need to make any corrections to the user-defined field, highlight the line and click the Select button. Click the OK button after you have edited the field.

Deleting a User-Defined Text field…
To delete a user-defined field, highlight the line in the main detail window and click the Select button. Clear the fields in the User-Defined Text window and click the OK button.

Printing the Report
It is always a good idea to run a short test of the report. Simply choose the report from the User Defined Inventory Activity Reports and adjust the parameters to include just a few lines of information. If the report looks good, run the report again without adjusting the parameters.

Here is an example of how to access the report. Your steps may differ depending on the report that you based your user-defined report on.

· From Inventory Management drop-down menu, select Report Manager » Inventory Activity Reports

· Choose Option 1, Print Inventory Activity Report and click the Select button.

· Select Option 2, User Defined Reports and click the Select button.

· Select your user-defined report from the list in the following window and click the Select button.

· When prompted to adjust the parameters, click the Yes button to enter limiting criteria so that only a portion of your report prints out. If you are printing to the screen, you may choose to click No.

Print a Report from the Spool
Use the Spooled Reports option on the Reports menu to generate spooled reports and forms. An item appears on the Spooled Report Listing window when you select the Report Spool option from a printer output window. Spooled reports and forms are stored as files in the current dataset folder and are backed up and restored with other files in the dataset. Spooled files are not available for processing from other datasets.

The Spooled Report Listing window contains all reports and forms that are sent to the report spool. From this list, you can print, delete, or transfer to a text file the selected report or form. The spooled report listing displays only those reports and forms that are created at your workstation. However, you can use the filter function to display reports and forms that are generated from a different workstation.

Because spooled reports occupy valuable space on your hard drive, you should implement a system for processing and deleting obsolete spooled reports.

To access the Spooled Reports window:

· Line Callout 3 (No Border): The listings that you view may be different depending upon what dataset you are in. (Example: If you have the training dataset selected, you may see this report.)From the Reports drop down menu, select Spooled Reports.

Buttons on this window…
· Select: Print, delete, or send the selected spooled report or form to a text file.

· Delete: Delete the selected report or form from the Spooled Report Listing window.

· Filter: Reorder the selected report or form on the Spooled Report Listing window, or display reports and forms created by another workstation.

· Select All: Delete or print all reports and forms on the Spooled Report Listing window.

· Back: Return to the previous window.

To print a spooled report:
1. Highlight the desired report.

2. Click the Select button to continue. A select option box will appear.

3. Select Option 1, Print and click the Select button.

4. Select the appropriate print option and click the OK button.

5. Answer Y (yes) or N (no) to the question “Add page numbers to this form?”

6. Click the OK button to print the report.

7. Once your report has printed, press the ESC key to back out of the windows until the toolbar is active.

You may also output the complete report to the Report Spool Utility as an alternative to printing a short test report. If the report is what you expected, you can print the report directly from the Report Spool Utility. If the report is wrong, you can always make changes to the user-defined report through the Report Writer Features and then re-run the report. Report Spools and Streams

Report Streams
Use the Report Stream option on the Reports menu to run a variety of pre-defined reports and system tasks. Running a report stream is the equivalent of executing the tasks defined in the report stream.

The tasks contained in a report stream could involve any of the following:

· Print any standard or user-defined report or form within any package.

· Process all other batch options within each package.

· Process the Begin New Day function on specific date groups.

· Select a different dataset, and continue processing the report stream.

Ensure that the user has security access in the newly selected dataset, or report stream processing will stop.

· Process the enhanced import procedures.

· Print and delete spooled reports.

· Automatically apply tickets from hold in Commodity Management.

· Process the Custom File Translations (CFT System).

· Exit Agris.

Setting up a Report Stream
To access the Report Stream Maintenance window:

· From the Maintenance drop down menu, select Report Stream Maintenance.

· If you do not have any report streams defined, the following window will display:

· Click the OK button to continue.

· When prompted to add a report stream, click Yes. The following window will display:

· Enter the Description for the report stream.

· Enter the Start Time for the report stream to begin (optional). The report stream may be set to wait until a specific time to begin generating reports and processing tasks. If you want the report to begin at nine o’clock p.m., enter 09:00 P. You can set the report stream to begin processing at a specific time. Once you set the start time on this window, save the information, and then run the report stream from the Reports menu, all other activity in the current Agris session is suspended until the report stream begins and ends processing.

You can have multiple Agris application windows open, with the session suspended only in the application with the Report Stream running.

To set the start time, type the hour in the first box, minutes in the second box, and A (a.m.) or P (p.m.) in the third box. If you leave the start time blank, the report stream begins processing as soon as you run the report stream from the Reports menu.

· You can repeat the report stream processing after a specified number of minutes, identified here as the Reprocessing Interval. For example, if you want a report stream to reprocess every 10 minutes, enter 10 in this box. If you leave this box empty, the report stream runs only once when selected from the Reports menu.

· Click the OK button to continue.

· If you entered a Reprocessing Interval, the following field will display:

Line Callout 3 (No Border): This field will only display if you entered a Reprocessing Interval time.

· End Time: If you entered a reprocessing interval, you can specify a time at which the report stream should stop processing. Type the end time hours and minutes, followed by "A" or "P." If you leave End Time blank, the report stream processes indefinitely. Click the OK button to continue.

· When prompted to setup a Stream Password, Answer either Y (yes) or N (no). If you want to use a password, enter the new password and click the OK button. The password may be a combination of alpha and/or numeric characters. You will be required to enter the password again in the confirm password input field and click enter. Click the OK button to continue.

Report Stream Maintenance window:

· Click the OK button to continue.

· When prompted to Add a Report to Stream, select Yes or No. (Selecting No will return you to the initial report stream window.) After selecting Yes, the following window will display.

Line Callout 3 (No Border): By scrolling down, you will see additional options that you can set up in Report Stream such as Exit Agris, Remove Temporary Files and Begin New Day.

· Highlight the Package/Report to include in the report stream and click the Select button.

· Depending upon the Package/Report select, the following window may display:

· Select either Standard Report or User Defined Report and click the Select button to continue.

· From the next window, the specific reports available will display:

· Highlight the desired report and click the Select button.

Line Callout 3 (No Border): Click the Save/Exit button to save the report stream.Line Callout 3 (No Border): Click the Select button add another report.

· If you wish to add another report or process, click the Insert button. The following window will display:

· Determine whether you wish to insert the report in front of the report(s) that have already been selected.

· Repeat the process of selecting another report.

· When you have selected all of the reports to be included in this report stream, press the Save/Exit button. You can also click the Cancel button, and you will be prompted to save the changes to the report stream.

· Press the ESC key on your keyboard until the toolbar is active.

Running a Report Stream
To access the Report Stream Maintenance window:

· From the Maintenance drop down menu, select Report Stream Maintenance.

Line Callout 3 (No Border): Click the Print button.

· Highlight the report stream you would like to run and click the Print button.

· Select the report output and click the OK button.

· After the report stream has run and the report(s) have printed, press the ESC key until the toolbar is active.

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