Patronage Refund Procedures - Detailed

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Patronage Refund Procedures - Detailed

These procedures are general guidelines only, as each situation can be different. If you have other questions or need things clarified, please call customer support at 800-366-2474 or e-mail mysupport@culturatech.com

  1. Before activity is accumulated for the period, review the following for any changes.

    1. Has a new location been added? If so, are patronage codes set up by location?

    2. Has any new product categories for inventory been added?

    3. Has any new commodity codes or discount codes been added?

    4. If yes to any of these questions, please review the patronage code set up and add any that are necessary. See Step 2 below for how to add a patronage code.

  2. To add a patronage code go to Patronage

    1. Reminder: Inventory patronage codes are equal to the Recap Category on the product category. This information can be found by printing a product category listing.

    2. Select Patronage Codes from the menu and then chose View/Edit Patronage Codes

    3. Click on the insert button, the following screen appears.

    4. For inventory activity type in an S for Purchase/Sales and for the Accounting Type use 1.

    5. For commodity activity type in a P for Purchase/Sales, use accounting type 2 – 4 for grain activity, which are explained below and 5 is used for discounts.

      1. Activity type 2 – Commodity Received. This is for grain delivered by the patron and is accumulated based on the delivery sheet date.

      2. Activity type 3 – Commodity Purchase/Sold. This is for grain that has been applied to a contract and/or settled. The activity is accumulated based on the latest date of application to the contract or date of delivery sheet.

      3. Activity type 4 – Commodity Settled. This is for grain settled and is accumulated based on the settlement date.

    6. The next portion on the screen is where the product category, commodity code or discount code is added. Remember to remove the location code unless each location is doing the refund based on a different rate.

  3. Accumulate the activity.

    1. To accumulate activity chose the Process Activity menu option and then the Accumulate Activity menu option

    2. The following screen will appear.

    3. Put in the date range for which the activity is to be accumulated. It is recommend accumulating by month regardless if waiting until the end of the fiscal year to accumulate.

  4. Balance the accumulation to ledger, inventory management and/or commodity accounting. The inventory activity will be balanced to the respective product category sales in inventory management or to the sales on the financial reports.

    1. Reports to print

      1. Ledger – Use the financial statements or trial balance

      2. Inventory Management – Use the inventory activity report Gross Margin Report by Product Category. Adjust the parameters and change the Transaction Type to be 1 – 1, change the activity date and on the Subtotal & Other Options screen answer the question "Print Inventory Activity Detail?" no.

      3. Commodity Accounting – The report to use will depend on the accounting type being used to accumulate the activity.

        1. Accounting type 2 "Grain Received" – Use the standard Delivery Sheet Report adjusting the parameters as follows:

          1. Paid Status – P – U

          2. Purchase/Sale – P – P

          3. Application Type – Leave blank

          4. Sheet Date – Use the date range of the activity to be balanced.

        2. Accounting type 3 "Grain Purchased/Sold" - Use the standard Delivery Sheet Report adjusting the parameters as follows:

          1. Paid Status – P – U

          2. Purchase/Sale – P – P

          3. Application Type – Blank – ZZ. This will only find grain applied to contracts.

          4. Apply Date – Use the date range of the activity to be balanced.

        3. Accounting type 4 "Grain Settled" – Use the standard Settlement Report adjusting the parameters as follows:

          1. Print Status – P – U

          2. Purchase/Sale – P – P

          3. Settlement Date – Use the date range of the activity to be balanced.

        4. Accounting type 5 "Commodity Discounts" – Use the standard Delivery Sheet Report adjusting the parameters as follows:

          1. Paid Status – P – U

          2. Purchase/Sales – P – P

          3. Settlement Date – Use the dare range of the activity to be balanced

          4. On the Additional Options screen adjust the following parameters. See the screen shot below.

            1. Deduction Status – P – P

            2. Deduction Type – This is the discount code of the activity

            3. Answer Y to the question "Include Only The Sheets With These Deductions"

        5. Patronage – Product Activity Report – Summary. Adjust
          the parameters for the date range of the activity.

    2. If accumulating the activity each month as you progress through the year then balance each month as you go along. If you are accumulating the activity at the end of the fiscal year then balance first for the whole year. If there is a problem then balance by the month to find where the problem is.

  5. Run the Name/Address Report adjusting the parameters based on the flags used to issue the patronage refund. Verify that the list is correct. If not, make the necessary changes in Name/Address.

  6. After everything is balanced compress the activity by going to Process Activity and the chose Compress Activity. Be sure to answer Y to "Compress Activity" question.

  7. Now is the time to add any accrual activity that needs to be accounted for (i.e. storage) or activity on in the system (i.e. cotton or milk). To determine storage accruals run the Storage Charge process without updating. See the print screen below.

  8. Transfer any activity that needs to be transferred. Option 1 allows the user to control whose activity and which activity is being transferred. Option 2 use the patronage split information in Name/Address to move all activity as defined.

  9. The auditors may require reports that show member business vs. non-member business. There are several reports that will provide this information. The report to run will depend on the information that the auditor wants to see. Most generally the report to use is the standard activity report Product Activity Report – Summary. Run the report adjusting the parameters only for the date range to find all business and then run the report again adjusting the parameters for the date range and for only member/consenter business.

  10. Put the correct refund rates on the patronage codes by selecting the patronage code and changing the rate and the rate basis.

  11. In Set up Information - Patron Refund Information, verify the information and make any necessary changes.

  12. Print the Projected Refund Summary - by Patron report. Be sure to adjust the parameters to only include those people who are eligible to participate in the refund. Verify the actual refund amount. Review the information to be sure that the patrons included are correct. If patrons are missing or are included and should not be, change the flags in Name/Address and then compress the activity again. This time put in the date range of the activity and answer N to "Compress Activity" question.

  13. Go to Setup Information to check the System Integration to be sure that it is turned on for Patronage Refunds. This will allow the vouchers to be created in AP.

  14. You are now ready to create the Patronage Refund Transactions by going to Patronage Transaction – Patronage Refunds.

    1. Enter in the appropriate date range for the activity

    2. Select the proper Equity Source Code

    3. The Transaction date will be the date of the vouchers and should be the current day.

    4. Enter Remarks as desired. These will only be viewable when looking at the transaction in Patron Transaction History.

    5. Click OK

    6. For rate selection chose Option 2 – Patronage Code Refund Rate.

    7. Click OK.

    8. After the system finds the first patron for a refund the user can accept the next voucher number or blank it out and use the next control number

  15. After the transactions have been created go to Accounts Payable to print the checks.

Created by Sherelyn J Thomas-roberson Created on 10/17/2007 4:38:00 PM Edited on 08/14/2012

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